The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

* -m- ’ -4s* 4 ‘ f c 4 > j w, , v ) * . 1 *L~, * h.*r*n» ‘t ADTi y r o n w i s a s t h » m u o u x m o n t b » m PAOS. OPTBN IT t t O f 1 •IGM IFICAMGS TO TOO. C S D A B V n X E , o w o , to G rp Mart*.** n i m . i wooo n w M s m k is h—o f ry i r wifcwi «*d OMo'* v ttrijrkncfln t lyidl odlsrrtlot* Of, cuoago Orito • t f Ctomkmdr i t prisll»*t» win f tw i i l .to mammy a f Oamml Gorgas wb* gatead tetonm tamat tam* by o rsdkstlag yellow !■■■> (M ^ ita ria to BnaM t. P im . ■^UWWVmS m^mSSK. W* ^ W— W am «*§ Yto* C rus,.and wtaso stadias mm I n y w iit o ik as a*fgaaa- gan tral - a f te a Htated Mate* M toaaw altaet- fcni audited o# aaaattnHoa Two other Dr. Waltoo H. ffsfhmg, Qopgtg^jjgglgjtaf «L M. Dtotrieh of 'tlw State Potmi taw it . of aarrad as -eo-jaige* w ith Secretary Kftwwdy to r tho Ohio section, of the jmtkmsl ■ aMitort. Ctoly jtorior tHtd -j*|ft£|^^MttAsn nHMteten■ tol* OOSliSto.:mUpft OPMSPS'OwOlPOOttoi WtoftO- ,o**' KlWe. M a a rten . o f t i t e Ohl* K t i M guard wftl be t a W a b t f to ft theater whan they train n e st mummer ftt Camp P etty , t i w i t o j to Adjutant Gtesmal Sad t-F . Hunt, O m an i Haunt -aa a ig am i th*t-om*nct« ham been a - to r eoiietrttotioft:of the SS'"'iNNwks^‘ktf' -the damp.” th n ad ja tan f ‘gcwaril h* aa«tad. *§a te e paot, k eadag to "ride m tertotem si* It tote, to toStoe ~- wt * -outdoor aatphhiteudxr »M A ftMNMd eery , tirifrHitnctnTT In >.the. teaprerisod atopa ia-; towDe fro « L e ta lfo te . S te enters e f the troops tote ahrays to toM H e faa tex a e f oomp and th e enetton e f the theater will . . . ' “ The tty e f MW end the stage will he-ample to aeeewtoeieto toe h u fe e t' read altews, aeoorito* te ptans. Th* **4i< •tofeed eeeit wee W t l . ; OodarriHo, took p. •Shore, ha* eteeied to tabq reel eetato tovttead to toe ceee « t to* MO, the appraised i to e , aoeecdtog to «ft ftpyreied eeant entry. DfVORCK GIIANTKB . tower P. D«y bee been Awarded’ a divoiee f re a Utoao 0 . Day « •rented* e f wttfei oheeiwe ftm a hoeto fer • in tied lenato to rn th ree year*. O IVW ytlSOMKNTS R. A Hetomck ha« reeore^ed toe fohowiae note1 jad— eate; «vefaet H. J ; mud X . S ty Aw»at*ewg» W tfM } ectdnet B. R. and X- I h r Arnmtront end etowr*, PMTA9SS ApIMAiaVD ^ t Five -fttoeto* %toe been aypreiaed Uttdw jMrobete ctwrt direction ae fol­ low*: Betate « t .' Cheah* X . . Bifeway; •roe* vatoe, 9SIAWIT; dahte, to * 140.71; adetoiiatoatirw coat, net valft^ M7A7IA8. t , Betide o f I t O, WiHiaaMtoat gto«e valtw, 011,181.96; obticationa, 4to; h a t Vah*i ' Batate o f Marsnerito G. Wekw- btwck'* Ktoae vehe, ft,6M ; net value, Bdtato o f Rweelt .Adaaie _ va fw» 016,102 77; X htA fTAto.W; ad atodstratore cen t 1806; netaahie»t7,» XSAS, '■ _ BM tetoetHetSeliM elt: poeeyahte, HJm. 78; fthUgatleiie, I4A81-S8; aeo ^elne, no tldat. ' AlTdSIfTMiBNnnt' MABM Jawee D. O rahau h to Itoaft named eaeentor of the estate o f Mary Grw. h u a , tote e f Bento, wlthi nt bond. if. jto SiPoy bee- bean aoi rbUM < mtotoElWtor e f the eatftto e f EmHy toto o f : B t o a R 4 .E .M M M iltofti, YeAew of too Tame- A stbertty, a Sew Daal i>nrtai ia4. tohtoOy be- by FrenbMa D. Beeaevelt. wa* Tweete r by a la togatlen o f MBjfMMh atodent and (Mftlty membera, and fellow eW«e— la .the town.' I t ie aeki th at Dr. S en tea tetoraed to hie former home to get both data and aome record* relative to the TVA eentroverey which arose fleet becaaae the Dr.