The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

m Visit Our New- S p - p ' £NR Meat Department We h a te just Installed a refrigerator for the handling of fresh galf and smoked meats in connection with our grocery. Our dis­ play cases as welLas-refrigerators are sanitary in every respect and we are prepared to render first •'ilss service in this depart gives us pleasure to announce •that wo havg •employed Dan Bailey as meat cutter. We will also kill our own meats from native stock whichwillinsure you the best a t all times. We Are At Your Service M. t » # T h a t ’s W h y I l R e c o m m e n d Edgemoiitttigyam Wafers- I KNOW that siit.girls ^nd boys-«aad all men apd women, too—-have a natural crrtVir £ id f sWeel?. ' And'I know- that Edgemont—GRAHAM V - PJSKS satisfy that craving dor sweet*, - rsll vpu v, ol any time—at njcr.ii. between wset in "Edfiemont" Graham Best of all you may c: meats, and at bed lime. You ia ovv *ie a’...................„.......................... Wafers is the blended sweet v l wh^lfwiiear and southern honey—sweets . that aflree.wilh ydi^—gure.and fcitofc vete, . ■. . > They're flood for picniis. euiiefA lutomibiejaunteand week-end trills.' They're convenient roo; fa? I clway had them ready for me in neat cartons or by the pound at our heiflliLorkOOti grocery. There are times of course when r ne wftnt* richer cnkessuch as fugai1 cookies like Edflemont—DAISY JU.vlfif.E3 so flood with-strawberries and other fruits, with ice cream and summer beverages—or iced cakes combined with chocolate, cocoanut. hillics, preserves, and fluffy marsh' mallow. There’* a larfle variety from which you can choose, Cookies and Cakes for all occasion* *-wa* .well as the "crisp, flaky EDGEMONT CRACKERS. . • ■ v And ALWAYSEATSOME r ■ EDGEMONT CRACK w KS m i BUTTER v>ith EVERY MEAL . You’ll enjoy those delicious cr am;/ ctaehett ccrf Httcr, better far than just bread and butter. Try it and ncc if it un t a deifghttiu chatiee. And you couldn’t set anythin:: more tuttrisning, far ehickers are bread fn Its purest and incut likable form. Crackers arc economical t:.o—if they are EDGEMONT CRACKERS. You ec-t 100 EDCEf’ONT CRACKERS to the pottOd; Sobe sure that the nama "EBGEf.ONT f3 cn every "nsltcd butter", cracker you buy. •>■ Your GROCER -who lias or, can get for you any of the score « "Edeemont” Cookies, Cakes ar.d t.eacl:»fl--f.-j YOUi. NEIGHBOR, Service to you stands first with him. He invests hia money ami runs )i!a store so that you may have foods that you like bee*. \ AskhintM Edstntoni Cookies, Cokesand Crashes. i * If he hasn’t exactly what you want, et hand, tell him fophone us, 'We'lt get them to him In short orfoy, **flowDoYou bo nr* ' "Howdo you keepyour bakery bo and apart?” we have bfcert Fnsked again and again. . . , ■ our answer is "We are careful In the handling of. our materials* ^Our bakers take pride in making our tr;delects true to-the, receipts—clean and pure find wholesome. L our workroom.s are bright and ranny—lishied from all four "aides with * flood of auntshinc—ln them moat ntudern c.'i-.ipmcr.t * r .making Cookies. Cakes:-and Crackrva. And the neatness of the workers who operate tins rumpr.mnt 13 i ||i« toMword," ,, That’* why our Trade-Mark stands for PURITY [and WHOLESOMENESS S h e G R E E N & G R E E N company H l f r B o k t f i 6 f .U N U S U A L L Y G O O D ■ ’COOKIES* CAKES «n<t CRACKERS «r*iawsttoW Vfj.f.MM* trow s th is ? liter One Hundredi Dolla rt .JU* any cause of Oat&Srrh th a t be ^urod by Hall’* Catarrh o«uwi*t mm&M h*# % m cafttftfi $uffeteri f * . vr^-five W W i m l &** awyawNiMSrt'iariiiliiiiilili * . T ^ 1 "" - V •fr* * # * * « * $ » * # ; LOCAL AND PERSONAL * * # * # # # * # # For A Guernsey cow and calf, Oliver Jobe. Mrs. R , D. Williamson, has gone to Boston to visit’with her nephew* Rev, Clarence Yount' and family. • » John