The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

I .f •' A Th# HeroM to r—at b y th# g ro x fue b r a a fi o f tb it *ee- tim o f tbo c o t t t jr , tbmo* w h o hove the m oney I f bu y . F O K T T -rO V K T B Y E A H NO . 3# w S u n a u M . oM n w iw M j a s m A N o r m M v o w o m ' TO RR n u m n w tm iia v 1 ___ „ tW l « i t Prsehytmtoi Yeemg Be#* pto’i Christie* Urie* CwmaOw o f ! be bald hi tim U. F. riarneh. Turoday J»»* 99, wHh mentog, i f l e w o ami (ITMlI n MNMiMk Th* tofto-wing to O m program: ih04~Pr*to* ferotoe, X«««r <MHm 1:10—RiU* Stagy hr B. A. Xalaay, D. D h Maw Comerd, O. 10:1 Reports af fieriattaa. (I mia- Uto* Stab). !!:»•— Brotoasa.' J*:99—JU j««n a «L l:99-~Pretoe Sarviee, HSu Eleanor Heaton. ■•f;00~»Tfc* Xmpertohe* of Mtoaiew Stair Plata**. Begarcreak. B- O. Mtigway, Dayton druggist* linMrly m£ tUi afairr III AM drugstore to tint ehy Bator- tag* Hr. Stdgway tocstod to Day- to» toas time fevatoy yean age m i mtmai a dmigstore at Olio awl Pal- tor atroeto to North Dayton. la th* eeero* at %im years * totoad Atom waa spnul on Troy stm t. Tito on* am eproed J««t shortely before the smat food to 1*19 and Ho suffered a heavy la m aa both stew* war* to the food district. With ooursg* and totonatoatton and tHa tody o f two ambition* sons, Warran and Jeba, to* laaa waa overcome and the bus!- *mm toetoaasd with greet financial aroesas. A abort time ago Mr. Ridg *;1A~A» Bftotont Prayar Maotto*! way waa. not to food health .and ho Coauaitto**-ififiaffi*id. *;*•—tha Social Opportunity at th* Y. t r v . Vr~mnb Xenia. . *:to~A4dtee«—“Btowi Fa#*" hr Rev, A. G. Hasting*, BayaokUburgh, ■ S;19 SSqmrfc of- Soeratary. o ■• Addreea-—“ Sew* Ideals for Oar Y. P. C. U. by Prof. Allen. 9:46—Baains**. ' - 4:90~Adjountment. ' 7:90—Prato* Service by Mias Pran­ ce* Prugh. 8:00—Address by Bar. H. A. Kel­ sey, 3D, D. 1:00—Adjournment. A STORY IN FIGURES. It ha* just come to light the amount of, finances handled the past college year by the College Club under the .management of Paul Duncan. Prob­ ably few people have ever given nnkh consideration to the amount a few student* spend in the locality each year. this yoay the dub coat the student* something around fS.OOO all of which went fro supplies lor the table. On top o f thia cam* room rent, aupplie* foij classes, amusements and neceaaitie* that woiid run the amount beyond the expectation o f moot people. With an increased endowment for the college, YKMtttkmal building* to care for students, larger enrollment, it will be seen from A business stand­ point that the college is a valuable asset to the community. POULTRY CULLING. Th* poultry imlltog damonstratom has been set far July 1 and 8. It will Friday* July 1 ott tbs Edgar To- 9a .anA t tp .m .an tha tooted the Troy atrset over to John while Warran took the Valley street r e to efearg*. . Having . regained health and being anxious , to a- gato re-engaga in the drug business, Mr.. RMgwwy op*n*d hi* third- 'Store on* East Third street, last Saturday. Ha will havs associated with him Hi* youngest eon, Leon, who will continue his coarse to pharmacy. CLIFTON WOMAN DEAD. Meratd , t t f e .llart tellsi so tine ad l-fcal m m i 'i txy to t?B to o fiitich, FR ID A Y , JU N E 24 , 1»'!1 HH ICE , *1 .50 A Y E A R PLANNING POM COLLBG1 SNDOWMWT D tlY l. The cemmittoe Havtog to' charge the CaUega jMwtowtoant drive mat last Ttonttoy aventog I* funmnga plana far tote wash. A TSprwptitotva «4 tow Ward Company, Chicage, waa pmsat and sotplainad how sod* drives have been aeautoct^to by other eetlages. It is probable that tow eempany will be an aUoraay. aasurad t* pat on this aampaiga. aa It 1 Former Mayor Jaee CONDENSED OHIO NEWS I - weald relieve th* local aemmlttof e f all the detail. Thia company baa con­ ducted aedewnwnt drives for many «oQ«g*e aud waivers!tie* with grant aaceasa. •■ .Mw-, HAY LOW IN PRICM -It Has bean'many years store this aactien baa had the prospect for hay that w# have tods''aaaaaa, Maatsvery farm baa a good stand.of graw al­ though seme hive more er lass wldto- top. With hay around 96.50 a ton many farmers wtol «mly cut just what will be required fur their own use at the prices does not justify much out­ lay. There is considerable old. hay to many localities. Another feature of ‘ this, harvest la that most farmers are doing hteir own work, that is not em­ ploying much oui side help, An ahun four other etty oMotal wag Indicted a* thh result -af the wounding o f .Thomas MeNieca, l hwmv IU s , th* t night of March U. McNiach waa 1thaught to he a ram a aaw, - A buet of prastoee Jiurdtog waa unveiled la the Me* fey memorial Mrs. Elixabeth Ann McCarty, aged ‘‘dance of help can b* had tbi* aeason. 74, wife o f Henry McCarty, died last Friday night at bar Horn* to Cttftonj The deceased was formerly a resident of this place. She is survived tot two tons, Henry of Clifton and Harry of New Castle, Ind. Four sister* also survive, Mr*. Mary Stewsrt, Osborn, Mrs. Bates, Fairfield; Mrs, Flatter andMrs. Bolen, Bryon. Three brother also survive, Adam Sidanstick, Oabem Jacob, and George ^deRstidt, Yallew Springs, Th eftmeral was Half Mon­ day afternoon fimmtomHome, the aer- vice* being, in charge of - BeV. J, P. White, dang $ boue business Of *11 th* unbearable nuisance* * ■»*Jurin» ioJr«i*k» MOST ALL SUBSCBIBED. The block o f 125^00 to stock of Th* Abel Magnesia Company'baa all been sold but a small part It is ex­ pected that this stock will he dispos­ ed o f before the meeting Friday night when four director* and a treasurer will be chosen. The operation of such a plant as is proposed will mean bus- toes* for tote company twelve month* to the year and not six month* a* baa been the custom to the lime and atone bqatoaa*. This will mean much to tow boetoagt interest* of the town. Fred SfetoMn** farm and a t lp . gr^m N. p . Bufesak'* farm* Tb#'w*r».iitt be to aharg* o f E. L Dakin, Eaton* *Ion Superintendent Department An­ imal Husbandry, Columbus. Mr*. W. H. Arthur, Leader. jJAMMYOWN PHUft W ^ . BE the man who grinningty inquires “I* it hot enough for yon?” is the worst, . He should be forced to sit on a raft in th» middle o f the river alt day long without hat or parasol. When man sea#towsweat pour­ ing to stream* pi another mm, be might to know it's hot enough, with­ out asking such an utterly foolish question, ’ BE CAREFUL IN LONDON. London turn b*en. drawing auto speeder* before * Ickwsl court and a heavy fin* imposed. There is much controversy ova# operating A spaed trap. Oufemf-town tourists passing through have tmen. hauled before the mayor and given a stiff hne.' Stale triad this plan.andit brought the City, inuita sutooputority. Mtat peoFIto'.are 'fat tow''anforcm»Ktt but do* not *p- 'pr*v« o f Mspead-trata*. - SMOULD Ml XNCOUBAGMD, : st Nilas. Th* •# Preaidaat Ceolld**, kor Davis, Oovanaer gr*ssa*n Joba Q. town* ■;■ - Honorary degrees At Heidelberg uaiv time sine* the h*i ropaea war, Tboa* BSr. Fr*d*rlok W. Bav. John c . HanM Disaatisfled over an hour by an arhi Ciffvaland union nounced tfa»t they work until a better has besomed*. William Holdoakt drownta •to - a tub bow* to Ytaagatour*. .Frank gcovir* to Frank Miliar, as , w ? ©&»t.mssa, w*a Albart A. tota l, i I. RepuhiKautl ’ yoUtictoa, iit« at Nafark, H* wa* f J^l^tothV g oltCi4*rVo,B^ Former jBaprasautativ* Jaasa L, Cswbridca wa* taund. tog with latent to Hron, is in a heapti wound* in her back. Governor Davis haul W. Brush of Xenia, loan man. to the specter o f the state association departm ceeds Chief apira of Van Wart, Gifts “to Daaiaon the year, as announ Chamberlain at gregatod vidua! gift was tba ooo to the * . A. Ohio supreme oourt to 3 sustained the to' the state d*| isatioa law, Tka Crwtdam , plm# of clears to* m r far tom of'government , Kogsr- Hanok, f, at Bprlagfiald and Mr*. Jalqt feartog;-** «n colllda with bar front of tha trunk - Martin CBstam- aiitv at shoot, f Cameron, 77, father Of Jndg* Richard sd ' He with L. Cameron and for several years r trustee of th* Bagduiky soldiers’ home, fall dead while working to his garden at Maryavllle, Ralph Henry,. 