The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

nmw TH iN ofr a k k A iiv K im M D •Y IfSBCHANTft FIICHT ADYBS T m a U B ffK EKKP YOU A tUUU flT OF THB TH U S . R 1 A 0 Y R 1M I sncTYTOarr y e a r LETIB NO, 14 flM STATE COURT M i su its n u n frtetim tim o f * 4o*d nm I fioteUnf « f tHJ* to tlwrtr property are joint ofcfeetivrs is a suit AM in oomniea oqlumbub . - a ««w p«wiwtio«. . whiek will W o f “ excoptionaV help tn! J J g 1 ^ * 5 % attorneys, aecouoUnts, corporation^*™^ * J d U J L .C o * o u u individuals -who do apeetaUet, but hove a direct interest o i S b m * mm * a *8 a * In AAimAvatinn 4sviftATl <<UlWl BWflfUnlpW TWP- or connection, i corporation taxation matter* « u announced by Secretary e f State William J. Kennedy. The pamphlet, entitled "Outline o f Cor­ poration Fee* and.Taxes,” i« being printed and will bo available for di«- tribntton in a week or ten days. It will m w not only state corporation - fs*«,*od . tapes, Iwt federal m w*B, Socnetary o f State Kennedy Mid: "ft ' is intended to nerve only « » a guide s to the appropristoeewrcea^f real estate, formerly owned by the Kooglers and purchasedby the Peoples comjiany. at a foreclosure sate, assert .the deed contains an Incorrect de­ scription o f the property, J. C. Mar* shall is attorney for the*plaintiffs. DIVOKCg REQUESTED - Cruelty ie sfiergilJni petitionAm divorce, instituted by Maty X,. Burn, ___ bough against Melvin Rumbaugh pkt7awTofficial iir f^ t i^ m a y ” h e » ^ 0,n., obtained, The whole subject o f cor* porate taxation has become one of such complexity that every one real, ites the necessity of legal* surveying corporate taxation problems and the assistance o f trained account­ ant* in. the actual preparation o f tax reports, While the Department of State is glad to furnish upon request any information, available from, Us records dr to discUgs corporation mat- . tera that come unde* it* jurisdiction, it cannot undertake to assist in the actual draftings o f tilings or advise with reference to statutes administer­ ed by Other departments.” The plaintiff request* temporary and permanent alimony and custody of their minor' children. She charged her husband for three years has been associating with other women, partic­ ularly Ethel M, Jones Schweibold, and !ias neglected his work, A T V fw t fjsm o iff Ai THB HEADLINES oH 1 PAGE OFTEN IT M OF SWNIFIOANCE TO YOU. FORECLOSURE JUDGMENTS Two mortgage foreclosure- judg­ ments have been awarded by the court is follow :„Home Owners’ Loan Corp. igainst O. R. Smith and others, for J2,400.80; Peoples .Building and Sav- ngs, Co. against Cora Kelsey and others, for §445.18. As the result o f a rapidly growing interest in horses, ther1038 Ohio State fair horse, show will provide an extra night’s . entertainment, according, to Director E*rl H, Hanefeld o f the State Department o f Agriculture, under the jurisdiction o f which the fair and co- events are staged. Director Hanefeld' reported that the 1988 horse .show will get under way Sunday night o f "fair week** and will conclude, as previously with the stake classes Friday night. Heretofore the show has opened' on Monday. "With the record-breaking number of entries last year and the- result that the progrsms ran half an hour or longer behind schedule, and anticipating a further increase, in en» DIVORCE GRANTED Charles R. RhefUbert, has been warded a divorce- from Maude Rhett- J,ert on ground* of wilful absence from home for more than three years.and was granted custody of a minor child. /ESTATES APPRAISED To ascertain •whether inheritance, taxes should be paid, four estates hjrfb 'men appraised under probate court direction as follow*: ' Estate o f Oliver Flatter: gross •value, $7,600.14; obligations, $3785.14; net value, $3,815. Estate o f J. F. Baker: gross value, $3,849.25; obligations, $1,286; net value, $2,565.45. Estate o f Eettie Marshall: groin Here we have a view o f the Methodist Sunday Mmol picnic crowd that was taken in August‘1908 when the annual ampt w** held in the Murdock grove south o f town on the Wilmington fiffito. It would be hard to list the crowd for many