The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

r'I> Jt f . * T h e jdvertiMM Ikt that uM* is the ad that efoem't try to taU t o o m uch , mm W< wmwE^;yfc;.i;;atgaaw;R^ .,-,**. A"" ,'..*»^g|, ' CEDARVIMA OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 8,1920 IMMMaWWPWlIllltllWHallljR lllUKn1ljll|JII|l4*P«***IP«PWl I......... P R IC E , $1 .50 A Y E A R S a *» ft* amm * « f W i mm j pm* m*. mayor *«KwN>i % tin*# weze rcisd signed by prop. I ® ^ «*M»* fr? Ffr**fc Oitogi - P i* * 1* Mr* year wd$««*# m w** tv v'f**#jd ♦ &w y*pp» #g* had has since TOt -streets petitioned , . Ced**, Bridge (aniaiu^t-wnilwld-th&injitterop- *° *»til one or two-aa>re streets are Wtafitod. , /■' The fire d*t*m fa front- o f jepbfli ***** w*» ordered filled m the water w** reported low, Tiw bond* o f The Exchange Bank « d«P«fcoyy end j . 0 . Barber m wtoff* trcswurwi m m *$ptov*& ’Heretofore council has granted ftto majter^s office for the few use of pdbBo meetings but as the gas bill $bi» mouth was $21 and the village foiid* runriing low it jt* probable that a Small fas will be charged to cover the coat fn the future. Dr. J. 0 , Stewart, as chairman o f the sreet coiriraij&toe reported that the corainpiMponers, fownship iafttetoes add’ council, will, jointly improve the VW»t end o f ' Xenia avenue. The wsnth Mata sta oomioction with;, the Jamestown pike reet;; improvement ip. v q ,m x / Was'also discussed. ►8 ;o, " iS2S “ Coon^l > idao' will order-' many 're- ‘itoitit''''dn'thA'' aid^ -'foviw the street committee*being instructed, *0 iayestlg^ .Many o f the walks bare been heaved b i the .roots o f the shade trees and will ha’ p to he low­ ered. withers have cracked and settled in' the ’ceffter so thatthey hold'water which makes the Walks dangerops ip lto«dng weather- and * a menace to health. South Main street, ‘ North P*ip> add Xenia avenue being .the at. Parents have complained about Jmfat street walks for-a'year.and rsdmol.bhildren have bean forced ^tb* water to, and j p ^ g 0 » Friday night, yabrw y ^ , the msyhf and OWto BaakefcbaJi teams Satobed blM *ea«m vrftR a double victory ovear Yellow Spring! a,the boys whsaiag by a scum of 42-8, and the :girls 1440. Yellow frin ge first team Went to North Bampton on that night and th* defeated team was composed #*•«©»* « f em- •* WK«md best men, which soceunts ffor jtbe large victory, . Luca playpd :e«lWit at center, getting the major ojf baskets. ,■ Bobert S^iith ■.also . M a gpod'pm* |n:-the'gab«h-’»ehr«: tog five baskets. ToWesley*Myers and Clarence Smith also played well for Cedianrille while Page did1consistent 'work for Yellow Bprfngs.Tbe Juniors served sandwiches and '’cocoa,' during the games and cleared aeveyridollars ... John Davis, who has' heen itt .home with quifixy, has rctqp^ri?' school. Marion gtomtonjt fostiUcqnfined to his home. L The entire school assembled in,the school auditorium Friday-afternoon and sang,old songs to celebrate "Old. SohgWeek." ,, * t ^ , ; Rev. J, B<"White addreSed the High School Tuesday morning on “Choos­ ing.Your Life Work’h/Theae tidks are being made all oybr the country this month,'as part o f the work o f the “In- ter-Church Movement." in pastryears these speeches have been inade in Col* leges and tJmversitiesjbut in order to reach the young people "before they either =quit high school* ,or had defini- j$ly,decided what their peupation was to hoi it wsa dedded this year to talk, to the High schools of.the country,*" Rev. White presented, some of the needs o f the world to-day*in thefway of Skilled workers, and encouraged (lhe pupils to try and >decido/whioh occupation they liked best and'to fol­ low that course in-life.1 ' ; »* • * ■ ^ . WILLIAM MOORE SHOTS ;.;:SELF SIX T^MES. ***m-w*ot-‘ t ^ ( v ' ^ . William Moore, aged 30, former Cedsrvillian, now a remdept of Wash ington, C. H., driver of -a . grocery truck, shot himself six limes Monday and he has a good; chance of living. HiS wife' and throe chiWmr were aR dl with the iTu and he becamedespond snfc Hft-shbf’-himself ferur thhes thru ftp bebd.