91, was electrocuted at Alliance when ha turned on a light bulb white standing to,a bathtub. Bernard Frank, J8, waa instantly killed at CresHiue whin ha picked j up a live wire Mown>down by a thus* dorsform. With * bid approximately 194,000 below the estimate, the Watts Bur* bier company, Toledo, waa -awarded the genera! contract for th* construe? tlon of a fireproof consolidatedschool building at Prospect. ' A pine-year-old murder mystery is police to beta bean cleared Up.when a negro .giving the name of James Campbell, 33. was arrested at Cleveland. It is ,ntid ha shot and killed two negroes at Linndale, Ga., March « , MI2. ' ■■■■*'?i'*::.I-:- Flap* were, adopted tor a 126,000 memodal Shaft to beerectedatSsn* dusky ip memory of Erie county’s soldier dead. Manufacturers of nine surrounding count}#* at a meeting at Marion originated a district manufacturer*’ association, A permanent organisa­ tion will be <effect*dAt .a meeting to Bucyrue in two weeks. . Beoaues his wife refused to return' to Cleveland with hitor:'litofkeMuf|‘f*. 24, -shot and killed himself at toe .woman’s home at Cotombps. Blood ptatos on h)s shirt front re­ sulted in the arrest at Ravenna of E. P* Brown, 36, of.Warren, wanted at that place for toe murder of Mrs, Ida Bady, colored, ' Rayn Of John Ellsworth, 10 miles south of London, was destroyed by fire. With a loss of 915,000. Trainmen found, the body of Miss mutttoan Marvel Downey, 82, along the railway ! *55'. near her-'home at Licking View, two' *5 * ied f toil*! west of Zanesville. She had , i bean ton over by a freight train and * otiriBc: sy«-, ,^ .,. 11 , 1 , , ............ , j % ware Vic* tary of La- and Con- of Youngs- re conferred for the first pf th* Eu- uored ware; tch, Gallon; Louis. 'wd of 91.04 committee, klayers - an- id refuse to a^s contract infapt, v was :water at his all gt Young*- rife,Catherine iwith five stab toted John building and of chief id­ ling nudigsP Ih-ugh tnc* ifcF, Me-. [Bfeputorat.'' t r ■sity during by President iment, *g*. largest todl- of 9260 ,- * C V ; I a vote of 4 } toby clause A N A U T H O R IT Y T H A T NO * ONE E V E R D ISPU TE S T h ere to g t W a ih in g ton one division o f the govarnroant that is ever free from criticism as to its motivaa, even when its derisions are unpopular. The head o f the judicial branch o f gov*mment—the Supreme Court—hag had. from its organisation the reputation o f being absolutely fair and unbiased in fta finding*, and its member# eojoy the entire confidence and respect o f the people o f the country* The interesting story o f the Supreme Court » told In one of the series on Our Government bring mailed" monthly to the 'people o f this community. It i* an ’ interesting, brief history o f the court and it# relation to the other branches of the government, The Excbange Bank # # >dacanltitni dmriaa.N. Basag, 40. was killed at Blanchard, near Kenton, whan struck -.drowned, MiReratatrf, truck would jumped to ,WBed. at Pert ft* GA80UNE DROPS IN PRICE. Gasoline took a drop o f 2 1-2 cent! a gallon a few days sgo. This is the lowest price to five years. At Texar­ kana, Texas, gasoline dropped to 15 cents a gallon this week, This is in the midst o f the gasoline section and may mean still cheeper gas for us. Another story is that large corpora­ tions are