The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

The Herald it read by the pro­ gressive farmers of this sec­ tion, of tins, county, those who have the money to buy. ffke Jterald, The advert foment that tell* is the ad that doesn't try to tell too much. FORTY-FOtTETH YEAR NO, 25 C E D A IIV IL L E , O H I < » F R ID A Y , J U N E 17 , 1921 PRICE, $ 1 .5 0 A Y E A R JOHN W. PRUGH HEADS OHIO HUH,DING & LOAN INSPECTION Governor Harry I* Davi* on Wed­ nesday announced the appointment; of John W. Prugh of Xania as head of the Bureau which inspect# all the Building & Loan Awociationa in the state, Mr, Prugh has been connected with the Homo Building A Loan As­ sociation in Xenia for *mkny years and is a t present president of the Second Group of the Ohio organisations. He has been, prominent in civic affairs in the city and county and during the .war headed many of the various drives. He has appeared her© on sev­ eral occasions, the last in the interest of Cedarville College for increased, endowment, . Mr. Prugh enters hia new office on next Monday and will have a large number of inspectors under him,’His appointment is a very papular one and he had the solid suport of the ° Building & Loan organisations in- the state. ' . . . The appointment is political a one and he will succeed a Democrat, F. F, McGuire. The salary is $5,000 a year The appointment of Mr. Prugh brings to light again the weakness of the head of the Republican organi­ zation in this county. Mr. Prugh In seeking the office knew, {hat it was vthe custom to at least haye the endorse menfc, of the local Republican com­ mittee in the county; He sought the endorsement of L, T. Marshall, the chairman but it Was flatly refused. Mr. Prugh pressed his .claims just the same and we ate informed' secured strong political'backing in the county and particularly over the state. It was just another case that should cause Republicans of the county the see that the party has ho. Head of any standing. Men refused the Marshall endorsement get the jobs, while Mr, Marshall himself has failed ■ to land the most' humble appointment. As long as the party is headed by one who thinks the Governor of Ohio and President of the United States should come and ask him who he want there is no chance for the party be­ ing represented as is the custom over the country and has' been in any poli­ tical party for years back. If Mr. Marshall „is Hie Republican party of this county as he, evidently thinks he -is there is rio hope ahead for his or­ ganization. Mr, Marshall has never in his con­ nection with thg party as chairman done a single thing of credit for the party. His every act has been person­ ally selfish^looking for. an appoint* $f&v<hiil'Tohl - "v 1 ,The Cincinnati Timea-Star Wednes­ day states that President,Harding and Senator; Willis have agreed on Charles Dean for Internal Revenue Collector in this the Cincinnati dis­ trict. This is the5place that Marshall sought and boasted that he had in his fist, Mr. Marshall secured a num­ ber of recommendations from various committees in the district but when the true situation was known mosjL of them wereWithdrawn and given to Mr. Dqan. The members of the county committees that were not a rag in Marshall's hand upon seeing .that he was wrecking the party by his selfish policy and that he had no chance of getting recognition for himself or anyone else, endorsed Mr. Dean,. ■ * ■ POULTRY CULLING SCHOOLS TO BE HELD VERY BOON, The Greene County Farm Bureau has emplpyed a practical pouHtyiimti, Charles Fravcl to conduct poultry culling demonstration# throughout Greene County in July, Mr* Fraud h a graduate of tlyi 0. B, U. ami is well qualified to do this work, The Farm Bureau 1ms appointed u poultry committeeman far each OPPOSITION ARISES TO NEW HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT. The County Board of Education as 'ell as the Xenia City Board will op- ose the plan of the Xenia-Township chool Board to purchase the old ffinia Seminary building and provide ;s own high school. It is held that upils can elect under the four-mile iw to go to the nearest high school nd those on the northern part of the {strict could go to