The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

T h e w&vcilim jsnt ilia t tal!» I# the ad that doe*n*t try to tell- to o much. r$m ao. as UM * QMttAXY M i l l Hi# <Man#B» yam Company A#* mwiMi Sate niWkmt a d *•***• c«. a *m m O w m a a % 1 dm b*&» fwtod upeu mwst to GEDAJtY ILKB , OH IO , ............. ... IID A Y , H A Y 27, 1921 PJRICB, $1 ,60 A YKAjR o m jm rm ro o r road law pag « kt * t awd motion { PJOTUWK AT O. ft 8. S. OTH5T. Tti* legtakrturs few ju*t jHfutiriritl a tmr few mmwntag- tbs am of track* on Ut» pe&tt* toad*. Tha «•* a# five tm trade* w old b« almost proWW- t*d to fils* winter fim* only whim the mads warn fremsn |» that th*y would „ T , ttP«o w et ta* " r !?***•*•* fey **SP****»ta*v« « f Tfe* J J f S l J * Tfe* ilew 1* a food one, the beat we hav# had ea that 3m# for many years nad'wa# passed at th# demand of *4 , ifTf . U •K* j.. lb*. Afert IfecitMta Cowawiy, that fcba *m* atm* d*pwR aft rws—Mrfau t«in* taaay vpbaafefe pwpvMm ** wt>l«w taw oat f #»*«» ite da* Ih®‘ ? *** ** “ * *>•*■ rwd* « w*u t e > W e « f & , n a S iS w t t iw to - li* J * * * * !? * * * * * *** thta Sja* stone, they t o m r iit fitor ***• **** and own* W m I f fA ^ m a S i 2S « * * » »*Wnjr * determined fight to ? T T l 5 i S J * S »*"• *• taw r«to*d by Gov. Pavia. to#** aft th* carbonate T r J g n w t a ****** *?*••£ «• W * » '«tad ft i* tfitarartW ta S T L !* *»pyort of th* rite, It ta not out ft 1* ffitewddfcag tp note that mag- ***** ia one o f th# principal tap** . dimfca jn th* maratifaciiwc* of th* 85 P**. cent .magnesia steam pipe and ^fe*tt*8f eevarfags, and i* very limply naod: to*the manufacture of chemical* and rt&Awr, and ha* an extbtoiblsl tar** uec to th* mimufaofcure of mad- tatoo*. Futhermore, to th* ex i*#^ ttaa o f magnesia from the tone atone PWHtaerto, there will be an additional bi-product known a* to* .carbonate 0 f ton*, vsfeiob i* highly recomtrMai- d*d by loading agricultural s^oowj* ripw '«* th* equal o f Hydrates®/ difeo' a* a fartiltaer. Th* rubber companies ks ,;. ••. htao- us* an enormoua quantity of thi* m-produot as1a pigment to th* manu< -factor* of rubber tire*. Th* Abel Mapetia* Company, pro­ pose* *t an early data to erect » plant on the old, well known site of .ThO'Codarville Lime Co., which will coet .aunroximataly $300,000, which should d * a pea t boost to the town and community,', In an interview wijth th* officers o f The Abet Jfagnesia Co., -' we Are hdvised that’ it is their intention ta move their offices ' from Colombo* to Codaarville in- the near future. 4 . • ■1 - V »T— f , ■ j,- t- ' _ PROGRAM FOR MEMORIAL ' : • r ’ ",^ BAT RXERC1SBS V .. 1 f - - . *^h* foltawing is the program for ,, .: i«Dtedrial- day a* out lined by th* * Committee some day* ago: L< ^epjPlta1 sermon in the oepra hods* .’ evening at T:30 by Rev. y. Rpblect: \ «$mr* Kfemday the Day,, by toe Sol- ^A.vtA tom o f of place to mention !ibat Representa- viv* Brbadston*-of this county gave his eupport to this law as well aft ether legislation vital’ to to* interests of rural people, / Tn our opinion every automobile owner, should stand for k taw of this hind to protect toe roads. Thetruck are wearing out oar roads faster than we can build them. Trucks are using , toe taxpayer’s;/ highway to compete with toe railroads and toe taxpayer must keep up to* roads. The new, law places the absolute control o f toe roads ip the hands of the county commissioners to each county in the, State, Thi* board-shall determine just when trucks can we the