out to put a number of th* little companies out of business. The cost of production on a low retail price means a weeding out. OSBORN WON THE CASE. Th* Supreme Court, on Tuesday de­ rided th* ease o f Fairfield against Osborn over the extending o f village booftdry to favor of Osborn, thus bus taining toe Greene County commis sionovo. The Osborn Removal Com­ pany has most all the street* laid out aatoseme graded and work was not steppe* <hitoaf th* hearing of tilt suit. This probably and* all litiga­ tion ever the now site for O. bor*. COURTHOUSE CONTRACT LET. The Clark County Courthouse Com mieoton lot tim contract for erecting the now betiding to a Waat Virginia firm for S91M91. Th* old building burned about two years ago and what 1* good « f tim remaining w*U* will bo need in tim new building. Th* same plan of a tmtidtog commission was fel lowed aa when tim Greene county eewthoes* waa erected. The county eemnrieeionert and tour etiisens, ap- jmtatad by the Cemmon Flea* Judge, oenatituto the rommiMien. «TO <y»H JMBrS MEETING. Thera will bo a meeting o f the •toeblmUon, and prospective stock heMes*. o f The Abut Magnesia Com poay.’ beld in tim mayor's oMoo Fri 4ay evwatag, June 94, IMt at right O'akwk, tor tim rioetiesi of four dim t o # one to be treasurer o f tim oom JAMMi LANDA1ER DEAD. jauma I sr ir tir , father of Mr* C. R. Crotoe of tide piaco, died Wed osotar morslag onriy « t the homo of hto MHfMto. Mrs. Harry Vine* to Rota* nU rl.m r The Ml basal El goed bsnWb tor laostlin Th* funeral will he 1 ■to The band* have bosn disposed s f f«r the Jamestown pike improvement and th* money is on hand ready foe tim sals o f the contract on Jtibr IT. The road will be built by the state with the state paying one-third. The balance is paid by the county, township knd property holders. PLENTY OF BOARDERS. The boose business has caused Sheriff Fttnderburg much extra work and many numerous arrests and grids. He has landed many stills, yet men will takes chance* owing to th* big, profit to be had to the illegal asl* of' liquor. About a doaen manwar* to the county jail the first o f the week, the largest number since Mr. Fundstburg has been our eAriant sheriff. MR. WILLUMSON BETTER. - Wo get encouraging report* from County Commissionsr B. D. William­ son, who is very fit at th* McClellan hospital to Xenia. Th* physicians are now more hopeful of recovery yet improvement hqs not reached a stage where outsiders are permitted t* see Mm. THRESHING PRICES. Madison County former* have met and voted |9 per day for threshing help, and the price tor thrashing was settled at 9 1-2 cents for wheat And 3 1-2 rents for oats. These prices are about on par with, the fall in prise tor the grain, •<South Charitestae Sentinel, th e w a r fund . The 9109,000 left in the War fund in Springfield, and the fund that has caused the members o f the eemmittos in charge much ttotffeit has been dis­ posed o f , It wilt he used tor hospital purpassN to Springfield,,^iia money will be hold to trust fair 80 years and the income used for the fife of sick and disabiod soMfors BUY THRESHING OUTFIT. R, A, Murdock an Monday «o!d a separator to Lester McDerman and John Diffendal. Th* machine will b* driven by * Ford tractor, bring ntado oeporiritp fta that put#**, Mr. Mur- data s*y* that a frit fine o f farm im- plomowt* mi amchtoory to now mad* for tim forttooo tractor and that in a ctafde of more your# farm work wilt ha dona to this way. treat**, Tlis «n* reri was awtitiad •rfimProdigal SanMraadwiw foiiewod byashor^MnmmliiyRsv.W.F-Eiac- rimim- Dead; music, f satured th* ex* errista The Idta o f E*Y|Harrimento to resch tboa* who do not attond rog- ular church aerricas, Tim weather was very much against * large crowd owing to the intons* heat. WHEAT CUTTING UNDERWAY* Farmer* are