The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

F r o m m a n y c o r n e r * o f t h e e a r t h — —the mail* are constantly bringing deposit* to m. to get the advantage of our 100% Safety— 5% Dividends* Moat of these Utopia formerly lived in Dayton— and though now removed they remember the . satisfaction that comes from having their money #o safely and profitably invested. yon will' enjoy the same satisfaction if your money is deposited with us—and in addition yon will appreciate the*very convenient location of our new office. Our deposit accounts offer fou v *• *‘100% Safe1y~5%yDimtttds" ' G em C ity BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N. : RESOURCES 0 MILLION?. * *> 6 N . l> a y t o h *' .V; ‘ E*v “1 « 1 \ ■" v2"' **'>r*1 ’ .** . \ K& ,<■ v- M M , but it also wears. It dries with » tough, . -elastic film that makes the best possible surface for floors subject to severe wear and usage. Hannah Lustro-Finish can be supplied:in tight* natural wood colors. lt*s excellent not only for floors, but also for furniture, woodwork and, the thousand and ope small finishing purposes about -the home* ! . BOLD BT 1 - ‘ ‘ ‘ • Y O D E . R B R O S , CEDARVIULE, OHIO. 1m. OIL COOK STOVES B iscuits , baked p^atAes, &•«avo*r to*it, *ftup, and coffee*--nil at oLr.d, Sn^hliKeas^keepifiswithaFloienee, U«tUrov own thi*wickl«»j cil elove, you •r* ti *l*re to kitchen chudgery. The Floraw« burn* kercisfcne^eavcs ‘ mb The Fuel Admini*!. I. , .. A' trsus i* Say that it consider* the usA t( OilCobh Stove* and Oil Heater* at thi»tin:« a very Important help Inthe necessary c‘a:.-:-;rv4* Hemof coal for war purposes. Como In and let u* shew you how i daotf&f It work*, * (DEALER’S NAME) (ADDRESS) ansCW , Stove#, Vitfrola# Furniture, Carpets, OHIOGlUNMO j*. F- Fellow*, 1% Bw* ttw p c civil war veteran, died of toiurto# suf- fared six weeks ago la a f*U oa *a icy sidewalk. - Nearly att tif the 1,$Q0 gem* to th* private collection of Curator William C. ¥111*. on exhibition at the atate archaeological and historical museum on Ohio State university ewapu** -were stolen with other valuable relic* when burglar* forced their way into the museum and ransacked seven ■show cases. .j;. ' * • j. h . Newman, mute, was seriously injured and hie i-year-pld babe killed hy a train at Ironton. Newman was crossing the tracks, pushing a baby carriage, and did not hear the train. The - pally Independent, Bellaim, has discontinued publication. The pa­ per was the oldest in town, having been established in 1870. LacK or coal is causing a decrease in pig iron production of at toast tons a day in ateel mills jsl .youngs-’ town, * Elmer Wem was sentenced at Youngstown to from one to 20 years in the penitentiary for killing his abn* in-law, Joseph Perkins, ■ Elyria celebrated her 103 birthday anniversary, h, M, ,Uu 8 kj IS, fireman, inay die from Injuries received In a fall from an engine In transit from Idma .to Cincinnati. Lusk was the only men, aboard the engine and suffered frac­ ture at the base of the skull. Fifty-six'safety deposit boxes were emptied of their contents by robbers ’who. entered the bank of Trenton* eight miles from Hamilton. An acety­ lene torch wps used. No attempt was' made to opgfi the safe. State public ■„utilities commission. ‘ refused permission to the Qhia State Telephone company In!Akron to. in­ crease rates .until the company im­ proves its service, ; Akron will, retain eastern standard time, „ . ' , . ■A'. Nash, company, Cincinnati tai­ lors, will -divide net profits -with em­ ployes. * ^ Union machinist* of Cincinnati voted for a wage ihcreas of 25 per cent, effective MajrJ.,,, ' - Fremont citizen's are’ behind a: movement tp raise $5,000.,in Sandusky county, for a Boy Scoot organisation, Yeggs entered two store*- in Cam­ bridge apd obtained loot valued at -$300- ^ After having been missing since Afariih 6 , Miss Minnie Beettt.of New ' Paris was fSund- dead near Bayton,. . Lorain camp,' Sonant Veteran*, will ask the state organization to hold its annual encampment in Lorain,m 1021- Forest R,: Black o f Tiffin won the first prize of $ 1,000 in the essay epn- te§I conducted by the national indu% trial conference board. ■ Governor Cox . and State Audftar. Donahey will be speaker* at .Jef­ ferson to h* * W. D. ALEXANDER & CO, The StoreofStandardizedValues Hart Marx new spring overcoats !u OU ought tohave’aspringovercoat, for the briskspring days and chilly nights that are just ahead. Any *Wy you,look at it a’ good spring Topcoat itja necessity*~ ■ ’ Inorder to get the smartstyleaiiri good ipality you want, better buy a * i. >»'- i wNW 0 HCTBIIMIEMIK XENIA, OHIO Eke damaged tm& Company's Plait at Pomeroy. * •Rev. M. L. deaney resigned 'a* pah- tor o f the First Christian church at Mansfield. . ’ Windstorm did $25,000 damage to derricks in the oil terrtiory. south of Newark. J Denison .university, Granville, wfil receive $3,500,000 o f the $100,000,000 fund hoyr being raised by the Baptist society. Bandits held up the car bam In Toledo and escaped in an auto With $1,000. Rev. D, A, Buckley, pastor o f gf. Raphael Catholic church *at Bpring- field, has* been invested With the"dig­ nity o f "Moneeignor,” conferred upon him by the pope. A fall of leBS'than two feet killed Charles Wynn, 19, brakeman^at Tiffin. He slipped whllfe leaving a locomotive and broke his back. ’ After Sirs. Theresa Andrews, pro­ prietress of a soft drink parlor at Cleveland, Identified him as the man who sold her 120 bottle* of colored water for $1,100, Charles Ledone was booked on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. X*done told her the bottles contained whisky, Airs. Andrew* said, After foi'c-lng her 4-year.old daugh­ ter and 1 -year-old son to drink poison, Mrs. Winnie Prosser, Mt. Vernon, drank a quantity of the poison. AU three are expected to die, Mrs, Pros­ ser was recovering from an attack or Infliienza, Benjamin Csppfefto, 33, ex-service man, who was wounded at the Veidmt front, was electrocuted while prepaw lug to cut coal With a machine in a coat mine at Mullins, Tuscarawas county. Republican, state headquarters re­ ceived A letter from Ralph J), Cole, candidate for the Republican nomina­ tion for governor, tendering hi* resig­ nation as a member of the Republican state Advisory committee. Mrs, Belinda Miller was killed by a train at Akron. A committee to investigate charges o f profiteering in necessities of life has been authorized by Akron city council. Rent gougef* will he first Investigated, then clothing, food and other deAlers. Restaurant men must post food prices under the ordinance, Which provides stiff fines for dealers found guilty, i A camp for hoys may be established this summer at Camp Sherman if plans of Major General Sturgis, camp commandant, ure approved by the War department ReoOrd fop Potato#*, The department o f agriculture say* that the weight o f the largest potato recorded in their office is between*soy. en and. eight pounds, There may have been larger ones produced, but the department b«s no record o f them, Thursday th« "UniuSky* Bay. In Scandinavia Thursday is consid­ ered the unlucky day of the week, hto atead«t ftidayrai wmmmm . & . *' . * ■ V ' ' ' -■We suggest this not became sell them, 4hut because it will iusuTe ypu the kind of sTopcoat that will he right in every respect/ Yqu!il, realise when you wear such , clothes t h a t : _wool 'fabrics,, thorough, tailoring, smart style, are'real economy for ^ <•’ . ' 1 , * : * , * ~ ,t* ‘ 1 t- >* ^ v -.el-f; California weight Topcoats $40 $45 ^5P 0* - L^ ' w ;i a - ’ « 1 ^ ^ These Hart Schaffner &; Marx spring \pvercoafs are just -between, the usual light yeight sprittg eqats/and the heavier^inter " l^ercoats. *JuSt ehough warmth to make » mighty *comfortable at this time of . .Single and double breasteds; grays., ?mw o f rare beauty, 4 ' * - ^ \ v 1 -vVj t-S% 1 ■. £i-* i'.