The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

of m of printing. H i? * (n fo r e f « u l to the heat. ^ W HM.MI.THXIW FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. # r V O - OEDARVILDB, OHIO,I DOWN TO BUSINESS SUIT HEARD THURSDAY. a ®kd hy Jsroe* Politics has more to do today with t r r v ,»*”* * en^a Gazette against {high cost of living and social unrest v ii* COJjnty auditor and than anv nthm? trouble* rornhined. « arlh Bull, •was up for hearing in the Court of Common Pleas Thursday be­ fore Judge Clevenger of ’Wilmington, The plaintiff charged that the Herald was not. a Republican paper fo r hav­ in g bolted Herrick and several other candidates a t various time* in the past twenty years when the temper­ ance issue was at stake. A t times the hearing was a review o f past poli­ tical differences between party fac­ tions. Temperance people will be in­ terested in knowing that R, L . Gowdy attid L, T. Marshall, self styled tem­ perance leaders, and so-called reform­ ers .testified in support o f the wet can­ didates that the Herald was charged with bolting. Judge Clevenger will render a decision at some future date. The injunction suit was brought to restrain .the Herald from publishing the Auditors annual statement that had been turned ever to the Herald. ATTENDED ROUND TABLE. TJ^Cedarvjlle Chapter o f the Red Cross had the following members, at the Round Table held in Xenia, Wed­ nesday! Mrs. Robt. Bird, Mrs. Dora Kerr, Miss Louisa Smith, Mrs, John Boss and Mrs. J»,H. Milburn and S. C.' Wright. They report an instructive and enthusiastic meeting conducted rby Mrs. Lulu Quisenberry, head o f the Red Cross Bureau o f Inquiry f o r this county. Five colored soldiers who are taking Vocational training at Wilber- force len t interest to the occftsionby giving some o f their experience and showing how theyjia d been supplied with lost limbs. -One man Called Sunny Jim walks fine with" a pair o f Uncle Sam's legs. A pleasing feature was one o f the famous Kany dinners where about two hundred were served Dr- Ben McClellan was an efficient toast master* Thera was impressive talks given f o r the need o f carrying the Red Cross work? on which in the future will include civilian and com; muriity r e lie f,, __A PANTRY SHOWER. • The ladies o f the It, P, church gave ' a pantry shower Wednesday" fe r Rev. J. P . White1 and family, ^There was no ' one at home at the time except Mrs. White, who was busy entertaining a .~fewd*$tewtiiitati».taa^ "consisting Of canned .fruits, potatoes, flour and groceries, in addition to ld chickens were unloaded, The provis­ ions were placed in the dining room and pt the opportune time Mrs,'White was sent on an errand when -to her surprise she found the many things that bad been “ showered" upon bcrr .s e lf and family. ; y o er s .c mb The people are tired o f money raising game and increase o f taxation and we wish to say here that it is as had in one party as another. Not only the Ohio Legislature but all other states have listened to the clamor o f labor un ions and appointed expensive boards that are o f little value excepting to those who draw the salary. The dairy people asked fo r .inspec­ tors. The result was only to raise the price o f milk. Then comes the inspecting o f public buildings, . Men are appointed ac­ cording to their political standing,and some o f them know; the difference be­ tween an auger and- n hand saw? Then the country must have boiler and engine inspectors, A few of these' know a piston red from a bil can: There are hurdrcda.of others draw­ ing money fo r like positions. It will not be long until each-county will think that it should have a $3,000 man to examine the farm hands to see j f ,they know the difference be­ tween a pair, o f , double-trees and a corn planter. No state, county, city, or village will ever meet i t s " obligations until half the political leeches are pried loose fromRtheir job,—South Charles­ ton Sentinel. TOWNSHIP ELECTION NOTICE State o f Ohio/ Greene County, the township o f Cedarville: In compliance with the laws o f the State o f Ohio, I hereby give notice to the qualified voters o f said township,, that on Tuesday, November ’ 4, 1919, between the. hours fo 5:30 a. m. and 5:30 p, m., an election will be heldin the usual precincts fo r the choosing of the following officers for said town­ ship, Two persons fo r Justice o f Peace fo r a term o f two. years each. One person fo r Glerk fo r a term o f two years! ‘ Three, persons for. Township Trus­ tees, fo r terms o f two years. ■ One person for- Treasurer, fo r a term o f two years. ‘ One person for-Assessor fo r a term- o f two years. Two persons fo r Constable, fo r a term o f two years. A1#*- wf AndrCW 1 Jackwta, Clerk MORTON CRESWELL CHAIRMAN T. H. Zell o f Xenia was in town on Wednesday in the interest o f the Roosevelt Memorial campaign fund,, he being county chairman, , Mr, Zell has appointed Merton Cres- well as committeeman fo r this town­ ship and he w ill have, charge o f the local campaign. Roosevelt's birthday anniversity will be celebrated over the state on Oct.