The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

jwwiw M ww ■ M V T ,XSj- ass % s a 555 £ 5 ass s a 558 B i s 17 iK, * «* •A* * * * * * * * *CaR kbids ef h w l i l l f c . Our MtarwpNpf stack *• tftf beet. 'ttiilllfW1MJiVf tfttfc IgtfiflilflMyUI Vgflfl due regasd to it* «•* 0 t tdvmmm fs EE e £<8; lOVS|ttKI**Bt # P I tli*t ignore* jdveriMi#. jg|BSS FORTY-THIRD YEAR NO. 3. CEDARVXLLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY lflyI 920 PRICE, $I j 50 A YEAR STATKQFFICIAL HAS HIS ineffieieat aor i» it hinted, that his EXCHANGE BANK WILL BUILD VIEW ABOUT EXAMINER,;work was unsatisfactory. True, hei IN THE SPRING, - •"■■"' ■— ' :violated a department rule, hut we j —— • Editor CedarvUleHerald, ; believe him when' he nays that he! At the annual meeting of the OHIO NEWS IN BRIEF Vedarvil,le Ohio. Hear Sir:- An article in your issue o f January $»d, 1290, headed, Examiner Chops 98 Day* from Hi* Padded Hill”, has been called to our attention. We'have read same vary carefully and it is very clear that you are prejudging a matter whhm has not as yet reached * Siamplinary stage, so far trie proper a* the same is to'be applied to State Examiner Parrott, in order to charge State Auditor Donahey and this'Bu­ reau, of Which he is Chief, with in­ tention to whitewash the actions of one of its examiners. We have no quarrel with you a*, to the main statement of facts as given by you concerning Auditor A. E. Faulkner's check o f the time employ­ ed by Mr, Parrott and as claimed by him, find We riighly commend Mr, Faulkner and hi* assistants for hav­ ing done so and for having reported Jhe same tp Mr. Donahey. The Bu­ reau ha* its rules governing its.' ex­ aminers in the field and we welcome ally effort on the part of local officials to keep a. check-, upon their actions, for the {Bureau, at Columbus, could have no means o f knowing whether its rules were scrupulously regard­ ed by its examiners unless this was done, although, permit us to say, that we'have an abiding faith in the characters of our men for faithful­ ness, honesty and integrity, which can only’ be shattered by proof to the contrary, 'hence, when charges are made .against any - one of them, we, naturally, take ample"time to in­ vestigate,^for you must-admit that it would be. Unjust,to be precipitate, in a 'matter of this kind.,, / Your article admits'triab the Bu reau held to its rule by requiring Mr* Parrott tp'amend hip-charge to ■the extent of $280.00, - but because we took' ample tube, to be fair to Mr. Parrott, you insinuate, in fact, charge Mr, DoUaheyWith having^juggled the matter in order to protect the exami- , ner. * . t - “ We .deny' this most emphatically, Mr. .Faulkner's 'check o f the goings and comings of Mr. Parrott from and to his;work.could, notbe, in ev­ ery in s tep , proof, that-the, exami­ ner had not worked, for it often- oc­ curs that an examiner discovers a condition y ^ h ’rwquirea^hpn to make 'dops*' el*ejwhere' than at thd w&M took work Dome and Greene county , stockholders of the Exchange Bank, was gainer to this extent for Mr, i held Tuesday, it was deeded to start Parrott' was denied payment fo r !immediately to perfect the uncom- ssme, by our action, thanks to Mr, Pleted plans for the new bank build Faulkner’s information in regard to the matter, for .which the auditor is to be highly commended. « We wish to quote from your ar­ ticle the-following paragraphs: '"“Mr. Donahey stated at first that he had demoted an examiner some* month* ago because he padded his account one day, yet so far Mr. Par­ rott is still oh lue job after acknow­ ledging that he padded his account 28 days and' having $280.