The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

- # tm f ’M$>NSWiSS>S>»isei». h m vf . . ,, „ (f^HjlfVlIlli iinIn , mjm..... m m w | o jr th e pro* <*f tJai# *ec- * those who wm* ■S|||al|£a>M W M u ~ _ -ji i . nu^i iu it/ ■ ^ / ft \ 1 ’ i toojKtiteh, MSyessiw jjau^i amumnm omo, 9 » a ?, J anuary u , mi PRICE, $1,50 A YEAR message **m m m JJW r\ jmA k M* mmM y ,i Gpv, thf to; In t*x*ti<>n for bat to p*#. ■k aC tiia Smith one m jfor the protection of thtt need no tax increase n department to enforce .. in eo.-op«r*tioii with fed* 1«ral anti local Officials. Ahom : «n.ede«#*iy aorkmfceion* *nd tatk&am departments for effi- tdenf pcp^o, IncJuqS.oceraetlonel diseases, as n» .tridental injarlse, ih.tto r & h «i»iojui of theworkmans compensation .■•■•■, ■ Gonfcfafi^ Americaitization'wibick By lodging hie own .effort* in. O',,‘^ ^ ^ ^ e ^ y '^ c e f o r and anarchists/1 W. '/ Oh?o ‘State t9i$R|Kj^^ greatest stote-university in itha-^mtry and give ^qtjej atten­ tion tdinfie other edhoatio&id rastStn- tions. . Av«dti tJass legislation and meas­ ures for the .benefit of special in­ terests. The new governor pledged his ex* ecntjve endeavorsto: • ' ' Saving public funds without sac­ rificing quality'of Service, Making an inquiry to.determine the heat highway policy, with a view to' better marketing facilities and com­ pletion-of most important roads first. Encotkagement o f business arid in*, dustry so as to relieve unemployment, Greater protection, against wildcat stock sales. JStop. the activities of professional JegiilAtS$ lobbyists. with fhn‘legislature to carry .out the pledges of the Reputo Hcan state platform. OFFICE TO CIJAT. :JDDG* NAMES MISS CANBY BTBNOGRAPH1ER Whsn Poatmaster Harry tiewranoe msstgasi A* peafrMtster in Jamestown jxdltknaa* began to get busy. Os* a# the fiea$ to sack the plane WNf Jehm Rtoaifefi, Gowdy-Marshall leader in that section. Baughn quietly secured the endorsement of Hie exec utive commhitee controlled body and soul by that faction, and then boasted to hie friends' that be Hsd the post office,job hi hi* pocket end at the proper time would hand out the mail to Jamestown people. The unexpected happened and Lawson O'Day, former school teacher, received the appoint­ ment. Gloom prevail* in . the Gowdy- Marshall camp. Some o f that faction’s supporters are *quietly saying that .applicant* will be better o ff 'Without I&rkhdll’a aid than with it. During the last campaign it was found out ; Shit Marshall Whs tryifcg td defeat Sheriff Ftmderburg fo r his pecond term and that the Republican chair- ipan^was jtakinff an active part for the Demdbratic ftominefe* Some important achs will m Hme come to light that will startle Republicans. Jameptown People evidently do not take kindly b> Baughn"for on Sunday night he Was buried in effigy in the public square, a pile of sand repre­ senting a grave with flowers" and a headstone'told the story. * Unless the civil service rule is'lifted the successful candidate ^ mUst’ pass the examination, any one of the three highest in grades to get the place. s Meantime since O’Day has the temporary appointment, Baughn is telling hi* friends that he is not aOx-, into for the' F. M, job but wants something higher up.'We suggest that Marshall endorse him for Burleson’s job as postmaster general, ■ NO FRLILS FOR HARDING. Judge Kyle the EXCHANGE bank election Ttoimnual meeting o f the.share- holdert-il^lhfeiEib'iptngm Bank, was head Tfi«McllYw%eH Frmient di­ rectors were ;all ,t»Alected as fol- ’ lows-:- Geo. W. Rife,-Oliver. Garlough, feUMKhto StoredJ^iifh , ' H, |. President-elect Harding has sent Word to' headquarter* in Washington D, C.t that he desires no inaugural parade or ball on the Fourth of March when be*takes over the reins of gov­ ernment. His reason for breaking a precedent that has been followed for