*27 when,att the schools o f the state will devote one hour to study o f the life, high ideals and noble patriot­ ism which flowed from his deeds and teachings. The school children will also assist in the campaign b y each one giving a dime. Chairman Myers o f Springfield will at his own expense furnish schools that make their quota a life sized photo o f the late states­ man. The movement is nonpartizan and each citizen is asked to lend his support. tY, OCTOBER 17,1919 (AT ROUND-TABLE RESOLUTIONS, Whereas in the providence o f God, he has seen fit to remove from among us, by death a brother, Dennis B« Me Elwain, who was a member o f Ced- arviile M. E. church and a member o f the official board fo r a . great, niany years; Therefore, be it resolved that we humbly -bow in the face o f this be­ reavement. That we, as officials o f the church pay our tribute • o f re- Rosette McElwain, the widow. Resolved, that a copy o f the resolu­ tions be sent to Mrs- Rosetta MeEl- wairt, that a copy b e given to our local paper, and that a copy be spread on our minutes. . Signed— G. P . Elias Mrs. Della Johnson George Hammon 1 2CTfti**** OHIO NEWS BRIEFS. OBITUARY. Cora Ann, daughter o f A . B< and Maggie Manrt was bom near Hope- town, Ross county, O., Nov. 20th 1888 and departed this life a t . Grant Hos­ pital, Columbus, O.* Oct, 1st, 1919, aged 30 years, 10 months and 10 days . Stye was married to Roy Binns Aug ust 30, 1016. To this happy union were bom two children, Ray Millard aged 16 months and Margaret Belie aged 6 weeks, who with the loving husband are le ft to mourn' her loss. ‘ Besides her husband and children She leaves a father and mother /ho reside near Springfield. Also three three sisters'and one « brother, Mrs. Charles Timberman .near London; Charles, Stella and Rose Manrt, all of, Springfield, besides a host o f other relatives and friends, Cora was o f a kind and loving dis­ position always trying to do some­ thing f o r the uplifting o f those with whom she was associated; and althoU she has been in poor health fo r the past several years she never com, plained at her lot nor gave up her ambitions. Her few last days Were filled with much suffering, yet she slawys main tairted a*cheerful disposition. , A ll that physicians and loving hus­ band and friends could do were o f no avail and the Great Phyffician has been called to heal the broken hearted When quite young she gave her life to the keeping o f her heavenly father and f o r several years was connected with the Methodist Protestant church at Blessings Chapel. O f later years she has been a worshiper with the j Saint* o f God at Springfield and died s With thafblessed'assurance o f christs,! •"And if I go .to prepare a place fo r j you I will come again and receive you Unto myself that where I am there ye may be also." ^ And in Our sorrow We say, OhI An- gel o f Heath why doest thou cornel l Unbidden into every home and you k ‘ ^ y 'tl* God who sends yob here. Then all is well God's will be done; For He dceth all things well; knoweth the hour when life shall cease; , So when He calls them, we bid fare- • well , I To our loved ones who enter eter-i nai peace. T J TV--”*-*-.. / ; CARD OF THANHS. The family wishee to express their gratitude and sincere thanks to all friend# who warn s<3kind and helpful M X time o f their #*d bereavement gtan f « r the beautiful , ELECTION jNOTICE. Cedarville Township Rural School District, Greene County, Ohio. To the electors o f Cedarville Town­ ship Rural School -District, You are hereby notified that a t the General Election, to be held on Tues­ day the4th day o f November 1919, there will be elected by the electors o f Cedarville Township Rural School District, Greene couhty, Ohio, two .