the new central igh school that is to be built in Xenia 'he district hoard would, then have to ay the tuition and at the same time cep up its own school. The voters in the district vote Satu­ rday on a $28,000 bond issue to urchase the seminary for $25,000 and 8,000 for equipment. The Xenia shoot board does not want to loose ■ie revenue from tlife district pupils diieh amounts to several thousand oilats. I t is reported that l$e present cit­ ation was largely brought about by ie feeling of the Xenia township arents that have children in the city jhools. The rural people are opposed > the day light saving time and the 'ty schools were placed on the new me. Many farmers protested as it as necessary for some of the pupils > he at school by 0:00 A. M. Only alf day sessions were enforced and )Me farmers had to keep up two con eyanees to transport their children. The election promises to be warm- t, contested a# considerable feeling as developed on both sides. SPECIAL SERVICES SABBATH The special Gospel Services began ist Sabbath afternoon in the Mur- st-k theatre will be continued thru line and July, The hour is 2:30 P. M. he service consists of Praise, Pray- t, Scripture lesson and a one reel’ djgious film and a sermon by Rev. h P, Harriman. If for any reason you arc* not at- :rtding the church services-—you aw rged to make this your Service o f orshlp. Gome and bring a friend. ; TWENTY-FIFTH COMMENCE­ MENT OF COLLEGE The twenty-fifth annual commen- 1cement of Cedarville College was held I in the opera house last Friday mom- j ing. The following program was fol- jlowed: ‘ u:■ rajpfjg Invocation following music h r the Lafferty Orchestra of Springfield. The address was by Rev. George W, Bunton, Pastor Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Dayton, O. . The candidates for degrees, diplo­ mas and certicatea were as follows: F q P Diplomas of Graduation from the preparatory department, Marg- garet Frances Weller, Spring Valley. For Diploma of Graduation in voice Ruth Ana Burns, Anna Pauline Setz, Cedarville, O. For Diploma of Graduation in Pia­ no, Dorothy Tarr, Cedarville, O. For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Leslie Scott Dean, Xenia, O., Carl G, :K ng? np Pi V Deern t0 is completed it will be published, r S i l r m m T t ^ IM e a n tim e g e t in touch witij your loca Louise | poujtry committeeman for further in- Greer, cum laude, New Galilee, Pa.; Millie Mae Parker, cum laude, Harp-] ' fVl„ ...» ster, O.; H<jlen Marie Stewart, C e d a r - * heSe Ure the ^0Unty Committee- ville-, Ohio. man- ... • Name Township Mrs, Chas. Lewis, Caesarcreek Miss Margaret Lackey, Ross Mrs. L. H. Jones Miama Mr. W. J. Fudge, New Jasper, Mrs. E. C. HartsOck, Spring Val­ ley. ■. ■ , V V : ■v"-' Mrs, Ralph 'Lewis, Jefferson. Mrs. Frank Wardlow, Sugarcreek. Mrs. W. H, Arthur, Cedarville. Mrs. Alice Stewart, Bath’. ; Mrs. G. M, Keach, S0vcrcreek. . Mrs, Harry Ater, Beavercreek. Miss Lena Hetsel, Xenia.. CONDElSED OHIO NEWS New# Items Picked1 »m and Boiled Down for the Buoy Reader Daamgt of $17,000 luii)bus when fire wi of Ilia Cream Fried Appeal of Mr#, Do of ion ntly convicted of the townships who will arrange for imTJury in the the demonstrations in that township, M*1#, for a rebearln; There will be four culling schools in w*8 overruled, each Township so that every farmer An automobUe, was will have,a chance to learn how to F z* cull his own hens The object of Johlf Blr^ ^ £ < £ 2 these meetings is to teach farmers her and John Gahler/ how to cull out the poor producers a suburb of Clncinpa and keep only the good ones. Greene State Highway Co: county farmers will therefore have a ,rlck baa: decided "not chance in July to go to Poultry school uioro road, contract# F right at home. rate situation become: As soon as the schedule of meetings {don* a t Co- tiie plant compand her case, truck by a our persons The dead: tha Weisbar- jof Norwood, For the Diploma of Graduation ’ from The Reformed Presbyterian; Theological. Seminary: Paul Warren { Duncan, Darlington,' Pa. and Sfcyner Loadman Lee, Cedarville, O. For the State High School Certifi­ cate*: Margaret' Louisa Greer, New Galilee, Pa., Millie Mae Parker, Har- 