-and two everA # heart andwas able to walk from the amhu- ■Jance to tha rrw farmamp rgu)N otes The public sa l/ season is over in this sadden. - *• ■ W V R. L. Hixon moved this week; to the Johnteu farm he purchased near Springfield, j. ■ ■•■■■■ v .-. - Johnson Bfos. and R. L. Barber had a good combination sale last Satur day, the sal* amounting to about 14,500, There was a large attendance even if it was held on Saturday. . * £ * ' * - ,, Spring is approaching and farmers are waiting patiently for suitable weather to start plolwng. It has been many years when there was not some winter plowing but no so this yew. . * •* , * * Townsfey and RitenOur. shipped lh cars o f hogs and 8 cars o f cattle from this market last week. ", r - ^ .. a . a s ' , Yoder Bros*, have installed a large fee^'.grjnder that will be operated by electricity. The?machine has a -large capacity and is capable,-of grinding any'Jcind pf feed. ‘ . , *' ! ; a. , * / |SK • t ‘ , .Beavefrreek .township bas h calf and pig club which is organized to pro"- mote interest among the boys jut rais­ ing stock. The Club a financed by the Dayton Banks and is backed by; the farm bureau. The boya borrow' the money to",purchase the stock whieh must be pure bred* t * v ,.Hf , * / Clarence-Matt moved this' week to the Baker farm purchased by Mr. Mott Hayve,Fields; Who has,been ,a tenant on the-farm has^noved to the -Dae Jobe'farm, 'vacated by Mr* Mott. The W, if..and FredDfOlemans sale last Thtmsday was well attended’and totaled more;than $3,100." The stock brouglif good 'prices but the' lowering; of pric^'of.^market; stock held '-the! price”of. coni .to, about $1,33,:whieh.ia much lower than what com-has sold fee at public salts; before the - bifeak wiR be served* ' ■’ *<i 'W'j *' vv r, ^ ,5 The. Arcanam Times ssys that Dan Feitshans, killed three hog* last week that totaled pver 2100 jpounds. Mr. Feitshang aecuxod over. 1000 pounds o f lard at his laat butcheri11? ' * ' ; '^ s $ t'the N # IHWPB B i g P r i z e s F o r S h e e p . Ohio will pat on » t the 1320 Ohio State fair the greatest sheep show in the world’s history, aecordingto a 'statement of R. D. Williamson, a member of the. beard to tboColum- ma Dispatch. A1meeting at the depart nept o f agriculture Mat Friday with £0 other,representative sheepmen to arrange the ciaasifiwstian for the ex- libits this year. The dtate will offer sstween $18,000 and $14,000 in prem- urns and compefetiogwiH be Open t o exhibitors all over tiSfrcountry. , , “The shew,will beat the one at the- 3t. Lotus fair,” asid MWWilliamson. ‘I look for sheep ,ralaers from all parts- pf the country' Jo send -their best animals to.Cel be at least 2000 ari ways had the reputa 'of Hip host if pot th) couhtty. This, yea* 1 in the world.”' ' The state fair duplicate' any at w}uch'any o f fhe record' associations of these -Will offer *om&will probably mount. The State is- ,|«g thp premium1 16157* Merlnd * offered $500. The board'expect* 5»fc sheep show this er held at any tinae ' *# f | *,■ *< * 'MCSTH a VE OB GASOI $ im * * f ; ™ , an address-beforeI Robbins & MJf week made the which are'all 4 Electrical de fancy: The. elec| has untold post the fact meana of the world •The'prbs ed by man:* * ternal to '.The- production: Mdw.sfef;; There will Ohio has al- i,of haying one at'show in. the, be thp best -has agreed to , up to $500 pifferentaheep Offer. Many full $500 arid, over thafc'a- than doubt- iyear4t was have Already -T . .',V;v’-'V-; ^ .wl vethc great- that was ev- pldce. ■SfaSX-J*-J . GO UP, OH IO NEW S IN BR IEF Governor Cox is taking a week’# vacation at Aiken, S..C. ; Number of, men thrown into unem­ ployment »t Youngstown because of the coal shortage baa run “Info the thousands, with many mills o£ tin.' Youngstown Sheet m l Tube company and'the Reputtto in. >ami