<woatd not co-oyerate. with the other two member* of the TVA board in allowing a claim pertaining to « •oto>oeed meiMe depeeit ander TVA. The COmptroBer General, who has charge o f government expenditure* holds some M.080A0Q Illegal payment in connection with TVA. which Dr. So igefthaealso otpened but.approved by the other two New Deal membera o f hi* beard.., The Dr. hoe edEerod to in to over all evidence to Centre** t o vwhom the hoard to xespemdbto hot B to tov ettln a star-chamber neeeton has demanded all the proof in advance. To th is Dr. Morgen rrftmed and-wee * a paWc heheadiag. Dr. Morgan le ft hi« tormor heeae fe r Odcage where h* will gather addfctoaat reeard* relative to hie aide o f the cootroveray. A Y , M A 1 C H 2 6 , i m P B I C ® , f U 9 A f l A X E r e . Gh# fer thto l.adlee* Advieery lege,' Fifty or Dayton, ether eitto* are for the charter Mr, George Masoly retary. who imrltod to attend The meeting miiHw to he well to leader* ia the CP i te rative move- wiRbe G f* . wved by the e f tbe Col* visitors from damestowti and to-be presen t1 In addition National See*: state, box been evening pro- according J. 8. MUh ia i i haa been deeiga«itad eilmlnlettntor o f toe eetate Of ;Btoto Miltontpt, M o e f ‘Hath Twp, wider. |Myl88 bend. Many daams, R..-N. Derfmetor and % F. Botitoeier were Aamtoer ntato -etm eta rt wbleh will, be eettotraetod thto year will be « an ii (■*>> *o» btoldhiv a t tbe Ohio State fair, g raaaia, aeewdtog’to Di­ rector Bari K. MaaefeM a t to e S tate: >., .. 'gymSFA f. SOUGHT 1 D e p a r t X A g r i c i ^ I t Will Appheatfen o f Anna M. Beedother have 1*8 etalto to r eettto exWWta, a ^ M ag . mehing xemoval ef M lgiag arena, ow thtg am ugeim ate, ^ ta a g Merry, Fetotold, a* ad- 1W lMft tory epate to r -488 erected a t 000 oa the site which to jnat well ae derm!' hey*. I t will be of |M*- ni th e beya* camp e f the Jmder to lr baUdbig. The legtolatare appreyrtotod 848,188 to r the prelect, and the bahrnee will he contariheted by the federal gwvernmewt toinngh WPA Fee aeewrel yearn toe Jnalee M r, which feekems too veenlto ef vecatlanal ag itonRare end 4-H ebto training la OMo etoeeto, hae heea in- atogaaM y henaed, Dbreeter Heaefeld eme rled. minletmtriK o f too heortog-Mnnh *9- atoigaed to r .a MMmm t A d a i r C o B ^ m j r W i l l B n w w id F l o o r S p a c e *Bxpiasion plane wberitoy the 3B, D. AdHr Go, toridtmn *to«p>iit'M-S4 N. Detroit 8k.„ Xmi*,will eftaorb the gtoWtd door bwtinees room adjotoiag on the north side .In the two-etory Adeir-owned building, were announced recent!?. The,mem to he utilised for enlarge­ ment of tbe Adair atom haa, been va- octed,;hy Roet'a dry goods and ap­ parel atom. ’ ' _ GMfctol*of the Adair firm aumomie- •we moan* wfll start abent Maeeb 18, An ettmetive new front wfil -be iteetod *t the No. 24 location the toll Height of the building to harmonise with the present Adair stum front. One cohtinUoun front Show window Will be provided. Tim atom room to be utilised will permit the tomiiare company to open i modem department for- display o f Toor covering* and dtopcrlee* The pertKJoii aapomting the two eow* will be toft intact, except that, '■w« large openings will be Insieltod v ment and * warm rt w ilia ie planned for the many viaitoif expected. . - ...... r B i b l e R e a d i n g C d » t e s t ..' S a W w ^ i E r M u n i The oonteet will hdbtoi to the Two- byteriea CbUKto .Mbbath avming, MardOS7 a t 7:99 obfM*. ‘ '••Fourtaen young women, will voice to you the warn* ef }the Holy Writ. Selections tongs firm* Bmdu* to Rev- elatiim. You ton eeMUly invited to show your interest ea'the OpeaBtoto, hjr eneoaragtag thee* reader* by yiwr preaence.’