roads. We'understand the Greene County Commissioners have endorsed the law nnd urged, Gov,-Davis not to .veto ife H the Green* ,.County Automobile jplub has not done so it should at. once take a stand With the commissioners vn this important question. The Farm Bureau-organisations should also get back o f thi* taw and tetthe ■Gover­ nor know that th* people Mans it ieg*rdIeSs of to* fact that toe truck interests are opposed to it, '• ... .......’I m M'.U'W i .' ?, v DR. w ; R EDMUNDS COMING TO OSBORN MONDAY, The Memorial Day comtaitte# at . . . . . e’lta ' ’ w . Cohnaba* ta p#gi«riag to eater- tain SOOO datagaita* to to* Ohio State Buaday gahtwl ©wwrtBfctaa and tasMtafta, July S8 te July 1. Tfe* rail- r*wta tarn granted'- r«du#«d.fiuHMU j Pro*. H. Angusttoa Smlto of Boc- [ top l|ah#n#ty nod hi* Associate, Mtaa into Olive Halford, are to di­ rect tl# Musk and Jagmuitry at th* meeting*. Prof. Smith had charge of th* Pageantry Made and Art at .he WOrkEs Convention in Tokyo, Tho Pageant to b# given ta entit- ed “From Bethlehem to Tokyo”- Vhe costumes were made to Japan ;nd are beautiful, prof, Smith will give instruction. ‘n Sunday School Music in th* D*- gartment Conferences. Delegates will be entertained, on toe, Harvard Plan (lodging and ^rejjkfast free.) Motion Pictures, will alto b.e fea- Ated at the convention.and toe vah im of toe Aim to religious education will be emnhas zed. , A number of wonderful Aims will be shown to-' eluding several from Tokyo and the Phillipines. CONDi Neva ItimwPttoai-ali COMMENCEMENT WEEK Oabom ha* been fortuhatelin aecur- tog toeservice* o f Dr. W*n. P. Ed­ munds to deliver toe memorial ad­ dress at to* Unioh Reformed church, Btyon, 0., on May SOth at 9:00 A.M. Dr. Edmund* was formerly Capt, of Company F. and later Major 6 f ■vim' conneceted id toe .......... follow, cojamitteea have bean an­ nounced for decoration of the graves , at th* other cemetries, In too evening at too opera house Rev, W. P* Harriman delivers the address of the day. Special music has been prepared for all toe exer­ cise*. A LAND MARK GOES. ■ -■, Just at pr®*ent what waft Oftce toe old Saw;mill, that many -years ago wa# operated by ,W» M. Barber, on the bank of the.creek just back of the Crou«« A Bull block on Mato street, is being demolished as it is no longer At for use mid a Are trap. The timbers In the- structure are fairly well pre­ served having been imuse for probab­ ly seventy-fivn /e*rs or more. , The mill was operated from water power when the dam was just west o f toe Main street bridge. The log yard then was where the present busto#*# houses now stand. The race to teed the water to the mill paf«*d under where the Johnson Jewelry Store and the Cedarvllle Bakery is located, LIVE STOCK REPORT, The following come* to u# from toe 11v* stock department of th? State Ftapn Bureau Federation: fa Greene county there were 77 shippers who mad# use of toe assoc­ iation. Th#y shipped out 25 toads of stack containing 1088 hogs, 19 cat­ tle, tfO calve*, and 9 sheep, These tetalad to weight 824,410 pound* and netted to* shipper* $29,979.75, The average cost "per hundred pounds wai <8 easts which i* 5 cents under toe avwrsge. The lo«s from dead or maim­ ed auirxals wa# very small; BROTHER-IN-LAW OF FORD TAKES XENIA AGENCY -.....................- i- .