The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

0 », 'V* NSW THINGS MR ' JJJfVR&Wg&t) BY MERCHANTS FIRST. ADVBR- H 5 W S KKBB to n ABBSAST OF THX TIMES. READ THEM! A F W r S K N O W A S T H B H B A B M N B S O N T H * fagb . m m n is of i m SIGNIFICANCE TO TOO. ■TJWWlfBP apn Stott* BlJW'Wmm YEAR NO. 6 CEDARVILLE*, OHIO, fp D AY, JANUARY 7,1938 IHfeito I CTTCD n E H LEI rim COURT NEWS Sawyer Will Not Be Crowded Out C H A U M O N •a jfMMd R H i STATE ■ ” . f. Hon. Charles W, Sawyer, Cincin- M E TD i fH O N B E r n i i t l R b l i l v COLUMBUS.—A survey by agri­ cultural experts end rural economists indicated an increase in Ohio farm in­ come daringl987 o f $28,516,000, when compared with the 1936 farm income, atoondingto the Ohio coro'perative crop -reporting service. During 1037 the yield p f 10,515,500 acres, which in­ cluded government payment* and live stock products, was- estimated at I MS,670,000. In 1936 a total o f 10,. 286,500 acres had a cash value o f 1316,164,000. Ohio, which ranked sixth state in agricultural money yield in 1936, maintained the same position in 1937 among agricultural states. Most Ohio crops* showed a substantial increase in production in 1937, with, the exception o f sugar beets which declined sharply* as a re- suit o f adverse: weather conditions, the survey showed. The public hearing on proposed changes in-the regulations regarding the taking of-fish, minnows and cray­ fish-next spring will be held in Co- lumbus on January 25 by the Ohio Conservation council, it was announc­ ed, by Conservation Commissioner Lawrence WooddelL, One o f the most important matters np fo r discussion will -be the question o f spring fishing fo r -bass. There is a widespread opinion* among sportsmen that Ohio lakes and; streams should be closed to baas fishing, if hot all angling until June 15; Commissioner Wooddell said. The basB season, if unchanged, will be closed only .between May 1 and June 16, while the taking o f other fish, is permitted at all times. A temporary restraining order, en­ joining the disposal o f certain per­ sonal property, has been allowed in an accounting suit filed in common pleas court by Mabel L. Walker and Frank L. Johnson*; as administrator o f the Ethel Harris estate, against James Barlow. The -defendant* tenant on a 100- acre farm in Boss Twp.,- has refused to turn over to the plaintiffs their sharp of, crops raised on the farm, in violation o f % rental agreement, the petition charges, An accounting of profits is requested. F. L. Johnson is attorney fo r1the petitioners. DIVORCE REQUESTED Charging extreme cruelty, Bessie Walker has. instituted suit f o r , a di­ vorce from Denver Walker, whom she married July 15, 1917, and requests custody o f four minor, children. Be­ cause o f abusive treatment during theHast five years* she loft her hus­ band last November 15, the plaintiff asserted in her petition. FORECLOSURE JUDGMENTS The Home- Owner's Loan Corp.-has recovered the following mortgage foreclosure judgments, against Har­ riett Aaron, for $905.51;. against Wil­ liam Cash and others, for $1,085.44; against. Roy E. Driscoll and others, for $2,459.03. Cliff Mitchell, former Richland county commissioner and a member o f the Richland* county fair board f o r twenty-five years, has been ap­ pointed by Governor Martin Lv Davey as a member o f the state hoard of agriculture. He' succeeds Lee B. Palmer o f Pataskala. who served on the* board, f o r a decade. Both Mr. Mitchell tad Mr. Palmer are noted a » ow n e » .« d k«J?