The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

, w w m w s * m r n m a m s m BY MERCHANTS F IR ST , ADYER- TISIBMBNTS K E E P YOU ABRBA.ST O P T H E TIMES . R E A P THEM I a p v e r t t o o w w m M :m m M THE HEADLINES Q X T m m m t p a g e , o f t e n i t i ® m mMumm SIGNIFICANCE TO YOU. S f f l P f f W Y E A R N O . 8 COURT I f lW S C E D A R V I L L E , O H I O , F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 1 ,1 9 3 8 TWP. CLERKS PRICE, |1.60 A YEAR CQLUMfHJS,— Announcement that; the federal social security board in Washington, D. C,, has approved and declared ofRcial the Ohio unemploy- meat, compensation commission's pro­ posed records fo r employers was made byjCammisskin Chairman, Charles A Leasure. "According to the law," Mr. Leasure warned, "all employers of two or more persons must be able . to furnish, on demand, all information concerning an employe, including the Worker's name, social security num­ ber, place of work, date hired, date his service terminated and the cause, the date V returned to work, each week in which some service was, perform­ ed for which remuneration was pay­ able, his wages in each pay period, . his rate and customary number of working hours in his occupation and the actual hours, worked." There will be strict: enforcement o f the un- . employment compensation law, Chair? ‘ man Leasure said, and no excuses for non-compliance will be tolerated. Me : added that Ohio employers who fail to pay 1937 contribuations by the end of January will be penalized the full a- mount-oj^the delinquency. < Superintendent Samuel H. Squire of the state division of banks announced three changes affecting Ohio banking institutions. They'are as follows: The transfer of the assets and liabilities of the North Fairfield Savings Bank C., of North Fairfield to the Willard United Bank of Willard; the voluntary liquidation of the Cincinnati Morris Plan Bank, Canton; and the change of name of the Cincinnati Morris Plan Bank of Cincinnati to “the Guardian Bank and Savings Co. ^ g u r r m l e a s e v Termination of a lease held* by the defendant on a 100-acreXeniA Twp. farm valued a t $8,500 is sought in a suit filed in common plea® court against BftmUel Bray by Wflberforce University, which purchased the farm,' April 6,1937 from the Home Federal Savings, and Loan Association, Xenia. Following the purchase, the uni-: versity has agreed-to permit the tenant farmer to remain on trie farm until expiration of h is' lease, .March 1, 1938, hie petition recited. However, the university charged Bray abandon­ ed- the farm: last November11,*rented it to BlaiflNewsome without notice \p or consent' of the plaintiff find later obtained a writ of restriction in municipal court,: seeking to* return to the farm. The University offered and Bray accepted, *but Idler rejected, $35i for rental, claimed to be due, accord­ ing to petition. C. F. Points is a t torney for the university. AND TRUSTEES BEETJAN. 27-28 The tenth annual convention of the Ohio State Association of Township Trustees and Clerks, will be held in Columbus, Jan. 27, 28, and 29, at the Desfder-WaHick hotel. « The first session opens Wednesday evening with registration and commit­ tee meetings. The Thursday morning session is a t Memorial Hall, the ad dress to be delivered by J. R, Thomas, State Association President. Other speakers are Secretary of State Kennedy" and officers of the associa­ tion, The afternoon session wil,l be ad dressed by E. H. Handled, Director of Agriculture. Other speeches by State Auditor Ferguson and Chas. M Da w s o n , Secretary of Indiana Trustees Association. Banquet at six o'clock, ' Friday morning there will be dis cussion of highway planning, drain­ ing, road machinery, etc. Afternoon session open discussion on topic In teresting