-'.i —.ji ■ fj A G o o d G a b a r d i n e . H e r e ; a t | > 5 t t : . This inan Exceptional value. The low price Is flue to . an unusually fortupato purrinasenearly a year ago, Made by a very good makCT. Ypu’li. fiitd it to atti'adtive at ip50 aa to Tvarrant immediate action. ■ A great showing dEHart Schaffner &Marx topcoats in full cut English models, Chesterfields, box and form- . tracing models; tjveeds, Scotches, cassimcres, cheviots, gabardiRes, etc., in lively spring styles. Priced $45, $50, $t>o,«e5.' Clever style variations in single and dpuhle-hrcasted- modelS—-suits of the type that every careful-dresser ad- .mires. Distinctive weaves,'Eyefy patterns and colors,' ailk linings, faultless tailoring-tohe finest suits that Hart Schaffner and Marx make. Make your selection for Easter and after-Easter wear now. rfo Ip.early id this respect is a distinct advantage. Prices $45,. $50, $60. . ’ -The new shits at $50 are wonderful values. See them’, this week. ' ^ * FOR YOUR SON—CLOTHES LIKE YOURS You fathers can now introduce to your boys the advantages of Hart Schaffner & Marx superior quality and style. These famous makers are turning out clothes for boys that are in every respect on a par with their fine product for men and young men] samefhie. all wool fabrics; Same stylish models, same careful tailoring; economy in these boys* ‘ clothes, they wear longest. Buy them for your son. Suits $25 to $35. Other makes'-, of boys* clothing, $8.50'Up. ; - ’ W . D . A l e x a n d e r & C o . M A IN A N D L IM E STO N E SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. . C»rttoiri»d« #k»U*. X 'Cfetea#e*a ka* Invented a coo- virttble Xkste, Which reminds; us —though It tor nothing appertaining- to tb« subject-^did you ever notice how quickly a .man aOber* when hla wife Mgfcte hint The coavertlbl*; totate to net new by any manner of m«*n#v~-Buffaki News, First National Election. The first national election in the United States was held January 7f 1780. The presidential electors so chosen wet in February to vote for president and- vice president. Each elector voted for two candidates for the highest office, wrier a provision that the candidate receiving tlm largest’ number of* votes was to be declared president, While the second choice had to be content with the vice presidency. Geprge Washington received 0&. Votes, find was elected president, while John Adams, with 84 votes, became vice president, Others receiving, vote* were John Jay of New tork, Sj-R, H. Harrison of Maryland, ft; John Rut­ ledge of South Carolina, 0; John Han­ cock ofs Massachusetts, ft; Samuel Huntingdon of Connecticut, J; John- Hilton Of Georgia, ft; James Arm­ strong of Georgia, 1» Edward Telfair Of Georgia, 1; Benjamin Lincoln o f Mnssacinisefts, 1 , Before the 1to4 elec­ tion the Constitution waa changed, so that electors voted for a president and a vice president* And Every inch outlaw.. - Mexico to I,toft mile* tong ftm north* * « to, wmthwtet, And toi wWWi wmm M m tom •#*k Buckeye, The World’s Best Incubators - guarantee The Btickeye to GUARANTEED to hatch MORE CHICKS and STRONG­ ER CHICKS than any other incuba­ tor, „ . It la further guarttoteto:- ' , To require no. artlfidal mototure. To operate sattofitoOTlly in any t«n> peratnre down to freezing, aud io re- attentteq to tto ' regulator fromthe time A hatch to started until it tofinished. The perfect construction of all itstnechanlcal parts to also guaran­ teed, and any incubator of pa. 6thereof htat does net fulfil Oar guar ante®in every particular, will be replaced without question mi) time within forty days* ROBT. BIRD & SONS CO.