- E. R. Bryant, of Dearborn, Mich,, ferotowr-tn-taw of Henry Ford, ha* pvrriMMd ft* Ford »g*ncy to Xenia from W, A. Kelly, Springfield. The d«*j baa bee# pooding some time aad waft stated Monday, Wilbur Wife* ha* i***m«*d’ to* X«iia ag*n«y for Mr, XtUy *ino* it was opened to 1915. STRAY H0R8K TKksa ,«£ n*ar Csdarville, Ohio on ,J far lat, 19»I, A ttay ehore- M hot 'tovattitad «»d claimed by owner, will I , **id Jon# 11th, 39*1, to pay ebar- .pn . Andrivr Jackson, „ Jmrtta* of th*. Peace, Cedatvilta, Ohio, H G W ^ l^ T H tS ? Aft #ta r##ord bos bsw ttowfted to.Fayette m m . ik a jt* am iw i *f atooad afa bstwawi i aad f t * t Eta* !*••* Ttata year to*ri» «or* M l M t m to **bool af- men of Co. F. present at th* Services as possible, A tee* will be dedicated to honor o f Geo', E. Dignam at this time by Earl Short of Xenia, O. Emory B. Kyle, (Speakers Com.) . ADDRESS DN MUSIC. John Orr Stewart, musical director o f the public school* to piqpa, a son of Dr. and Mr*. J. O, Stewart of thi* place, spokebefore to* members of the Lion* Club lastWednesday to that city. Th* address dwelt with th# edu­ cation o f thc child along musical lines nnd th* berteAts that were gained ,by such training whether the pupil was. musically inclined or note- The ad­ dress, was given quite A lengthy re­ view b»r th* Piqu* Cell, FARMERS ARE BUYING VERY.LITTLE MACHINERY . ..,• .. —■ -A*. • ....„ - Farmers of Ohio are haring little new machinery, report# to state au­ thorities indicate, Farmer* have been forced to ecomomixe to a large ex­ tent and again the price* ate said to lie out of question. Machinery to most cases ha* been lowered from 5 to 30 per cent in price. The manufacturer •ay# that he is now belling machinery at a price below the cost of- produc­ tion unless Ubor can bp reduced. FIND OSTEft PAPERS. Seme week* ago the E. A, Oster garage was robbed and safe blown to Yellow Spring*. Valuable paper* were •toiett. The-parer* hate been found by H. B, Richards o f the Ford Motor Co., Detroit, while dumping a hop­ per o f coal. It is supposed that the papers not being of value to the rob­ ber* were buried in a coal car on the D. T. A t HOTTEST MAY DAY* The.middle-west has been enveloped in a lettering heat for several day* setting a new record for. May. Thun­ der shower# have been just what wa* wanted for the corn and crop*. XENIA SEMINARY MAY GO TO XENIA TOWNSHIP. A movement is oh fool for Xchia: Township Board of Education to buy toe Xenia Theological Seminary build ing for a township high whool of the first grade. A bond issue wilt be voted upon, which if carried will provide $17,000 for the building and *8,000 for changes to comply with the law. The township hoard- has been raying the Xenia city hoard $85 per, head. At present 80 itudente are in the city school*. Next year there will be 78 pupil# and the township will he «M* to supovt its own high school^ Th* (tarrying *«t o f th# plan* de­ pend on th* bond issue bring approved iby th* peopl*. June B, Vfednesday, 7:30' B. M. Re calauceate service. . June 6 , Monday, 9 A,’ M- Final Fac­ ulty Meeting. June A, Monday B P.- M, Senior Class Play* June 7*,Tuesday^7;30 PV M. Fac ulty Reception. '• June 8, Wednesday, 8 A. M» Cedar Day* , T . k * ‘June 8, Wednesday, rA '’P- lf*-.R#«ii-. tal o f Department of Voice. ’ JnuisA Wednesday,. 7:30 P,AL;3te- cital o f Department of Piano. ,\~ Juft* 9, Thursday*. 9 A, M. Meet­ ing o f Board o f Trustees. ‘ June 9, Thursday,16.P. M* Alumni Banquet. ' ' ‘ - ,A June 30f'Friday, 0:30 A, M.