-00 taken from hi* original bill. ’ » ft is a plain case of sham reform on the part of Mr. Donahey, who go­ es■ about the state boasting of the reformation that he is staging. If We were to venture an opinion the man that was demoted for an extra charge of one day, we would say that he was a Republican. * * ” We Write iiiis reply because we be­ lieve same, to be fully justified in or­ der to place the facts before your readers, as we have a right to request under the provisions of sections 6319- 3 and 6319-4, General Cpde, 103, O. L. 865, and to call your attention totlie fact, that the two paragraphs quoted this held At Columbus, .JoMflh W. H. Thorny- above tend to show that you- were ac­ tuated, more by political bias than by anyother motive,, for the fact re­ mains that .the examiner you. refer to as having been demoted by Mr. Dona­ hey was a Democrat. Your opinion, fciad you Ventured one, which we read as much between the lines, that he Was ,a Republican, is, we take it, al­ though evidently nob so meant by ydu a tribute to Mr, Donabey’s broadness of.mind, for as a matter of fact’ the personnel of this Bureau and its ex­ amining force i$ about evenly divided politically. , . ! • Very .truly yours E. N. Halbredel, County Supervisor,; Bureau o f In­ spection and Supervision of Public Offices. grange and blue . ing at the- corner of Main and Xenia avenue.. Notice has been, given the Troute .Grocery Co., to vacate by the first o f March when the old building will betwrecked. •While the plans Xiave not been per-, footed yet the Herald was given a review of-the drawing and*a descrip­ tion of the proposed building. The building devoted to banking purposes will be of the modem one story bank awbeeture which in reality is two stories in heighth from the outside. A number Of arejieticts have sub­ mitted plans but the one drawn by Contractor Frank Hamm seems to be the choice, The building will be pf brick with stone trimming and ample light from the street frontage and from overhead has been provided. On the Main street side will be a business r<*>omwith large plate glass front. This,, art of the building will be^but one story. Tfio Xenia avenue part of the building not used for the bank proper will be converted into quarters for the director’s room and for community purposes On the secqnd floor will be a large-assembly room 30x4Qand tjfis will have kitchen equipment fpr the convenience in en­ tertainment and serving purposes. The building will have all the modern toilet ' conveniences with drinking fountains* The building will be heat­ ed, With hot water or steam. The en­ trance to fhe bank proper will be very attractive and will be located in the corner .-of the building. The entrance to ,the community quarters and as­ sembly room will be from the Xenia avenue side. At. the meeting the former officers were re-elected; Geo. ,W. Rife^ pres- dent;., Oliver Gaflough, vice presi dent; O. L. Smith, cashier. The direc­ tors are Geo. W. Rife, 'Oliver Gar- lough, M, I. Marsh, Howard Smith, G. E. Jobe and 0. L. Spilth. The bank statement •appears in this issue. The present surplus is $20,000.' ’ ’ „ The following is the progrrm 'for the Orange and Blue*literary society on January 19, ■ < / aProf* Frederick Marcelloi; the' in,- ternofionat chalk-talk performer, is to be with us for Sds ‘program* good faith it,could not be gainst him* • M r.« E* Brotton, Sift examiner, Id­ eated .at, Cincinnati in. the examina­ tion^of the Offices of Hamilton, made the p&vibus examination of Greene County, that ,county having been «r part o f his. district under the old dis­ trict plan, and. as such he. kept in touch with affair* o f all of the coun­ ties of his district. When the district plan 'was- abolished Mr. Brotton in­ formed the Bureau that he was cog­ nisant of certain matters in Greene bounty which the nex,t examiner/who Was assigned there should know about detailing them in a meausre, hence, when Mr. Parrott was assigned to make the examination o f Greene county, these matters were called to his attention and he was duly in­ structed to personally confer with Mr* Brotton concerning the matters whenever he deemed such confer­ ences necessary. Four of the days checked against him by Auditor Fatflkner were for days in which Mr. Parrott Conferred with Mr. Brot­ ton as Mr. Brotton assured Us in the course of our investigations of the