- ■' , [■ I t is a generally, -aceopted maxim that to keep beriiagf one must enter into and poeceae it. World event* sewn to *ay o«r beritoge of the Open Bible kin,danger of1being lost ton*, utdese We cbertth it. Setorafitom** antoorlty f* concerned it k a doped book to Btoeta, Uermany#Italy, $naH dapan and other pime*. *-Mliat do*» America wftatT The conteetante vpfll • be .Beatrice Gray. Genevieve 3mpm, M*ry. M*** K«ret McMiltom Bpcothp Bennon, Junto Creswelh 'MlMred' MeKthben, Cfttbettoe 9Etobw*gb« Graee.Bidutt, Jane Framd, RmSwl Hftnttomn, Mtoy dehnHitoli, fimae'CkNMtot -and Rachel1 Maeto wM he fandehed bytbe OH* kge ............ . ^ ... . with organ number* by Mlee Magtba Bryant. Invocntiea by Mr. Frank Wylie. ML M. L MMMI m h q ^ y IT K M C Dr. )<*riea f, Marsh, 7 f, retired phyatolea . died a t Ms heme to N. Msia afrset, Monday memiag a t §:89, a fte r an Ulaeee-of three yeere, due to heart trouble. The deceased was * native e f Owensville, Clermont county, Q„ and was bom October 18, 1866, the eon of John end Martha Robinson Marsh. He attended Ohio Weetoyan university and graduated from Ohio Medical college, Cincinnati, 1896, locating here for practice of medicine. In 1986 he retired from practice, being succeeded by Dr. Donald Kyle. ‘ Dr. Harsh had beena trustee p f Ce- darviUe college fe r seventeen years and had mtfved as presideat and sec-: retary -treasu rero f theGreene County Medical society. He ako was a mem­ ber of the Ohio State Medkal aasocta Hon imdtoeAa>i»ito*n Medical aoetoty and Clerk o f Session o f the COdarviito . ‘-;u He k survived by h is widow,'Mrs.' Bmma Eoudchush Marsh, whom ,he married a t Owensville, Hsreh 10,1897 and a niece* Miss Rebecca, Marsh of W ait Carrollton. t ' ,! f '' The funeral aervfecfrvvaa cMiducted by Dr. R, A . damtesdn, asHeted by Dr. W. R. McChetoey,. from ■ th e United Rreebyterkn church, Wednes­ day afternoon; Burial took place in Messies .Creek,cemetery. The toeal- saheato apenad Wedtot*, dey aftee hetog-denm a week due to aa tpfiiaric efiwmmdas. Mwaeheped th at with a wetok sacatton the epi- tomic weaM vmar eat but school opened with HMabeent. COUNTY OBTAINS to ,74491 IN FgMPBTfKD LAND SAI-B Fettowbwr the eompOetien o f state* I. C. Ftommer e f the dWWea e l vital Matleries of the fltetei RrenouMed a eatees* beyond ex- DepeWmea t e f Health reparted M psetattm * Geewie Ctototy’s third an Otto'S death m to for 1987 waa fsefekid toad sale yielded 84,- wefted to ih# MUM Hi tk i fcWSfMMMiWMfi' I tnflaensa. white aglwUkkfdi a iM r Decveaeee to deaths taboreetoete, cancer, •B h early tofiascy, Mr. Flumu t said. heart death to ll Mgh. for The Mate heard of control has re* BMNAIfi of paltoc school to the (Rato Department of to hay outstanding notes hy school dtotrfete tern, Decem- revuawss were Ine igante, to H. W. tangheret, er- Ibr the school fwmtoataw told hoetd m iatowe th at stm he 919.799.998 to oat- sMgMtoas. He tonnod the **a IRtte worse the* It was 74491, s eesrdtog to dowdy AedHor J A Carted, wheat eftee eondoctod the ptthRe Out of 648 pereete o f toa! estate so tbe forfeited Bat, 499 war# sHd and 19 w eft »sdeemed by t*mme earners leaving only 99 teacto aasoM. The sate proceeds eesoaetod to almost