- Com­ mencement Exercises, ; -, i ’ June 10, Friday; a p, W Alumni BurineS#; M«eting. > HUTCHIBON. an d g ib N e y ^ HAVE SATURDAY FIRE The dry good# firm of Hutchison ft 'flintey, Xenia, suffieared * loas df **v- riftd. thousand dollars ta*t M aratee it* own electricity and to# fir* is/’supposed to. have originated from an overheated exhaust pipe. Smoke did considerable damage to toe tmain building on the second floor. The loss Is covered By insurance, v* 1 V T ^ T-r n . ■ . , T.1T.J _______ ___<( r ' * LIST OF LETtERG-" ‘ Nhhou# liotelM*!.,A ta W*U’a pond, Q ptartoc with a raft. Otaris* Porter, 82, or -taka stricken with *poi fishing, at Indian lake th* water. He was body wa# recovered, During the, sixtieth r mentemenl at Capital n» bimbu#* 82 student* wi ated from the tore* the institution, academy; seminary, c- - . ^ Itev, j. A, Sutton, i%,\ dead in bed at hta ho Marion•county, He,' the .‘'marrying parson,’"' , ed 748 couple*. Rev. Miti chaplain of the Ohio front ta 1892. Goldie Dearth, 5, died u*rpool of burns sustained clothtag caught fir# ftc cook stove. Thomas Watjkin#, 76, is dead at Bejialr* -of hu ing ill, he was' taken t mission, While alone ir ta supposed to,’haVe bn by tom** And fell uponv Body'found on a tan lington was identified bj Lawrence of Nbrwaik •#- son, Robert L.f 23, Ofc sophomore, who Aisapi : m ~ v- -t- ^ • Charlotte and 'AlfCf,, graduated from Giohsl with th# best record lu- the history of Atfo 10 year*’of school,vrej- not ahwsni or tardy. Sr.• J.’,Mttlejr'Was- ? of toe Allen County 14 % pany, .^organised .by And farmers: * Employe#' of "several of the Dayton and Troy way .will receive wag*, cent, effectiyajune. J,- ‘ ‘A- board df arhitra venna contractor# gad fixed the minimum * 77% cent* per hour,’ Ohio’s-405 termer#\,s evators are fa enter through purchase of j for of Cleveland, age mmacitym i butoeta of grata;.. (Waited.’to T« iED OHIO NEWS , and RottedD#w* for to* Busy Reader Arowneaf m. while' Although report# from scattered ; district* throughout the state show U Center, f Dhl#'* wheat crop has suffered some- ay while iFh*t from wet weather, the eondi- feil into tion of tha crop as * whole continue* favorable, according to a report is* eued by C. J. West, agricultural -stat­ istician. Complaints, of damage in* elude yellowing, dying of -leav#* At the roots and thinning .oat. William J, Bryan Was to# principal lilege and' speaker at the Jefferson club's out- . Jug at Columbus, “Democracy’s Op- Ira* found' portunity” Was* toe wubj#ct of Mr. I4Ruo,! Bryan's address, Democratic leaders Known a* 1fr9Jti alb over toe state were present, ring imft-1 War department ia definitely com- itton waa t mltted fo the retentiuh of Columbus irhen toe luai com- telty, Cq- gradu- tments of litentiary [East Liv- rheh her fan . open ojiowari Beeoni- id Cnlop room he overcome, a» atove. Wei- Illiam M, it: of his; college M March sisters, scheoi,, sudance inty. In toy' were |manager ack -com-* [shippers iirtmenta fie ratli- fJOperV, " te f Ra­ ters and |eule at , iveal- fjfaaske'D «I0Ya- * stor- 0,000 and barracks, the reserve depot at C q « Iambus, Camp Sherman and a num­ ber of other- government properties to Ohio, Three bandits visited the home of ' Jacob and (Samuel Fett, near Bluff- ton, and rpbhed the aged bachelor brothers of $ 2,000 in registered lib­ erty bonds and $140 -to currency. ‘ Salaries of toe Dover mayor and service' director* each $1,000, were increased W counpiMo $1,500. Findlay’s new cost-plus 'streetcar franchise w#0 held valid by Judge William F. Duncan to, a decision in a taxpayer's unit. f • • ' John Novafc 47 wap shot and prob- ably tetftUy wounded when he resist- ad two bnrgtara who -entered his horn* at Lima, .The man