years was the lavish use o f money for sdeh a demonstration. Washington business men had raised $200,000 and the government $60*000fo r twrevent inf^tirik'is notinie whin the. before resigning as judge on Gammon Plea* bench named Miss Blsie Oanby, who has been the efficient Stenographer for a number of years, for aifother term of three years. This office figured in the recent elec- tion last fall. A, .prominent educator connected with Wilberforoe University Campaigned for E. t . Gowdy, telling the voijers in that school, yriio consti­ tute a large part *f the vote in Xenia township, that by the election of Mr. Gowdy, a relative of the educator had been promised the position of cotat stenographer. , . Colored people were also inffunced by another story that “Tack” Howard, a prominent Fourth Ward politician, in Xenia, was to he court bailiff, tak­ ing Frank Tarbox's place. It remains to be seen whether'Hr. Gowdy, wlien he assume the office in February will' remove Miss Canby And appoint the colored lady froih Wil berforce, or allow her to hold over. The same is true of Mr. Tatbyx, The people of the entire, county ir­ respective o f race, are keeping a close tab on- the situation and awaiting to see what the judge-elect is going to do. ABOUT TEE GOVERNOR. Ohio’s new governor, Harry L. Davis o f Cleveland, 46th exeebtive in the history of the state, was bom 'n Cleveland,' His father whs a .steel mill worker; When aged 13 G6v! Davis entered a steel mill. , 1 ' „ Later studied engineering and bus- ness ephrae at night. Was for six years surveyor. • Eelcted treaaurer in Cleveland, * Was three times mayor-Cleveland resigning the third term to run for -he nomination o f governor, ' , - Page in Ohih House' o f Represen­ tatives from 1398 to 1902. ’ Is married and has a wife and one ?on aged, five. r Is a 3?nd degree Mason, k Shriner md memher o f several other lodges, inchclubs m Cleveland. - VNTIOCH WINS ONE; CRDARVILLE ANOTHER Thu kthlstic; Jdvalry between Ced- pvilfe Cblie°,f* atetd Antioch allege Joseph Ab&h JH, o f Med in a hospital at suit of wounds reosir •.with Marshal W. A, 3bom, m which two also ^nandied by th* shoofl®fefe41owed «a at robbery, Rosie and Rachel ters, aged 12 and 6 ye ly, were instantly la their' way to attend g when an automobile' crushed them to building, near tbeir hfor land, Member* of the Ofcio^ ers* association, at thkfes| ing in Columbus, went | favor of * bill ptoriais ttQual 2-mill tax on «•i for school purposes, levied outside urn pi (tatioa; c, c . Timerman safety director of Lora losuffioisnt temunsration^ ..Lawrence county of ed $10,000 worth-bf wt4 on .a farm south ot Vcoti ■ Fire destroyed the ] ' elevator At peshler.. Rev, W. H, Sbepieij pastor,of Zion’s Lathe fiance, to accept a pa^t| burg. Fa, Martin; Beagle, 92, seriously burned whah^ which he was lying iU ,w by are, • Lawrence Shields p! _prisoner in Jefferson plained, to aScial* that J prisoner stood on his n* robbed him of f08*aOdi John Ott, 60, meat4e| Center, near Akron,, bound and gagged who robbed*him of With, the arrest o f si in age-from ,10 to 14;..Cbj believe they have brokf which, during the has participated -in 1S| “ Floyd Taylor, « ; mb by a train’hear Uhric^ .-iaaac m $w $A M A ' implement4®aihtv-of:i county, accused.of pi paper Amounting* to ' 000, pleaded guilty i to an indeterminate.! tentlary, * ‘ <Mrs. Alta Hob boupd ^ver to spoils, the re- a -duet, of Ow- sps were Ttes attempt pan, ate* ctive- pwhJe op re show and gatost a [kt Cleve- >Teach* sal meek >rt in -in addi* bdsis juld be , ’ .fax llm- |^a^public hue of oonfiscat. ;m s n i i -graih: signed- as urch, De?’; .‘at'IAch- »y, was .house la destroyed r'jail,com- je another- vo: others bid watch, ' Copley; beaten, >' btadftfc- escapedU- s, ranging 3d police; | p a gang ie. weeks,; „.,?