Steel *om- ra 'y c I q ed dq.m, , Northern Ohm In- 'tia' 1I< "" W po Vs of sjoighhig tti-- wlp'-nr, a jee- ■>rr' equaled, only once before tn,-2$ yearn . . -io new steel'yiituta will te;,in t. irations in^tbe MsVm: ’^-valley soa The Newton 'Steel company at Js'ev -ton Falls will itert ni^ht of its Jfr mills bn April' 1, v y h t i e Falcon Steel company -at Nile i will start a similar numter, ■ • ■ A movement is unVtr nay in Lai-: caster to secure e’v aereemOnt among ministers not to iaa*.,- , ersop-j who liaVe been rlv-i-ecd, B, M., Ler.;V'-. " i Canton brake* .man, ttej’ffd jfjv t cf a switch em gihe Ci ‘a. - row storm at Kent and vre: l.hlv!. ' ’ ' * Burglars' VjsUcl ^ar'ysville' and robbed E. X AlorriF grocery, Taylor Soimv mefit' r'trl ct 'and Titus Broth­ ers’ grocery, ^ ■ Columbus'council passed a daylight saving' ordinance by a' 6: to” 1. vote* The” change In time will he effective from why l,tp ‘ Oct. l. „ , - - A Jury Rt Marlon returned a verdict of favor Mrs. J. H, Raub, whose,husband was hilled.-'.by a Big Four train, " l, * At Akron, Russell Bor,way, 29, was abet and,* killed', by a highwayman when lie thole as a joke a command to throw,up his hands. „ » Wood alcohol claimed its' fourth viptfth at Toledo vtfheh.Alfred'-Sunter; FX was found^eadVim-his. room,', in .n. hotel; A.-hottle-,halWiUed -Witli ;theij roisOaous liquor was found' beside,his body;. T „ - p RoSS .’Wilson,-50,,city employe^ giid fibf Dayton In -o f thb Seldlaat statements deration 1fr its In ueen aspny pWm pMuiesstgaa stove. , ',**«;/>%* ’ > Qras^whabr'' Footpriiits gr;fiv» percent peged to have identified ‘ n man tight*, .y, t caught aA Toledo after Mr*. M. Ser* ationis marie! genmiiterVan'attacked^In her home, tmower ex-! Deorge Kambal- o f Toledo iaj under.. |wrest. ^ ^ 'T«J. f A ' campaign /Will be, conducted" throughout 0biO In behalf Of the pyes- ijtfrt-l candidacy of Leonard Wood. , ppttf for votes of tbe eleotors to tha ‘ referential primary oenttet and: for selemfei Of Wood delegate* te iiiiimw r y ¥ :. ' ' 0Wpect Stages, Com* Howril In releasing «*&Me owit recognizance, Hayes -Val* etitlne, arteeted on a charge o f con­ ducting afi Illicit still Which W*s cap­ tured by Sheriff Funderiwrg.1some time* age. Valetinne ha* been up er, charges before it is alleged under the local option laws and the Sheriff was. auppoded to 'have made a big find. Two othermen John Bowman and Le­ roy McFarland were eld Under bonds o f $1000 each. The latter told the court be Was helping Bowman make some whiskey for a birthday cele­ bration, in March* "■ . IN NEW LOCATION, The Trohte Grocery Co. is now -lo­ cated in fiew quarters in 'What was the Crouse building. The store has been redecorated in ‘light colors and the latest electric fixtures f«t the modem store installed* Mr. Trouty will also have a light outside at lm* entrance* If more o f our merchants would give attention to window light­ ing or lights outside their stores the town would present a different view especially during the summer. People are naturally drawn to the best light- spots and Mr. Trout* is to establish a precedent that other merchants might follow. The paper mill is Closed down again owing to the fact that no straw is on hand* Shipments o f bailed atijaw are Alow and the supply here is limited because only a few teams are avail­ able for, hauling. M ater ials a r e short : During the months of January and February the State highway depart­ ment oiily received bids on .one-third of the jobs to be let for new roads* Contractors are not only unable to get prices on cement but cannot get any promise on shipments. Cement factor is* are operating only to 40 per cent cent of their capacity owing to labor conditions,, 2 1 $ "WAYFARER COMING" Tbe great religion* pagaeflt "The Wayfarer" as staged In Columbas dterbag the Centenary will be shown in tibc rati* at tbe Murdock theatre ‘on Tuesday, March 80. Thu pictures Will be shown at three performance* and w* are sure people will be iuterwtied enough to attned.