The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

b iwfru'ii m*snmoo, awwwMUii a # 2 up P 4 8 S o .B etro itS t, A R R O W SHIRTS from § Santa C lan to Skirts Tea’ll be bettingon■ favorite when yoa |htr him Arrow* forChristmas — Because the/re America'* moot popular thirt* for men/ • Arrow* are top* with men Boeadse they’re always a jump or two ahead in style..'Becauseof thattrim,world- famous Arrow collar — and, of cOtrfse, because they’re all Mitoga- cut for a better fit—and Sanforised*. Shrunk to keep that fit Widest Selection of favorites, i9% Xenia, Ohio 1l— NOW A .FURNACE b f r a T ^ i m m isI iiHV ! 1 *: isat ;-« uv HUMANHANUS # Open*, cloaea or regulates dampers automati­ cally. No electric current. No spring*. Keeps rooms a t even temperature*—saves fuel. You G at A lso: Automatic Water Pan Filler . . . . 2-0-Y ear Guaranty Themost amazing combination of durability and convenience* ever incorporated in any furnace. A ll casting* backedby written 20-yetr Guaranty; - unprecedented protection made possible by new non-expanding, non-warping TRlPL-IFE IRON. Install now— -Bias:' monthly payments. C. C. BREWER P h w : U S CSd irtBh , O. M^ON :#ft‘ *FURNACES Mew is tbeTimeto MODERNIZE NoDownPayment —2 Yearsto Pay ForFurtherInformationWriteorPhone urisriteiMis^iatoeiMtLe PhtHMt law F. E. Harper Cadarvills, O. FMMLE MS KANTADSPAYBK UNlFOiM INTERNATIONAL QliNDAyl 3 c H o o L i -e i fo n mfmm. w o rn* , Turn- of 1K ^ «^ T n P» j Leteoo tor Decamher I t - IXSBOH n r M <Ma »:W; KmhMatiM ^ S ^ S S ^ S S S t tS fA S S . *j$n oB Y topic —ib* H«av*my name. Xtolly rdlowihip withChriit andChrtoBtn*. fellowship—the word la rich fa meaning, even as it concerns th* ordinary relationships pf fife. It apeak* of the association of man with man in a common enterprise, a sharing o f problems and of vie* tories—a partnership. Such rela­ tionships aye very real and helpful. They lead to friendship* which bind the hearts of men together in- noble purpose and in tender consideration. I t ia, however, a long Step for* ward when we add the prefix “ Chris­ tian” to “ fellowship.” For by ao do- lug we Dot only bring men into the most glorious partnership with each other but we dp two otftfr, very, im­ portant things: (1) we limit those, eligible to this fellowship to thpsa who Are followers of the £otd Jesus Christ; and (3) we broaden the fel­ lowship beyond the association* of men with each other, and bring them into the circle' with Christ. What a high and noble fellowship! Do you belong? Christ says, " I am the doors by me if any man enter in he shall be saved” (John 10:9). - Our Scripture selections for today are from two’ books of the Bible* Both speak of an eternal Christian fellowship but the first-stresses its present expression in a life of holi­ ness snd the other its future of blessed communion.