|.ea; £ . ; has kaledi;: i, " e ‘ 1 -* \ t* ' ' toblle and ad, Union" vorthless s a a ?thh .peni- ' ^ ' BUREAUCAMPARI ISIK PROGRESS The membership campaign fog th* Greene County Farm Bureau whhdi was launched Jan- S is exceeding the expectations of those in charge. • Already nearly 700 fames* have been signed up,. • number which «jc- seed* the membership last year wad the county 1» not yet half completed. The following townships have been partially or wholly canvassed: Xenia Spring .Valley, Sugar Creaky Beaver meek, Bath and Miami, Cedarville, OaesarcreSk and New Jasper -will be worked thiswoek - and early next week wo expect to move our head- dparters to Jamestown .and' Complete the campaign from there in. the thro* Eastern townships, Although it is esrly to predict the final outcome, it. seem* certain at this bps that the membership will exceed the quota of 1600, Farmers are alive to the benefits already derived from the Farm Bu­ reau, in the defeat of Tax Classifica­ tion, the saving: of four hundred mil­ lion-dollars on freight rate* and sim­ ilar big things alVeady accomplished ay the'American and State Bureau*. Farm Bureau representatives are ffusy and farmers are for the first Me adequately, represented at Wash­ ington and Columbus this yepr. ' •JHDH NOISSIPiKOD AMD _ Springfield has home.rule govern­ ment, Thpf is commission form of, government where the city commis­ sioners stage more .trouble than was qver known in former years under;the old federal form plan. A member of the «ity commission, J, D. Fxockr,Iaid a right uppor/cut bn Dr. R, ,R. Richi- aon, health- officer of the city, at the Monday evening., meeting , when, the member was called an ugly word of four letters. The^commission has had much’nptoriety the past few-.years Which proves that after all the' kind o f government has iRtle to do with the success of municipal Affairs;' The government is never any better,,tha^j what the people makd it—thrbugh the ‘, J • .Gimfe E. U. Eisuaugle, Rural Service di­ rector of Jhe 'R«d, ■Gross in "dark. % . -bank hiwiemjoyed _ >^ear,. hnfact ode or the: hest- i^S»j<^istory o f the institution. The--USuMbank statement appears in Some ^me this spring the bankwill move to ihe elegant new heme now nearing x^mpletition, one o f the most modem-banking institution* in this section o f the state. No date can be set at th& time for the compleUtlon o f the. building for occupancy but 'when this event does come, special, arrangements will be made for an elaborate program of entertainment, which will he'open to the public. . SCHOOL ROARD organ izes . The Board of Education met Monday •veiling for organization for the new year. J. W. Johnson,as president .and W. J. Tamox as vice president were re-elected. Andrew Jackson was re­ elected clerk. Gsrl Smith of Spring Valley has been' chosen ''to fill the va­ cancy caused by the resignation of Mis# Mitdhell. m H E J ? 0 i«hingkp hishat ready for work? TWO IMPORTANT BILLS, . -Two hill* already introduced in Hie legislature that will be o f interest to every one am a soldier bonus bill calling for a bond issue of 26 million dollars for the a* vice bey* from this state. The boys would be paid on a basis of $10 a month for each month in the service. The atate cannot issde inoreifaan $750;OGtfiaboiidjl tttjdlt tte “constitution without the people' vot­ ing directly fop it. The other bill if pwied will provide for rural police. Some of the farm organizations urge such a measure, others oppose it ow­ ing to the cost which it is feared will be greater than any benefit that can be derived. Both bills will likely be; fought b y ,those who are opposed to any increase in taxes. COLLINS MACHINE BURNS. M« W. Collina’ ,automobile burned this side o f Springfield on the pike where the traction fine turns for South Charleston Wednesday after* nood, It was in charge of a