The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

ii the town should cease to Exist h ow w ou ld it effect the value o f farm land and all oth­ er propet iy ? She 'Cedarville herald, A COMMUNITY CAN PROSPER ONLY B Y THE SUPPORT OF ITS PEOPLE FORTY -SECOND Y E A R NO . H & 3 <£- CEDARV ILLE , OH IO , F R ID A Y , AUGUST 8 ,1919 PR ICE , $1.50 A JYE A R CHAUTAUQUA ASSURED FOB THIS COMING YEAR. The people pf this community were so well pleased with the Coit-Alber Chautauqua that there was no trouble in securing a guarantee o f more than sbtty citizens for next season.. The program this year provpda fi­ nancial success and the committee chosen fo r next year wifi have a small balance* Last year ah assesment was necessary to make up the deficit. This year threshing’ was later than it usu­ ally is owing to the Wet meather and this was against the sale o f many season tickets. The program was up to the standard o f former years and the great major­ ity o f the patron were pleased. There was some criticism o f an over supply o f war material hut when we compare the Coit-Alber program with some o f the other. companies, even costing • more money, we find the same thing, The chautauqua has become a fixed summer attraction for this township and the educational and moral stand­ ing is beet guaged by the good at­ tendance. People here can always be relied upon to support entertainments o f good clean amusement with uplift­ ing lectures. A As the years come and go and the. younger element become interested as is the tendency o f the present day we may. feel assured of a chautauqua each summer just as we do for the winter lecture course. Both are good' investments for any community. There arp few towns that have as good grounds fo r such a gathering and more than once the speakers were forced to mention this fact having been impressed with the beauty and convenience o f the college campus. The following executive committee J was elected f o r next year: Dr. M. I, Marsh, chairman and G. H. Hartman, secretary. The other members are Si C. Wright, O. E. Bradfute, Dr. W. . B. McChesney and Andrew Winter. LECTUBE COUBSE TALENT FOB COMING SEASON. The lecture course committee has contracted with the Coit-Alber Co, fo r talent fo r this coming winter. There will be no duplication o f chautauqua attractions nor so far as we know have any o f the lecturers or entertainers ever appeared on the lo­ cal platform, The following is the list; Welch Male Quartette; Morrison Co, o f five lady entertainers; The McCords, en­ tertainers; Whitney, reader; Lincoln McConnell, lecturer, » The committee will probably adopt a new plan this year in the sale of season tickets. Heretofore canvass­ ers have done this work but the fea­ ture course has become a necessary part o f our community life and peo­ ple will probably be asked to get their tickets at * designated places where they will be placed on sale. Dr, Mi I. Marsh, chairman o f the lo­ cal committee proposed this plan at the chautauqua Friday night and it seems-to meet with general approval. BURGLARS SECURE $240 AT RIDGWAY DRUGSTORE, REV. BUSSELL’S GOOD WORK The following is taken from the Christian Journal, ,a Baptist publica­ tion of Sandusky: “Baptists o f the, state will rejoice to know that the long dormant Second Baptist church ’o f Wilmington, 0 ., is ' again alive and at work in the Mas­ ter’s kingdom. For the past few years no reports have gone up 1from this little flock and the pulpit has moval o f the Baber family who had ’ fo r years carried the ' heavy end o f the church load. Six months ago this , family repaired to a little farm where they could no longer cast their labors - with the'reirihant congregation. The membership, however, struggled on and has revived to where' they are now able to command a pastor’s ser­ vice, Rev. A . C. Bussell, a minister o f progressive inclinations,' is doing good work and the , departments are thriving under his leadership. The 1 Ladies’ Aid under Mrs. Lizzie Bingo is replenishing its treasury and the Sunday school is increasing in mem­ bership under M. G, Duggar, who suc­ ceeded Mr, Baber as superintendent. Rev. Bussell has installed a complete board, o f officers and the outlook seems good for this church.’’ Burglars had an easy time Friday night enriching themselves to the ex­ tent o f $240 when the Bidgway drug­ store was entered. So far as is known nothing else was taken and little if any evidence was left for a clue. ' Several silver dollars and a few dollars in pennies as war tax was not disturbed, ■ Entrance was gained through a window on the north side o f the build­ ing at the rear next to Bird’s store. During the hot weather Mr. Ridg­ way has been leaving the window op­ en with a screen in it. This made it easy for entrance. Sheriff Funderburg and Chief Kennedy o f Xenia were called but there was not much o f a clue that could be picked up. Mrs. Bidgway reported that two strangers were found in the rear o f the yard under the grape arbor early in the week. Lloyd Confarr also reports seeing the same men. They were ordered out and disappeared down Xenia ave­ nue but have not been seen pince. Sheriff Funderburg made an effort to get blood hounds from Columbus but was unsuccessful. THE FARMER OPPOSES POLITICIAN CLASSIFICATION. John F. Cunningham, o f the Ohio Farmer, has been making a tour o f Kentucky investigating the classifica­ tion o f property fo r taxation. This amendment comes up fo r a vote in this state this fall.' Men who have given the taxation situation, consider­ able thought in, this state see the handwriting o f classification for pro­ tection with the one per cent tax limit or the strongest possibility that under thp unsettled conditions, with the great city vote, single tax, or all tax to be raised from land, will come* A recent meeting o f farmers in Colum­ n s under the lead of the grangers apposed class’ '1 cation. The Grange no longer represents the farmers of Ohio. It degenerated into a political machine several years' ago 'and has been used fo r that purpose more than once but the unspecting farmer that was not on the inside did not know what he was supporting. PICK THE REDS FOR WORLD SERIES WINNERS. , Howard Turnbull and Fred Clem­ atis' saw the Cincinnati Reds wallop the New York City Giants last Fri­ day and Saturday in Cincinnati and •return firm helivers that the World ■series will be played in the Queen City. If this is so some one ought to make arrangements with the man­ agement to have a box seal for Chns. Smith, the tonsorial artist, so that he could for the. first time, see a pro­ fessional game'between the National teams. Charley has been talking Baseball for forty years, knows every player’s record, who his parents were, what college he graduated from, the politics o f each and whether the play­ er was right or left handed or had red hair, and yet never stopped shav­ ing long enough to run down to Cin- cinriati to see a professional game. WHEEL MILL AT GOES EXPLODES WEDNESDAY. day morning was from an explosion at Goes'when Wheel Mill No. 6 ex­ ploded with a loss o f $3,000. There was no one injured at the time. No cause can be assigned for the explos­ ion as no one was near or at work in the building, ■ 1 NEW ANGLE IN FIGHT. County Prosecutor Hugo Schlessin- ger o f Columbus, formerly of Xenia, has taken a new track on the fight to force food prices down. The Columbus Packing Co. had more than $70,000 of pork in a cold storage plant that has been there more than six months, in violation of the cold storage law. An injunction suit restraining both com­ panies from touching the meat has been granted and a receiver named to sell the meat to the public at what it was worth at time o f storage. The case will have the backing o f nil the big packers and storage people in the country and will be, hotly contested. The case will likely be carried to the United States Supreme Court as a test o f the legality o f the law. Mean­ time people had better not plan to get any of this meat cheap for it will take many months to reach this court. Farmers fear that such proceedure will keep the packers out Pf the mar­ ket for hogs and that the bottom will fall out o f the price with high priced corn feed fo r nothing. JOHN’S FOES WILL MEET. AH Greene County foes of John Barleycorn are called to meet at 4 o’clock next Sabbath afternoon, Aug­ ust 10, at the Xenia Bibl eConference tent on the Seminary lawn. The li­ quor forces are forcing a fight upon us again, tihs year, and all dry work­ ers are called to reorganize the Green County Dry Federation. A State Con­ ference is being held this week at Col­ umbus; and the Greene County rep- abbath afternoon meeting o f plans adopted there. 