|l»torji. ©f Sleep* tional Sheep farms. ' Superintendent Thomas P. Kearns o f the division o f safety tad hygiene, Industrial Commission o f Ohio, re­ ported that 24,043 injury, and occupa­ tional disease claims were-filed, with the commission -for October. There were ninety-three fatalities, • The claims totaled 3*046 less than in the proceeding, .month, hut rthe- fatalities represented an increase o f nine,1, Superintendent Kearns said. Mining, Which resulted in fifteen deaths* led all industries in .fatalities- Machinery, With 4,840- eases, led in. accident causes. State Librarian Paul A. T. 'Noon received; word from Washington o f the approval o f an allocation o f ap­ proximately $ 1 , 000,006 in WPA funds to the Ohio .state library board fo r expansion o f its services throughout the state; Mr. Noon is secretary o f the board. Hie WPA funds will he used f o r .several iype? o f increased services, including the delivery o f ,books t o shut-ins and the- establish­ ment o f reading rooms in many smal Ohio communities which do not have such .facilities* State Treasurer Clarence H, Knis* ■ley last week; reported* the balances, on December 18*.. o f four funds o f which he is-custodian as: industrial Commission’ o f Ohio, $52,614,661; State Teachers' Retirement system, $80,692,238; State Employes' Retire­ ment system, $1,808,278; and School Board Etftptoyes* Retirement'-system* $182,010. JUDGMENT REVIVED An original note judgment for $1,- 413.75, recovered. by S. B. Harner against J. T. and Marion Barnett, on October 1, 1928* has been ordered re­ vived, Bearing 7 per cent interest, the judgment now amounts to $2,- DIVORCES AWARDED The following divorce decrees have been granted by the court: Warren Roberts- from Leoma, Roberts, -on grounds o f neglect and cruelty; Lucile Armehtroiit from. Lester Armentrout, 0 £ grounds o f neglect, with the plain­ tiff restored to her maiden name -of Finch. A m o t io n -O v e r r u l e d A defence motion to set aside a jury Verdict, awarding .the .phdnthC, ^idg- ment fo r $6^6£t8783 o if a^promissory note had been denied by the court in the case o f John. St; John, against Harriet St. John. . FINDING FOR DEFENDANTS A petition filed by Oscar Gotten and others againsb Rosetta Lesher and others has been, dismissed, as the re­ su lt.o f a court decision favoring the defendants, ruling the plaintiffs were not entitled to specific performance of 'Contract. nati, Ohio Democratic National Com­ mitteeman; has. been denied a place at the speaker’s table at the coming annual Jackson Day dinner at $25 a plate. The banquet is under'the con­ trol o f the Daveycrsts. Such dinners are usually Under the direction o f the National Committeeman. Mr. Saw­ yer announces that Tie will attend the banquet and have his speech ready for the press* even though he is not permitted to speak. Co. Commissioners Name Appointments County commissioners announced four reappointments, providing for four holders of appointive county positions to retain their jobs in 1938. the appointments were; Arthur Barv- eratick, as clerk o f the county board o f commissioners; Clyde •Rpdduck, county dog warden; Dr, W. T, Un- gard, Xenia, county jail physician; and Dr. S. C. Ellis, Xenia as physi­ cian for the county infirmary. School Board Asks Lower Tax Levy The CedarVillC Twp. board o f educa­ tion at a meeting Monday night organized for the year by electing Fred-Clemans, president; John Coll­ ins, vice president, and A , E. Richards, clerk. The board has approved a budget that will call fo r a reduction o f the school tax one m ill-for the coming year, and plans will be made for a further reduction for the next year. FRED G. KING ANNOUNCES FOR REPRESENTATIVE Fred G. King, Springfield, Clark County Recorder for a number o f years, announces this week ns a can­ didate for state representative* from that county nt the coming Republican printary, ‘ Mr. King is well known in this community. • ' v vn* •- Charles G. 