mechanic from the Peters garage where Miss Anna Collins, who teaches in Spring- field,, had left it for repairs, The auto was being tested and the origin of the fire is not known. There was no insurance and the machine was a total loss. ■* aud itor re signs . R. W. McKinney, comity auditor of dark county, has resigned ho accept a position with m Ohio corporation. Mr. McKinney was active in pushing the real estate valuations up in that county and land owners will* not re­ gret his leaving public service. Most county auditors are personally oppos­ ed to a re-valuation at this time but when orders oome from the State Tax Commission there ii nothing else for them to do but observe the rules laid down in Columbus. COUNTY CORN CHAMPION. James Hubbard o f Xenia, has been named champion of Greene coufity in the Men’s Ten Acre Com Contest con­ ducted by the county farm bureau in cooperation the Ohio State Uni- varsity. His average yield when redo ced to a moisture consent o f 20, per cent was *]tM bushels per acre on 10 acres. Mr. Hubbard will he awarded a medal during Farmers' Weak at the O. S, U. from January 81 to Feb. 4 .' SAFE ENOUGH MAN. We hdtie* by an exehange that Seu- ator Warren G. Herding, in Ids mods of M s # w r s nut only a -halt tot .su^endnlaj^* hate always regarded Mat** pwak <** who id liLyt - m M EfgRy^.vf|j|ejj& -1L| .HwwwWi -^eww-siRwWw. •• wpiegi wwMmwnas ■ aid the local hey* low to the tune of 16 tofiO but the local girls were easy vinners 22 to 18. Collinslfor ,the locals ook downfive credits while Carry and Northnp for .the visitors plucked the sskete for the visitors. ARMED MAN READY. The Xenia National Bank has taken ixtra precaution for safety, following t plan adopted by several New Yori fity banks owing to the many day- ight hold-ups, and has provided a duple of automatic guns and an ex­ pert marksman stationed behind a .eavy steel screen in the balcony. Tbs creen is equipped with sight hole and •ange for the gnn that can Sweep the ntire lobby in case it is necessary* SPRINGFIELD BAKERY SUED The Cottage Bakery in Springfield s defendant in a salt for*$16,000 brot by the widow .of George Parsons, who waskilled by a company .truckDecern* her 16 near Yellow Springs. Marcus Shorn? and Harry Smith, attorneys. .. - . .... . ■ ■ *■ TWO MILLS LET LOOSE. Two mill* at the powder plant at Goes let loose Monday afternoon abound o’clock. The damage was only slight to the buildings and the loss placed at $100, HARDING ELECTED AGAIN. The Ohio electoral college met Mon­ day in Columbus and the vote was cast for Warren G, Harding. The re* suit was unanimous, just ,as it-was in November, Another vote trill be taken in Washington, D. C., when all the states Will cast the final vote. HARTLEY FOR JUDGE. AttorneyM. J, Hartley ha* been ap­ pointed Common Pleas Judge to fill the six weeks term o f Judge Kyle, who was named as a memebr o f the state board of celmency, R. L. Gowdy Will succeed Judge Hartley hi Feb­ ruary. NEW LIBRARIAN. The library board has appointed Mrs, A, E. Huey, librarian, to succeed Mist Lucile Gray, whose marriage to Mr, Galan Dugan took place last week. Mr. Huey was also named as janitor. Wm. Marshall has disposed of his truck and discontinued the sale of groceries but wil) continue the poult­ ry business. He will also deliver groceries for any o f the looal m*r- riwmt* witthout extra cost to tottntry people. Have your order ready and $M. out what day he makes your E ^ e , Breed wm U toadied dally. verses, John Black; farmer ntor De­ fiance, commuted: suicide by, shooting hltuself. Otto Culbertson, 82, his wife and daughter were killed 16 mils* west Of OreenyiUe when an express train demolished' their auto at a trade crossing. Harry Nickels waa Sentenced to serve 10-years in1’ the Atlanta peni­ tentiary after he pleaded guilty at Cleveland to stealing $60:66 postoffice funds. Frightened by an approaching auto­ mobile while coasting in Youngstown, James Cotrigan jumped, hut W** crushed beneath the . wheels of the cat. , , ' Mrs. Fred D, Loutben, % Promi­ nent ih.the’work of the Woman’* Re­ lief corps in Ohio, died at Lima. Amendments to present city ordi­ nances which would provide jail sen­ tences for gambler* will'be proposed In the rModification of Akron.'