mafter. Mr* Faulkner’s charges against Mr. Parrott were the first ever made against him during his many years as an examiner in the service pf , this department. During a large part of the time that Mr, Parrott worked in Greene county he was ill and his .time account showed many days ’‘off duty/’ for which, of course, no charge wasmade, and during much of the time hesUffered mental concern over a son in the World war, one day having noticed in a newspaper an ac­ count of the torpedoing of a vessel upon which he knew his son to be at the time. These conditions were very depressing and Mr. Parrott attributes them and not to intention charges for a ‘few days he could^ not otherwise explain. Mr. Parrott claims that he took work,home with him and actu­ ally rendered Service for all other days charged for, Which we do not deny, but wb had no hesitation, in the final analysis to hold that wheth­ er fie did or iiot, Rule No. 4 o f the Bureau dfd not permit compensation for such, and same were held against hint, However, because Mr* Donahey did not unsheath his snickersnee and behead Mr. Parrott at once you Charge that matter* were juggled in, order to protect the examiner. Before Auditor Faulkner had filed his charges against Mr, Parrott with Mr. Donahey and the Bureau, Mri Parrott toad been assigned to another county and we did not deem it nee* •ssaty to withdraw him from same on account o f the charges mad* from yo«r county, a* Mr. Donahey could in proper tim* impose such disciplinary measure* for violation of rules as be might deMd* upon, fo r , it am*A besaMthafe Mr. Parrott is- and poetry are sure to please. He a thirty minute program for you t! is well worth. yoUr attention. , Morton. Crqswatt and Claude Mar- kle, duet, , Miss’ Barnett, reading. M,iss Lyle, recitation. \ Miss Shaw, original poem. Miss Greer, piano solo. Messrs Foster, Moore 'and Insleyv octempo class. Ralph Rife, “The Farmers’ Out­ look for the Year." V Miss Smith, College Paper. Messrs. White, Creawell, MaVkle and Ewbanka, male quartette ' Miss Tarbox, “Possibilities for the New .Year." Misd Turner, reading. Paul Duncan, “New Year Resolu­ tions." Cecil tRife, current -events. ' Miss Wright, reading. ton was bound'over to the grand jury Under $L0M bond os a bigamy charge ^referred by Mrs. Id#. Thompson. Fo­ iled say Thompson admitted he has had seven wives^-two dead, on* di­ vorced and four still hying. Free competition fot delegates from Ohio to the Republika national3con- ivention at Chicago ia June was in- ^ded .through a ruling glyen by Sec- letary of State Sroitt, whose authority :ss supervisor of dictions is practi­ cally final. It will make certain se­ lection of delegates oy the voters. Mayor Harry L. Datla of Cleveland is to announce sopu Bis candidacy for »he Republican nomination for gover­ nor of Ohio. State narcotic Inspectors pave ar­ rested ■Mi«» Edith (JraSH, Columbus, jitter a three-months' chase. She is XENIA PLANS BANQUET TO FAVORITE SONS.j"1- |S The Xenia Chamber of Commarcs; £ is planning a unique feature in th e '2 way of a series' of evening banquets! *5 will be served during the next! £ few months in honor of prominent ex; §• Xenians, who have reached # place’ H of distinction in the world- ‘ 2 1,khe first of these v.ho has already j ^ accepted the invitatio.i to come toijs Xenia iwThomas Barknv Walker, who*} 2 is crlled the “Timber King of the|2 Northwest,” and is one of the nations iS wealthiest men. H’s heme iB in Min- \ s CLOTHE^ AND SHOES ................ WILL BE HIGHER* neapolis, and hq recently donated js $600,000 to-the city for an art mu-13 seum. Mr* Walker a# a boy clerked ‘ “ .in a Xenia hotel at $4 a week, ] Another who hvip, come is former j United States Senator Thomas Tag­ gart, owenr of rrc".eh Lick Springs THE D IMES , N I C K L E S AND , CENTS ■ S - • I HVJ w 'V*«WOWpii MHV tjptltV) VWC1U V4. * ».wm.1 charged with the sal* of habit-forming jHotel, Indian,a. and a .nan with a drugs. Police say three Columbus ; yearly Jheoat of a million. Mr. Tag- physicians are involved. ■ gart when a b*'y did odd jobs about Perry county chuytbos will observe {the dcDOt fn -*. . home town. I oa“ -” « « - L o - | that slip through your fingers for trifles arid = 2 things unnecessary will keep up your deposits in g 3 our • • s I ^ “Big Jim” MortonW s found guilty of robbing a bank id Cleveland and sentenced to the penitentiary. During the last yet rnearly IS miles of new roads .ware; constructed in Huron county. . ' Mrs, William Ellis m, Rellefontalne,. received word, that ibr husband and brother had been si dn in Russia by Bolshevists. .‘‘ i: Traiford Bljzsard,: 26; Wilbur Bliz­ zard, 22, and Max 1Alters, 35, wet^t ton; Commander Earl Smith, U. S. N. special American envoy to Finlandj Wilber D. Nisbet, of Chicago; Russei- Greiner of Kansas'City, Mo.; Fred J. ‘ Kelly, William Dean Howells and |Ogden A. Reid, publisher of the New ‘ York Tribune and eon of the late Whitelaw Reid, New York City. * and will accumulate into amounts'of arrested, at Laneas burglarizing H.' store. Loot won eerd by 'police Ip; ' Dr. C. R. Holm dnnati’s foremo$1 New York after months. Dr. Hoik of the Cincinnati which is regarded * . A girl pf 12 ttAel Youngstown ri by a malady speechless, has to say she is M- land. Her \pafl moned. s • A balance of chest may be. cluhroom for t$ r< , charged with oving’s jewelry l,Q(IO'was recov- mbus. r62, one of Cin- tizetfs,. died in ness of several Was the founder j indral *hospital, 'a model. $5.00, $12.50, $25.50, $63.75, $100 <5 *; l •* little need be added . |= which you will receive just in time to buy =; in another c o ffi^ a n be found trie | Presents and meet> other expanses. | reply to our article concerning a state jS examiner, E. K. Parrott, by his au- £ peripr ffiocer, E. N. Halbredell, county 3 supervisor under the Bureau of In- .s ! spectioii, a department uqder the con- 3 ,njli.Cfn+ft AnJii-AvV. A-1IT rinwdluSv NEXT tendered her ed sufficiently Arch-pf Cleve- iave. been Sum* In 1914 is cost $345 to produce a pair of shop* fhe same grade Of which coat* more- than $10 today. The hlgh- (ffigher the pay for making shoes means, the more we who do not make shoes or leather,have to pay. Clothing prices1this spring will be from ,25 ,to~40 per cent higher than last year. Labor has gone up.275 per. cent since 1914. Working hours have been decreased. There can be no de­ crease in prices until we have great­ er production and labor alone can do that. ■ COLLEGE BOYS WALLOP ASHLAND. Trie College basketball team defeat­ ed Ashland last Saturday night at Memorial gym by a score of ‘30-17. The college team started Wednesday morning on a four days trip through the Northern part of the state. legion. John XU Be public safety following an j ahsee.,., i f r in Dover’s war to building a .post. American The first deposit makes you a member. After 3 Wl» •» enthusiastic it wig be. hag helped its the answer re- 5 a pleasure to keep up the payments. Everybody— Old and Young The Baby Included Invited to Become Members from a train at ‘‘furred to we are pleased' to publish it = ’ When stricken land let the public decide, • “ .The department has gone on record, 3 ; in commending A, E. Faulkner as an 3 . Official of honor and integrity. As we ~ secured most of our information from 2 him, as well as Charles Mower, tax 3 deputy, and |rom irie records,'we feel that We have not gojie very far .out E of the way, At any rate affidavit can § J-e 8S director -of ,lje secured from’these t\vo gentlemen ~ ,tl, is dead ^supporting the"first article, [2 for Appendix bli- ■ , There is more in the case than ap* g pears pnrthe $i^fade where political g , death in wcdal ffiine near ,W*Hston Churches, movies and poolrooms at Woqdsfield Were closed to conserve fuel’ as result of gas shortage. ' Estate of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Holler of near Dayton, Valued' at $20,- 000, is left to her missing son, Isaac Holler, who disappeared 22 years ago. Chftstina XAgsddn, 16, Springfield, was shot and seriously wounded