(2) member* at large o f the Board o f Ed­ ucation o f said school district for the term o f Four (4 ) years each, begin­ ning the first*Monday in Jaunary 1920 Said election will he held at the us­ ual voting places o f the School Dis­ trict, between the hours o f 5:30 a. m, and 5:30 p. m. ANDREW JACKSON, Clerk o f the Board o f Education pf Cedarville Township Rural School District, Green County, Ohio. FOR SALE RESTAURANT. I de$irre to retire from the restaur­ ant business owing to my wife's health and offer the business fo r sale as a whole. H. A. McLean •MAKESWAV TEACHING WOMENTO SHOOT The war brought firearm* into t abular favor again in the United totes, Now that we've quit shoot­ ing at the enemy, trap-shooting is the new sport, Workmanship attract* women, Mr*. B. G. Earl o f New to rk know* tbi* and *h* make* her living teaching women Ilow te snoot, %* to ** ***** Wto* m Whi i f timm. Earl Miller, 9, shot and killed a. hull red fox weighing 20 pounds, at a, die* tance of SO yards, neat- h is home in Newton Cbapgl, Licking county, ■ Striking linemen of the Ohio State Telephone company have put their case into the hands of the executive committee of the Columbus Federa­ tion of Labor. An ,agreement Is an­ ticipated, , , The latest crop forecast of the fed1 oral department of agriculture places a much higher estimate on Ohio’s . bumper corn "crop thpn the estimate Of a month ago. The department now ' says?this year** OfifiD'-tswu'drcp Wifi yield 156,012,009 bushels, or nearly 12.000,000. bushels In excess Of the estimate o f last month. New Lexington plans a Mardl Gras celebration, * • When C. J. Burkart, proprietor o f a chain of groceries at Columbus, en­ tered his central store he found the strongbox of the .safe cabinet bad been robbed o f between 14,000 and $5,000, William Malone of near Athens Is in jail at Athens on the charge of set* ting fire to the hdme o f Charles Co- bert. The Cobert home was destroyed. Seven men ^fere injured in. a collls* sion between two Baltimore and Ohio freight trains at Willow, 10 miles southeast of Cleveland, William W. Keller, 65, vice presi­ dent of the Commercial National bank, Tiffin, died after a year's ill­ ness, He was treasurer o f Heidelberg university 20' years. ** Martin McGowan, 45, was killed add two others injured, one seriously, when their automobile plunged ever ft 12-foot embankment at Youngstown, pinning tliem under the car. Crops in Butler county have been injured by drought, W. H. Kerr of Cleveland was elect­ ed high chief ranger of the high court of Ohio* Independent Order of For- Isters, at the closing session of the triennial meeting of the order at Cleveland. Columbus wss awarded the next meeting. Miss Willie Cobbs, 21, confessed to police at Akron that she stabbed to death Mrs. Loney Lyles, "because she hated her black hide.” Both colored. New Lexington hoard of education has instituted a drive against cigarets, Miami university opened its 111th year by giving degree of doctor of letters to James Faulkner, legislative correspondent, * Rev, Joseph Lloyd, Youngstown was chosen moderator for the Trum hull Baptist association, Northeast Ohio M. E. conference has launched a campaign to get young men into the ministry. Herman Buning, 41, is dead at CM* dnnati and his stepfather, Lon Ross, 54, in a serious condition from-five bullet wounds. * Police were told that Buning shot his stepfather and then shot himself after a quarrel. Plans are being discussed for the formation of a league of eastern Ohio cities to fight higher gas rates. Hamilton is to build a new public library, costing at least $125,000, by populay subscription, the money to be raised by the liberty lean organiza­ tion there. * % Ohio’s com crop during August net only made up fo r July losses, but its condition has advanced until Crop ex­ perts are estimating the total yield at 155,011,000 bushels, or nearly 12/ 000,000 bushels more than the fore- cast of Aug, 1, according to the state department, o f agriculture, jury in the case of Mrs. Elizabeth Trope* o f Lorain, charged with the murder o f her husband, Rocco Tropea, at Lorain last May, reported a disa­ greement. Leander Ridenour, 16, Bucyrus, as­ sistant telephone lineman, was elec­ trocuted by a livA wire. Mrs. Neilie.-McLfttfghlin hat brought suit at Urbana for $20,000 "heart bfttm" against Mist Ruth Bftrry #M tonaskeddivorcefromher jfcwstat*.