* mu*: nicipal laws. Faced a year ago by a municipal, deficit of nearly 120,000, the Barber­ ton city treasury now has i surplus of $60,000. Liquor fines are largely responsible, ,*i A drop of 1 cent a pint in the price of milk to 9 cents Was announced by Carl F. Knirk, Moratory of the Northern Ohio Milk. Producers* a*eo- cistlon, at- Cleveland, Quart bottles Will remain at If cent*. Btate tax otmamiseioti suspended its order for real *»UU reappraise- msnt in 61 counties until Feb, I. whan final action is to be taken. The week of Jam 17 was sat aside for holding of public hearing* at Cohum bus.' in Which persons and drganna­ tions for or agafaat resppralsemeat may pdrtiolpaU. •> Governor Cox appointed. Judge Charles H, Kyle, Xenia, Republican, a member of the state board of clem­ ency to suocstd Randolph W. Walton, Columbus, resigned. Fire at Kent destroyed the Buckeye bakery and damaged three other buildings. loss $20,006, Five barrels and 10 esses of bonded Whisky were stolen by burglars who entered the storage room of Robert L. Buse at- Cincinnati and hauled the liquor away in an automobile truck. Miss Australia Crap* 24, confessed at Cleveland police headquarters, ac­ cording to deteotlvss, that she ItiUed Christ Wilson* $6, when he made ah attack on her mother, Mr*. Annie 'Evan*. ; Nine-year-old Arthur Bateman, un cle of Kenneth Boyle, 6, aootdentaUy shot and killed his nephew at Cleve­ land. The boye were playing with a revolver Wlieh the aooidsnt occurred, Under the plan of reorganization of the Springfield polio* department, the patrol house and patrol wagon* are to be abandoned, * r . R. Beetham, speaker of the next Ohio house of representatives, an thorisefi the anpoiineeiaeat that iiartY M .. Carpenter of Jefferson oounfcy had been appointed ohairman of the finance committee of the lower "Itmee. W3 tiie dyiovriug. commltfeek; re­ modeling the opera houae for g com­ munity cehter,Chester Preston, Ralph Auld.and Prof. Shupp; child, welfare, Mrs. J. H. Harris, Mrs, Tobias and Mrs. J. E. Kyle; for rural police ■urg­ ing the legislature to provide for .same A. E,’ Swaby, W. B. Corry; entertain­ ment; Mrs. W. B. Carry* Mrs- J. H. larris and Mrs. Douglass Luce, . PUBLIC SALE. Having given up a rented farm I Will discontinue fanning and will Sell he following property on the 'E, N. Shigjey farm, Thursday, Jan. 27 at 11 o’clock. 6 head o f horses;. 6 Dliroc gilts and 10 fall stoats. 200 bushel com and good,timothy hay. Farm im­ plements. ’ Carl Spraeklen. SENATOR WILLIS NOW. ' The pWiatsf* riwyted to mM FTank B. Willis was named' as U. S. senatorTMonday by Gov. Davis, his first official acV^to succeed Senator Warren Harding, Senator Willis will serve until March 4 and then, enter upon his regular elected term. ' BANQUET POSTPONED. The annual meeting and banquet o f the newly organized Greene County Automobile Club, called for Tuesday night last, was postponed until Thurs­ day, Jan. 20 owing to the fact that a prominent speaker could not be ob­ tained. PUBLIC SALE DATES. Thursday, Jan. 18,.Collins. Estate Friday, Jan. 28, O, A. Dobbins. Thursday, Jan. 27, Carl Spraeklen. COMBNATION SUBSCRIPTIONS The Herald will receive your sub­ scription for .dally papers and all magazines as in the past, We guar­ antee as low prices or lower in some case* than can be secured elsewhere. ■' The Herald, Ohiq State Journal, aftd National Stockman, tegular price $6.60. Oar price — — -—$6.66 The Herald, Ohio State Journal, Ohio Farmer, regular price $6,60. Our price — — — ------ $5*6? The Herald, Ohio .State . Journal, McCalls Magazine, regular price is $7,00. Our price $6.00 Herald, Ohio State Journal. Horse Revu v, regular price $10.00, Ourprice ^ a ld ," OiiiV'Stete-J o S r Farm and Fireside, regular priee $6.00. OUr price — —*----- $6.40 Herald, Ohio State Journal and Woman's Home Companion, tegular price, $7.60, Our price — --$6$S The Ohio State Journal and Ohio Farmer $*.50 The Ohio State Journal and Nation- .1 n*tloniS t ^ **** p*ili in advance to-tim Herald weIwill give you tim aeperate oomtrtuatimm *wyou ►anextendyour time smower ymU1. Order* taken for any publication on the market and we cel any tab* mad* by atja out oftown m gm for the Ohio State Jqjmm . *»$« m ** route* and *w»tj» t»ff* wh*^ Ontirs at al .raw tmw e *w» » » “ » * v win be sere TO HAVE MONET to make yourself anti others happy if you. become a member of our %»! a little each week—1 cent, 5 cent*, dime or more—for a merry Xmas. Regularly and Systematically and you will be ' sure to. ,bave money for pre$ent* and other expenses. . , i •>* , ; . Yourself and let all the members of the family save. Make it a merry Xmas for all. ■The pennies, nickels and dimes that usually slip through your fingers for' non.-essentials* You will, never missthe money. • ' for every cent you have saved—plus interest—just at the tfme'it will come in handy. It's a Good. Thing for Everybody. Don't Miss It. Enroll Right Away The first deposit makes you' a_ member. Ask us all about it. Phone, write or call. > ; Robt. Bird & Sons Co. 4 f •' *e ' - 14 **' ‘* . ' Our Pre-Inventory Cash Raising Sale closes Saturday night, January 15th, and Prices advertised in that sale will jbe absolutely discontinued, but we here present some prices that will attract your interest to our Grocery Department. These Prices are Good until Saturday night January 29th, Prices for Cash. . Can Tomatoes—-10c can—3 cans ........25c Can Com— 10c can— 3 can s................. ................. 25c Can Peas— 10c can— 3 cans .................................. ,25c Karo Syrup 1 gallon Blue Label ............... 63c Domino or Franklin Golden Syrup 1*2 gal. size . . .50c Pineapple—Sunkist Sliced No, 2 1-2 Can . . . . . . . .40c .Surikist Sliced No. 2 caii . ^ . ,37c Kellog's Com Flakes— 4 packages . . . . . . . . . . . . .49c Lippencott's Apple Butter 40c cah for............... *,33c Snowball Flour-!-24 1*2 lb. sack . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.43 Currants— 18c package 2 packages for r . . . . . . . .25c Raisins—3-4 package seeded 2 for ........... .. .35c Spinach— No, 3 can Sunkist ....................... .. .20c can Cream of Wheat par package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c Navy .Beans 1b. ............... ................ .. .6c Canned Pink Beans, Red Beans and Lima Beans. . . . *............................. ...3 cam 25c Mother’s Aluminum Oats 3 packages f o r ..............$1 Lard—Country lb........................ .. . . ,18c Beechnut arid Union, Workman Scrap tobacco 5 for 40c Large CahSliced Yellow Cling Peaches “ Bear” or ’Yuba* Brands 2 cans for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *.75c Large can Yellow Cling OrYellow Free Peaches Bear or Treasure or Yuba Brands 2 cans for .75c Large can Del Monte or Silver Bar Peaches—Halves— Yellow Free or Yellow Cling 2 cans ,85© Rice— fancy head Rice— 10c lb. 11 lbs for . . . . . . 1.00 Soap—Lenox— 20 Big 8 oz. hats for ............. .1.00 sqiOZ s.Xineag buiog ptro spijsduij 3jio^ Aotny ‘sjsxidy for ........................... ................ .................. . . . . . . 1,00 Coffee—choice Rio in Bulk— 17c lb.‘ 6 3*4 lb»; * . . , .$1 Com Nlcal 12 lbs for , , « , . . . « , 40c Robt.Bird&SonsCo. ... \4 ii i