escaped'" ’ Eight men carrying revolvers'-par­ ticipated iig the. holdup of an -ox- *ra#a truck loaded with 2to capes of •Whisky A<t Cincinnati. -They es'cap'ed .vrlto tha truck and-cargo. - 'Isadora Wakriac we# beaten .to death by burglars' who jentered hi# bans* at Youngstown, The/ robbers', used a piece of iron pipe. $ -Mr, and Mrs. John Rice. of -Mans- flrid grer* killed When their auto- suobila was struck by-ah; interurban car at a' crossing two miles north o f tioottsburg, lnd, ,v’». " < ’ After shooting, lights from", win­ dow* of a restaurant At Steubenville, Vincent Butcher.- 83 , farmer of Adana, turned a revolver on* himself and sent two bullets through’ his neck' i*1 f*' V*- Glevelaud, was-chosen a# the -next Convention' city by .the Ohio Baptist convention, Ohio ha» issued 561,060 sets, of‘.1921, Remaining 'unclaimed to the pest -office for the Week ending, May 21, JML , Runtori John Elmer Bryson Hdw. Bean C. F, Brez W, H. & Son Bower Mr*. Brimce. Fetter Downing Hester Delong. Katie Delong F- E. . Ellis Kate W, Giles Myrtle. - Jones Roy Jones Ethel Jacob* F. L. Little A. C. . Mackelon Mrs, Lizzie Magili Sarah Olive Walter. Reynolds C, 1 * Ritey-Nickel Btuart Arthur’ Bummer Mr, and Mrs, Chas. W. A. Turnbull, F- M. BYNOD CLOSED MONDAY- The R, F. Synod closed Monday to meet next May at the First R. P. Church in Philadelphia. The closing days of toe session were devoted to church extention, misienary work and ’ * campaign for $100,000 for Ced* arville College. The members of Syn­ od were much impressed with the in­ terest shown last' Friday night when the community adopted a resolution to raise the $100,000 endowment for the college, the alumni to raise an­ other hundred thousand. PREWAR PRICEB SURE, Prices for country butter are away below most everything else according to press reports. We notice that in a number of Counties this product ha* dropped to 10 cents a pound, much less than it can be produced at a pro­ fit, FIGHTING PURE FABRIC BILL Like the truck dealer# who are op­ posing the new road law, the manu­ facturer* of cheap material of sup­ posed wool are just now making a determined fight against the pure fabric hill to congress. The people vrill have fo take more interest to fhi# kind of legislation if such hill* at* ever passed or allowed to stand if once passed. You have to let pub­ lic officials know you want the*# things and not spend Time, talking about them at horn* or on the street. httiidter, to cost tM .m i harried with,,944 voting tor tooiftw* and 174 against..; v , James Mectarron of Washington township, Crawford county, shipped three sheep to Cleveland, Th* pro- coeds of th* sale, was just 15 cent* less than .the- Cost of transporting them to market. A mouse baited proceedings IP Common. Pleas Judge Powell'* court at Cleveland for-15 iutoute*. When ft’ appeared from under a desk, six women juror* grabbed their skirt* and. jumped to their chair*, ‘ Bucyru* will ,not get the-state in­ stitute for the feeble-minded author­ ized 1by the- .last general assembly. The supreme court held that the Old board of administration had no right to enter into a' contract'for 1,418 acres of land near Bftcyfus'last De­ cember, because ft failed to get from ’the stats auditor a certificate that the state treasurer hud a balance Ample for thefpurcha**. Fire at Milford destroyed the John Clark flour mil}. Loss. $36,000. Mr*, Alice Hites, it, Beliefontaine, died of burns suffered when eh# fell down a stairway while carrying a lighted lamp. Canton