trustees.. Saturday morn ng—?Poor Relief. Talks by Director Carl Watson and others. New legis lation, etc. Adjournment at noon. I* Ridyway Died Suddenly Thursday Charles hf. RSgway, for a number of years a local fruggist, died sudden-9 ly last Thurada|r enroute in an am­ bulance to a Xeaia hospital. He suf­ fered an abdomlnal hemorrhage and was dead When the ambulance reached the hospital, Hjs had been in failing health Tdr two of three years. The deceasedWas the son of Charles Ridgway, YelioprSprings, where he was born. Following his schooling he engaged in the prog business in Yel­ low Springs, Cedarville and later in Dayton. Retirutg from business he resided In Xeniaiuntil two years when lie returned here. A brother, B, G, Ridgway,. also Engaged in the drug business here ajid in Dayton, died some years ago'; The deceased ,js survived hy his ^widow, Mrs. Mary Zeluef Ridgwayi| Private funerdj service* were held Monday afternooii from the late home, Rev. R. A. Jamieson having charge. Burial took placf in Jamestown. CO. TREASURER FEBRUARY 1ST Deputy CountF Treasurer Harold 3. Fawcett will become County Treas­ urer, February 1st to succeed Harry M. Smith, who has resigned to accept) a position with the Citizen’s National Bank, Xenia. The appointment was made some time ago by the County Commissioners. Mrs. Anna Rader Died In Dayton, Fridays Mrs. Anna Rader, died a t her home The state legislature will 'be peti- ed by the Ohio Fair Managers’ as­ sociation to g ran t the Licking county fa ir board the right to hold an. annual fa ir-a t the old Newark'fair grounds, which in 1933 were converted into a state park noted for its historic mounds. For eighty-six consecutive years the, picking fa ir wqs staged on the site of the mounds. The associa­ tion, in annual session a t Columbus, voted unanimously for the petition proposal. ACCOUNTING REQUESTED Conveyance of a one-lialf interest?! in ,46,69 acres of Miami Twp. real estate, assertedly owned by the plain tiff's ward, and accountings for rentals' and other proceeds of the land, -are requested in p suit filed by Wayne? Oglesbee, as guardian of J. E. Ogles-j bee, against Esther A. Petre, as guardian! of Clara' A. Oglesbee, wife! of J. E. Oglesbee, The plaiutiff’iB ward is penniless and living On the charity of relatives; according to the petition, which also demands an accounting of the alleged DUjton' late Friday night, §500 proceeds.from the sab of cer- sufferin(, an attack of heart trouble, tom personal property. Harry Death ^.a8 8udden. The deceased was Bnnth is attorney for the plaintiff. tfce daughter of tho late David ' DIVORCES SOUGHT S?™ d°s ° f T * a *radmUs Dissatisfied with their martial ° « . C .°ca *!8 ,Sf ° ° * . , . . , • . , . ... . . She is survived by. one sister, Mrs. status, three wives have instituted j|ester Shroadeg Hale, San Marco, divorce proceedings in court. ,, , ^ ,, _ r ‘ . . Texas, and a brother, George Marzelle Baber, m a suit against _. , _ , . , t, v „ , ., , - t . Shroades, Dayton. She was for many /red Baber, charges non-support, de- „ , * w „ „ t . v t ,, j . years a member of Raper M. E. daring she has been compelled t j A . n . , , , .. Church, Dayton, and was active as Uve with relatives m recent months. . . , ... , ' : - i * •, „„ long as her health permitted. She They were married April 27, 1936. ” , , , . . „ _ . . . . t , . was head of the Home Department for Non-support "is also-charged m a . . , T . . . , . . •- j u • n . , thirty years. Her husband died two suit filed by, Katherine .Rose-against . . . . ___ Carl Rose, whom she matried August . ,■< . j ... 2 t / l ^ » t Ky. ' , 1^® TuMday, with bpnal in North cree-- ;.«hni!ge«' ’ ’ ! - Carl Benn eads Scouts .'