'Cannon, 32-year-old member o f Mm State Highway Patrol,, Springfield' outpost, met in-1 etant death ab^fc 3:40 p. m., Satur­ day, when his. motorcycle struck a dog, whirled cy«r - an embankment and smashed against a tree, The accident happebd on the- Columbus pike, State Route .42* on Samuel's hill west o f Cedarvflle. Cannon suffered & broken neck, a skull fracture, t a d fractures o f the left leg and le|t arth. D r .' H. C. Schick, couqty Jaroner after Investi­ gating pronounced death as acci­ dental. Sheriff peorge P. Henkel was notified o f the JgJfcident There were n<|eye witnesses to the accident, the fir|t. being Mrs. Homer Shaw, who resided: nearby and hap­ pened to see a f overtumed vehicle, She notified he| son* -Car), 16, tad Clarence Reed* fly a n d Robert Reed, 23, the last twoE-heing guests at the Shaw home. The boys investigated .and notified Sheriff Henkel. The dog that'caused the death o f the officer, Was,** police dog, that ran from a lane And across the road, the officer not. hieing able to see the dog owing to the* cut in the. drive­ way from the road. The dog had broken from its leash in the yard of Mrs. Laura Long, while the family was at dinner. '■Going west rftid dawn grade the officer probably "edUld not have check­ ed his car after ^striking the dog and he hurled downU steep embankment into a trde. Thp dog was badly in­ jured and was later-killed b y the sheriff's deputies.; The deceased 'Ifas been stationed at the Springfield post since Nov. 17. He reside*, in (kdumbus and Is sur­ vived by his wife, and his "parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.‘ C. Cannon. Cannon is ba the seventh highway patrolman to have met violent death since it.w a s founded in-vi93& He entered the service Sepk y h j&35. The body Was broughtifi^U<riarvllie *a t the m CASE SETTLED Having been settled, a damage suit filed by Lydia Stephens against the Ohio Bell Telephone Co., has been ordered dismissed. ESTATES. APPRAISED Two estates have been appraised under probate; court direction, for in­ heritance-tax purposes, as follows: Estate -of Katherine E. Trader: gross value* $3,000; obligations, $2,- 530.00; net value, $468.16. Estate o f Rachel Andrew: gross value, $2,084*50; obligations, $502.84; net value, $1,581.66. “First Baby” Honors S p l i t “ First baby* honors fo r 1938 in Greene county were divided—the dual distinction going to twin daugh­ ters hem. Sunday, afternoon to Mr, and Mrs. Howard Pickering*- near PainterEvUla, - The firbt littie Miss Pickering made her appearance a t 2;30 p. m. and her sister arrived 10 minutes later: Mr» and Mrs* Pickering have five other etfildren. N G n e r o P e l e c t io n The annual election three di­ rectors o f the Cedarvins Federal Savings and Lota Association will be­ held Wednesday, January 19th, 1938, at the ©Me*.Of /the association in Ce darrill*, Ohio, at 2 p. m , , I. C. DAVIS, Secretary. Mis* Josephine Auld, in company with M M fM M k Twp. teachers*made « west's tow ro f flioHd* during tbb m a m r Former Cedamllian Makes Good On Sewer Device Timothy Haley* Sheridan avenue* Springfield* former Cedarvjllian, has invented and had patented an electric device that will' prove helpful . to plumbers and-Sewer crews in the city. ThO feature o f the- invention is a flexible- fine spring-steel piaho wire cable which acts, as a sheath fo r a rotating axle which drives a cutting knife. When forced in a sewer the cable With knife cut through all kinds o f obstacles. Tests have proven the drill with 200 feet o f cable will bore a hole through the hardest kind o f wood. It Is the only cutting sewer device that is flexible enough to pass through a sewer trap. Haley is a millwright fo r a steel Company in Springfield. Back in - 1908* Haley invented safety device for railway blbck signals while he was employed by the Penn­ sylvania lines," Iri-1922 he invented