1H. G. Biddlecum, Chairman Executive Com. FORDS ARE FORDS. People in , this country think that automobiles are high in price but judging from a dispatch .from London cars used in the army in the recent war were auctioned to the public. Ford cars that had had hard army use and many o f which needed re­ pairs sold from $600 to $1000 each. The Rolls-Royce car, which is to all English people what the Packard is to Americans, but sells in this coun­ try fo r much more, sold-from $9,600 to $12,000. Very few cars have been made in England and none shipped in since the ending of the war. DEATH OF JOHN M’DANIEL. ILLINOIS HAS POOR CORN. Mr. A.iE. Huey, wife and son Er­ nest, returned Tuesday after a very pleasant automobile trip to M&rissa, 111, Mr, Huey states that Illinois will hrive a wheat crop about on par with the quality in this section but that the hot dry weather has killed all chances o f a" com crop such as is in pros­ pect fo r this community. Mr. Huey says they made the trip out in a day and a half traveling more than 300 miles the first day. More than 1000 miles were covered and but one punc­ ture in all that distance. KEEP THIS IN MIND. Another new laW has gone into ef­ fect that makes it compulsory to no- lify the. county auditor whenever you build, rebuild or make an improve­ ment amounting to more than $200 on any lot in town o r on farm land. The notice must bo given in 60 days. John McDaniel, aged 78, died at his home Monday after a long illness, due to infirmaries o f old age. The deceas­ ed was bom at Somer’s Point, W. Va., and served in the Southern army dur­ ing the war. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. W. R. Kennon o f Col­ umbus and Mrs, J. R, Morris of this place and two sons, John of Illinois and Will o f this place. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Patton being in charge. Burial took place, at Massies Creek. ASK FOR MORE MONEY. Jamestown village, Jefferson town­ ship and Selma special school district will ask thie taxpayers to vote an ad­ ditional levy at the primary election, Tuesday, August 12th. There will he no primary election in this township as Unde the law it is not necessary owing to our population, THE BIBLE CONFERENCE. The Xenia Bible Conference opens Sabbath, on the Seminary lawn, Xenia and will he largely attended by noted men prominent in church work, Dr, R, M. Russell o f the Moody Bible School opens the conference while others to follow will be Dr. Tribitz, Dr. J. H. White, Fred ”0. McMillan, Henry Russell Miller and others. 100 CHICKENS STOLEN. W. O. Maddox lost 109 chickens last Saturday night supposed to'havc been stolen while he and his wife were a way from the farm, Chickens of all size:! and ages were taken, -—Keep your piano in shape by hav­ ing it thoroughly cleaned, tuned and regulated. Call Knox HutohirtfOn, Phone 2on 160. F a r m e r s s e e k c h e a p l a n d . A large number o f .farmers from Indiana and Illinois have been visit­ ing the farm lands o f the Miami con­ servancy district, with a view to pur- chaseing some o f the land for farm­ ing purposes. The land is being sold at about $160 per acre, and is as good as Indiana or Illinois land, hut prac­ tically $100 per acre cheaper. The district officials expect to sell many farms to the visiting farmers. >—Dayton Journal. HOUSTON SELLS ELEVATOR. The Houston elevator, lumber yard and coal business has been sold to Tanner & Robinson o f London. The same day the change took place this firm sold the business to L. C. Titus, who ha3 a string o f five elevators in as many towns. .Champion Salesman o f War Savings Stamps At Dayton Major I t W- Schroeder, army aviator, set a nesr world's record for high altitudes when he flew at a rate of 137 miles an hour at a height of 18,400 feet, Three men are being held by the police at Bucyrus charged with run­ ning down and killing John C. Krau- ter, fanner near Bucyjae, with an au­ tomobile. Mrs. Walter Heastbh, 50, of Barber­ ton, mother of uiufc children, was burned to death wh»& a train struck an auto driven hy bdr husband, The gasoline tank exploded, netting fire to the machine, under which MrB. Heaston was pinned.. A plague of grassheppers has struck Pleasant township, j Fairfield county, and gr,eat damage i* being done to young clover, late ecru and cabbage. Toledo is assured o f continued streetcar service, mrira than 10,000- signatures baying b «& : obtained to referendum petitloftf circulated by the business men fimpanding a vote on the council's oustip ordinance. Fire, which originated in William Alspaugh's livery b&jffl at McClure,' near Napoleon, consumed the barn, two garages,. seven, kutomoblleB and the fire department’s apparatus. Loss $30,000. Uhrichsvllle police the two unidentifii John ICramas, a Gt< Kramas’ face and b After a fire in t’ Stravisar at.Kimberl town near Nelsony, gulshed^by ueighbo: Mrs. Stravisar, 35, dren, from. 6 weeki age, were ’ found bu, ated. They were beds and coal oil b over the room.