* NOTES OF FA b | B id f ie l d A sale that should! ■Hnrest and w ill no doubt draw a1 lam Bgorowd will be that o f H arry Tdwm H r and Johnson Brosi-on Monday, 0 1■ffiO. More1than 300 head o f hogs w| Hte sold. , Jupiter Pluvius w l Ken the job F r i- day and Saturday m lifa rm ers ; iwel- corned the rain whm F$will give the wheat a good startMj “ Robe o f Stioth Kfttisten sent a herd o f 'grade beeff! KSHS h B L calves through here* Saturnf H B a B E ° r the Bayt<m market. than usually goes overland,to the D a y ]o f sheep; tort market.' ’ , ■. As a- potato grower we .give - first prize*;to Enos Hill- On Saturday Mr. Hill brought Us ten potatoes that weighed more than eight pounds, fine specimen o f tubers fo r tbi# season. He states that two years ago he re­ ceived three small potatoes about like marbles that Were ; o f the old fashioned . “ Peach B low " variety- These were planted and, from theta he obtained the seed f o r this year’s crop, We have exhibited these po­ tatoes in our window fo r several days and many* persons have admired them, For the benefit o f inquiring ones we will Btate that Mr, Hill has none for sale. The Editor will hold this Selec­ tor seed in our "experiemntal garden next spring. Ohio lias 862,000 horses and Darke county leads with 20,257. ■ The Herald is advised of a large partnership sale .that will be held on the W- L. Marshall farm on Dec. 3. The farm has been sold and the ten-' ants, Rowers Bros, and Mr. Marshall sale. The Editor will hold this selec- wjll he gotten out by' this office next month.' ' The Green County Farm Bureau will have a walk around on Oct. 21 and 22 a t which time a delegation o f farmers, representatives o f the 6 . S. ifferent farm papeg&ftil' Mayor A. W, Graver accepted the Democratic committee'# nomination as candidate for a fourth term ft# mayor of Youngstown, taking the place of Martin Dunn, who was nomi­ nated at the primaries, but withdrew- a week ago. ' ^ Vice President Marshall attended the silver jubilee of the American In­ surance Union at Columbus. , Mortgages and deeds stolen by five bandits who robbed tl\e Nottingham Sayings ,.jmd Banking . company of $ 11,600 were found on the farm of W, H, Gardner at Dover, Enrpilment at Ohio State university this fall is expected to exceed 7,000. ^ Fire at Ansonia destroyed, several buildings. Clark Abbott was electro­ cuted when he leaned against a live wire that had fallen. A plan to permit employes to assist in the management ot the business is to be inaugurated by the 'Procter A Gamble company, Cincinnati. Licking1county farmers reported the first frost pf the season. Twenty, car loads pf army foods were sold to the public-in one day at Cleveland. Glenn Marshall, 19, and DOwey Mil­ ler, 20, both of Niles, were injured in a motorcycle .accident. Fifteen hundred employes at the Whitaker-Glessner mill, Martins Fer­ ry, went out on strike for a wage in­ crease. At Canton, Mrs. Belie Norwood re­ signed , as court stenographer after serving for 34 years. Charging assault and battery upon his 10-year-old son Bob, O, V. CapoB filed an’ affidavit against Magdalene Koontz, a teacher at the Vogelsang school,. Canton. ~ Cleveland Trust 'company gained control of the People's Savings bank, founded in 1871. The. People's hank will he made a West Side branch of the Cleveland Trust company. The combined assets of the two institu­ tions total $90,000,000. ■ James E. Breen of Ashtabula'was elected president of the Ohio Elks' association for 1920, without opposi­ tion, at the Columbus reunion. Lima was chosen as the next convention city, Five^ automobile bandits .held up and robbed the Nottingham Savings find Banking company, Cleveland, ot $10,000. , Middletown, will vote . on $500,OQO DV' fitp i fa*it#*** $toto yap* 4#» to ftoft «#* ol jutowtototof i# a * t £ « investment fa-yniimi that ignori* AdvertirinF. PRICE, H-50 A%YMAH TWO AUTO ACCIDENTS, While Chari## Holloway waaback- tag hi# Fond sedan from the curb on South Main street Saturday After­ noon, a rear wheel was tom off by an­ other Fetfl driven by John Collett o f Jamestown. The front wheel o f the Collett machine caught the rear o f the sedan with Ahe above damage. The new Old# Six owned by George Hamman, and driven by hi* son, Har­ ry, left the road while attempting to pas* a machine driven by Bdwta Brad* fute near the Wm, Rhplar farm on the Jamestown and Xenia pixe Friday night. The rear wheel truck -the cope- tag on a culberfc and three spokes were broken ont. ACCEPTS PASTORATE, * - • 'jpjtewaetear “ ■ Friends here o f Dr. David McKin­ ney, D. D. o f Cincinnati, former, pres­ ident o f the College, will be interested in the announcement