by the accidental discharge of a revolver in the hands of her brother, Robert E. Logsdon, 19, j Toledo city council provided for the appointment, of 30 additional firemen and guaranteed-that the eight-hour day for. firemen will become effective, at qnce. John Welmer, 2, was stolen, from his home in presden by two men who [ner. Knowing some o i the inside to 3 - tthi« base Which has not yet appear- tmilfllllIHIIIflKlIllllIIllIllIIIllIltlillllllllllUlIlIlIltllllillHilllltlinilliilliiHflHilillltl ed irt the public print, we feel that _ , ’ oUr position was far from political j .bids AS ‘ Mr. Halbredell /would, have * traveled in an'antomobile: The child LEFT SATURDAY ON SOUTHERN TRIP. Messrs. W. R. Watt and G. F. Sieg- ler left Saturday on a trip through the South where they joined a party of Duroc hog breeders at Memphis, Tenn. They will attend sales in a number of states ending at Gulport, Miss. Mr. Siegler leaves the party there and goes on to Florida expect­ ing also to go to Havanna before he returns home* During Mr, Watt’s ab­ sence Mrs. Watt Is visiting friends in Ludlow, Ky. The Postal Telegraph Co., has a Crew of about twenty men stringing five new copper wires between Col­ umbus and Indianapolis. The men make about three miles a day. WORLD CHAMPION IN WHITE CORN • Peter J. Lux of 8h*lbyvil!e, Ind„ is her* shown with the 20- aar sample of Jphuson-co White oorn which won the title for him at the recent International Hay end Grain 0how at Chicago, Every ear measured id inches long, t inch** in circumference, weighed 11 ounces ahd had so rows or ker­ nels. The display was Said by judges to he ou« of the most uni­ form ever shown In the United &*!*«,.. fitly art the tyeuit# of stringing new W ire . HIGH TENSION LINE BREAKS was awarded to his mother by the ;uvoniie court in Zanesville, and it Is alleged that one of the men was his father, Whose home is in Pennsylva­ nia. Mrs. Mary Gold, 44, was burned to death in the kitchen of her home at Sandusky. Her dress was ignited from a gas stove flame while alone in the house. ' Willya-Overland company, Toledo, informed employes there will be no bonus this year because there were Patrons of The Dayton Power & Light Co. were without service for several hours Monday due to a break in the high tension feed wire on the west side of town, It ha3 been some weeks since there has-been any ser­ ious trouble with the light service, GOES TO MANSFIELD* Raymond Smith, colored, who was indicted by the grand jury for the theft of two tires from R, A. Mur­ dock, plead'guilty and was sentenced to one to fifteen years in the Mans field reformatory by Judge Kyje. The grand jury Was unable to indict Vouftg Smith for trie theft of-money from the Murdock safe last October. CLARK COUNTY GETS FOUR WAR TRUCKS. Clairk' county has secured four of the government trucks ir the allot­ ment givhn Ohio. These trucks are for road work ahd arc divided out tb the counties in proportion to the im­ proved yoads. The only cost to the county is get the trucks delivered. BILLY SUNDAY WILL PREACH JOHN’S FUNERAL, Bitty Sunday, famous evangelist, who is conducting a campaign in Nor­ folk, V«., will preach the nations funeral sermon of Job nBarieycoru on Friday afternoon when trie U, goes dry officially. S, PUBLIC SALE DATES. the •public believe. Mr. Halbredell has some very good excuses for the examiner as .an sort of-alibi in his padding his account to the extent o f $230. Had the examiner • suffered a long serious il|ness or been i adjudged insane or incompetant wo might accept such excuses but when ( couqty officials or Btate department have not questioned riis ability .other than to overcharge we feel that the; act was deliberate and that the de« | partment can make no reasonable ex- [ cuse for-one that not over-charged ! one day but 28 days at‘$10 a day. : If Mr* Parrott can read, write and he should know, artd we say he did ; know that ihe was not allowed to ' charge the county for extra time or time outside of office hours. The state/department in sending5 Mr. Parrott to Mr. Faulkney to get; things straightened out knew also that the examiner was only respon­ sible to his superiors. The evidence and charges were placed in the hands m no profits as a result of labor trouble. ! 