ofTth* little folks in , the front row are probably patent* with d f t b M f i Sunday School. As we cast our eye to the center o f the picture v# nee Rev*. Homer. D. Middleton and wife,, the good pastor at that tiabt. In that same row wte find the likeness of a nunfcer o f the olddf member*, wjiich - with the pastor and wife have long Ceased life’s Ifkoirs; T„ V, Biff and wife, Mr*- Foster, I . W. Johnson, J, H, Owens, J. W. Matthews, Benoni Creswell, L. H. Sulknberger. Rome others we pick at random are: F. M. Reynolds, former superintendent o f schools at the left; Mrs. Laura Albright, G, F. Siegler, Reece Barber, A. R. McFarland. You will find it intetesting to name each one in the picture andyour guess might be a* cornet as possible to give at this date, especially;when you attempt to name all of that first row o f little folks. KUDOS SAURY SUIT UPHELD 1 Y RULING Mm for tin 1938 show,we have deem- Estate o f Zfcttie Mamnpip. gross ^^jm "1»xtteYap's classes adrlsable,” j value, $1,083.01; obligations, $541.42; •vDirector Haneftld asserted. Dr. Walter H. Hsrtung, director of th« Stmt* Department o f Health, is­ sued eight precautions to be taken as a possible guard against a late winter or spring influents epidemic. They ate: Keep, as for "as possible from .those who cough or sneeze; avoid un­ necessary contact with those who have the disease; do not use drinking or eating utensil* handled by others un­ its* such utehsila have been washed & boumg Water; avoid crowded j ’aces; wash hands frequently with soap and water; avoid unnecessary fatigue; at the first sign of infec­ tion, go to bed; if infected, call a phy­ sician and obey his orders. Superintendent Robert L. Bowen of the state division o f insurance an- nouned that application for licenses which com* Within the jurisdiction p f the division wilt bfr-reccived/pwlb in dividual* who are eighjpert years o f age. Previously the nfloinhim age ro quirement was^ttfenty-one. Super­ intendent Beaten stated: “ In view of the faetMiat it has been shown that pcrsopA under twenty-one are fre­ quently well-qualified to procure, re­ ceive and forward applications for in- /•surance, this office will consider ap­ plications from individuals past their eighteenth birthday." net value, $1,541.42. Estate of- Patrick Faragher: gross value, $12,855J97; debts, $667.72; ad­ ministrative, $798; not value, $11,- 450.25. ‘ - Estate o f Oscar S. Melton: court ordered estate relieved o f administra­ tion because value o f assets less than $5O0> , A decision that a combined manda­ mus and injunction suit filed by Mr. Shd Mrs. A. E. Kildow, superintendent and matron o f the Greene County In­ firmary, against county commissioners seeking. restoration o f a joint $600 salary reduction, “makes -a cause o f action” was handed down Friday by Acting Judge Frank M. Clevenger of Clinton County, < As a result o f.the'decision counsel for county commissioners will - be requited to file an answer to the peti- ilom Jirprder to,bring tbe case tp trial: on its merits....... Judge Clevenger refused to allow striking from the petition allegations that the salaries o f Mr. and Mrs. Kil­ dow were reduced for "political reasons.” -T I ii M mm esiMs Th0 libratpy o f the Ohio Arehaeo- logkftl and Historical Society mdseutt has been presented with a copy of the minute book and records o f the first religious society at Marietta, organ* ized in 1798 before any ’Tegular” re­ ligious denomination had been estab­ lished, according to Museum Director Henry G, Shetrone. SALES APPROVED •Administrators’ sales of real estate belonging to two estates have been confirmed by the court ns, follows: estate o f Elias Hatfieid-s-aale to Paul D. and Cleo E. Garringer for $2,606; • state of Emma F. Dakin—sal* to M. ti, and Isadora Kyne for $2,675. Achievement Day ;v.,..