police have -opened war on the sale of baseball pool*. • George R, McCord, *uperintendent of gprlagfield public- schools, -has been reappointed tor a period of five years. - More than ISO delegates are ex­ pected at to* international conven­ tion of gospel mission worker*, 'n Akroii, May 22 to 27. James Payhe, 16, wealthy farmer Of Cftstalla, Brie County, Was seri­ ously hurt when a Lake Bhore elec­ tric ear struck a buggy in which he wa# riding, . • Canton chamber of commerce has opened a campaign, for 1,600 now member*. The organization now has a membership of 600. A new Democratic club ta being organized at Canton, Isaac Bails brought suit for divorce to Athens county courts against his wife, Ruth. They were married 61 years ago- and hate 10 grown chil­ dren, • Score* of live# were endangered at Granville when temporary bleacher* on the Dftnison university campus collapsed during toe annual carnival. Diamonds valued at $5,ooo com- prtaed toe loot of automobile bandit* who hurled a paring brick through a plate glass window to the Joseph 'i. Schuster Jewelry company’s store at Cleveland and escaped to * fusillade of huliet# froth a gun to the hands of to* manager of to* store. Andy Davy wa* sentenced at Co­ lumbus to die in toe electric chair Aug, 2fi for the murder of his wife, Grace Davy, Aug. 19 last. WiUlaffl H. Bk-fcmlller pleaded - guilty at Napoleon of attempted rob-S hery of to# ’ Hamier state batik at Ilamler. s . Earl P. Sidle, 50, farmer' bear Wooster, committed suicide by firing a bullet into lu* brain. “ Eastern Ohio conference of the Lu- tblratt synod of Ohio held a three day** session in fit. Paul's Luto«t** church at Alltanca. ter all cars last ye*r, ascot A, G, Snow,, state registrar. The num­ ber this year easily will' exceed 600,- O00, Snow-says,-v . " Motormen and conductor# of'-the Cincinnati Traction company voted to Accept a wage reduction of 18 per cent proposed by the pomphny. • Sam Purpera, charged with - first, degree murder for the kilting, of Wil­ fred G, fily to a pay roll-holdup on Dec- 31 last, was found .guilty by a jury, of four women and eight men- at Cleveland and sentenced by Judge Maurice -Bbrnou to he electrocuted On Aug. 29. Mayor William F. Grail of Lorain was Indicted by a special grand,jury, on a charge of criminal libel. ' Levi Ellta, 80. paroled prisoner from the Ohio penitentiary, is in jail at Urbans, awaiting return to the in­ stitution, having been arrested on a charge Of .breaking up the home of Lewis Fhilby, Formation of a-Boy Scout council has been completed in .Wapakonets, Richard E. Bowel, probate judge, was -chosen president. At Toledo Ira Marcum, Sidney Van- guttten and Henry A, Robare wer* sentenced to life terms on IhClr pleas of guilty ta the slaying of Ed­ ward Smith on April 2, Will of Mr*. Eleanor O. V. Aim*of; Cincinnati left $2,000,600 to go into a trust for the benefit Of educational,, charity, art, musical and recreational Institutions in that city. Helen Cox Mahoney, daughter of Former Governor James M. Cox, died at her home to Dayton, the result Of a cold that developed into pueuwo- nia. Her husband, Daniel J. Mabo- ney, is general manager of the Daily News of Dayton, owned by Mr. cox. The 112th aero squadron has been assigned to toe nationkl guard of Ohio, and Coluftbu* has been named as its headquarters. Three strangers, posing as oversea veterans engaged to raising money for to® relief of wounded soldiers, collected $35 at Lima before it Was mad# knawii that they were Im­ postors. Private John Grsywonowic* of De­ troit was. probably fatally injured at toe rifle range, Camp Sherman, when * building tell on his back a* he was helping move it. Three bandits made an unsuccess­ ful attempt to hold up toe Navarre Deposit bank at Navarre! south of Canton. They fled when th# assistant cashier Hashed a gun. Rev-’ H. Russell Clem resigned as pastor of the Christian , church, Springfield, to accept a call to Greensboro, B, C. Frank Staner drowned himself, to the Muskingum near Marietta, Through toe efforts of the Geneva chamber of commerce, the Little Giant motor truck will be made to Geneva, ■■■-'■ Mayor Asap R. Jones of Elyria filed a petition aimounttog that he la a candidate tor a third term, . Frank Booher, B5, farmer, commit­ ted suicide at his home near Piqua by shooting himseif with a rlfl*. Fifteen person* were arrested to raids at Lorain upon ^14 soft drink oetei, They ate charged with Do- Mtiag U* Crabta act, MAK ING THEM A M E R I C A N S H o w few of us realize the importance of making over the foreigner— of implanting American ideals, ideas and common sense in place otfaocialtetic arid maybe anarchistic theories. It m om .a lot to every American citizen. andmany otherinteresting activities o f the -department ^tecusged in tiretwelfth issue o f the series of beautifully illustrated Booklets on Our Government Which we have been distributing to representative citizens o f this qomfiounity. U by any chance you have tailed to receive regularly ,-ypur copies o f this series that has been so favorably commented upon, visit us today*and frpm1the limited supply on hand we will gladly complete ybur set. > Cedhrville, 0hiO, Get Back to Normal by Buying G r o c e r i e s A t , ,, ; I -. SIZE TEN CENT SELLER NOW 5 CENTS'. 1 ........^ v ’1^Tr_^!rr. ,j ...... A .* . . .*• 1 ' -I-,-' * .. , jFLGUR!., FLOURrFLOURl ’ >, * 111 i Medium size prunes per pound ide [ ■ » B S $ « a a a ^ n g a r r r 7 ^ — t t -*/ ..v/v , ;.V- 'f.- r“T': SEPCIALS ON PROCTOR AND GAMBLE SOAPS I Leonx.lO bars for --------.L __ ; __ I Ivory Soap, 10 bars for ' ------------------ ---------- -69c BEANS! ? ------„ r - BEAN S !'"- Best grade Navey Beans per pound__ , ‘ Best Grade Limas( per pound — __ ___ „Zir_HI . Sc ._9c POTATOES! POTATOES ,®e8t de U- S- No. I per bushel, 00 lbs, -------------- ------------- 90a Per p e e k ^ , * - 23c Also car. fine certified seed Potatoes consisting of Early Roto, Ohio’s, Rural New York, Seneca Beauties, etc. - - . . . t . CANNED GOODS’ ; Best grade regular No, 2 ean# Sugar Com, 3 for — Best Grade regular No.,2 cans Tomatoes, 3 for ____ _____ * 25c Best Grade regular No. 2 cans Pea3, 3 for __________ ___ ^Sc Regular No. 3 cans Apricot in syrup, per can - __________ Z 19c Regular No, 3 cans Peaches in syrup, per catv ________________ Pay the highest market prices for Chick*ns, Egg* and ”" Blve » * “ f “ « “ £ < « « * » H. E.Schmidt&Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sou* Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio -W - mmttm Attention Horse Breeders “Chinchilla Peace” ' ' -'<0 - ’ ■’ Blacl^ Ferchfiroti Stallion Weight 2000 Ibfi, Will make season of 1921 at what is ktiowfl M thaWinters Farm, at Cedarvllle, O. $20 to insure mare with foal. All persons parting with mares after known to ba in foal forfeits insurance. t Ross Township Hotse Bresd«s Assn. Ceorga Martindale, Caretaker . ............. ........... .. .. — .............. ..... . ............ . ,,,, .... If Y ob Reed P itting fk i^ ln Aad See Qs