3tcr, Ohio; Helen Marie Stewart, Ce- jarville, O. The address of the Rey. Mr. Bun- toft was eloquent, scholarly and in- jpiring. It was listened to very at­ tentively hy the largd audience pres­ ent; The speaker spoke id lighter Vein at first showing the possession of con­ siderable wit and humor, Then plung­ ing into theserious part of his mes­ sage, he emphasized the great privi­ lege of being American! citizens and the responsibility of being the 'best citizens.. The. orator presented his ideas on education, religion and true patriotism in trenchant phrases and wel] -rounded sentences that quickened the pulses ahd stirred to higher ideals. V OBITUARY. Mrs. Martha Ann Turnbull passed away a t her home on the -Cedarville and Jamestown pike Saturday mom- big June 1921 at the age of 74. She was the widow of Joseph S. Pumbtill. who died May. 1 1900, Mrs. Turnbull wfei born July 2, 1847 near •Wild of Mr, .and Mrs, Samuel Cres veil, Sha, taught school for a num­ ber of years in this vicinity. She was married to Joseph S. Turnbull, June 1, 1891. Since her husband's death ■he.has resided at the home with one tep-son, Joseph Turnbull. The deceased .-is survived by the allowing brothers and sisters: J. If, Ireswell, A, H. CreSwell, W. H. Cres- vell, G. H. Crcs-well, Miss Mary Weswell, Mrs Sarah Kyle,, Mrsi J. j . Sterrett, Mrs, Nettie Ervin, Mrs, Ida C. Stormont, and thev following 'tep-children: Robert, Samuel K., Joseph, and Orlando Turnbull all of Jamestown and Mrs’. Clarke Bickett of Xenia. ,;.p Funeral services were held a t her ate home Monday afternoon, June 13 •onducted by Rev. J. P. White of Cedarville, assisted by Dr.’ W. R, Me Jhesney, Rev, W. P. Hariman, Rev. L, L. Grey, pastor-dcct of James­ town U, P. church and Rev. Frank .lean of Jamestown, Selections were sung by the male luartette composed of four nephews: ’arl Ervin, Morton Creswcll, Dwight Sterrett artd Hugh4*Turnbull. The following were chose as the, pall­ bearers by the deceased: Robert Turnbull, Samuel Turnbull and Jo­ seph Turnbull* Frank Creswell, Toward Creswell and Meryl Stormont Burial was made a t Massics Greek cemetery, LEGAL NOTICE. Tjie Board of Deputy Supervisors of Elections of Greene County will meet in their offices in the Court House on the 25th of June a t two o'clock for the purpose of Subdividing or rearranging the following voting precincts of- Greene County. Bath township,.Beavercreek West, Beaver­ creek East, Cedarville Twp., Xenia Township North, Xenia Township, South, Cedarville Village, Jamestown, Village, Yellow Springs Village, ami all of the precincts of Xenia City, viz A. B. C, D. E. F. G. and I t All objections to sucli rearrange: mc-nt or subdivision must be filed with the Glerk on or before that date. Paul H. Creswell, Clerk, J, M. Fletchor, Chief, MAN GIVES WIFE k GLYCERINE MIXTURE She had stofiidoh trouble for year? After giving her simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., ns mixed in Ad- lor-ika, her husband says: My wife feels fine now and hs gained weight It is wonderful stomach medicine.'1' Adler-i-ka acts on. BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing foul matter which poisoned tomach and which you never thought was in your sys­ tem. EXCELLENT for gas on the stomach orclironle appendicitis, The WILSON HANNA HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE. The home of W. H. Hanna, on the old Clifton road six miles south of Springfield, burned Sabbath morning at an early hour. No cause lias been assigned for the loss. Mr. Hanna and family managed to make their escape safely in their night clothe^. They had time with the assistance of two. men passing in an automobile to save most of the houshold goods and a few pieces of clothing on the first floor. The house was completely de­ stroyed and the barn and other build­ ings adjacent were saved by the di­ rection of the win'd. The loss is cov­ ered by insurance. ore certain e is expect; and definite. He sa: lug a-decrease fn ra1 For the first time si, 'has a waiting list for,; places on the police Burglars ■stole $1,5] from the, residence of here. The loot inclil valued V $800 and Cb Henry -H. Huffman, ,; siding near Summit lin