„=. SetForMarch lg An all-county chorus‘ Under the-di­ rection ^ J. Harley WaHroii, o f the O. S. and S. O. Home, will be a major feature of the’ program arranged for the annual Achievement Day in which women of home dcmenstratiOft olassrs and others will participate MArch 16 at fferttrat High School. Women o f the Home Extension Council are inviting individuals ffott various communities who? enjoy Sing ing to take part in the chorus. Tha first practice for the ,Went will bo held March 3 at the school. Other program features will include a style cfeciv and- an- address % Dr. W. R. McChesney, president o f CedarviltO College. ruling Umt "no persOliTan be reduced in pay or position, suspended, laid off or discharged or discriminated against by an appointing officer for religious or political reasons or affiliations.” An argument advanced by defense counsel that the Kildow& Itavio an ade­ quate remedy at law by speaking to the State Civil Service Commission was dented by Judge Clevenger’s written opinion, which held the com­ mission has tlio power to hear ap­ peals, but that its right is limited to removal eases and docs nob extend to matters involving salary reductions, as applied to the present ease. ‘ irT tffllL t/ t*‘*“ court that th* claim there is an adcqUate -riusetly at law by appealing to the. civil servite fails,” Judge Clevenger commented. “The question before the court being an to the sufficiency of the allegations m the petition, Die holding is that tho petition makes a cause of action..” SaleOfHaaar Plate Closed A* Conference . Sale o f the Ilfipar Straw Board and Taper Co., Cediterilk to the Mead Corp., CfeillieothM announced a month Jigo, was. consuaUuted is full Wed­ nesday morninf f t * meeting o f offi­ cials o f both eayjianies in the law office* o f MiHar; and Finney, Allen Bldg. . Present •at tH closing conference were George Robijwon, Chillicothe, a«- sistaitt secretary iti the Mead Corp., and Robert K. Lkndu, Dayton at­ torney, teiNtetentW the buying cor­ poration 'Mad,W, JCenia at-‘ torney and Fred, Zartffian,, Franklin paper miMiifactfinr, teptese^ing the Hag** ■6sMmaayA.t>ath ate mambers of-the tfoSrtffl! W. H. Bennett, Milwaukee, Who car­ ried on the negotiations for the sale over a period o f weeks, was also pre­ sent at Wednesday’s meeting. The Mead Corp., acquire the entire interests o f the Hagai* business, !n-j stricken suddenly at the wheel eluding all real estate, for a reported purchase price o f approximately $150,- 000 and is assuming owhership at once. The new owner will maintain tlie property without change and will keep the plant in readiness for instant operation if necessary, it is understood. » MAN ACHUITTEO BYJBRYIN TRAFFICDEATH A common pleaB court jury required only 45 minutes deliberation to acquit Philip Tertjnri, 48, M a second degree manslaughter' chasge, late Thursday afternoon, folloyrtiig a two-day, trial. The verdict W#s unanimous. Terenzi, forffijef civilian employe at Patterson Field,Vwa* prosecuted in connection with/fcfte death o f Russell Locke, 14, nearf Osborn, last Oct.'IT; . Terensi’s cart cattening' from the Xenia-Osbom /rojd, \teuck the? boy, who was astride a bicyhte in front of his home, then smashed/into an ad­ joining hous« knocking it et$ht inches off the foundation, \ Defense testimony was.introduced to show Terenzi suffered from, h stomach aipiont, that he was subjVt to fainting spells and that he w ear, causing him to lose control of tlie machine. * Henry Edwards Passes Away Following an extended illhesn ffom a complication of discS-ees, Henry DouglasEdwards," 76 , diedatIn'shome on the Flynn farm, near Tt^jesn, Wednesdaymorning at 12:35 o’clock, He badbeen ill fourteenmonths, M l Eiaw*»"iis survived by seven 4 M m t Mrs, AddleReigelsperger, of Dayton; Mrs, MabelKennonandRay mend, of Xenia, Amo* andElmer, of frebein; Mrs, Clara Riley, of nelr Dayton; Mrs, losle Hall, of._,StvTasis, ■O,; sMeen grandehildtefifa half sis* Loftite-fcoper, of jCedarvUlo, half brothera, fi’eargaRaker, Rev, Benjamin Adams, pastes? o f the _s_ _ Froehytoriim'Ob<Heh,fdnsteyffiil4aten' t-’ .... • 4 0,^ *WWak*s**««tel oltitekfiaMaikAfiflA Xenia, preceedcd him in r ^ ^ e r a l services will bo conducted at the home Friday at t p, m, with Iw M f » farhes Cemetery, neat Ce^ darville,’ friends mm call n i the home thsraday iftemoon of eWntfif* T wo A te Appoinicd ToE led ioH Board Seeretafy o f -StSto William