a- gas- regulator valve to prevent escaping gas from burners* His eirrly invention In the Sewer field was Sewer basket that is "^automatic and is used by many cities in cleaning Sewer lines. He has never reoeiVec! profit front his inventions but expect* to take the profit from his last’ inven­ tion, which "will bo made in Spring- field to bring infringement suits where others have copied hi* patents, NEWCOUNCIL ISORGANIZED MONDAY EVE. Council concluded its duties Friday afternoon when all members were present to wind up the business for the year and adjourn '‘sine-die," Two members, Dr. Leo Anderson and Amos Frame, completed their terms* while the other four members, Hartman, Brown, Crouse and Cummings were re-elected. The new members are C, E. Masters and Robert Nelson. The new council'met for the first meeting Monday evening when organ­ ization was affected and committees named. Bonds o f mayor, clerk* mar­ shal and treasurer were’ approved. Mayor Little named the following committees o f council following the choice of C« H. Crouse as vice mayor or president o f council: , Street—Masters, Brown, Nelson and. Hartman. Finance—Crouse and Brown. Light—Hartman, Fire—Cummings. Poor—Nelson; There being no candidates fo r board of public affairs at the last election, council named Marion Hughes and J. Lloyd Confarr, former members, and Paul Edwards. The latter has de­ clined to serve and a vacancy exists until council makes another appoint­ ment, The question o f appointment o f 0 street commissioner went over until the February meeting, The present commissioner, Wm. Marshall* placed a written bid fo r street Work. Council took no action but called fo r bids at the next regular meeting, where it was cared jtm Mfilan Funeral Homeland later taken rriagiiy* Local Automobile Hits Taxi Cab; Latter Overturned An automobile driven by Harold Rotroff* 22, thia place, figured in an accident in Springfield, Saturday night, when it headed into a taxi cab driven by James T. Burk, 29, at Co­ lumbus avenue and Burnett road, at 12:05. The taxi'had one occupant, Leo Jacoby, who suffered only a shock, yet the taxi, turned over, three times ac­ cording to reports. The tax.i driver sustained possible internal injuries and dislocated shoulder, Rotroff had a bad gash on his forehead. With him were two gentlemen friends and three girls, none o f whom were in­ jured, Assembly - Monday morning* Rev. C, E. Hill had charge o f devotions and spoke at the high school assembly, The speak­ er told o f his observations o f . life' among the people o f New Mexico, where he taught several years ago. Reverend Hill plans to return soon to give an illustrated lecture on the same subject, White. Christmas The "White" Christmas, idea used in the public schools this yeap proved very popular with the students. About seventy jars-of fruit,'jelly, and vegetables, as well as potatoes and other foodstuffs, wrapped in white tissue paper, Were.deposited' on the table ip tbo library. A ll this food will be used to make -free lunches possible for needy children". Thd true spirit o f Christmas giving rather than receiving did indeed pre­ vail in" the hearts o f those who so kindly aided in this project.. School,Board' Organizes Monday, January. 3, the Cedarville Board o f Education met nt the school building for re-organization. At noon, the members were guests o f SupL H . D; Furst fo r dinner which was served by the girls o f the home economics department under the sup* ervision o f Miss Mary Lou Hudson. During the afternoon, Mr. Paul Ramsey, recently elected to succeed Mrs. W* W. Galloway, was'sWom in, along with-two iothers, Mr. Fred L. Clemans and- Mr*. P. M. Gillilan, who are beginning a new term o f office. The new organisation is-as follows; president, Fred L. Clemans; vice president, John W. Collins;' clerk, A . E, Richards, Other members are Bert McFarland, P.