•S''. - 1 . Carl Benner, .faculty manager of athletic at, Xenia- Central high'school has been elected^ chairman of . the Boy Scouts; formed as a permanent organization to promote development of the scout movement on a county- wide scale. Other officers of the new federa tion are Dr. Le^ Anderson, Cedar- vilfe; Charles Bfeiel of the O. S. and S. O. home, and C. D. Moore of Osborn, vice chairman, and C. W Adair, Xenia finance director. The organization wfll function in co-operation with'; officials of Tecum- seh council of Boy Scouts,-embrac­ ing a siif&ounty area. Eight-troops of scouts are nowl functioning in, this county, including three in Xenia, two at the 0 . S. and S. O. home, one earfi in Osborn, CSedarHUe, vand Yellow Springs. :. ■ : .■ Conservation Commissioner Law­ rence Wooddett warned that fur buy- who fail to get a state permit will SCHOOL N E Y s School Closed a t Noon All county schoola will close a t noon, Friday, January 21,/1088, in order that the teachers may attend a joint program for teachers, ministers, and boards of education in the Cedarville School Auditorium, Friday afternoon. Citizenship- Pilgrimage Contest/ Each spring, the D. A . R. spon­ sors, a state-wide" Citizenship Pil­ grimage contest for senior girls to stimulate interest in citizenship. The organization offers a free trip to Washington D. C,. to the highest ranking girl in the state. The win­ ner is selected*by means of a test including the fields of civics, Amer­ ican, history, sociology, and citizen­ ship. An .elimination test was given in the local high school, Tuesday, to de­ termine the highest, ranking senior girl. As a result, Jeanette Bootes was,.^declared eligible to enter state-wide competition,, and ■Mary Alice Whittington became her alter-, nate. Other .senior gfirls who, enter­ ed the test voluntarily were Lois An­ derson, Margaret Dailey, Nancy Fin­ ney, Lucille Curl, Jean Lane, Louise Graham, and Margaretta Lott. - H. J. FAWCETT County Ministers Will Reorganize Mr. Fawcett was formerly connect­ ed with the Commercial Savings and Bank Co., Xenia, and later liquidating agent for the Exchange Bank, repre­ senting the State Banking Depart­ ment. He made an enviable record by his service in that capacity, and re­ signed to become deputy couqty treas­ urer. Mr. Fawcett announces that he will retain >the present staff with H. C. Moorman, deputy; J. W. Paullin, sales tax division; and Robert Kneisley, Osborn, as bookkeeper, Mr. Kneisley is the new ,appointee and has been connected with the E. W. Fulmer Grocery Co. Mrs. Pearl Ervin will re­ main as stenographer. era ctUel^y and gross negbet and toquests [ 3 u p t . H . D . F u r s t custody of minor children, alimony, “ attoi-ney fees and houschoid goods. On Library Board They were married July 20, 1911. q a i f < s a iiTiroTiiypn ' The Township TVustees have filled BALES AUAHORA^ED vacancy .on Kie Cedarville Twp. full ertent Of the ■ SB,t ? Jonf Library Board caused by the death of! be prosecuted to the. full extent or the against J. L. Jones and others, sale tv n Himt H law. He called attention to the fact ^ two tracts of real estate to James t*),e nubile schools The thdt a law passed lis t year, and now L. j Qnes Sor ?2>714.o5 and one tract l S T L Dr “ “I i * T ^ ;H 2 0 A 0 3 , were ^ R McCheaney and Miss Carrie deal, in qt buy green, or dried furs approved by the court. taken from fur-bearing animals in ,— ‘ •, . ,■». . . . Ohio, except domesticated rabbits, NOTICE IS FILED without first having recemd a deal- Nqtice of an appeal from an ^ad- ^ rcceive ccrtaia ,county f unds that er’s permit, which ,s furnished free to verse order of the state mduatrtal m ,t the oxpahdjny of local Ohio dealers, Non-reB^entdealers ^mmission has keen filed m court by fac.,.Ucs and ^ addHion o£ many and their representatives in the state munsel for Hehry Seller. . ■ are requited to pay an’s fee' of 359. Violators are subject to n fine of not less than $10 and. not more than $50, .