The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

. 0*ww, w «lw M , * * ♦ * .♦ m m. . Hit*. Twgk. Jw*V PPKps^ A T * $ M h*s W*o « ■*•* p**tf*w d*y». . O. L. 8«tbh «,Wrt*te- « ftfemfe I* dinner on *£ ■Wm -* Sp*eeer who teach** 0*> f* B oom for the bol- P**tt B. Boll o f Jadiiwspoli*, wa« IMS #*& “ " B oom ening. Fjddw aatR Monday #v- Hr*. W. R, Watt entartatn- o f rals&Vea at dinner, *vante|r. Mr.^iwd Mica, 8 . X . Williamson «&- tertatap a number of tdattye* at dlnft#»£&riirtnia*. ItCb^HTortba Ceoley, who is attend- log MWmi University at Oxford, i«s homo for the holidays. i . «e «r. a * a pqibli* sals of par- mmAwmmfy m Tbwwdby, dsn. JJ. tmmmm Keemea, who tweehee fa OMSMStet, G,, cam* hoMt toe hi. hoi. Way vacation. mm Momm WiHiamsoe, wh* is twd»W« at Meaeaea, Pa« ft horns fee the holiday vacation. x S & . ' t t t . quoncar charge by i bstoCr -kind* PQQ ana six months, riy of o* a in tbs " fined him SPECIAL- Prime (Little Bed) ©over Seed. 90,25 parity and 00 ger- manation. $14,00 per bushel The CedarvQi* Farmers’ Grain Co. Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Johnson enter* tslned at ChrisVnas dinner, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Gilbert of South Char­ leston; Miss Lena Gilbert of Xenia and Hr, and Mrs., Ralph Gilbert and abildren,' <*r Mr, J, W. Rosa and wife and Miss 3 fKe Boss and Prof. Cameron Boss, .pent Christmas in Dayton with Mr. md‘ M bs - Ernest Balls, . Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Kenoou'entets tainedgshildren and grand children at family-dinner Christmas. Jffis^ Belle winter, who teaches is PainwyiUe, O., has been the guest ol . friends here this week.. Miss Louise McCollough o f Seaman Ohio, has been the guest of Miss El- lea Tarbox for several days. ’ - .... Mr. SndMrs. J. E. Nishet o f Dayton spent Christmas witk, Mr,', Eisbct’E, parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, H< Nishet. ....... ... ■i.i' ii . m -. u . m M .,..* ' Mrs, C. C. Turnbull is in WellsviUc 0 ., the guest .other son-in-law anc- daughter, Rev. Woodbridge UsticL and wife. *Warren Barber has rpurchased two lots in Edgempnt addition from Mr. and Mrs. J- W. Badabaugh Of Celina, the consideration being $22?. Miss Maude Jff?' tings who teaches pearRevenna, 0 ,/is home for the hol­ idays, accompanied •by ' her friend. Miss Mary.Taylor,' . . -Miss Nina Shroades of Springfield spent.Christmas-with her’parents, Mr- . and Mrs.*Lee Shroades ana had as’ her guest, Sabbath, Mr. Gray of Spring, Walter Sterrett and family of . Pittsburg, have been* kuests of the former's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. W. •R. SJterrett. shoptai on at ^..jcnoiip. as the Snyder farm, F wh . ... , T. now occupied % Jack Fursy. Phono or see p, L, Finney. MisS 'Agnes Storniontt who-teaches at Indiana Harbor, Ind., is spending her holiday vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Stormont, Word has been' received here of .the illness o f Mrs* B, S. Anderson of Santa Ana, Cal* ’ Frank Shepherd of Columbus ran down Saturday morning to spend Christmas with his aunt, Mrs, Mary Bridgman. . Ray McFarland, who Is connected with the Doddington Lumber Co., of Columbus, was in town * Christmas, spending the day at home. Carl MinSer of Cincinnati spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs, RosaMinser. . Mr. and Mrs. C* E. Masters are spending the week with relatives in Wellston, 0* Mr. andMrs. B, J. Shultzof Dayton were guests Of Mr, and Mrs. W* A. Spencer, the latter's parents, over Christmas. G. F* Sieglsr, supervisor o f music in the Marietta public schools came home last Thufsdsy for the holidays, expecting to return Monday* Miss Mary' Chesnut has for her ;ueet,.Misa Ervin o f Coulterville, 111 ,, who stoppei for a visit enrofttuto her lome after visiting with relatives in Pittsburg, gewr the first of Erneet Post of Portemeoth hi spend- tag a week hues on a yaactiop, Mias Bertha Jackson, ef Dsyto* spent Christmas with relatives here, Mrs, J, 0 . Stewart has been suf- There axe no rural route deliveries On Saturday, New Year’s,day. For Sale:- Morning papers, James C. McMillan. Miss Anna Alexander and Miss Helen Bahn* of Yellow Springs, spent Christmas with Miss Margaret Alex­ ander, For rent:- Cottage o f four rooms, bujuire of Mrs, Lee Shroades or phone Miss Ruth Burns has been on the aipk list the past week. L. C, Titus o f South Charleston will .old a public sale of farm machinery, .eeds and a demonstration of farm aguipement on Friday, Jan. 8. The an­ nouncement appears in this issue. The Postal Telegraph Co„ has with draw its station,here. CedarviUe was ;he smallest town on the line and the oUsiness here did not justify a sta­ tion, , •- ’ F, 0 , Harbison has been distribut­ ing some, very handsome calendars a- ■tong his ,threshing .patrons *this Sea- on. They are about the hahdsomest >ut in this section,.Fewpeople realize he cost o f a good calendar nowdays. Fred McMillan o f Des Moines, owa, after spending Christmas day with his brother,' Mr. Clayton McMil- ari and family, left Saturday night in a, business trip to New York City. , Rev. Ernest McClellan and wife o f &elle Center, 0., and Mr, and Mrs, lalph Hill of Pittsburg,' are Dr. Alvjn Drr of Pittsburg,,have been, guests at .he home o f Mr. and Mrs. j ; R, Or*. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are also visiting with Mr.- and Mrs. Elios Hill. vJohn Steel, who is located at Kings rille,, Texas, spent a few days among friends here; Mr. Steel is connected with .the Kleberg County Oil and Gas Co./ near BrownsviUe.-There is quite in oil and giuf' boon in that section at hie ttme. ■Dr. John Finney, wife , and two children of Harrison, Idaho, are the xUests o f the former's mother, Mrs. iohn.M, Finhey. Dr.-Finney expects lo go' On to Baltimore to take some •pecial work in John Hopkins Uni- .'ersity, Mrs.; Finney entertained at amily-dinne -. Christmas day: The Home Culture Club .was en­ tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iValter Biff last Tuesday evening when the annual Christmas banquet was given and the usual exchange of gifts among the members- and hus­ bands as gues.ts. A three course din­ ner was served and the evening was me long to he remembeed by all present. NOTICE-AU persons having claims against the estate o f the late Susan Broadice will present Same to the undersigned immediately. George Parker, Admr., Susan Broadice, Deceased. MOW’S Tm s f We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any- case o f Catarrh that •annot ho cured by Hall's *Catarrh Medicine.! “ Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-fire years, and has be­ come known as the most reliable rem­ edy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru tha Blood wa. tha Mucous uuxfacoo, expelling the Poigw from the Blood and Leafing the dla- Wanted Trucking;- I have, a Ford track o f my own and am now ready for business. Call Farmers' Grain Co, or M. C. Nagley for appointment, j N. L. Baraaey has been on the sick list for the peat few weeks, hut is ^ much better. eased portion*. After you have token Hatl'a Oa- tairii MecUcine for a short time you « IN t o g . . J, CHiENXY A Co.,.Toledo, Ohio, geld by all Dmggiete, fie. . Mr. G. E, Heritage of Los Angeles, Cal., is visiting Mr, andMrs. John Me Farland during theHolidays. _ ' "" r ' Mrs., J. H, Wolford entertained children and grandchildren at dinner Christmas. , For Sale;-’ Morning papers. James C. McMillan. - ■- Miss Apna Collins entertained a few friends at dinner Wednesday evening. ■Wilbur Conley will enter the O, S. U. Monday for an Agriculture course Mrs. J. C. Grindle, -who underwent an operation at the McClellan hospi­ tal in Xenia, has recovered sufficient­ ly to he moved home. ‘ . The First Division of the ,U. F. congregation held a. social at-the church last night..Refreshments were seryed-and the Evening enjoyed by all present.. . The ice on the roads' has made auto traveling rather dangerous this' week, A number of machines have gone into ditches as a result of the ice. ■ The1Xenia Elk's lodge gaveTcandy toys, hooks and other'gifts to about 1000 .boys and^glrls in that city on Christmas morning. ' Miss Clara Boase, who teaches near'Hamilton, is home’ for the hol­ idays. . , - . • ^The drop to zero .the first of the week drew heavily on the g&8 sup­ ply. Lee Gaylor has been committed to the Dayton $tate hospital following a hearing before Probate Judge Mar­ shall* J, H* Larimore, director of tmblic- ity of the Sfate Farm Bureau Federa­ tion, was in town Wednesday In the interest of the drive fo„r ’members to the Gounty Farm Bureau next'Week. Annbunce your Herald. sale date in the W. L. Marshall and son, Alfred, of Columbus, were visitors here Wed­ nesday. Mr. Marshall expetes to leave Tuesday for Los Angeles, Cal., to join his wife, who is spending thewinter, with'her soft, Arthur. Prof. B. Cecil Bums of Washington D. C., and Miss Donna Bums of Ham­ ilton, are Spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Bums. Robert Conley of Crystal City, Mo., who is connected with the Pit­ tsburg Plate Glass Co., spent Christ­ mas at home. He went from here to Pittsburg for Research work and will return for New Years. » Word has been received here that Stanley Bumgarner, who has been ill at the hopie of his father in Colum­ bus, has been taken to the Springfield City hospital for treatment under Dr. Bumgardner. Word has been received here that R. E. Bui* of Seattle, Wash., who has for several years been connected with the Pioneer Lumber Co., has been elected secretary of the company. The company nas. several yards in neighboring cities and towns about Seattle** Mr* and Mrs. F, M. Gillilan. enter­ tained at dinner Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Garrison of Clarks­ burg, Mr. G. E. Heritage of Los An­ geles, Cah. Mr. and Mrs. John MeFar land and Mr. and