busy this weak cutting wheat and It to safe to say that tim harvest will be completed before the first o f the month. As th*owbo*t rip­ ened it was much Hghtor an tim ground than what' it appeared to be some walks age. Th# bet weather will dry wheat quickly and thrashing will no doubt start around tb# Fourth. WANT NG HIGH BCHOOL. The waters ' to Xenia Township School XHstrict evidently do not want a eeporato high sehari as peopoead to the bond election last Saturday when the 92M90 band Ipm* wa* dafaetod. Th* board proposed to pitchao* th* Xenia; Somtoary building for IHJMO and 99,909 far aqripmont. Th* prop- JL|anf|,A nsnv uoevwi^if , THROW UP THE SPONGE. Th# Citlsons CommitUe that fos­ tered the rommtMton farm o f govern­ ment to Xenia, and has supported the present admistabratien has declined to •elect new camNdate* to fill three place* on the cemmiaston, The Xenia Ministerial Aaseriatton has bcon ask­ ed to assume this werit. A ttoriwyG *»rriJN tar^ taapmatodrittamtamUkocmPOund* a»y Botb*»sn«ftictur*4la<fii$o. -totlm an aU a lrecl^ Okio poetofflcea July 1 th* toUawing secoed to first riaso: Bucyrusi Atb*: on*, ^Greenville,' irostoa, Keut, Beu-. im and Mt. V#rao». ■>f: :»#ftai,.:^iiefisg **ic»man, died at Cambridge- from injuries re­ ceived when tho Hvry W, ■Citato: :machine:was struck by' a streetcar,, tosutttog to tke death of Mies M*^ gsrat B. Moeaba» asd joha Dennis, * Victor Jeans, 90, was drowned t o ' th* Hocking riYor while fishing, at Trimbto. . Pique was ssiectod by -mSmbere o f the Ascisat Order of Okto DrUlds as next yearis meotlag plac*. '.ROoearces of Ohio's state banks oto May 4 were fi.WI.tit.WS. a gain of Uto.tod.OOO over tit* corresponding pertoi last year. Rest Touagstown mayor wiil gst 91,090 a year instead o f 9100 and f##Ao- Dr. K. % Burst of Ohio uairersity bas aacoptod th* pmsidstcy of 0hit 'Korihat*,, uttifafiity, tfustoos ta* Sottnced. An attompt to soenre bar hat, that had itown m, cost Mr*, w. r , Rush, :4i, h*t> iifa, fihe was struck and hlitod by * Big Four freight train :near Wait CatroUton.. : ; .Bid* are baity received tor a Si- room girls’ dormitory at College of Wooster. It wifi cost 96,006. Mrs. Minnie Cochran, 29, mother of two small daughters, drowned her­ self to the Ohio first at Kast Liver­ pool. ' Temporary iniunctloa was granted city of Cincinnati againat car fare rrisa from %% to I eshti, . Baft Ceninger, 9,. died Of lockjaw at Marion after being ran otor by an aetomobite, . Harry M. Bums, ill, Pennsylvania The funeral of Mta. Lydia Corny routaetor, Was crajhei to death Bo­ oms bold from hertote home to Xenia |tw* * * ^ r * 7 f y . f f f S T n r f S dlouort was ontsrad, two sates blown X, d e r j, Oliver Geriough. Inter- j hft* mere motor Vakidss teg* ment teak plow a Weedland ceftie- istered than any cthor lute, A. CL tory. gnew, state automobile registrar, de­ clared, The $«i,606 mark for passen­ ger c ir ticeusoa- has been pansod- Truck licentaa total 18,666* Thia it 34,066 mors pasmngsr license* than He says: "Adtot-ika helped my wife * ^ ta the ™ jr «* im »»* f4r ga* on th# stomach m l aourj1^ JS m J S S S * h Sie!« warn tajrona groatost oxpoetationa, |kM, noma at Ava, near Chldweli by ntrafn, American Legion.colors, both for tb* Ohio departmont and the post* throughotit the state, aro tobo draped in mourning for a period, of 30 days a* a mark of roapari and sorrow for ................... m MRfi. LYDIA COREY DEAD: HUBKAND’BimMtY WILL AMAtX CRDARVILLE, Akler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and 1 , .... ^ - , 1 >All1 L- J- DevJs, mayor of Wmdysid#, lower bewei renmving fow matter' Mf^rg# ft fractured leg and ether whieh prisoned stomach- Brings n « ; j»|nrie« when rought by a Mate toll all ****** and sour, decaying feed, lm * e#*l »!