ana-third of the I1M99 U to tal tea totes S M D i i M i T o S t e y U n d t f t i f f e d A plan o f school district oigaitlxa- tion fo r the next onc-ycer period in the totareet e f adteiency and ecewmy will he eoaaddered by the Green* county baaed o f education a t a public h earing assigned fo r May 8, a t the coeurtheuee. This is the last year the present form of atmaal procedure k required o f crusty school boards under the law, according to County Saperintead . BOYS TAKE LOCAL CAR Two youths th a t run away from the Ohio S tate Bureau o f Juvenile Research a t CMnssbus were arrested Hie Beet Imveetwent Members o f the junior class under the direction, o f Mke Lueila Robe are practicing daily on the Claes play am tilled: “Hi* B est Investmw t." . The"plot centers shout John Cort tend, a brilliant young lawyer, whose dominant characteristic Is an .over* whelming ambition, and Fortuni* Randolph, a clown'* adopted child, who becomes the “best investment’! e f the younger brother e f John Cort* jg a i, * Tuflfirts nre naw.-hetog sold by the juniors. Admikston ratek are Hte f<g children grade* 7-8; 85c fo r adults and high school pupils, The plat- Will b f open at-Brown’s Drug Store, begin Lning March 85, 1 School ReopeU* 8“»* » w » * » •« » *» i ■ * * » * * L ,"4 "™ ‘ 3 S , S r f the.- children, school reConvcncd, Wed n e s d a y i n o r n i i o g , :..V; The total number of absentee* re­ ported Wediiesdeywas 165, a s eomper- e d ;,k ith . tfo i . Tuifsdsy before m h^l-ww iR tod ... Stoee i t k assumed tlja t norm*! conditions wiU prevsil soon, I t i r e x pected tb a t the work will be continued without interruption, unless closed again by order o fth o local hoard of edneatlon or county health commis­ sioner, -‘ - , .v.s to Columbus, They had stolen ft Car belonging to Ed Milton, in CedarviUe, Saturday night. _ DEATH CALLS E. L , STORMONT LAST SATURDAY C. Ic WEAVER Weaver Bpake to Y. M. aad % W. Wednesday, 'March ‘ 28rd, ’ a t . the1 chapel period Mr.-T. C» Weaver ggye hie very intwesttog and hetpAd ad- drees, “The Pursuit of Happiness," Mr, Weaver said th a t w* should in- •spect our behavior pattemT1to get some idea o f what we wopW be like later in life, fo r our attitude' and be­ havior will be tomorrow What It is today* Instead o f seeking happiness through weattb, feme, arid power* as many people do, Mr. Weaver auggeet- ed th a t We find real happiaee* ihrough a life of sem ce f e r other*, ^Mr.'Weaver k president efthaD b io Fuel Gas Company o f CMumbus, 0.# and has.ibeen a friend of one business mahugmv' Mr, John l*. d o rst fo r several years In Y . H ..C . A, work, one Get your tickets early fo r the Jusioc Class Play, "Hi* Best litveetment,'’ Cfdetville Opera House, Friday ev*. ning, April 1. Bdward t . Stormont, 79, well known retired farm er, and life long resident of Cedarrili* township, died a t hie heme soutlf o f town test Saturday afternoon a t 4:89 o’clock. He had been fit . years au& riig from arteri-f _ * osekrosk. ^ j The Music Department of Cedartllk The deceased was the son o f John; Schools under the dirertton e t and Nencr Cooper Stormont and was. btobcit J , RM e«tem l the Musical Competition Festival heW ak the Wit . . . , “Madhattocs Party” . The Y. W .,C . A,* presented o f th e . finest college perries o f the year Monday evenipg jn th e college gymnasium.. I t was a “Mhdhattera Party" And what hats—pan Hd4 chk* pens, bsskete, tennis racktto. gtovei, boxes, rabbits, and