- ' I. Cbrirttius Fellowship—New (I John 1:1-7). The First Epistle of John presents fellowship with Cod as depending on three things “ whiehtorm in their ' combination s very beautiful picture of truth . . . God is fight (1:5), hence fellowship with God depends on our walking in the light, God is righteous (3:29), hence fellowship with God depends on our doing righteousness, God is love (4:7, 8), hence fellowship with God depends on'our possessing and manifesting love" (James HI, Gray). Every clause and phrase of the passage before us is so full of spiritual truth that it should have our full time but we must limit our­ selves to pointing out one outstand­ ing fact; namely, that Christian fel­ lowship is made possible because we have a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Chriit. He it is Who reveals th* Father—the One in Whom there is “ no darkness at all” (v. 5). If w* follow him we must “ walk in the light as he is in the light” (v. 7), This'Allows fornodark corners, mo crookedneis in word or act, no back­ biting nor evilspeaking. Let us open the hidden recesses of the heart to the light of God and -put every evil thing under the “ blood "of Jesus Christ which deanSeth us from all sin“ (y. 7). 0 . Cteiatiaa Fellowship—for Eter­ nity (Rev. 31:1-7). Our present communion with God and with one another ,is most pre­ cious—but how often it is marred by sin and disturbed by the wicked­ ness that surrounds us in the world. W« look forward to that day when We who are the followers o f Christ shell be delivered not only from the penalty and the power of sin, but also from its vary presence. There will be “ a new heaven and a new earth” from which every evil thing has been taken away* in which all has been renewed in righteousness. Then will come the glorious consummation of all things when God shall coma to “ dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God hhnielf shall be with them and be their God” (v. 3). That communion Shall never be disturbed by th* falling of any tear. There wifi be no mourning, no crying, no pain (v. 4). Utile won­ der that these words have been the comfort of God's people in their darkest hours. They are not the futile words of human solace. They come from the eternal Gad. Three questions hive intrigued -the curiosity of man: (1) Where did I come frorti? (2) Why*am I here? and (3) where am I going? , The Christian ii the only one who h is a satisfying solution for the problem of the Origin of all tilings, “ In the beginning God” ; a reason for th* existence of all things, “ Tome to live is Christ” ; and s satisfactory con­ summation of all things, "And God himself shall be with them,” It is a great thing to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, _• .... Save Safely With Ctdarviiio Federal Havings & Loan Association. -..- !-J..‘--fr------- ....................... - - 'Hr*. Mny B. Oeriaugh, ham* «ee- <HChild** Parents Fax**** hsva m m apfMwMy 4e*wW ha lem ssfaf. Ir ik tfM kM Domic* department, Ohio State Ujrf- attuly their ebUdree than the «fMiieri|MnMie tiimM wmk te Wfo wnttjr. can delete t«**e* * 8 4 «r * • tm UbMmm 4mfd* what tiw f J * * * ■" Mt*u Geriangh »*ys that remarks individuals, *> Mr*, Parian* adrises’ and what 4* meet ridtad *a verir Woridng pOriaeraWps- hriwaen par* i » »d « by parent* without tktoddag, wethers to fcrik wWt the taa*awi taunt* and eb*milari»tt**» ante aadaoheoCtMeheraar* very de- may eaase a «MU to dislike seheel about any o f tbrir ehfkr» traits wWehi Praise, J«dWa% used, la an* t fw e riraM* Inhelping the ohfid toget the or to fear Ms teaeher. Mother* er might mum frietien whan be is in a majee fhotem reaeawmendad Wf Mr*. SMst from Ms Studk*.aooordinrto |father* who aay, 