J,‘ Ken­ nedy announced Monday the appoint­ ment o f two newGreen© County board o f election members ter four-yeas? terms beginning March 1, 1038 and ending in February, 19-12. Th® appointees are J; Ernest Long -(Republicaft) and Earl L. Ritcnour (Democrat^ bath.ef Ross Twp. Long and RUenour were endorsed for th® appsintments by ‘heir respect- ivo party exeeulivo committees. The retiring members whoso terms had expired are- Erafcina Winter, Xenia, Republican, and Fred JOavrson, Yellow Springs, Demoerat, l i t e r a l Fund Balance Exceeds Expectations Green® County wound up the year 1937 with an unexpectedly large balance of $16/133.23 in the general operating fund, thanko to unantici­ pated income, aec$»fdifig to a report released by the county auditor'^ office. The balance, while about $7,069 less than tho ‘surplus carried over into 1937 from the year previous, was higher than expected. Additional te eeipts Included, reimbursement to the county- by the state for overcharges detected in tile carp Of patients in state institutions. FARMERS! PLEASE NOTICE fea.IUI.U The -editor wishes .to call to the fawner’s attention o correction o f an ettof made lift last week’s issue con- eerning the liwitotian o f tho Cedar- ville Lumber Company to- view the movie pictures by International Har­ vester Company. Last week’s adver­ tisement erroneously stated the event for Saturday, Mareh 6th. Please notice that the event Ss se for March 4th, THIS FRIDAY B KING. Dor apologies go to /h e lumber company for the, miotaky and we Itdijro that the farmers will operate to make this a big afDfir. Re­ member It is Friday evening March thlNinnuaT observance o fthe “World’s Day o f Prayer” by the Xenia Feder­ ated Missionary Society at Christ Episcopal Church Friday afterneen aft 4th.,The ad Is elsewhere to 2 o’cloc] D ih ff pxegram ftmtafes are p lat « e d /e r the meeting. , Cedarville To Observe “Go To Church Sunday” Grime, graft, immorality—read it on the front page of eve -y city iicwe - paperv Surely it la time tlmt nvm turned to God! But ‘’turning to God” must start with those who are bur- dcifiht^with the reed of it. Hence tho Ccdarmlje churches are issuing a call to thic" community to begin on this coming Sabbath a period of two weeks af special cervices. The opening day will be called “Go to Church Sunday.” Old and young, rich and poor, high and lowly,—all without distinction of age, class, 6t elation are urged and invited to attend any one o f the three churches in“the morning and the Union Service at the Presbyterian Church in the evening. At union evening service Dr C, E. Turley ot the Methodist Episco­ pal Church will bring the message. The schedule o f meetings for the following two weeks,is as follows: Monday, March 7, ■Presbyterian Church. Gospel Team in charge. Tuesday, Match 8. Presbyterian Church. “High Behaol Night.” Wednesday, Match 9. Presbyterian Church.” "Civic and Business Men’o Night,” Thafedoy*. March 19. Presbyterian Church. “Neighborta Night.” . Friday, March 11. U, P. Church. “Clifton Night.” Sunday, March 18. D, P. Church, Union Evening Worship. Monday, Match 14. If. P. Church, “ High School Night” Tuesday, March 16. tl. P« Church. “ Youth Organitations Night.” - Wafneaday, March 16. Methodist Cfctjftb, "College Night” hursday, March '17. Methodist arch, ■ "Fraternal Organizations' Night,” Friday, March 18, Methodist Church. “ Family Night.” Sunday, March 29. Church. Union Evening Worship, Wdcemoi M ips . Nelle Fraver Passes Away Funeral services for Mrs. Neele Fraver, 50, wife of William B. Frav- ei’.eity treasurer and assistant cashier of the Xenia National Bank, Who died on Wednesday afternoon after 18 Ralph Modn Of Alpha Suffers BrokenNeck In Accident Greene County’s third traffic fatal­ ity this year waa recorded'when Ralph Moon, 55„{Alpha, a Beavetxfeek town­ ship highway employe, died in McClel­ lan Hospital at 2 p. m. Thursday afternoon, rite result o f injuries suf­ fered 15 mkmtes earlier rwhen struck by an automobile on Yhe Dayton- Xenia'pk., a^miie west "of Alpha. Moon, operating ji tfactor-grSder, Was said by biveatigathtg officers to