- M,- Gillilan* and Paul Ramsey. The new president has not yet announced the committees. , ' Supt. Furst- reviewed' the progress o f the school during the-past year and outlined further needs o f the school for "the eOming year. Dr. W. R. McChesney For Representative H u e® , mm A YEAR m uter HETUNiil MBIvIHEWIv w. R. McCHESNEY Examinations •y-.The end o f another, semester is near And with it comes examination*, which are scheduled for'Thursday and Fri- dafc-JMu* 1 4 . 7 , „ w* 'to- .J*.w.-vv-’sfr- While imanyhrC sfruggiing witlfi the examinations* several high school pupils who attained a high standard in their class work and had no un­ excused absence from school will be enjoying a two day vacation from study. Farm Machinery Short Course Mr. L . J. George, local vocational agriculture instructor, reports that interest and attendance* fo r the Farm Machinery Short Course conducted *e cently interest and attendance, for the Farm Machinery Short Course Conducted recently, were very good, The co-operation o f the many farmers who attended the sessions is greatly appreciated. Prosecutor Marco* ShoOp eoitfhebed a three day sessiofi o f the grahd this werit, a rpcord, fpr yeart Wc|, fom * 80 o r mote - ed and o f the "twenty-right .,;eaaoa siderod," twenty" indfettiijriita frbhd* four ignored and four report was returned to Acting J u ^ « Frahlf M. Clevoagiu* ' Indictments returned:,, Phllljp Terenzi, 48, Osbqrii, seeopd degree manslaughter- fot- th* ;# ^ Russeliliocke, 14*stWckI>^taafifo^ Jean Patton, charged ,With issuing a wortlileta 'Cheelfe;- ^ '| | . 'X ^ 0 :^ company; 'Delberi; tion, in attempted1hlackiriail;- Sims, breaking; : Crultt, forgery; Raymond Boifr and Harold Riley, grand lirtehy; Dr, W, R. McChesney, president o f Stephens, two count*" 'p f ' Isipifig Cedarville College, will again be a Iworthless checks; Dtright candidate for state representative and: WiUter Butba, eadt. fo u ! dounta from this, county, he having yielded 0f breaki g w d entering sund/ on* O f' to the pleadings o f his many friends, auto theft; James) E. Browif; shoote.. His services in the House during, his ing with intent to kill; CharieS Refry; two terns was satisfactory to all I cutting with intent to Tcill; Raymond Greene county interests, and his de- Bradshaw, burglary and la^why and feat in tbe RpoBevelt landslide in 19341 carrying concealed w^apona;,Ed:Fent, - was by a very nairow’ margin. He j selling .mortgaged ‘ property;: Awu»T will announce as a candidate in the C. Bent, incest; William-S. Patterson, Republican primary next August. Jworthless check." - The following cases were ignored; Mrs. M. J. Anderson ICharlea ^bneiBaiod j weapons; - Gene Talbott,' fo r g e r y ;' Died In ColumbUS| Caatle ' HuShes' shooting, with intent to wound. Mrs, Millie Josephine Anderson,. 69,1 charges o f breakiiig a¥d died in Columbus, Sunday, following] entering. against-'Dallas- Knialey and Jan illness o f complications.’ .The d e - jone. receiving stalwU- . property ceased was a native o f Galloway, that] a8ainst his father,i Wilbur) Knialey/ :county. Her husband died in 1929. j were Continued,,. Prosecutor- MarqiU' The deceased is survived by .three! Shpup said the Knialeyg will ba'trims^ sons, Dr. Leo Anderson of" this place*-] IetTed to Pike County fo r proSecntioh;- 'and J. Elden and. J. Neil Anderson o f j in connection with series o f robberies, "Columbus with six graml children. Shej • Following an inspection *_.ofy ’the** was a member o f the M. E- Church.] county j^il, the- jury recominended:- ' The funeral was held fronp' the [that -county '•eqmmissioneta’j arrange^ 'Schodenger Funeral Home, Tuesday j for improved. toilet facilitiea and afternoon, the service