that his son, Rev, Earl McKinney, has accepted a cajl to the Presbyterian church sit Franklin, O. Rev Earl McKinney toss been co-pastor o f the Church o f the Covenant in Cincinnati. He graduated from Lane Seminary two years ago. | ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL FUND T. H. Zell o f Xetyia has been ap­ pointed chairman fo r this county fo r the campaign to raise, $1375 fo r the five million dollar memorial fund be- ’ tag'raised in this country. Ohio's quota is $500,000. Warren Myers o f Springfield is district chairman .and Arthur Garford o f Columbus, is, state chairman, AMERICAN LEGION MEETING. A t the American Legion convention, in Columbus last week, Charles Dar? ltagtoto and Omer Tate Were given committee appointments, the[ former on .the resolutions committee and the latter on the credentials committee, Paul B. Turnbull is an .alternate to Lowell Fess as delegate to -the Na- tionaliconvention ;to be held in .Mta- • neapolis, Nov. 11. GALL GABLE & SONS. - If you have bid scrap iron, rags, paper, rubber, metals, old /autos, d f anything in this line call. M. Gable A Sons, 17 Cincinnati avenue, Xenia, O., ;his M- tee. largest,firm jn. the o f nors wilL leave Xenia at 8 a, m. each morn­ ing, Cedarville township will .haye a prominent part in this inspection due to the many breeders o f fancy stock. A meeting o f the Red Cros* was held Monday evening in the opera house at which Mrs. Lulu C. Quisenbery, spoke,for the home service work; iR. Kingsbury in behalf o f the coming membership campaign and . Dr. Me .Cleltan fo r the home service work. Miss Helen Evers,^Red Cross nurse, i;oId o f the benefits o f home hygiene and care-of sick classes* which has been extended to the high school classes. ’ , Look issue. over the sale adds in this The .Oglesbee sale o f Shorthorn cattle last week is reported as quite a success. Ac:ording to Ohio statistics (there are 75,000,000 fewer, sheep in the world today than twenty-five years ago, United' States ranks/third among sheep countries, with nearly fifty mil lion. There are fewer sheep in Ohio than there has been in the past eighty years. Before the War Germany was the only competitor o f the United States in hogs. Today this country has over 75,000,000 hogs with only a few mil­ lion ih Germany. Over half o f the hogs in the world ftre in the U. S. Frank Townsley shipped three cars o f hogs from here Saturday and two from South Charleston, Tuesday, The car situation with the elevator people handling wheat is ' not much different (than duringAugust. Yoder Bros, have one elevator full o f wheat and have failed to get a car fit fo r shipping after placing the order ten day* ago, *> v The combination sate o f Shorthorn cattle a t the Fair ground last Satur day amounted to $15,475, the 62 head sold bringing an average o f $297. The The highest priced Sale was $800 fo r a cow consigned by Wayne Oglesheo o f Jamestown. The purchaser was Charles Mendenhall o f New Burling* ton. R. D. Williamson & Son sold a cow to Dr, Clagett o f Wilmington fo r $600. Another to Edwin Voorhees o:f Xenia fo r $410. A male to Stephen Brown o f Wilmington fo r $450. mong other ' consignee* were W» J Cherryi A . B. Little, C. C. Lackey ant G« F. Mallow. Gary Jones o f Chicago was the auctioneer in charge. Floyd Allen, formerly o f this place, and fo r the past few year* connects, wi(th different creamery companies, has been chosen vice president o f The Redwing Corporation, Dayton, capl tallied at$300,000, that has taken over The Dayton left Cream and Dairy Company. RED CROSS MEETING PUBLIC SALE DATES. Harry Tovpsley and Johnson Bros. Oct. 20. Winter & Stewart, October 31st, Kennon Estate, Nov. 8,1919. S. E. Sanders & Son, Nov, 12,1919, NOT STRIKERS— BIT. AND QUEER -ftwtrers now the est* o r th o United' States, It is ;y**w N o. not striking but European royalty gu f t e : King Albert and Queen Elisabeth *f Belgium, ih oilskin* at Niagara ra il*. K Y.. just after coming «u t from under the fall*. Both teretied tit the pUgrimae*. Zanesville ' Chamber' of' bom directors and secretary resigned pend­ ing formation of a "more vigorous or­ ganisation?' Patrick J. Byrne, coroner of -Cuya­ hoga county for five terms -and au­ thor of the ierm “ Safety, first,” is dead. Action w a s , taken by trustees of McKinley.. Memorial association at Canton to increase the ondowmenyfor upkeep ot the memorial. Property owners on the Cauton- MassiHon traction road voted to op­ pose the