* The Men’s BM« Cbm o f the M. E. church is bringing ghi* wonderful picture her* and la gaaranteemg ill* *xpm*t, ^ ;> «E^lNGFlELp MAN KILLED.'’ Arthur O^.FowuR/pftrfnitdMf* ««* alttattt forcSkan of Xyets } M in that city, was killed at the H omo * street cro**- teg of' th* B. * 0 . in %*&*■ # TtosaftW evening while riding with a tm * s «k ». «• > «»> T 1 S L f t 0mXmM ptetti Walter L. Deanof X g t e a w to the tm Hw mm wadtto* W*®*^^* a**Aa lesefrud » toofted shoulder „fUB « FOR LARGE BUM. § d k m t o i i r i # d g a t o e t ^ f*( t i 'm i h ' &. for t o ^ e da* Sir«B'(iltt ftr ft* deatf* «f ..SH* '" S ’* wal'eiB, who wwu.l®* m m m . ,-^A',"A 7»—rrai -yapp-r -w- hoin* IthrA miles i M o f Clifron. She was bom in MKryhmd and came to Ohio when * child and had lived her entire life on the. farm where she died. The de­ ceased was a lifelong member of tht -lifton Presbyterian church end IS uryfvbd by Seven children: Mabel, 311a, Mery, Berthe end Peter ’ et home; Paul of South Dakota and Mrs, Leo Anderson of this piece. The fun- mal was held Wednesday, burial at Cliftdn.- , „ - . „ OUT OF STRAW. EACH WON FAMOUS CASE. The Supreme Court has decided the litigation in the famous sidewalk and ordinance cases against H. E. Schmdfc The decision o f the Court of Appeals; was affirmed In that the higher court refused to review either side as the court of appeals had held for the city on the awning end for Mr, Schmidt on th* sidewalk case, The'^Common Pleas Court had held for Mr, Schmidt in each case. Judge Clevenger of Wilmingtonbeing on the bench at the time. By the action of the Supreme Court -the awning m**t com* down but tbe sidewalk can be used by mer­ chants to display their Wares, „ RENAME OFFICERS. At the annual meeting of th* Buck­ eye Fr*s}wAfttoci*tion held last week in Lima tile former officerYWerc re­ jected. James F. Gaskins o f Sabins, pteridnet; George B, Kinder, Rockford A, D. Robinson, Ravenna, H. C. Rams- dill, Sycamore; H. B. McConnell, Cadis and A. E. Hull, Logan, rice prcridente; E. Benjrinin Yale, seerc- tary, Waynesfield; Karih Bull, Cedar- vfile, recording secretary and W, R, Conway, Cardtogtonl treasurer, Th* Mtociation received an tovitation to hold the 132i meeting in Columbus. e%m f P jP jl - .... .. .. o f tii* atat*, to Which h* vf|dto% the 'institutions *undur the- board. Pearii tree* hav* n o t , yet begun to bud, and all advancement has beenre­ tarded by the cold weather o f th* past f*W month*. There is every indication of a bumper Crop unless ^we have a freeze after the trees,have blossomed, comtog. Within-*': be pu£ out o f) Ween dtirc * ful of poweri run them, ow used to H«n.ry Ford is hfiSdub’motor street cars fbat arc b o ^ i rim the elec­ tric trolly out of kritosss, ROSS TOWNSHIP TTEMS. The fourth number o f the Ross town­ ship lecturecourse will be given St the school auditorium Wednesday -night, March t0. The Winti *s company will present' the program of mushml num­ bers and readings. - ■ DEATH OF MRS. BROWN. The RdsS township high school hoys wiltmeet the Jamestown high team on the Rose floor Friday*March 6th. The Ross 7th and 8th boys and girls will play the Junior'high boys and girls of Cedasylil* the same night. The first meeting o f the Parent Teachers1Association of RosS'twp. will bo held ,at the school Thursday afternoon,'March 11 at 2 o’clock. The school will be dismissed at that time so alt the teacher* may attend. The program willjtonsist o f a 'series'of discussions .on topics of vital interest to nil parents, teachers and patrons of the school, Ths discussion will last for One hour and will be followed by a so­ cial hour and general "good time" dur rngwhich time it is hoped that every­ one will get acquainted. Refreshments wll be served, Word ha* been received her* Of the death o f Mrs, Mary Brown, mother o f Prof. R. A. Brown, to Mexico, due to