county,, was injure a train hit his automo lbs- Loonard Hogue, 2! . miner, and George Hogue, 13, hisfbrOthfcr, were killed at a grade: cm Oak, north of Athena, was struck by a train. Mrs. Nannie Britt, 32£1was attacked by three men at CJIeV# ably blinded for life wi men' threw acid into ,tier face and then escaped in an aufsomobile. The assault, occurred neaf where Mrs, Britt is ft! Throe men entered Four, bandits held up the saloon of John Murray a t Cincinnati, robbed. Mclnerriey Murray of a little more than $2,900 ation of i 1111(1 sevei'al other men in the place murder ' oI abDUt Thomas IJall, 60, of Smyrna, Tus­ carawas county, and six horses were instantly killed by lightning which h it ' the -'barns of the Freeport lair grounds, To face a new trial for tho murder of Patrolman Dieter at ^Cincinnati over two years ago, Ludie Clifford ssioner Her- 1Shelton> 2i> negro, was returned to award any ! tbat clty fr°m the penitentiary, the freight i Vlce President Coolldge, Governor are certain Davis and other political notable# will speak June 18 at the unveiling, of a .bust of President Harding in' the McKinley, memorial a t Niles. ■ Findlay city council derided UpPh a street improvement program call­ ing for expenditure of more than $100,000. • Henry County Sunday School asso­ ciation held a convention in' *the Presbyterian church at Napoleon Strychnine tablets were eaten (by Lucile, aged 8, daughter of Leibett ! Evans of New Carlisle. She died soon after. Bonds valued at $5,040, believed by police ,to be part of the $21,000 stolen several weeks .ago from a 'Hunter- town, Ind., -bank, were recovered at Lima by city detectives. Dayton’s foreign population num­ bers 18,412; Of these Hungarians load with 6,000,' while Chinese are ! last with 60. ■ ’ American Red Cross officials of i northwestern Ohio will conduct the . first of four regional conferences in j 1914 Tiffin ointment to e. ■ in jewelry o ’Schroeder a diamond watches. . farmer, re* tlqn, Frank* fatally when ing at Barr eii their car fcd and prob- n one of the the factory 'ployed; the home of THE L ITTLE BROTHERS OF 1 THE NAT ION There is no phase o f the achievements of our government more creditable to us than that dealing with the acquirement and handling of#our outlying possessions. • -. v ■ A foreigner Sjpeaking of the United States colonization work says:-'There nw e r Was a colonizing poWer which set out so'fast iJ ;each and educaie' the native raeda with which it cams i;i contact, One great fact -. in .development which citbens of the United States , understand is that money spent on essentials is bound to pay iteelS back.” _ •An interesting account of our insular and other out­ lying possessions is given in the'latent booklet of the series on Our' Government being issued monthly by this Institution. Are you calving them? . . TheExchange Bank Cedarville, Ohio. c »16o i-n:# fletey?*u»snww* weF: ) 6 7n*iCkv, R; Bird & Siintf Co. will inaugurate a Dollar Day Sale for Saturday, June 18 and announcement of same can be found in this issue. I t might not be out of place to state that prices on . goods offered in this sale are equal or better, with ope exception than those offered by a firm in a Dollar Day Sale This is the first Dollar Day’Sale this firm has tried and some low1prices are quoted according to the announ- ement. Make your plans to attend. LIVE STOCK SHIPMENTS. Salvatore- Guccinio, 30,i a t Cleveland, I Dhlo for tiro discussion of topic# rel­ ative to' the wprk.- The Marion con- • ferenee Is set for June 17. '■•; . ■ j Mayor William Grail of Iborain named Mrs. Pearl ■Henry' special • policewoman to assist in supervising dances. „i ; .A i; Charter form of government was ' rejected by Canton voters a t a ape- • cial eleetioft by a majority of two to pne. A bond issue of $125,000 for park purposes was also defeated. "■A ; A■ total' of 6,093 Ohio soldibrs ■ and ;• sailors died from 'all causes in the world war from ApriI 6, J&i7, to Nov. 11, 1918, the adjutant general’Boffice officially announced. * The figures do not,include marines. Strangling when her month and nostrils filled with water as she stepped into*a sink hole in Big Wal-, nut creek, near -Columbus, Miss ! .......... seized his wife, bound" her to a chair and gagged here, and| then choked Guccinio to death as )b§i lay sleeping- with his three children. Robbery was the'motive.