being in charge j ventilation ih the prisoners' qi»rier»,> .of Rev. C. A . Hutchison,,formerly of] suggesting’ f o r t h is purpose Ventila-- this place. ' k " ' ] Won or exhaust fans; recommended a, rhew und*larger,.:stove;tad; coflfeeUrn,. land advocated removal of, the ‘)urt--. —LaightlyH' irorr -fencer ipr'fKmt'df f E r v - ■Ijaii. t * • ■' ' ; v ; " 'r Sheriff and Mrs. George P, Henkel were commended >in‘ the' report “ for the efficient and' cleanly manner in l A A I I f l A V> illftilT ]^ ^ V h ie h t|ie jail is beirig conducted'|iin^7 MilNilATNIuHI u S r t e X ^ H S r y 0^ . ^ l a r k ' ^ S l served as foreman of-the jury. Dr. Asa C. Messenger* 76* prom-' M m * * io m # m m m JoblessMust Be Regristered Registration o f all jobless persons in Greene County who need and desire employment on WPA or other public works projects' Will be undertaken Thursday and Friday afternoons by J. H. Sassen, manager o f the Spring- field district o f the National Re-em­ ployment Service. For the convenience o f the un­ employed* the district NRS manager will he stationed from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. both days in the former NRS office in the court house basement. Sassen pointed out that work op­ portunities may be created soon and that joblos* persons cannot be certi­ fied as eligible fo r WPA or other public works unless they first register with the NRS. DWIGHT STEWART GUTHRIE DIED FRIDAY MORNING Dwight SteWart Guthrie* infant son o f Rev. and Mrs. Dwight R. Guthrie, 150 Hampton place, Springfield* died in Miami Valley Hospital at Dayton at 4*.30 A. M,, Friday* December 31 The body was taken to the Jackson Funeral Home in Springfield* and sent to AppollO* Pa., for burial. SEWBR BOND ISSUE VOTE CARRIED IN S. CHARLESTON South- Charleston voters reverfce< ,themselve& Tuesday and gave Ap­ proval by a large vote fo r a $32,000 bond issue fo r 'coristnietion o f a sew- erage disposal plant. The village has never had a plant. The vote Was 892 -i-Yes to Pitchin Defeated Cedarville High School basketball teams scored a doubleheader triumph over Pitchin on Cedarville floor, Tues­ day night, December 21. ’ Although the varsity trailed by one point at halfway point, they finished 22 to 19. Cedarville girls won over Pitchin’s feminine team with ease 25- 6. CHRONICLE OWNERSHIP CHANGED THIS WEEK Announcement was made Tuesday that Madison Hutchison* news editor o f the Western Star* Lebanon, hac purchased the interest- o f Gardner H. Townsley,. Lebanon** in the Franklin Chronicle, Hutchison will- become partner o f Clarence J, Brown, Blan- chester, who with Towhsley purchase: the Chronicle from Seymour S. Tib- bats last September. BIG FARM SALE 1 - A two day silo o f )iva stock, im- ploments, grain and feed will be belt hear Good Hope, Ross county, Wed nesday and Thursday* January 19 am 29* by J. P. Gordon—and John S. Phillips.- C. H. S. Loses In a preliminary tilt to the Water- oo-Hadley professional game at Tif­ fany Gym, Springfield* Tuesday eve­ ning, the Cedarville boys* team lost to South Charleston High School's varsity squad 26-11. League Game Tonight C, H. S. teams begitr their bid for lonOrs tonight when Silvercreek plays here. Earlier this season, both Red and White boys’ and girls' teams were victorious about Silvercreek squads in closely contested games, To-night's games promise to be very in* tCresting. Remaining Games There have been a few changes in a previously published Schedule ‘ o f basketball games. The remaining games are aa follows: January 7-Jamestown--home, January 14—Spring Valley—away January 20—-Beavercreek—home, January 28—Bellbrook—away. February 4— Yellow Springs— home. > February l i—Ross—away. February l—Bowerfiville—away XENIADOCTOR DECLARES USUAL DIVIDEND inent in Greene county medical circles] for