'The tsaahar wifi group. The M«e|er *i*> Should b#}Osri«««k M hripfog a < « « *• #*• punish yon if you d* that at sohoelbetter eermted at lawn*, {school a»d to mak* a su^csaa e f W* or “Th* other school children wifi not) One teaeher is gncted by Hr*. Get* ssheo) work- Gritiriria M let yen do that,” are bMering thak laugh as saying that sehori work Ja many tansbara *md pareMn wm » Child’s prograps. iderigmri to help hofid tit* eMU’s give pads# when Jfc % dmervtd. Thor* *l*o * » some parents who character, Meet o f the seheel* are Tsarist** and paraai# who tw o wino dislike to have their children become supported by take* se thrir ridsg pur- to approve good ooniact Vrtfi i*d LEGAL NOTICE ia fMUMMWM of th* «cSw tf tlw Frptate mart V CM*** ffewta onto. *rUj *ff*c tor «rt* St VttbHtt s4Ktl«a OM(b* 8th Day pf Jaaaary, 1938, AT (t;M o*ot*«< A, M., *1the w«t n«oe of tit* CourtW oum , *t Xeot*, Ohio, th* Taltowlae de*«rtlMS reel TKACT K». |l. paSCSh “A". «W*te the T«muh(* of CadanlU*, C*uaty of Greonf. 8tet« ot ObYu; th* P«rt hwobjr coeveyoS i« twoiMtod (Hd SMi-fUMd u loiloyti, M& 1» part of oflRlnal Surrey, Ho MS In the“nanle of independent o f them and who want to button the child's coat when he starts to school although the child eonsidena *e is grown up and dess net need such attentions. Permitting the child to develop self reliance, however, HMe* Culiwnwn, qn thf W*ter» of th* Mttio ^hoUld not go so far far-As to refuse Miami Kiror. at s *W In the| * ’ ' , " " . ‘ f ' 10 rOTUaq Trtiow. Sprinct ro«d coraor to Matthew Cirri' ■ anawerjl * questiOQSi and to UMU«* of John and Jaauea MIBer; ——..... J m m m FARM iMxm 4 LowInUrost 4 Long t moo 4 FalTAppraisal 4 Erompt Servioa Winwood & Co* SPRINGFIELD, OHIO lm AhtihrAf J| thenpe S. sV* IB* yt, 1M.1 pe)«a to k atonn earner to -DarM U. l,auKh**df III Matthew Corry’a line; thence S. to* 45' E. SM.ll pole* to * (dope and doK«rood, corner to Thonaa Andrew; th*nre N 41* 15' B, 58.5# pqlea to a stopr In the County road, and In •aid Andrewja lino; thence N. II* 45' W. 116 polea to a alouc in aald road oppoalte to fohn Cotiin’a h*m«! th*Bc«.N, St* 4$' W. 18.56 pule, to a Idaho';’ (hence g. St* K. 41,7# Poles to a atone oppoatte Thomw S. lAughaad dwell- Inc; thence S, 2T* 38’ W- *0.15 polea to a stake In'the road: thence7i. Si* t f W. 108.25 polea to tb* bectnntnc, Contalnip* One hundred and thirty one Aerea, and Btrty-tne hundredtba of ^an, acra Belns the same pradtlMdeoOTeyed idsaid Sterensoo by Thomas 8. tau*head hy Doed dated April if, .1*59; recorded In Yol. Sf, page *84, of need Becorda In and for Green# County, Ohio. Excepting therefrom 42.04 square polea deed­ ed by John and Jane Utwanaon to James C.- ColUna, April 34,i 1989, recorded. In VoL 75. page 412, of D#ed Records In and for Greene County, Ohio, ■ TRACT NQ. II, PARCEL -.B.” Situate In the County of (Jreene In theState of Ohio','and ' In the Towdahlp.of Cedanllle, and bounded ' and deeerlbed a's’ foltdws, via; Being-part of, Jamea Culbortsetn !