* /- John ,Birk was shot iand seriously wounded a t a, doublf wedding in Cleveland, by an unbidden guest, who opened fire, 'raking a long table around which ,the mdrabandkersWere seated. AssUlant escaped.,- Virden Cotwfill, X6i*^hest ranking student in the graduating das# of Defiance high school, -Was,, drowned while swimming in Pqsvell"creek. Ellmvorih .Hanna; hy a train a t’Day hours after tt Youngstown on was struck d died a few ,y opernie bpP cent ol chair recel Miss Elizabeth ‘Welshlmer,;17-year-. old high school girl, was drowned in St, Marys lake at Lima when she stepped into a hole while wading. . Bucytus * Manufacturers’ Home Building association, owning about 40 houses at Bucyrus, has announced a reduction of 10 per cent in the rental of the houses. * Thomas Barna, manager of. the Vulcan coal mines, located on Thom­ as creek, near Middlcport, was ar­ rested on a train at Hobson on a spe­ cific charge of belng $7,uv0 shbrt in his accounts, Shot through the neck, Joseph Mills died at Cincinnati after a scuffle for possession of a revolver with John Ryan, a friend, Both men said In the month of April2640 shippers sent out 441 loads of stock through _____ _________ the. co-operative organizations in th e . tho shooting w°8 accidental state. In May 2609 shippers sent out* Fairfield County Auto club passed 460 loads. In April the handling cost [ a resolution approving a county bond was 73 cents a hundred but in May 72 Issue' for an adequate amount ' to cents, The April shrinkage was 3.6 pounds and May 8.*.: TheFarmers received nearly $60,000 over April receipts. Pittsburg, Cleveland and moot the state aid plan for good roads in Fairfield county. Four robbers bound the night watchman of the Cincinnati National league baseball park, broke open Toledo received the bulk of the stpek; three aafe8 aD(j 8tole $1,251. shipped from 19 counties. In this i supreme court of Ohio heard argu- county there were 90 shippers who meats in the suits brought against sent 2028 hogs, 28 calves, 392 sheep, the administrative reorganization act The weight was 380,245 and netted in the attempt to eliminate the omer- the shippers $32^93.70. The cost of Seney clause, handling for the county was 72 cents a hundred pounds. R. P. CHURCH, MAIN STREET Sabbath School 9:39 A. M. fPreaching at 10:30 A, M. June 19th will be observed as Chil- John Haack, 14, was decapitated by a train near Toledo. Fred Ward, Ringold (Pickaway, county) farmer, was rendered un­ conscious when struck by lightning She had been swimming when she suddenly got beyond her depth. • ■Ohio farmers gave the equivalent of over .77 cars of corn to the starv­ ing. people 'of Poland and central Europe, In the recent gift corn cam­ paign conducted by the farm bureaus ■ .60 cars of- corn were donated, plus $12,230.13 in cash, with which over j 17 carii of corn-were bought. j • When attempting to retrieve a ; baseball that had been batted into the Ohio river a t Steubenville by a playmate, Frank Olphin, 10, was caught by. a swift current, carried Into midstream add drowned. When a shotgun in the hands, of playmates was discharged, Alta, 5, daughter of Mr. and1Mrs* Ray Jack- son“Of McClure, near Napoleon, re­ ceived “'the content? of the gun in her body. Her recovery is thought doubt­ ful, „ Three youths lost their lives In three distinct accidents In streams about Cincinnati. They were Earl See, 8; Edward Lawrence, 16, and an unidentified boy, 14. * Thomas Moffatt, 17, was drowned in Myers lake, near Canton, when he fell overboard from a canoe In which , he aud two companions were riding. ] Bert Garrett, 35, a farmer of north* 1 ern Muskingum county, was instantly ] killed when a passenger train hit M b automobile at a crossing near Dres­ den, Edwin J. Myers, president of the Crawford County Law Enforcement league, served notice on three Bucy­ r u s ’ managers of moving picture New Agency For* The Model 1921. Light $695 f. o. b. Toledo A t . Central Garage Or Phone 1 1 8 while plowing In a