Mrs* Albert Jolly of CedarviUe and Miss Edna Jolly of Dayton. After a gumptious dinner of three ocurses the afternoon was spent with music, singing and games. Don’ Waste Your Money Why gratify the passing desires o f today at the ex­ pense of your peace of mind of tomorrow? Stop being extravagant, start k systematic saving plan—save a, part o f your income, no matter how little —it may soon grows big. One dollar wilt open an account here and interest at & 1*2 per cent compounded semi-annually. Start*' today atid you’ll he surprised how quickly it amounts up. Op* * TownSaving* , Aewot ol bars and Vrt give fM ««* H ' Banks for your Itoittasaving*. Ask toe <*»* TheCedarviUeBuilding& LoanAssociation Farmers:-When the FARMBUREAUMen Call V Beginning next week every township in thi# county will be canvassed lor member* by the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. Fanners from your own county—*some o f them your friends and neighbor*, all -of thfem with the same problems on their hands that you have will call on you to talfcthl* matter over. They will be accompanied by other member* o f theOhio Farm Bureau. They will tell you about the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation— tell you just what it is and what ■ it plans to do. They'will show you just how thi* powerful organization, standing for- * . square deal for agriculture, is going to make your* a more profitable farm and a better place to live, They will point out that when you join the Ohio Farm Bureau you gain not only the benefits o f your state organization, but also those o f the national association—*the American. Farm Bureau Federation, - AND THEN—THEY WILL, ASK YOU TO JOIN THE AND YOIJ WILL. JO IN— For, the same reasons that 65,000 other farmers in Ohio *— and more than a million in the land— have joined this ^nation-wide Farmers*. Busine**' Organization: • ■ ■* , ^ ‘ ^ ‘ Because it will enable you. to get what you could never hope to get IndividuaRy. - -------■...... .r 1 J* * r Because it i* the only organization financed in a suffi* ciently large way to promote and protect the business interests o f the farming industry. Became it is stepping out and tackling for you the ’ . problems o f Marketing, Transportation, Farm Hek>t Right ^ Returns for your Time, your Land, your Labor. Because it is trying to bring about more just returns _ . imdfshrerpricesfbrybu. v < ' ■* * '* , * ' * ? ' » t V - , 1 The Bureau is asking only for a square deal and wishes nothing in the way o f legis­ lation Ithat is in any way opposed to the interests o f the public welfare. We farriers, as surely as any other class o f men* are entitled to a fair return on opr labor and on our investment. We feel that we have not beenrgetting this. And them is just one way to get it — that is through organization. . Our business will never be on m sound, permanent, paying basis until we do organize — and organize strong. The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation constitutes just the sort o f big-vision, level-headed organization we need. It is an association o f farmers, run by farmers, for farmers. For it to carry out its broad, vital program of making the business o f farming moire profitable and attractive it must have Solid support from the farmers o f Ohio. That in­ cludes you. Be Ready to Join f*, , ’'*\&*** M I —Z V w .Think it over now. When,our represen­ tatives. call— then is your chance to show that you are really in earnest in helping solve these vital problems we. have all been talking so much about. Give your*friends a hearing* ask your questions, talk it all over* and then— SIGN UP. We counton you to join. ■. . .- m - The Campaign Opens Jan. 3rd • tZr . Greene County Farm Bureau W. B. BRYSON, Prss. President FRANK WARDLOW, Vicsf Pm . GEO. W. CLASS, Tress. Vice President E. H. SaUttf, Secretary Secretary * . EAGLE“ MIKADO” «nc3Ko.l74 {• <M NS . , , ?*i »KA ' For Sal* «t yoaVDaslar M«la Irt flhr* ASKFORTH*YELLOWM 3 NCU.WITHTHSZEDBAND ' BACtE MIKADO E A G L E P E NC IL C O M P A N Y * N E W Y O R K Ascertaining Mnutrtaltt Helghta. , Tha kright of tBoOatain* is ascsr* tainsfi by bsrometrltf obsertatioa, ibowlng ths pre#*tir» at stmoapkar# at the lowar and higher levels. An in- Strutneat called the tnotmtaln harem* eter li graded especially for this pari pose, It can aUo be dona with a lev* ellug inatrnment and theodolite, bat either way reqolm technical know* Odge. , j Baleing Foxes on nanohe*. }• Raising ranch-bred foxes la an la duatry that li being carried on ext teneively in all theCanadianprovinces, la «t least a dozen of the northern* most states of the United States, and beginning in Japan and Norway, all lying in math the same climate belt, adapted to domesticating tile felactt fox, vadet tha what favorable eendf* Uwa* , W . L. CLBMANS R e a l Estate ■ da*bafausuat say sMei i n*QWtS ReeWwweJ-133 GtOARVUXK, OHIO TRY OUR ?0 » reiNDWG t* $ " ** M m —'W'