pneumonia, Prof. Drown' was for­ merly superlntonedat «t our school* and ha* been engaged to missionary work to Mexico for several years un- the direction of the Presbyterian board. “ t » Bwfiiddtt,:. Los»tf . . ’ |traSturcr, have1naea deposited to the itoe* wiR1“dowmiebe* fond,’' ' »v' - to and he-1 Ferry county Purvey Juyt completed * . ^7T" I shows 1 « organised churches, repre- as waste ^ denominations, -Police .smelled liquor after an auto collision at Elyria., investigating, 'they found 48 gallon* o f whisky In a specially constructed tank on one of Ihe damaged mUChtoes. They, arrestod the driver, Harry Shetokman of De­ troit, * 1 ' A brick wall of a theater under con­ struction at Cleveland collapsed, kill­ ing a, workman. James A. Bhtshn, 48, hbtol keoperi Collinweod, missing pfoce;. -M:, is believed to nave.wandercd^^siik:.fti*. MOST MEN expect to leave their dear om$ well provided for some day. Stop and think what may happen to yours, if you have not* started to lay aside something for their future needs* D o it now—TO -DAY , ]Lefc vs help yaw* FW your conven ien t we maintain a savings Depart­ ment, you may deposit each week, o r month* in any amount, commencing at on ce ,, Interest being compounded every six: months. 4 % P a i d o n S a v i n g s a n d T i m e D e p o s i t s . ' < ; ' ^G edarvillef> O h io : • e ^t ’1^' <£ * M v ^^ ^ ^ '-''J,' ‘■jS^ Bespurces qver Half Million Dollars, U. S. .Liberty Bonds • ■, j bought and sold * * 1 P t-V ’ ‘ if P %. **' ■' *)-v w { * . 7 , - > i > i-r^ ; n 1 J,V^;:T-:.^ -^V.^V ^*-■f: T:' Vf . t i ?^ -'Li: '< . SAFEDEPOSIT BOXES FORRENT y'.uam+jg'im* ...-.r.,,,,, , P i4, -y i{ i AUDITOR WON A DOLLAR ice oh l^lm Ertoand perlahed; DemahiiAf 800Ncwarkiicliopttoac||* .:-4ajri^;^Tjir’ WsjfaiXS^. hah been refuged. . t^wis Hunjphrey, 8, Youhgstowa, «W»8 tolled by flh"automobilG while Coasting. : ■;' l - ; “ Beginning next July, students who County Auditor B. 0,,Weadr 1a tome! cater-Ohio State university fromOhio limerick writer, the fdllowinip-having- f ill be required to pay a $10 matricu* th* dollar prize offered by'the Spring field Sun. ' ‘ To the Limerick Man o f tbe Sun ' I am wfiUing «hclo*ed a good-pun; Will you picas* deliver * By foot or by flivver I feel sure his dollar I've won. COLD WAV1 COMING. Late dispatches tell us the warm spell is to be followed by tbe worst blizzard o f the winter and to *due to reach US Friday night or Saturday. The mercury to to drop 26 to 40 de­ grees to bo followed wfth anow. The west1is to the midst; o f tile-storm at this time. . ' . CHANGE ON P. O. RULES. The Kcnia post office will not be a central amounting office for the county after March 12 according to a post- office order that goes into effect then. The county offices Will have to remit and get supplies from th* Cincinnati .office^., y:. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION, David Knott has moved into the Dean property oh Miller street which he ha* purchased, . . There will bo a special demonstra­ tion of automobile tires and the care of same i t the Murdock Garage Satur­ day, March 6th. Two factory represen­ tatives will be on hand not to soil you tires bu,t improve to you that you do not take proper care of them, A NEW BUS LINE. ' Th* new auto Du* In* leave* Xenia ler Ceftwvlfti al • a, m , **d$p. m, LeecvM Oedtnrifi* tor XwiS* at 10 a* » . and 4 p. m. W*ek day* only. ' f itewafd Mwm B. M, Dallas' Was in town yestof* day and reports that his son Morion, who was kicked'by a horse and re­ ceived a broken jaw, to- improving, Revs J* W, Patton and wift of Mechahicsbiirg ate the guests of friends here. Mrs, Patton joined the local delegation of todies o f the M. E, congregation tha t,went to Spring Valley yesterday to attend a mission- TRUCKING WANTED, T Have purchased a new Ford truck for. general trucking and ant ready for business. Give me a cal], « Raymond'Homey, CedatvillC, Ohio, PUBLIC SALEi fation