field. Three of four horses which Ward was driving I shows .that next Sunday Will be the were instantly killed. • i last Sunday on which they can op- j It was announced a t Hamilton that j erate. * dren'a day, There will be special ex- the Ford Motor company contem* At Canton the home of Mrs. Mamie ercisec bv the children of the Sabbath *plates the erection of a new asSem* t Elders was wrecked by an explosion _ dl- bling plant at Hamilton, at a cost of dynamite. .Three occfipants of he School followed by a sermon to chil­ dren by Rev. W. P. Harriman, the pastor. All who do not attend other ser­ vices are urged to come to the ser­ vices on Sabbath morning. Remember the houi\ 0:80 A. M, Bring your friends with you. REPAIRING FURNACES. The Township Trustees have em­ ployed a Springfield firm to Tepair the opera house furnaces that were in bad condition. Under the law if new furnaces were necessary it would be required to have plans drawn of tho house and submit them to the state for approval. This would require a great expenditure of money. As it is the furnaces can be repaired as new. The company that made the fur­ naces is out of business and repairs from the usual sofireo could not ho secured. The, Springfield firm made the repairs, ATTENDED K, OF P. MEET- J. G, MeCorkell was a delegate* from the local K. of P. lodge to the grand lodge which met this week in Dayton ■Mr. Mc.Corkcll reports a great ineefc- impurities it brings out. will surprise | ing and that every lodge in the state you. A. E. Richards, druggist, ’was represented, something unusual, I ' of $400,000, with an annual output of 30,000 cars. Federal Judge Westenhaver ap­ pointed two receivers lor the Portage Rubber company of Barberton, fol­ lowing a petition by three manufac­ turers claiming the company owed them $1,700,000. ’ Ernest Grover, 17, shoe worker, '■■as drowned in the Ohio river at Portsmouth, Rev, George Gunnell, for 10 year# rector of Trinity Episcopal church^ Toledo, died suddenly of apoplexy, Adolpli Jonke, 14, was killed In k game of basket ball at Cleveland. The ball was thrown ^vor an iron picket fence surrounding the play* ground. Jonko climbed the fence;, But w»s caught and pinned on top, the picket piercing bis stomach. Miss Alice Armstrong will succeed Miss Elma Roberts as dean of women of Wilmington college. Crawford county Christian Endeav­ or convention Mooted Rodger God­ frey of Gallon president, Mlse Hazel A, Oetoan and Mr, and Mrs. Bert Blair were injured Limn when an auto in which they wera riding plunged down a 10 -foot em­ bankment, Fred Graber, 40, of Rising gun, was killed whan att automobile m which ho was riding overturned near. Jefioa. Charles Mull, a deputy sii<)r. ff of Woodvllie, was driving the Hia, ■hitio. Ho was seriously hurt. house escaped with slight injuries. Eolice have arrested‘a m#fi In con­ nection with the dynamiting. W. W. McCullough, -55, master me­ chanic of the Pennsylvania railway at Lancaster for many years, fell dead with heart trouble. Ohio farmers who are waiting for $75,000 compensation for tubercular cattle slaughtered by the state soon will be paid. The legislature included the Item in a deficiency bill, which now Is before Governor Davie for signature- This, however, takes care only,of cattle slaughtered, Legality of salary increases grant­ ed to common pleas, superior and municipal judges at Cincinnati last August Is to be tested in the courts. Three persons suffered painful in­ juries at Dennison whop the gasoline tank of an automobile owned by Hesse Arnold exploded. Fred Aufderstrnase, 65, carpenter, Fembervllle, was electrocuted at a plant in Luckey when a saw which he carried under his arm came in contact with a live wire. - Perry Hate, one of the victims of the famous tar party in Toledo grow­ ing out of a liberty loan campaign lh 1.917, won a vofdict for $500 against the county. A large still was confiscated In n raid on tho Marry Myers farm, near Bucyrus, Myers and.wife Were nr- r&jfed, AWNINGS You can’t enjoy the hot weather unless you have your house equipped with Awnings. Prices gladly submitted. Galloway&Cherry V t . • . , W. Main Street, Xenia, - - Ohio. ✓ TRY OUR TOB PRINTING