^he commissioner pointed out. FORECLOSURE JUDGMENT The Home Owners* Loan Corp. has t R w a h n i a r v e l o recovered a $2^59.03 judgment in a 1 o r< in m M W ® I e [foreclosure action* against Roy E. Driscoll and others, Reorganization of , the -Greene County Ministerial Association will be effected at-a meeting of ministers of the coun.ty in the Rotary Club rooms, Xenia, Monday morning at 10 o’clock. A county' association formed several years ago has been inactive. , George G. Dowey, of Chicago, will address the ministers on * "Three Major Present Day Problems of the Average Minister," Plans for the reorganization meet­ ing. arc in charge of a committee composed of Dr. A. C. Renoii, of Beaver Reformed Church; Rev. C. A, Bowers, o f ' the' Jamestown M. E Church, and Rev, C. C. Hankins, chaplain a t the O. S. and S. 0 . Home, W. A. Kelley Company Take® Local Garage Fish and Game To Hear Ripley Approximately seventy per cent of / the crippled children in Ohio Will be JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF benefited or their deformity entirely The Greene County Farm Bureau Featured By Cincinnati Orchestra - z ......, . __ _ The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and treat-j Cooperative Association, plaintiff iii a I this week inaugurates its widely " -- • ’ - ■‘ •« • w. «__ Announcement Wednesday was that the W. A. Kelley Co., Springfield Ford Agency, hAd leased the Wolford gar­ age building on Xenia avenue and would open a Ford agency in a few Bible Course Offered >, , During the second semester, Bible study will be offered to high school students through the cooperation of the Ideal ministers, Tentative plans call for one class period per week with required notebook work. The ^following courses will he given:-Life of Christ taught by Dr, R. A. Jamieson for 7th and 8tfi grades; Acts of the Apostles under the direction of Rev. B, N. Adams for 9th and 10th grades; Spread of Christianity taught by Dr. C. E. Hill for 11th and 12th grades, The three local ministers visited the school, Wednesday -and outlined plans for the study. Physical Education Program Miss Robe, Coach Orr, and Supt H. D. Furst attended a meeting, of physical education teachers and sup­ erintendents *of the county schools Wednesday evening; in the office of H. C. Anltuian, county superintendent bf schools. I^wis S. Moorehead, supervisor of physical education and health in Ohio, Ozark Ripley, America’s ’best known addressed the group and outlined sportsman and foremost writer of out-' plans for a broader and better health door stories, will relate his gripping program in Ohio schools. tales of forest, field and stream and - - entertaining outdoor days a t tho Health Program Discussed second annual Fish Fry of the iGreene Dr. Lcita Davy, nutritionist; County Fish and Game Association seriated with the Greene County Thursday, February 3, at the Xenia Health Office discussed a health pro- Artnory. gram planned for Greene County a t This entertainment will climax ifie a meeting of the teachers of the local annual membership drive of the As- schools, Thursday evening, sociation which is now in full swing? . • . A gala evening is in store for all the New Student Enters men, women and children of Greene Hairy Beemiller, of Clifton, enroll- County interested in any phase of out- €(1 as a sophomore a t the beginning door life, * “ ’ -------- The evening’s meal will be in , . . charge of Paul "Chef” Haider, Annual Pictures Completed popular Xenia Legionnaire. The Mr. Knoll, a Dayton photographer, "Chef" promises plenty of fine fried was a t ifie schopl Tuesday to- com- * lYVAim HlPilirAfi for the as Program for Teachers’ MssjlSf When Greene