many years, died at bis home, in Xenia, Monday night. He was stricken The Xenia National fianlc dedared by a paralytic stroke a week ago the ugual dividehd to .stockholders and while attending a funeral at Jackson, announced the distribution o f a bonus O., where he was born. o f monthly sauries to employees Funeral services were held at 2 P. undeI. p)an adopted seVetal ytata ago. m. Wednesday in the Presbyterian The annual eiect{on f r r dtrCriota by church, Xenia, with burial in Wood-1 stockholders will be hteld January 11th land cemetery. Dr. Messenger had been Xenia health officer, president o f the Greene County,Medical society, president o f the Miami Valley Health Officers as socUtipn; first president o f the Xenia Masonic club, and first president o f the Greene County Automobile club.i He was a 32nd'degree Scottish Rite Mason and a Shriner*. at the -bank. I COLLEGE NEWS - 4 c a p t u r e s p ig e o n JAMESTOWN—A pigeon wearing on one leg a band which ^bore the initials and numbers “ J^T-687" and tbe date "August 1987" was captured Monday b y Vomon Stafford* James­ town tinner, who expressed a hope the owner or somebody Will take the bird o ff his hands because " I don’.t know 'what to do with it," Mr. and Mri. John Ault speht the past two weeks with relatives in Dr. Messenger was co-founder o f Findley and FoSterU; the Volunteer Medical and Surgical consulting state o f the O. S. and S. O. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gibson were home, where he served as resident visitors In Toledo fo r several days physician for 11 years. He was a p -ldurinjr t{ie Christmas vacation, pointed to this post by President] William McKinley, w l# then was Dr. *nd Mrs. W, R. McChesney governor , o f Ohio, and resigned in|8pent the Christmas ,vacation with 1003. He started practicing medicine relatives at Cattter, Illhwis. in Xenia in 1892, ] He is 'survived by his wife, Mrs, Miss Helen Statroyer visited her Amanda Messenger, who is vice presi-i purents and brother’* fam ily ia New dent general o f the D. A, R., on© son,] Orleans during the paSt tWO Weeks. Dr, Harold G, Messenger* o f Xenia*] and two daughters* including Mrs,] Miss Jessica Taylor spent a part o f Emily C. Leslie, o f Xenia, and Mrs. vacation with friends in New York Charles Galbreath, Dayton, ] City. County Commissioners Bennett McNeal was delightfully entertained by Jimmie Anderson last E l e c t B a t d o r f ! we* the Rnott home near Pitchin, Greene county's board o f commis-] . * lin g took a" sioners reorganized Monday for 1988 Kentucky, Tsnnessee, by the election o f Howard L. Bat*] Florida* Alabama* jLouiri-' dotf, Osborn, ono o f the two Demo- ^ t ° v^, *t M3r* cratic board members, succeeding his] .* b ^ h e r . A fte r a telp into Democratic colleague, Janies H. Haw-] ® ^ ttwff returned home' kins, who held the chairmanship in I AHtapaas, Miscouri* 1087. The third commissioners is C.) and Indiana. A. J .cob ., Republlc.n. | M. J I T w . C. A . PAIIM SALE SATURDAY I The W. B. Stevenson farm o f 164] players and neVslty singers, RttiBed^i acres will be sold by the executors his audience with a musical Saturday, at 10 a. m., at the court] Wednesday morning at a join t meet- house. .Hie /arm is appraised a t $ /$ ] Ing o f the Y . M. and Y. W, G. A . an acre and must bring two-thirds. { Mr. Fiioher ia director i t - murio at Masonic Homt In RpriagAddi H # J. J, Downing, 79, photographer in] gives a miwioal program every Xenia fo r forty years* died Wednes-j day afUrrioon at the TL o f F, day* having beta ill with oompEea^ the week Jyfr, FisdSer turn, sinde last July. The funeral will gives muete* k sew * to atodeuto in be held Saturday, with burial . In Springfield and oeeastoeoJhr ha pfafra* Mtemi Csmstery* Wayaesvilte, O. * j-the m jto i M a