The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

dm WIMM m t m m n m t x cam p . Tier So**** «f Twmfc l %m% oa . JaJy 1st for Swing Y«il*y f<* $jh*ir i •aw pbg trip* Thi* i* an organisation j • f ^ b ^ e f t i w t p w a i m d ovwfypeir- ‘ *«n who love# b»y* should b# iot*r- •stfd ia them, Thsy n«*d a tent, cots, biaaktis* oamp stow and various oth- o r camp •qaipawat, Will you lend them yours? A truck hi also* xequirefd to haul our equip­ ment to Spring Valley mi Thursday morning July 1st. I t you have any thing the hoys can dse or a truck or automobile to offer call th e Scout­ master, Eey. V. E. Busier, phone 88 or tell gay of the boys. They Will be gone a week. All per­ sons interested in the welfare of the boys are welcome to v isit the camp, a fact they are urged to come. The South Charleston and Cedar- villa troops are going together. W. E. CHILDREN'S DAY. ijtjffsals !> tMjiwWu[lirfloiiaiariwii iilwMIls^ n^asr^^ji e«4ns^ m m m m gm asMpM The Sunday school of the M. E, church will hold their annual Chil­ dren's. Day exercises, Sunday morn­ ing, June 27th a t 10:30 o’clock, The collection will go fo r educational pur­ poses. A good program has been plan­ ned. Come and hear the children, En­ courage them by your presence. ONE DROPPED OUT. James E. Lewis is not in the race for county commissioner having with­ drawn. This leaves nine candidates for the electors to select three, men. . ADDITIONAL LOCAL Owens & Son report the sale of a. Chevrolet touring car to John Bums. Miss Mary Curry of Yelloy Spring? spent the week-end with Mrs, J. H. Milbum. C. N, and J. E, Stuckey have been giving their residences a fresh cost of paint. • ‘ P , M. Gillilan has rented the Clem- anS property on Main street and will- move into same.. • Miss Mildred Alexander of Spring Valley is the guest of Miss Lena Hastings. - Edward Dean has been appointed administrator of the estate of Edward Wright Russel], late of Clifton. The Cedarville Farmers' Grain Co. has installed new shof cases and has a .fine display of hardware. The com­ pany is gradually making many im­ provements about the store. . The Junior class of the M. E. church , composed of about twenty boys and \ girls enjoyed a picnic at- Springfield, Wednesday. Lawrence Kennon, who has been teaching a t Conneaut, O., arrived hoihe last evening, . Frank Coffey of Cincinnati is spending the week with his uncle, John SteWart and family. The Second Division of the' U. P. church will hold a social on the church .lawxl,on Tuesday, June 29, weather •permiting. If not it will be held in the church. Raymond Ritenour has purchased 27 acres of the Nancy Winter estate on the Jamestown pike. The sale wa; made by W. L. Clemans and the con­ sideration given a t $2B0 .an acre. Highland county decreased in pop­ ulation 1101 the •past -ten years ac­ cording to late census returns. The county now l&s 27,610 population. -b ' , "J..............................P?"M Miss Rachel Kathleen Putt, of Cin- cincinnati, formerly of this place, was married on Tuesday to Mr. Clifford Jay Rolls a t the Clifton, Cincinnati. M. E. church a t eighth-thirty. Mrs. Walter lliffe attended the wedding. The M. E frchurch will hold Epworth League and, prayer' meeting on Wed­ nesday evenings during the summer as joint meetings. Heretofore the Ep­ worth League was dropped thru the heated term, D*. O. P. ELIAS DENTIST c Baak BMf. CsdarriU*, O EYES gExAminedCorrectly, Glasses Fitted. AT MODERATE PRICES TIFFANY'S Optical Department Op«UEvening* by Appeiatmeat larrjrleflioi A U tT IO N E E f t i ler &MarxSuits $45 The greatest clothes value we’oe ever offered tr'-j H art Schaffner & M arx suits at less than wholesale prices I F you want to save oil clothes— and 'what man doesn’t, here’s the biggest opportunity that this city has seen in a long time. It’ s our contribution to a wide-spread effort to lower A e high cost of living. W eve been selling clothes on a closer margin than ever before. We’ve been doing our best to k e ^ ietafl prices down and still “get by.” But now we*ve decided to do more than our share; to give die people thegreatest values that can be afforded anywhere at this time. no matter what it costs us. . * We’re glad we can do so much for you in clothes; die finest goods made at less than present wholesale figures. Summer headquarters for good clothes lYou’ll find here a rich assortment of Dixi Weaves in light greys, and browns; Palm Beaches, poplins, silk pongees, light flannels;, straw hats, ties, hose, silk and madras shirts; everything to keep you cool and stylish. W. D. Alexander & Company &■ JMarxtdothes lib e r ty Bonds a t Par in Exchange! for Merchandise- J -Mlrr T<M SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. I I f. Vl I Yi | U PENN SYLVAN IA SYSTEM Lew Roane T r l, E X C U R S IO N T ® C O LUM B U S Pennsylvania System Low Rato Round Trip E X C U R S IO N OURCLIENTELEGROWS Old Reliable Meat Market Not upon promises but upom PerfermancesA We Are pioneers in, DRY CLEANING AND DYEING. In Business Since 1835 s : : : : Prompt Deliveries * SendGoods by Parcel Post T l l P T P A ^ f t I . F r r t 625-627Walnut St. I XKEr 1 L f tO U A l i t t I#U m Cincinnati, Ohi# Where you can fefc the choiciet cut* of Beef, Veal, Freeh Fork or Smoked Meat*. S. E. WEIMER O edarv llie , - - - - ' •fel# n g r tip Jha 1 N1 T entt few 180 War com T. les the lunc phoi ison Pi mas folic been offici TJ ings Xen; one for i ed tl bu.sii if it profi Mi erati cr a com] privi titio SUCCf pose stam Divii plan1 but - sis. . com] now pans tion. mucl vato lows of v com, and couli jthe com] prict Uiak spea. to s- cent to J own are Tl pans the the .; final stoc’ site com; com; of ti com; O. Farr calle teres look time stari' inter mors have ness- Oi labo: th^iu borii the w wher Evei mors than were the : setti gam< this in 11 Th meet wher reaui grail era! ware pacif for ) ait e empl inter Th iness must The of 21 of tl Fa for j orga Pr pans gave his ( was burg tions oper and life i gani He the wher you* you . you - you sell* to si , to tl fornr whet you cihl Tl hold Groi for A* A- Ai A* Av