Wright has located a t Ida- ville* Ind. for the summer where he will remain with his uncle. imiw*MiiiiiiiwmniiHiiHiiiiiiiiiMBimg^Bigi«wiiBwgBaiMiiBBgBBa iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^ 1 PLYMOUTH TW INE £■££ * *** j j Ready for delivery. Place your order and rest easy. * J. H. McMillan and Son have taken the agency for the Eureka vacuum suction sweeper. Their annpuncement appears in this issue. James, Orr, son of Dr. J, Alvin Orr of Pitth$urg, Pa., is a guest of his grandparents* Mr, and Mrs. J, R, Orr. •Mr. and Mrs. N . L . Ramsey enter iained a number of their friends a t dinner last Thursday. Dayton citizens are walking this week due to a strike city car men who are asking 70 cents per hour. Mrs. W. L, Clemans has issued in vitations for a reception Saturday afternoon. - The U. F t congregation will observe Children’s Day Sabbath with special exercises and an address by ReV. J. P. White,. Dr. S, p . Hart and wife* returned missionaries from Egypt, who were guests of Rev. J. P. White and family over Sabbath, returned to their hpme in ew Wilmington, Pa.,. Monday. Party, that left ah overcoat a t the '■chool house the night of commen­ cement can get same by calling on J. W. Ross and proving property and paying for this notice, WANTED:- POULTRY. Call us a t our expense. Phone 12-187, South Charleston, 0 . Irwin Bros.* Glad­ stone. 0, Mrs. Milton Keyes of Orlando, Fla-.^ who is visiting' relatives in Selma, spent Wednesday calling on former friends here, t has been sixteen years since Mrs. Keyes located in Orlando. J. W. Johnson and family, Ralph Gilbert and family and Miss Lena Gilbert, were ehtertained Sabbath at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Gilbert in South Charleston. * • GetExcello -cake flour a t Troute's or H. Dates, Devil's" food, Chocolate* Lemon and Vanilla fiavors. Bernard Schlosinger, aged 74, died Monday a t his home in Xenia and was buried Wednesday. He was for years prominent’in business and also a member of the school board. , Miss Olive Coe le ft Monday for Oxford, to attend summer school. She will .teach the first grade in the Clif­ ton schools next year. SALT! SALT! Car load on track, can furnish you Barrel, ioo lb. Bags or 50 lb. Block. Monday was the longest day of the year, •although several days before and after arc about the same length. While the longest day has very often been the hottest, day i t was not so this year. For several days previous the weather has been, very cool for June. ■ ■ Government officials raided a still in a private house west of Spring- field several days ago that is suppos­ ed to have been doing a land office business. It is said more than 600 lbs. of raisins were found, —All kinds- of strong transplanted vegetable plants* Astors, Pansy and Salvia plants as well aa potted to­ mato plants. Also sweet potato plants teady, WM. H. Sheely, Ccdarville,.O, Rfd 3. Gladstone. Mrs. Abbie Russell of White Plinas N. Y,* accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hill are guests of Mr. and Mrs* Ed Dean,, being called here by the death of Mr. Edward Russell. * VJ & frirtn Che Blo*d and. healing the die * m *4 portion*. 5After you have taken Hall's Ca­ tarrh Medicine for a short time you will hoe a great improvement in your health. Start taking Hall's . . * «nd ':t ............- for testimonial** Osborn may bes listed for a dead town and have to move locations but when it comes to public spirit the business men are on the job. The town has just subscribed for a Chau­ tauqua course and also for a Fourth of July celebration, W.