mjre stepped firdto the truck-cab/into the path o f an ^ast bound automobile, driven by Raymond Carder, 22, Baitt- bridge, 0., and occupied by four-other persons, \ *■ The victim’s injuries included a broken m>ek; right ffirtde f tmttnmffigf head Jaceratlohs^' He died a few minuted after hieing ^brought to the hospital by Elwood Palmer, Xenia, a phasing motorist and ege-witnesF of tlie accident. / Coroner Ti^ C. Schick returned an accidental death verdict, exonerating the Bainhridge motorist. Moon, who resided on Factory rd., in Upper Alpha, is survived yby hi» widow, Susan Moon, and thrto chil­ dren, Alice at home; Maurice of Alpha and Mrs. Helen Peterson of Alpha. Funefal services were conducted at Beaver Reformed Church, Monday,' iVith biiriul in Beaver Cemetery.' ed Saturday afternoon *in her home, GGON. King si. Burial Woo made in Woodland Cemetery. » Mrs. Fraver was a lifelong Xenia resident. Her marriage took place in 1917. Besides her husband, sur­ vived by her mother, Mrs. Catherine Tate of Xenia, and a sister, Mrs. Elsie Cost of Alliance, O. ^ « Dolomite Company Granted Charter *==*5=5=^* Incorporation ot the Ccdotvillc Dolomite Products, Inc., with author,- ity to issue SGTekarcs of no par value stock, was announced Monday at Co- lumbus, Tlie incorporators are Charles P, Elgin, Xenia, owner of the business, his wife, Mrs. Mary Elgin, and Ralph E. Cummings, who is employed by tho firm at Ccdarville. Tlie company operates a limestone quarry in the manufacture ©f dolo­ mite products, including- different grades o f stone fo'r highway ptoposes. Mr. Elgin also acquired recently the l«t« »st of his partner, Roy Jacobs, to the Ccdarville Grain Co. lift*. Jacobs retired from the firm to' give more time to operating & lumber plant, gravel plant and bis fawn. Relief Folk With Autog Are Barret Gihbatidtov N. J.—Tlid council ralcir^hai cliants Qiatomobitea mustJum in tags in exohanifS\or . ’-'Why chaold we «y. _Methsdsrt||s6V0 askcd Parker, "ft to true givedtoj? momj to re! feed eiders, That c'i borough fwhe^wo lei t license orders, icrsons who It Luring W, kft. we don't 'i eliehft only us Ikes teepaper,' A'tletaitad aeesunfc o f the plans where they get men/y for gasriise the Bey ffeesil and 411 ChA Farngm e Iteense tag® m fee kept by the Develepmefi.fc tittopslgn trill be pubrttaHtf diseetsr ofi|S th# can ewnrtg M w r iU to * m m . Ig ee ffi^ le# , Junior Class Plafe^AptU 1 Bo sure to reserve ths. date April 1, for an evening of good entertainment provided by the junior class. A three- act comedy entitled “His Best In-' eotrnent” has been chosen for the anrauai junior class play. Misn Luolla Rohe to directing the practices which are being held daily. Watch for further details. price ; iu o a y e a r GREENE MOTT RASKETBAtL TOURNAKNT When tht final wM*Of and when the trophka and haan hastowad; the enriwlw Upon one o f the meet toqrnamenta in Green* eounty ball bistory. The 1948 riaeete new an- usual, because nearly *««ry •save played was a thriller, with ti# e«A> come to doubt until the final fm minutes. The teams were all matched in ability, and, aHbongi and Brilbrook war* concejM a edge over the field, no team waa a prohibitive favorite. As a remit, the spectators were usually on their end getting an eye full o f good, basketball. Cedarvlttc boys, playing on* « f their best ,games o f the season bowed to Rellbrook’e Gulden Ragle* fifi to fit fit a first round game, but tho isem waa derided only in the last minute « f ifiay. The officials were overaeedode With the whistle during all the fin* round games, and three o f the Rod dad White eggers .went out via the psrsweal fiuel route. Bellbrook lost only asmplayer, and this wag a coatrihuHug fioaterJ o their victory- Neverthelwa, Oedar- yille battled them all the Way*an# th* score %aa tied with but a miggto to play. An intercepted pasaand a <yotd( ! basket brought about the downfall o f tlie local boys and blighted their hopes to continue in the tournament-' Bellbrook *went on only one g*mo farther, hut theygave Rosa, the cluMif- ptons, their stiffest opposition. They lost 46 to 38 in furious bgttle in which