*; Murray No, 0#5 on the,' VVsters of Clark's run; Beginning al a stone! In the line of John and J*mes Miller comer ( to J 110 Stosedaon' at the Intersection of two 1 County road*; running thence with the line of said .Stevenson 8. *744* W, 4.48 pole* to pos* shooM b* to *m t* iwafid fiwwr sMwessiti** tor aeoMfag too cHitsena and sbouldi awaketi gs %itsmfc ridid for mhftsJoe*. in tha pupils to study tbtwrridtiMi « t * ..... drily Ilfs. * * * : Citrreftfc <fivM*nd, 4 per cent p « Mrs, Gcrlsugh doe# not Wfi*V« mmm» Rrid by CedsmUe Federal fhera are any tost* or stfhori f>w« %Wtbm R Loan Assn. chinery which oan b* tuwd to stosr a .. ..... . child into a vnsriton and be we w he f nhaarRMi for JHK HRBAU) .-a-ji;,. i.'rw'.apfwstrnirY'BiriBansggraweignagssssnmiig^^ — r,r a stone In said tine In the roadnear a bridge; thence 8. ■31* 15' E. S pole* , to j a - stone at the head’ of a spring; | thence N. 68* 45* E. 8 irale* to,a stone from' ' which a auger tree 24 lnchea-diameter bears ! 8, 29* E. 89 links; thehee ' S.' 23* 45’.J. E, 11 poles to e atone; thence'N. 68* 45*j E. 22.78 polea to a stake comer to said Miller'; - thence,N> 23° 45' W. 13.95 polea to,a atone ; corner to eald Millers‘. thence 8, 88* 45* W. ] 81,79 poles to-a stone comer .to said Millers: , thence N. 34* W, 3 poles to of be­ ginning containing by. survey two acres be the same more or less. TRACT NO. n, PARCEL "C," Situate In Cedarttlte -Towntdilp, Greene County, State of; Ohio, and bounded and described as follows, to-wltt: _ Being 'part Of said Survey No.” 685: ■Be­ ginning at a stone near a bridge <onwhat wag formerly a County road leading from. McPAr-, land’s Mill to. -Yellow Springs: and running< thence S; 2714* W.' 15.47' poles to a atone In ■ Hid’ old road opposite said John Stevenson's( dwelling house; thence with the line of said! Stevenson, ft, 21* W. 7.03 poles to a stake; In the center of the' Xenia -and Clifton Turn- j plko road; thence with the line of said pike j N. 5914" E. 15.6# polea-to 'a stake comer to < said Stevenson at-or near the: Intersection of j the Corry Flke.'with said Xettla and Clifton pike; themc with, said Stevenson's line N. j 2354" W. ir poles to .a alone corner to aald : Stevenson, from..which a SugarTree 24 Inches - 8.-*4* E. 29 links; thence 8,; #8X> W. 3 polar to a stone at the head of] a apHwf.- alao'toofnef to'aald -Brat tract;. (second..itsM-Y* ' “ 1,05 Actos. moreW loaa, Total -Traci n^-124.40 acres. All of Tract .Nn. 2. la subject to the lease for oil and C. L. Williams, j etc., BeOordedIn Greene County Lease Records, VoL 7,. page 557. ~ Held premises are located In CedarvtUe Township, Greens County, OMo, at the Inter­ action of the Wllherforce and Clifton Road with the Tarbog 'Oemeiery and Yellow Springs Road. ■ -. V. > . . Said premise*. ar8‘appraised at seventy-flve .dollars, (I75.WI, par acre and mint bo aold for not less than two-lhlrds, (2-3), of the appraised value upon.’ tine following tonne Purchaser to, deposit ton (18) per cent, of the purchase prfoe when the premises are strucR off end.Ute balance In cash upon con- flrauilott by tbb court and delivery of the' -deed, within a nauonnhle time after aald sale. Said, sale It made In Case No. 3355, In tha probate 'Court upon the - petition or the wtecoter* fo sell aald real estate to pay legacies. CHARLES’8TEVKN80N, VEKA ANDREW HARVEY, ISA MURDOCK, a* Executors of' the Estate of W, B, Stevenson, deceased. MILLER A FINNEY. Attorney* (Dec l#.