* «, XXCXL1.RNT for chronic eonstipation f Rev, L, Wiser Yiaglleg, father of Guards against appendicitis, Adlor i- i Earl Yingfisg, sow with the Miane* k* ramevea tnatitaryon mem thaught! spoils baseball toast, died at Dayton wna in your »ysteni and which may! foltowla* an taeratiou. , He ■ hold a have hem pefe**ir« you for months, pastiwate at Eaton MAKING GOOD PRQGRSRfc W. J. TarbO* la waking good pfw groat on Me new dwaWng* The forms’ tor th* toaerfatfea are all In and he- days the fmndatikm will ready fInr th# aurpta- tots. The ju*»g« is nai i rwnR also, A- R, Richards, drnifirist- Baaben Grant, 41, fiehermsn, was aeiaed with cramp* while wading to Craiia crook, boar Tetado, and was tow \ fire**** batoro help roald roach him, ^ iwtoavw*. o ^ v m m Iw^swtor - 1 mtUm In Ihroa toetefwater, Bto Aiut^af.tim miwatii when aha wifi \ Gplumbin ItodvemSI^f martweak. ^ bis tortu, near Newark, whau a mad oqw be was leading sttsohod bun, knocked him. down, gorod and tram­ pled him. ’ _ •* ‘ Ninety crippled cblldpeu from Day-1 ton, Greenville, Eldorado, Sidney. ’ Piqu# and MitmISburg were exam-' toed at tb* largest crippled child clinic bold' to Ohio under susplce* of the Rotary Club St Dayton, Follow­ ing examinations, prescription* were written for each child, Merger of the Geitral Steel com­ pany, the MaeslUon Rolling Mill com- pny and the National Prosoed. Steel company, all to MSsslUon, with a capital of approximately 919,066,666. has been approved and toformaily agreed upon by.the directors, Walter A. Jon**, Columbu*, was' elected president of th* board of trustass of Ohio Wesleyan university' at Delaware. Ho enecooda David S. Gray, who died racontiy. v Albert M. Major, deputy state fire Saarabel for the saltern Ohio district uad«r Governor Wifiie, wa* re­ appoint to hit old poit. At Youagitown, Rose, 4, daughter of Ralph Mtrcovecchio, died of. burnt received when - she played with matches. Barney Barista, 40, farmer, wa* kilted by thei Lake Shore Electric limited at Fremont, , > At St, Clslravilla somebody stole David Javitch'a whieky, David ra- ported it to th* police. David paid 91,066 fiat tor having it in his paa- saisloR, president Hardings baa on Sun­ day golf received approval of th* M. E, Ministers’ association at Cincin­ nati, At Urban* ClarenceWalkerwalked home unassisted after a heavy bas# I hall bat was broken over his bead. Dr. C. F, Thwtogf tor *1 years president of Western Retort* uni­ versity, said to be the longest term of any college president now holding office, tendered his resignation to the board of trustee# St their annual meeting. J ■ William Corbin, 45, was killed, aid Letter Liebenthai, 1*. was critically injured at Upper Sandusky when their automobile tel! off a bridge, pinning both men under it. t'orbin leave# a widow and line children. Ohio Nagles to convention at Steu­ benville elected the following offi­ cers; President, Brauel IF, Bell, Cin­ cinnati; secretary, Ed L, Hynewan, Columbus; treasurer, H. U Birken- hauer, Toledo. 5 Edward Travis, 16, son of Mr- and Mrs. James Travis of Marysville, wa* run over by an auto truck, .auL faring injuries from which he died, rig iron, production in the Young** town district reached its lowest ebb when two Carnegie Steel company furnaces were blown out at Newcas­ tle, p«,» leaving only nl* stack*, oper­ ating oat of 46 in the district, , | After deliberating 16 hour*, th#|’ jury at Cincinnati Which tried Wat- j ter Brockman, privet* detective, for f first degree murder of Harlan Brat*, \ Lackland high scheel student, last Jaitary, reported It was unable to f tree and «rw ditNthwrgeA u | t w ? You can’t enjoy the hot weather unless you have your house equipped with Awnings. Prices gladly submitted. Galloway&Cherry W . Main Street, Xen ia , - - O h io . •TRY OUR TOB PRINTING