-A. Turnbull and wife, William Hopping and wife, Ralph Wo!ford and Charles Marshall formed a fishing party that went ,to theteservoir Sat­ urday. The stormy weather made fishing impossible. ' Mrs. Lida Archer* who has been re­ siding in California for some months, has given up her homo In Ashville, N. C. and will return to Cnlifornia(to make her home, She has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barber for a few days, aiid goes from here- to Colum­ bus to visit relatives.. MIDDLINGS AND BRAN 0 * ■ J ■ Can furnish you all the Middlings you want at $70.00 Per Ton. 's = LOCUST, CEDAR and CHESTNUT POSTS These posts were positively bought right and will be sold the same way, in any quantity. ss STOCK FOUNTS and TROUGHS Several diflFerent styles, and at a range of prices that will interest you. . Look thip up. The Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co hi liiliT Candidates are beginning to move around and make known their mission among voters. Among those here this week were Charles Johnson and Har­ vey Elam for Clerk of Court; Herbert C. Ellis of Yellow Springs fo r county treasurer and J. Kenneth Williamson, candidate for prosecuting attorney. Messrs. W. B Stevenson and J* H. Andrew and their wives motored to Aubtim* Ind* Tuesday where they ex­ pected to attend the annual McClel­ lan reunion on Wednesday. From there they, go,to Grcensburg* Ind. to spend several days with Rev. J, S. E. McMichaei and family. T h is Genuine V I C T R O L A and 20 records Tom o rYow *167.00 on very easy terms The outfit counts of a Genuine , Viettola No. U * Oak* Walnut* or Mahogany anil jo io inch doubleihcc records (40 selections) Small payment weekly or momiilv-. * 1 fatwrrh Medicine a t once a 'get rid 'of catarrh. fra*. Send F. CHENEY1A Co.* Taledo, Ohio, by aUDruggMi. 7U, Mr. and Mrs. William Come enter­ tained the members of the Young married people's Sabbath School class of the Reformed Presbyterian church Friday evening. Those present were Mr, and Mrs. Paul Ramsey, Mr, and Mrs, Herman Stormont, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 'Williamson, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin McMillan. Refreshments of ice cream* cake, ice tea, and candy ware aerved. 2C South Fountain avenue, Springfield, Ohio- W. L. CLEMANS Re a l Es t a t e ttna b» fount* a t my office each Saturday or readied by phon e ja t my residence each enenjing. ■ Office *6 PHONES Residence 2-122 CfcDAHVILLE, OHIO -V JB. WsSSeH Fw Lew Pure Lard Down to 25c A Pound F L O U R Place your order for flour before it-go e s higher.Order now. j 'FRESH JUICY STRAWBERRIES FRESH GARDEN VEGETABLE S TOMATOE PLANTS B R E A K F A S T -F 0 O D S * Shredded Wheat ____________ ________ ______ _____ 12 l-2c Post ToasUet) ____________!_____ ________________ ___ __ 12 l-2c Corn Flakes _______________ _ Ralston Food _______i ___ ___ ___ _________________ __13c and 23c Cream of Wheat ________________________ ______ i_________ 29c ■ Mothers* Oats, per b o x __ _______ _____ ____ ____ _________ 11c C A N N E D - G O O D S Milk* evaporated* Wilsons, Pet and many others* large size can 12 l-2c *——— — — —— —— — — 7c Com per can ——__ - ___ — — j oe Peat per can — ___________________ - ________________— 12 l-2c Tomatoes per c a n ____ — ____________________ ______ 12 l*2c Peanut Butter, l b , _______________________ _________________ 23c B E A N S Kiln Dried Corn Meal — —— —— — — ______________ Red Kidneys ,per pound —______— ____ — __— _____ - 6c Baby Lima, per pound - _____________________________________n« Best Navy Beans, per pound__________ ____________ _____ _ Hominy ____ ____ __— —________ ______ ^ ’fic S E E D - P O T A T O E S Early Ohio—Early Rosi—Triumphs—Burbanks—Rural New YorKs ALSO CAR OF TABLE POTATOES PRICED RIGHT. ONION-SETS —*Yclirtw or White 15c quart or pound while they last. F irst come—first served, BROOMS — Best grade 5 sewed, two days only, ohe broom id a cus­ tomer HIGHEST MARKER PRICES PAID FOR CHICKENS AND EGGS. BRING THEM IN. WE ALWAYS BUY OPEN EVERY EVENING. H.E. Schmidt &Co S. Detroit tS,, Xenia* Ohio. ^ ; V TRY OUR JOB PRINTING