County teaebenp, ministers, and menibete pf hoards,.of education meet in the ipcaV txhool auditorium, Friday afternop^* the following program of music imd talks will be heard: Music, Cedarville H, 8, Orchpetra, Invocation, Rey, Benjamin N. ^ Adams. Welcome, Supt, B. D. Fnrsfe Reports—Helen Smith, Supt. C< M, Stebbins. Committee Appoiutmesite. . Boy’s Quartet — Anchors Aweigh by Zimraeran. Address, Mary Willcocktop—^"Sup­ ervisor of Elementary Grades of th* Wm. McGuffey Schopls.” , Girl’s Sextet—“The Lord Is My Light”—Grunod, Address—Dr. Laura Zirbes—"Pro­ gressive Education." . , Selected Music — Mr. Reed, Mr. Watson. * Election of Officers.. >. Walter W. Boyer, President. A. A. Neff, Vice-President.’ - S. O. Liming, Secretary-Treasurer, H. C. Aultman, County .Super­ intendent. Tracks All Clear For Farmers’ Week - / , 7 7 ...r ♦ ^ r v All tracks have been cleared fo r the 26th annual' Farmers’ Week -special caravan which will atart^moying «ipto Columbus apd to the .Ohio State ,Upi-, versity campus on January 24 and the all) clear signal -will be up until the last of the visitors leave late' Friday, >v January. 28. ; , Preliminary programs are to the hands "of all county agricultural agents and will be furnished to those who drop into the - agents’ offices*' Final complete programs will be given out as visitors register i n . Townn-. hend Hall during Farmers’ Week? Townshend- Hall,^ ^ j l a i t , quarters, for the week and people on duty will furnish information about rooms; baggage checking, or other things which will make the weekmore pleasant for visitors. . Departmental meetings begin in the forenoons and continue through the day except for a period each day when meetings of general interest to everyone are scheduled. Evenings are given over to enter­ tainment features. Dancipg, music, drama, and. motion pictures.are omtfia list. Banquets and luncheons are.. scheduled' throughout the week and , are numerous enough so everyone-will have opportunity to attend one or more of them. , " The com and grain show :and. the chick show will be centers of. interest every day. Chicks pn, exhibit;wiR be sold at. aufction Thvirsday aftefiibon. Another feature of tho week will be the national consignment sale; of. BorkeSiire sows held in...Qhio fo r the 0 ^ 01 r i iviit vt uu« aucu f . «w»nU..HV w fish, roast beef with brown gravy and Plri© taking group pictures for the j t jme in-mRny years ■ ■ ■ I annual. * > • * H, C. Ramsower, director of the agricultural * extension service; is offering cash prizes for the host corrected by proper care anu lilCRir jL/Ul/yCiUkllV M _ _ ment, according to data compiled by suit against H. W. Wertz, has been heralded Brahms Cycle—a special Judge Hemy J . Robison, thief of the awarded an uncontested judgment for season of four pairs of concerts de- division of public assistance of the $145.66. voted exclusively to the major works State Department of Public Welfare. ........ ;■ Of Johannes Brahms. In spacious. He reported th a t six out of every ESTATES APPRAISED historic Music Hall, the Orchestra, thousand persons under the age of Two estate* have been tappraised under the baton of Eugene Goosaens, twenty-one are crippled; and a t the under probate court direction, to dc- will present, a t 2:45 o’clock Friday ptesent time the crippled population termine whether inheritance taxes are afternoon and 8:30 o’clock Saturday of the state totals about 14;OO0. due, as f o l l o w s e v e n i n g , a program consisting of the "Ohio was one of the first states to Estate of Lcnora B. Johnson: gross famous "Academic Festival" Over­ recognize its responsibility^along this value, $500; obligation, none; net ture; tho Symphony No, 3 in F-mnjor, line," Judge Robison asserted, "and value, $509. .and the Piano Concerto No, 2 in B- since the inception of our program Estate of J. Robert Bryson: gross fiat major. more than 6/300 crippled boys and value, $5,293.49; obligations, $7,605.