franchise granted the com­ pany. - i • Charles W. Smith, ‘ 86, Marysville, retired politician and civil war veter­ an, is dead. 1 Congressman Ben Wetty, Lima 'dis­ trict, announces his candidacy’for a third term. Canton council, Knights of Colum­ bus, will OreCt a $75,000 clubhousftt F. E, Schelley was instantly killed When a‘ milk wagon driven by him was struck by an lnterurban car at Akron. ■ * School hours have been changed at Youngstown as a result of “ strikes" against *-4:30 closing hour, which af­ fected hftlf a dozen schools last week, . While making arrangements for a real estate deal at Cleveland, James F. Kane, 54, of Warren, was drugged, assaulted and robbed o f $300, Kane reported to the police. A, A. King, chief of police o f Lo­ rain, Was elected president ot the Ohio polite Chiefs’ association, Margaret Longo, 18, police say, was kidnaped from her home at Cleveland through the assistance of a Woman and. forced to sign a legal document agreeing to marry Charles Cali, a re­ jected suitor. Call is uhder arrest, ' George Methnjva was shot and in­ stantly killed and George Masks, a bartendey, was seriously wounded by Dan PdtrieK, a Servian owner of ft near beer saloon at Barberton. At New Philadelphia, MI bs Lfturft King, 21, was killed in an auto upset. Joseph Smith, 80, MarySville, died from injuries received In a fall from a load of hay, James E. Mooltey, 87, Cincinnati* wealthy business man, is dead. Thieves at Youngstown robbed a jewelry store within a stone’B throw o f'th e police station and took loot worth thousands of dollars. Professors at Ohio State uhitejfsity have opened' ft fight for higher Sal­ aries. Mr, and Mrs. John Maxwell fell Out of a wagon at, Summerfleld, Noble county, and both were seriously in lured. Mr. Maxwell, «2, may die. Rev. H, H, Blocher, Zanesville, was elected moderator of the district pres­ bytery* 1 Lewis Welding company will build a $ 160,000 plant in Toledo, Findlay college opened with an to creased enrollment, Cloven Miller, bridegroom of on* Week, was arrested at Dayton on charge of forgery, He Is charged ty the police with having obtained $300 on various bad cheeks, Grover. Gross, 26, Middletown* was killed by a train, C a l l ******} f m !#(• «*•& Wttwm* make a mistake .fiflgon ' do ttot'"Jre$. v their prices before selling. Both tele­ phones 144. ■: ■>. ,(i) FORMERRESIDENT HERE. , Louis Young, fo r ' many years a teacher in the township schools in this section, dropped in-town'Tuesday calling on friends.. M r. Young, is lo­ cated in Denver, Colo., ,and has been spending three .weeks with' his bro­ ther, Clark Yoting, over on the Jasper pike. CHURCH SERVICES. U. P: Church Services. Rev. John P. White,” Pastor Sabbath School at 9:30, - * , Preaching at 10:36 Y . P. C. U at 6:30. Wednesday Evening Prayer meet­ ing at^7:30. A cordial invitation is ^extended to all to attend these services. * M. E. Services. * Rev. V. E. Busier, Pastor •Sunday School .at 9:30. G. H.. Hart­ man, Supty Preaching at 10 :30__ Epurorth League at 6:30 The church needs YOU! You need the church. . Let us get together. CEMETERY MEETING. There will be a meeting Of the Mas* sics Creek cemetery trustee* on Fri­ day* Oct. 24, a t the cemetery* weath­ er permitting. If not ftt the mayor's office. Business of importance to be up fo r settlement, S. K. Williamson, s. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION The State o f Ohio* Greene County* the incorporated village o f Cedarville: In compliance with the law* o f the State o f Ohio* I D. H. McFarland, mayor o f the incorporated village Of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, here >y give notice and proclaim to the qualified electors o f said municipal corporation, that on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4* 1919 between tfae hours o f 5:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m>, an election Will beheld fo r the purpose o f choosing the following officer*, to wit:* One person fo r Mayor. Cne person for Clerk. Oh* person fo r Treasurer, * One person fo r Marshal. One person for Assessor Personal Property. Six persons fer Member* of Council Each of said officers t o . be stated fm Atermoftwayii**. ■ Said election to be held at the usual voting place* at the hours heretefore mentioned. . ’ D. H. McFarland, Mayor of the interpolated village of Cedarville., Ohio, fit. A . MeLeen- Will retire feet* the tertaurant bmtta*«« the first o f the '. .onth owing te Mrs. MoLeen'a health* ■ S'