0f Mr. Donahey by Mr. Fahlkner and Two automobile loads of clothing ilc was the trial judge. Rather than were removed from a Youngstown put up wjth the long dickering Mr, tailor shop by five burglars, ‘who ,Faulkner informed the state depart- made two visits. ; 'ment that he was done and the mat- Campaign launched at /Ashtabula for the reorganization of the chamber of commerce, John W. Stephens, 70, who built and operated the Columbian hotel at BamCsville, is dead, Using a bed sheet as a rope, Mrs, Iter would come before the Greene |county grand jury. ThCn thiiigs mov­ ed with rapidity and the $280 was taken from the bill, 1 .If the State Auditor’s office is desirous of further space in reply to Start the New Year and reduce the high cost of living l?y buying at the Big Store with the Little Prices. Some Friday and Saturday Specials! V * Lard Grace Rogers, 43, an Inmate of the anything We have to say, our columns CoIUmbus state hospital, killed her- ■are open at all times. We court the self by hanging. She was committed \ fullest publicity until this matter in to the. institution last July from Oil* +hc fullest detail, wire pulling and all, vet, Belmont county, i Retail bread prices at Mahafield ad­ vanced to It and 12 cents a loaf when t ieAw n r v iv i tv wholesalers added * THEY LANJNlM .is given the public. R, L, Hixon ft Son, Thursday,.F*b 5 Fred ClMfjaps, Fekriiary 23. 2 cents a loaf, to their price, ( At Woodsfield, Clyde Cranford, 14, threw a shotgun shell into A fire and was badly injured by the resulting explosion, • Forty motorists at Coshocton were fined for infractions of traffic rules, Philip H, Brack, former mayor of Columbus, died on the seventy-fifth anniversary of his birth, Frank Kirsclmer, grocer, Cincin­ nati, is accused of charging 25 cents for sugar. Carl M. Babst, defeated candidate for mayor of Crestline, was Indicted by grand Jury on a charge' of violat­ ing the corrupt practice act. Coal lands said to be worth $20,- 000,000 are involved In a suit boi«^ tried at New Lexington In which the Buckeye Coal and Iron company is seeking to invalidate a mortgage given the Central Union Trust com­ pany, New York, i David H. Clifton, 7», Marion, wool buyer and retired merchant, is dead, Arthur Fleher, 23, Kenton, commit­ ted suicide by shooting-himself in the head. Relatives were unable to as­ sign a for hU act. TO RETRENCHMENT. Every day we read of a new,report about increasing some tax or creat­ ing a new one. The legislature hears nothing but something to drain the public for more taxes. The nerve -of some of the leaders has failed in that the demand for a state ncome tax is on the wane but no one steps to the front and demands retrenchemnt in the irigh cost of state government. MENS’ BIBLE CLASS BANQUET App les Baldwin Apples, per basket ....................... .. $2.50 ' \ [ Flour i “ . Old Hickory, large sack 24 1-2 lb. ................... $1-55 Small sack, 12 1-2 lb*. . ................... - ..............70c Ocean Light Flour, targe kack 24 1*2 lbs*.. . . .$1.50 Small Sack, 12 1-2 lbs..................................... ... .75c ; ,,. .i 28 c 28 c <! ' ] Bananas Golden YeiloL per dozen .............« . . . . . . . . . . .25c Between 149 and 160 men were in attendance at the banquet given by the Mens’ Bible Class of the M, E. churcri for the men of the commun­ ity, Monday evening. Mr. E. Dow Bancroft gave the address, which was evangelistic, interesting, helpful and inspiring. This Same class is promis­ ing some other good' events during the winter. The Ladies’ Aid Society served a delicious chicken Supper. W ewant 5000 head o f Chicken! — will give 24 t a lb. for (them. Btjhg them in. 0. E, Bradfute was Tuesday op business- in Columbus HE. Schmidt & Co S.,Detroit tS., Xenia, O h io . ■MSN k-