fee. This will be paid Only once in a four years’ course. Students' from ‘states other, than Ohio will he charged an additional fee of $25. per semester, making the total fee for the year $S0,- ' . Joe Kent, restaurateur at Toledn, suffered a large loss in ‘Whisky and wines when burglars removed his re­ inforced cellar doer and carried away an automobile load of choice spirits. Mrs. ElizabethA, Carnahan, 7a, who retired seven years ago from the teaching profession after a career of fit years ns an educator,rdied sudden­ ly- at her hoitm in Coshocton. Finding of the body of Nunzlo La- -.’Srit in Kingsbury run, vhlg head crushed and face slashed,, furnished Cleveland rcllco with the stxtit mys­ tery vendetta slaying In thelast three months. ' , Certificates of honor will be pre­ sented ffy the French government to relatives of 20 1 Mahoning county sol­ diers who died in the world war. Chilli' othe chamber-of commerce is conduct;..g a membership drive. . Penh and Lena Sfchrider, 3-year-old twins, died on the same day from measles, at Toledo. ■ t ' • University of Cincinnati is Conduct­ ing a drive for a $2,000,000 endow­ ment fmid, Thirteen Socialists, convicted at Cincinnati of conspiring to defeat the draft laws, were sentenced to, from three years in the penitentiary to 15 months hi jail. ■ Charles Zend, confectioner, Youngs* town, was robbed of $4,006 by three holdup men. Rev. William A, scullen, chancellor -, When the folk turns from politics to railroads, and the traveler tvith the ^ockstire air breaks . •inwith, ^’There's an awful lot of ‘water’ in -the railroads,” here are some hard-pan facts, to give him: - ' / American -railroads have cost $80,900'a mile .—roadbed, structures/stations, yards, termin- ,als,Treight and passenger trains-—everything from the great city terminals to the last-spike, ' ■ " * .„.'*9j9k-. . * : -1 • ^ . . *• ' ’ i ■ - . . . br ■. * : - I '" ', ^ i* fc* - ii. ■ ■■. . . ■................... A good concrete*and-asphalt highway costs , $36,000 amild—just a bare road, not count­ ing the1 cost of culverts, bridges# etc,. Oar railroads couldn’ t be dapliqated to* day for $150,000 a mile. % - *. f * ■< They are capitalized for only$71,000amile-L muchlessthantheiractualvalue. Seventy-one thousanddollarstodaywillbuyone locomotive, English railways are capitalized at $274,000a mile;theFrenchat$155,000;Germain$132,000; even in Canada (still in pioneer development) they are capita.ized at $67,000 a mile. The average for all foreign countries is $100,000. Low capitalization Rnd high operating effici* . ency have enabledAmerican Railroads to pay i the highest wages while charging the lowest rates, Qhisadvertisement is publishedbythe dissociationofRailwayexecutives tmu dttfcing mmMnt tit taHtttd ttttmUm may tUain Hitramt b miningh th* AaetMha *i . Ktifmy B&tfttti&ti,. i t drtmitNy, Ntm Yari I I ary confri Fat CRfltJ* Gatdeu at the heme df Mrc. W. F. Ahdemn. Addrce* 714 N. Main etrcet, Santa Ana, Cal. Dr. W, R, McCheziiey vrae the epeifit* er at the Father ami oSn benquef at ;th« Fnwhytetian church in Kenia tow night, ■She brick school house located In jvctj , lllouJ District No, 2, knotto as the Wiite-! cievetonfi t’athhfic diocese, Was law Reid school house, Will be offered j fiecoratefl by the French government, for sale on Sfaturitoy,.Match 13th, ( ■Midlde-Nbrth district, Ohio Federa- 1020, at 2 o’clock F, M. on the school.' tioix dfWomen’ s Clubs, meets in San* premises, . ! dusk^April 19 and 20, * By order of the Board 6f Education' Opposition to the daylight saving of Uedarville Township School Bis-' l>ton forced the Cincinnati council to ' triet. ! delay action upon th* proposed ordi* ; nance to into docks forward on* ..Hour, . , . ■; 1At. East Liverpool Mr*. Helen Jlfd* gall, U, dl*d .after toWag poise* by mistake. , ■ ■ '• Andrew Jackson, Clerk, For Sale: Five shares, of preferred ttoefe in T!ie Cedarville Lime Co, Cali phone 8-l«0. -i I