* Th destitute circumetari hhving left them in work. It is supposei the separation cau destroy herself and Voters of Mario cock county, will dai primaries on tlie tralize its schools a sue $110,000-in bon a new school buildidg. Frank F. McGuiri, Democrat, of Van Wert county, has been appointed chief Inspector o f knildipg and loan associations, succeeding James A. Devine of Ross county, whose term has expired. , Virginia Beselemi, found dead ip her itociugh.-jhar Jagai PLAN NOW FOR THE HOME COMING ON LABOR DAY, looking for assailants, of who slashed- t witji a razor, orne of Toby Vsmall mining. was extin- j'.tbe bodies of seven chil- 10 years of or .asphyxi­ ated to their pen sprinkled 'amily was in the husband ,y to look for t worry over the mother to dren. township, Han- e at the August iposal to cen- whether to .is- for erection of The eleqjtrical storm late Thursday afternoon did considerable damage to live stock in this section! W. R. Watt lost two valuable young horses one four year old the other five. The animals were near a tree in a pasture and when found had fallen with their heads over a wire fence. On the ad­ joining farm II. A. Turnbull lost two fipc milk cows that were near the barn. A sheep was also killed at the same time. The lightning struck Mr. Turnbull’s barn but did not set it afire. Mr, Watt’s loss was fully cov­ ered by insurance but Mr. Turnbull’s was not. Cedarville township has gone “ over the top” in all o f Greene county’s celebrations. The greatest o f all will be the “Home Coming" on Sept 1st for our “ Soldier Boys” . A complete list o f all the boys is desired espec­ ially those who have .located out o f the township since their return. Will you help us to secure their present address ? Send them either to Andrew Jackson or Andrew Winter. Dover, was btfllet fired by Refining ■ c r ■ J AMBS G. COOPER of Newark, for the last month, has been the champion War Snvings Stamp sales­ man of flm nation, tie has sold more than $109,000 worth of War Saving* Stamp*. aide the body. Three tanks of oil were lightning at the National company's plant, Findlay; Price of milk at Sandusky was ad­ vanced to 8 cents a pint and 14 cents % quart.' - While being arraigned before Jus­ tice Hartshorn at Marysville on a re­ volting charge preferred by hisMS- year-old daughter, George Boyer, 40, asked permission. to request his fa­ ther-in-law, James Gamble, to go on his bond. Meeting, refusal, Boyer ran from the’'courtroom and hurried to his home, where he swallowed poison and died within a few minutes, 1 East Engineering company of Pitts­ burg was . awarded the contract to construct additional reservoirs and. clear wells at Bucyrus for the water­ works company. Andrew Paulin hid $090 under cel­ lar steps after closing his soft drink place in Cleveland. The next morn­ ing he discovered thieves had taken the money. Charles O’Grady, 13, was drowned while playing On an improvised raft at Edgcwater park, Cleveland! Strike of 250 trainmen tied up the Newburg and South Shore railroad. The men demanded the right to name a committee to difect working condi­ tions. Joseph P. Kraver, former New York Central railroad conductor, sued, the .company at Cleveland for $100,000 damages, He lost both legs in a rail­ road accident. Dissatisfied with an award of $50,- 000 against the city of Cleveland after $4 years’ litigation over 4.22 acres of ground taken from her for park pur­ poses, Mrs. Viola Nicholas is pre­ paring to reopen the case. She first asked for $450,000, Albert Schroeder, 20, the fourth man charged with first degree murder in connection with the killing of Wil* Ham Thle, a wealthy baker, at Cin­ cinnati, was sentenced to life impris­ onment in the Ohio penitentiary, At a conference held at Columbus it was decided that the Ohio Taxpay­ ers’ league, which last fall success­ fully championed a classification tax amendment—-later declared unconsti­ tutional—should be reorganized at once. County prosecutors of the state met with Governor Cox and Attorney Gen­ eral Price in the statehouse to dis­ miss means of prosecuting men Who, it is thought, control food prices or are instrumental in keeping them at high levels. The governor and attor­ ney general expressed the belief that the present state laws were adequate. Michael J, Coughlin, 47, Youngs­ town, city fireman, was killed when the truck on which he was riding lfi response to an alarm collided with a streetcar. Harry C, Baker of Cirelevllle was appointed by the etate Industrial com­ mission as director of claims for the commission, succeeding H. H, Hamm, Who resigned recently, Bellcfontaine physicians have In creased their charge for visit* $1.50 to $2. The general committee o f which J.' W. Prugh o f Xenia is chairman, is at work planning for the soldiers’ home coming on Sept. 1, Labor Day, when it is expected that all or most o f the Greene