fancy shootingandfref scoring were featured. An innovation at this year’s tourna­ ment was a consolation -game for( third place in both hoys* and girls’ di­ visions. Bellbrook boys, tired by their difficult game* with CedarriBe and Ross, lost out to Bowersville JeffOr- son. Jefferson also gained another third place cup when their girls* down­ ed the local girls in * red hot en­ counter. -Ccdarville .lost four girts oh per# sonal fouls, and Jefferson lost three. ft>wmrhh!K«t g ‘4ig»«t* .ef. in the dosing moment* o f rite game. The score was tide at th* eoneiestion and was tied again after th* first overtime period. Jefferson finally wea 20 to 17 in tlie second overtime. The other girls’ game was also * thrilling battle between Beavercreek and Bellbrook. The game ended *1 to 21, but Beaver earned 5npoints in ; the extra period, while Bellbrook cou\d ! only garner 1. So Beaver girjs ,W*re ' crowned the champions, and Ross-bays continued to rule the boy*’ division, Ross again won the title by de« feating Silvcrcreek in the final*, Silvercreek put up a hard battle, and made their opponents work for all they got. -Tho gamejwwriktlUNKT' by tigto ^dtoweTshd the low score o f ^ f f f l 3 shows just how reluctant to the other. * t Even the Sportsmanship award Waa Closely contested this year. The Scores,, wo understand, were all re- . markably close, and no school was fa r . ahead o f any other one. Beavercreek and Silvercreek tied for the honor# and duplicate trophies wore awarded. Thio scomo to show that sportsman­ ship is'on tho upgrade in Greene County.' Prospects for a strong team at Ct> darville ne>xt year appear to be bright. Coach Paul Orr started the year vrith praetically a brand new squad. This year he loses three seniors, but the rest oft tho squad will remain intact for two years. The team has develop­ ed steadily all during the season, a* their play in the tournament certain­ ly chowcd. So with a nucleus o f seven to build around, fe powerful aggrega­ tion may fee developed to represent the local school, and to keep the Red and -White colors waving high, Tho girls’ future does m t look so bright, because they loso live out o f twelve on tho squad.' Some,of these giris that will graduate have been mainstays on tho team all through their high schoeb careers# and their leaving will create vacancies that Will be hard to fill. Wo always can hope# .though# to ice a strong girls’ te**n playing for Cedfirville. Donald Fields was honored by being placed on the all county second team, ft isft’fc often that tmimameoft offirtato pick players from teams that tm de­ bated in the first rffiwffi, go DonoM should feel quit# proud o f his #mr&> / Freshmen Assembly Tho freshmen assembly announced by Carl Watkins proved very enjoy- ahlcable, Tuesday morning. Follow­ ing tho devotions, led by Hazel Gray, a “Major Bows’ Amateur Hour” was presented. The following “amateur” ueketions were presented: Girts’ sextette# ac­ companied by Wilma Jean Ferguson, Marjorie Finney, Genevieve Tufner, Dorothy Nicrnan, Betty Young, At- rillaa Wlgginton, Bass Horn Solo—Wanda Hughes, Piapo Duet—Arrillua Wlgginton and Bernice Spahr. German Band —*1Keith* Wrights' Douglas Fopsett, Wallace Bradfate, William Johnston.. Trnnibo Solo—Jack Huffman,, Vocal Sblo—Vlola Johnson. Comet Solo—Harold Corry. 41t tho -close of tho program# Harold Corry wds declared, the winner among tho performers. ■ A special feature o f Tuesday’s as-' sotohly consisted of reports of the visit to tho Dayton Art Institute ffiade by four senior girls through the e&urtesy o f the local chapter of the, ^Mhrgatet Dailey told details of th o l^ (S fw iL lw S plrturo lent by the Art In- OR!i*ltR!> O i'T OF TOWN •dilute this month to the local schools, Mary Alice Whittington, Nancy Fla* Finney# and JeanetteDentes each de­ scribed outstanding exhibits they en- toyed. CCfonHttfifl its § m $ *** ) Mayor Fittie, The hey* ware charged with stealingaslik and coal fr«MI m l firms, | Walls was fined $Mfi© *«d Smalley# f IfifiO and eostt, 'nRh gfcg fines .suspended under tha emtdit*** toa! they leave toem »ad yusagio, for at least a fear.