-17, 24, * 1 ) I tii til this mortgage} S thence N. { V, S polee to the beginning conlitlnlng < Fridijr and Saturday “Wine, W»m«n Anti Horaea" PLUS Giant Bank Night *=NIA 4 STARTS SUNDAY n-: TMHUS UUDFR THF SFA SUBMARINE D -1 YMLUriwbMriwri TRRUSri BfrMt rimtart! t. m. Hi 9«dl 4m MTO’lRIEN H - JuktdjW St*. JNVTIMI#rAOMRI w WAYNEMORRIS Mated the Sab Servicefeefatal HOMEBRENT . tra^F awewtw ^ .. KtoMl IWraWWJe IwW -fl' (PMWriPTd AldHUSM ftORIS WXSTON MqMJtoIfSVftMMM t t THURSDAY On Our Stage “ tow 8#bna!d«r*a T#xuna FAyritri1WLW Act of »Sm !• dUj p p a^l martersfor Every Member of theFamily FOR MOTHER- FANCY DISHWARE -ALUMINUM NOVELTIES * ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES TOILET GOODS SETS ' CANDY STATIONERY FOR D A D - PIPES and PIPE SETS HUMIDORS OF HIS FAVORITE TOBACCO CIGARETTES— Xmas Cartons SHAVING SETS LAVENDAR SHAVING BOWLS FOR SWEETHEART— . DRESSER SETS EVENING U t PARIS— Coty CARA NOME^—Houbigant—-Toilet Goods Sets FINE GIFT STATIONERY - BOX CANDY VANITIES—-COMPACTS PiZRFUME ATOMIZERS - FOR HIM— ; RONSON and EVANS CIGARETTE LIGHTERS .. TRAVELING SETS - BILLFOLDS— BILLFOLD SETS ? . MEN'S SHAVING SETS RAZORS . / FOUNTAIN PEN SETS . AI»o a very complete line o f new-designs in Xmgs Cards from lc to 25c. Gift Dressings. , >: hl .'K O ti ‘ p ■ , r nEVB0 LET S f # ' 4 -Jr fort .'. U i t - 'd - ? t l f w : o l p l ^ iV'Vv u - . - f ! B' I « If s* ’ U ' 11 j,.y 1 n ) ( { t K, ^ ! p iu vA,i t v d u x 1 s. h f - v r u s e t s . ^ ' - v t f ^ {-. L ' ■.i u t j ( f ' i h t ' hi ur i ' V vj -.c. S , V , sV A , . , 'i , w V j t V ( ' 8 ? 1V $ if l 1; V\ THE I! (RTHAT!S .TIE n rl’ an ' ‘ i ' i » i/ou i/ ,\ - M E 4 L . r 1 if t u t } § n u %J f f t. r ^ . ymr**** uy yf. mmt «*»#•%,'W 4* mwh > -- Ma3U*4#agatef^-mto»tMtaa-JlmaiaAmtmiimta«JlinKyaaa«aLg CUMMINGS CHEVROLET SALES Cftdft*tiUo» OMo NEW BY II TNWM OF S I X T Y - COLUMBIA significant $80,000,000 a omite indus Pftkult o f fi division of g dieted by Stout. t'We yWtr Invest! b is e c t io n • o f - HmOstono- nisricftble pu ported. “Ma ^ stoioinites, fo than ;200 itse io ninety-nine pure,’ - They covered spy when" ou r fill fished and' believe.' that normally has - be greatiy ex portant uses ' mitea are in ipg and chem •said. The Yuletid ! as in;spirit a'r this week, * twelve feet in the Statjy H and vlsting c to rrmil their In addition,,a was {placed i trance to th myi-iad-colofe along the enJ Capitol dome. / er eVergreeii' Santa Claus stick candy to „ mail boxds/o for girls, are eac^i bea r , Santa’s Mail. of Executive , who has cha’ ' issued a spec town, children grounds. “Many oh Which the c xapd- which ,a Until police This was the C. H. Calhoo • in charge of juvenile re* the annual t Probation a closer co-ordi county official a means of quency. “ Cl could cpojiera wdwill be en atepshefore Court,” Dr. tSi Dates for t Boys’ State, 'Ohio doprirtni and condpctet grounds, wen at a cOnftler manders in G project, Whid supported by twander Dtoi leading high practice in ‘ government” offlckls and tha -move their own the jgoverno cabifaet. Th and state ed. “The collapse ef ous projects Commander post Ronton ed to Wncs in the fril under Our pr, Perry (Rent o f 1 ity, 4 social living thieriMtopw a “KNUPdrat rUthWitiA h the Winter filnfted to lArihiWty' the twad’i rilip - RWFPW^^ir^mVwMB tieto'MMl thei twewrn,w^Rg^gwa ■ rigjatoriri ■ .PRvNp JjA. viPMlY-NM^Mg^ft .RM* t l f