county boys will have been re­ leased from the army. The committees named have repre­ sentatives from all sections o f the county. On the finance those from here are T. B. Andrew, O. ,E. Bradfute and W, B. Rife, On parade Andrew Jackson on reception Dr. W. R. Me Chesney; on badge, Dr. M, I. Marsh, and for township chairman Dr. Marsh declined and his place has been filled by Andrew Winter. Ralph Cole is expected to be the or­ ator o f the day. He is an eloquent speaker, a prospective candidate for the Republican nomination for gover­ nor o f this state and saw service dur­ ing the war. The day promises to be one that will go down in history,for this county. LIGHTNING KILLS SEVERAL HEAD OF STOCK. THE HOME COMING OF RETURNED SOLDIERS. W H A T THE FILES SAY . The'44th O. V. I. arid the 8th O. V, I. C. held their annual reunion Thurs day in the opera house. Hon.'Andrew Jackson delivered the address o f wel­ come and Capt. S. C. Howell respon­ ded fo r the regiment. James Gaines found the body o f a colored man near the big fill Monday morning. His head had .been crushed It is sUppossed that the fellow fell from a train while stealing a ride. Coroner Broadstone was called. Issue August 12, 1893. B. G. Ridgway has been nominated by the Democrats for County Clerk and will make an active campaign. Issues August 19, 1893. Fount Townsley left for Montana last Monday. Mrs. Rev. Gavin -McMillan, aged 87, died at her home Tiirsday after­ noon. John Stormont and Lew Young are attending the World's Fair in Chica­ go this week. Greene county will be well repre­ sented at the Ohio State Fair this year. J. W. Pollock is president of the board; Andrew Jackson starts the races. R. D. Williamson supterintend- ent of the Third dephrtmnet o f live stock; R, F. KCrr and R. R, Knowles, teiket sellers; J. Hale Collins a judge in the live stock department and the following will exhibit stock: D, Brad­ fute & Son; Watt Bros,; D. Cherry & Son and J. C, Williamson. W. H. Lamb of Allentown, Pa., has leased the Barber hotel and takes charge the first o f the month. ■ A teamster named McClaWson, while under the influence o f liquor, attempted to kill his wife Tuesday, night. JAMES HOLMES DEAD. ..James Holmes, aged 187, for many years President o f this township died Sabbath at his home in Columbus where he and his daughter, Rosa re­ sided, A son and daughter by his first wife reside in the west. Burial took place at Xenia on Tues­ day, ARRESTS HIS NEPHEW. It became the duty o f Sheriff Fun- Faye Funderburg o f near Y Springs owned an illegal seine, young man plead guilty and pai fine. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that a ap election will be heldin the S School District, Ohio, on Tue: from “ NOTICE— I am in the poultry feua- iseMu Call fey $kwe, V n . MarafeaB. termine whether an additional tax levy o f two mills* outside o f all limi­ tations fo r the year ISifl ahftll he made fo r school purposes in such dis­ trict. 1 The Greone County Fair will he held Deputy Board o f State Supervisors Afcgust 6 to 8. ; o f Election* fo r Greene County. WHAT WOULD YOU DO If You Had $ 1 ,0 0 0 in“ReadyCash” ? N o doubt you have said to yourself many “times, “ I f I only had a thousand dollars, I could do so-and- s o / ' Are you -any nearer that goal to -day than you were yesterday? .W hy not begin now to accumulate that thousand dollars by starting a savings account at The Exchange BanK 4% Paid on Savings W e solicit Checking Accounts of Firms and Individuals. T rave lers C h e ck s Issu ed The Exchange Bank CEDARV ILLE , OH IO Residence Property F O R S A L E ••■ - ' . : t■ . ■■ ....... <•- Saturday, Aug. 9, 1919 ■. • . . . . . . .( . t - A T 2 P . M . ’ Property known as the Sarah M. M cM illan hom e on X en ia i^ jm e .. B rick house .of 8 , . rooms, well, cistern, gas, barn and garden. Suitable for tw o flats. T o be sold by order o f Probate Court. M . I . M A R S H , Executor Sarah M. McMillan, deceased. . t . • - HARRY WILSON, Auct. Central Garage W e have installed an acetylene plant for burning carbon out o f motors, service and satisfaction guaran­ teed as the b«st. C a rb on R em ov ed W h ile Y o u ' W a it 75c a C y lin d e r O ils an d G a so lin e R ep a ir in g o f A ll K in d s A u td W ash . S a t is fa c t io n G u a ra n te ed J. G. DUGAN L o ca ted B o y d ’ s L ivery Stakid C eda rv ille , O h io w . D ~ L . C L E M A N S » 1 1 \ d JL J m l d . 1 I p % O n ba found a t my offle* tach Saturday w fwtehed by febo*’« lit . my resklMica each ovwmtaa. 1 Office a % PHONES Rmkiettc* 2-133 G fiB A K V X I J X , O H IO . , ........................... . _ . • TRY OUR JOB PRINTING,