- Robert Casadesus, eminent French girls have been given treatment. The 98; net value, molfiing, Ohio system is regarded as One of the finest in the com iryt and is producing Mexican customs given a t the high school assembly, Wednesday morning, by Rev. C. E. all the trimmings that go With both, ^Following the example of past three years the Association will again bo host to all the boys, that partici- day». The Springfield Co, has had the pated in last year’s annual Pest Rid Ford agency in that city for a number dance Contest sponsored by the As- of years, The local manager is A. sociation, providing them with an G. Woodrow, who has had much ex- evening of free entertainment and Hul perience in management and sales for food. Second Semester Ford cars. The franchiseTor the local ---------------------- - The*work for the second semester test can be secured from the d i t e ^ s r K a S £ r i . « 5 o £ Birthday Ball Set ' b«« ^ ^ — *— « * * * » * * * » - . pany. Sales and service will be under the direction of Manager Wood- Illustrated Lecture .. An illustrated lecture depicting , . and scenes was S u tu re s of Farmers’ Week events taken by amateur photographers daring the five fifty*. V iM t^% li£ have akilt1With .the camera /. should bring along their equipment i»4 .lu ttt hi their entries. Rul«r fo r th«j|on- ----- - - - tion for the high school took place, j For Saturday* Jan. 29 Friday morning. row. . The annual President's birthday 1ball for Greene county will be held Spring Valley vs, Cedarville When Oedarville teams journeyed Committees Nkmed For Special^Services three an exceptional high results." percentage of i pianist, Will be the soloist of the oc coelom Although Casadesus has won APPOINTMENTS MADE world-wide fame and has made one Nellie Bernauet has. been named previous tour of America, this Will be administratrix of the estate of Zettie Ids first Cincinnati appearance, Marshall, late of Fairfield, under Jasclm Heifetz, pronounced by $1,000 bond many critics, as th e greatest living L, N. Shi INTERNATIONAL AGENCY administrator --------------------- - Wisccup, late of Xenia, under $500 Cycle on Friday afternoon and Satur- ! artM«e T om i>R nrifl Jift, lift J a m e s t o w n M S iil W a n t e d in the National Guard Armory, Xenia, to Spring Valley, Friday night, they - CS l i 1 o A wlth Eddie Camden’s NBC orchestra divided honors. The varsity team met Representative* . of the t x r e e n e UO« SC llOO l J t l a a d providing the music. The admission defeat 26-16, While the Red and WhiteehUrcha* met Jost-SaNbatfi afternoon is $1.60 m couple. The Executive sextet kept ffteir undefeated status te make plans for tho apecial preach- i ~ by by beating their opponents 23-19. to ;be..hcM. MrtnhJhiO, LOCAL FIRM GIVES UP «,uvu Donu. _ L, N. Shepherd has been appointed violinist, will be the soloist a t the d inistrator of the estate of Edward second pair of concerts of the Brahms .......... ... J Cedarville Farm Implements, inc.,|bond; amiounces tftiS week that the local firm has given up.the agency for the SALE AUTHORIZED day night, Jan, 28 and 2D. He will bo heard in the Violin Concerto in D | major. Conductor Goosscns also has these concert* . . . a couple J, F. Gordon, Jamestown, was re- Committee in charge is headed elected president of tho County school Judge George H. Smith, board a t the reorganization meeting This year all funds will be turned n the office of It. C, AultmaH, county over to the National Foundation for uperintendent. F. A. Wright, Bell- the Eradication of Infantile Paralysis, brook, was reelected vice-president, instead of a percentage being retained Three member* beginning new four- in oath county, year terms are Gordon, Wright and d b g uio sspuvjr +%* . Internatiofial Harvester Co. line of 0*je of real'batata belonging to the bvogcammed for these concert* farm implements. The f im will Erhma Qakin estate, because of ft ? ^ m s ‘ Fourth Symphony and the handle the exeluiivd line o f John mwtgage indebtedness amounting to Variations on a Theme by Haydn. Deere impiements. - - »• .= .-,-,^. 1 .,. Ticket prices for each of the con- SIMM8 PAR0LE REVOKED ($1,287,50, has been held necessary by Tteket prices I th# court, ft. D. Haines, J. 3. Curlett cetta {ro,'\ 60 cents I 8* Be- Und W, S. Reger* were ftjipolnted to wbvftttens may be .made by conf m a k e a newappraisal o f the property. *Jiuftkfltirtg with Ralph H. Kunkle, ...... , Symphony ticket managen 12 1 E, d ea N- h a n n a SALE A parol# granted la it week by Judge F, M. Clevenger to Samuel Sirnm, SO, negrtt; Xenia, who was sentenced from- one to twenty years 0 ft ft house breaking charge to which Arthur Hannft and Edwin Dean Will ho pleaded guilty, ha* been revoked, hoid a public sale on th#' Dean farm " ' .......'•“** -mmmAtiA 1 m » fits former on Thwrs- Fourth St., Cincinnati. OPENS RESTAURANT John Fudge, who has been operat- ua noziw«“»'«“ «* —- — ................ ing tt restaurant in XenW. has rented hftve 'trantftd the parole had he known day, JanuaiY 27, commencing a t 12 tho Cedat Inn and dpefieijl for business Siinnwhi^sertedtevoprieon term sin o’clock. In the list will be 12 head tM* week* H# formerly Wft# located Kentueky. ITonteuter Shoup opposed of horses, 22 dairy cow*, 120 head of in rim same building before going b th# pftWl*. hega,- Announce For Mr, C. W. Steele waa 'chosen chair­ man of the organizatibn that Wai formed., Ottier officera ate Mina Mabel Stormont, secretary and 10. G. H. C o * C o m l t t i s s i o l i o r l Hartman, treasurer. The Mlowibg Were riteted to 4 IfeV#' Two candidates have announced «» the Various committee#, the pas^week as candidate* for ^ F t|lic lty ftttl V i s i ^ ^ ^ t e l Boy Scout * S Proiwrty m m p U mm I. f f l u — ‘S i lilM. K V * WWW , J l* , _____ to the local hoy scout troop n w ha t former coun^ c om m w s iw ^ ^ -Fifteen hundred pounds of prunes wa* the \ % theJ X s s T e ] S e ek a°candidSe for this office a t the Re- Committw: Mrs, re being distributed In th# county to erty on the hanks of ^ ttcu rn primary. f f f T 7 Huey, Mrs, Gsrttud# Stormont, l i f t . J .S . m a t , ' 1 Mr*. Martha Bradford of Beavercreek! - - , . _ . township jVandals Destroy PRUNES, PEACHES AND THEN COMES THE BEANS a UlffiUrggW.jMiWVftft m sq w n .,^ relief fanfilieft this week. Next week was destroyed some time ago there will be 1,600 pounds of dried vandals that broke into the building, peaches and finally 1,400 pounds of Petty thieving and carousing on the beans the third; week. part of a group of hoys evidently The government announces the pur- care little for what belongs to others, chase of apples grown In each county have become holder and holder in their for distribution. Heretofore apples destruction, Numerous: persons have have beOn shipped from distant points complained about the theft of milk, whit* apples grown locally rotted be- coal and especially gasoline, oatt*# growers eottid not sell the sut- . f w .w w w .w w , - Pi Mr SvbtctiU io HERAM" KNISLEY IS INDICTED Dallas Knisley* Latham, who was Special Nights Committeat Meryl connected With the Warnock robbery Stormont Mrs, J* ft. ftyl#, Ward Gr*#- in Bowersville, and another near Miss Ora Hanna, $£& Atfiae Xenia, has been indicted by * grand 3mme» Mm. Frank GraeWaft. jury to Tike county, A brother. Reception ptrwkmd Woodber, has been indicted by a Rota W*liamee«, J im # ttomWlhjr* & H* county grand Jury. IMaster#.