birds were a ttrac t­ ively decorated for headpieces- Rev. Adams won the-prise o f a small rub­ ber ban wrapped in a multitude of wrappers and enclosed in a large pertsbeiad him. ^,Bi» uteqae h a t was compoised ia twiTtenMUeriental ftoidi' ph .top of which wa* precariously bekneed th e world. Smart tassels added color to th is burnt attractive combination. ‘ Genevieve Jesson and Bessie Shive ly were in charge o f a variety of game* which were Dpi fo r th e spec tato rs ait well as fo r the parricipante, An attractive style Show ws* pre­ sented with various student* i a models, Women’*"jacket suite, sport dresses, sweaters, and.evcning gowns, and men’s sport trouser* and sweaters th t^and classy light and dark suit* for spring and aummyr were styled fo r students and faculty; , : , A fter the style show Rachel Har­ dman struck up the Lohengrin Wed­ ding March and the* Annual Mock Wedding got under way. The girl* were a little too slow for the fellows and Mary Johnston, tbehride, was kid­ napped righ t out of the proetoden. The temptation to make Cedarville (h>Uege** traditional history repeat was too great and a fte r an unsuc- ectofu! attempt to me the second bride, the wedding was postponed and rafreehmeni# of fru it jello, cookies, and tea were served. ■ I B H H I I i Village eoaaett fasiag th e : sewerage diepoael plea* hao had i iHsmisskw1 for w ate time the mattec e f fiaaaca. In -as much aa WFA wilt' provide all the actual labor required council would only have to provide tor the necessary material.- Two different engineering firms, Burge** and Niple, Columbus, aad Burke and Rkthie, Bprtagfield, have appeared before council and expkiawt their proposition* and the method e f proceodure. They have each given council some informal estimates e f what material will be required al­ though no actual survey hae been made. In a* much as the village has several streets th at have no sewer i t k pro­ posed to provide for these along wRk the sewerage disposal p lan t The village has no such plant and haa used the filtering basin* « f the paper null. If the mill is not kept la opera­ tion the state hoard o f health will xa- quire a disposal plant. Such improve­ ments will give considerable Mmr to the unemployed. To sound sentiment in th e village among the cirisens, council haa. se t Wednesday, .Much 36,'aa a day fo r a etraw « r tael vote a t th e mayorY. office. BaRoite o f a “yas aad ao” iriety will -he givut^eut. ' ’There k ’. nothing binding in the reeuR e f ripe vote on th e p a rt of either cMjuuna o r council,' the la tte r only desiring the Sentiment of the village voters. The bond issue necessery on pMUmtoary report* is pieced a t 816JM8 fiat ma- te r i id .L cm than ona-thkd e f ’vihefi ■ such a plant would cost H tbe villace had to proride both material and labor, The hears fo r the tost vote hato-besh ae tfro ih 4 a. m. to 7 p. Hu,: in th e hstyor’*' efike.' --ptaer printed information will be distributed later. T V A H o n e y - C o m b e d W i t h C rE U lt C h M n r e s cht H. C, Aeltman, who said the board, . ^ v_ , m i MU1 „ , doe* not anticipate iritiaUag any! bom Bcptemhcr 15, 1868, He was ^|Lompctsuon restivai ncia ae wm change* in the c*I*Upg beondarie* efjmcmbcr of the F irst Presbyterian! rural school dktricte. JtedistrkH«g| Church and also served a* an elder, ? * « * ? **' plans, If nay, wili have to be,- spon-j He is survived h y 'h k widow, Mr*." sored by patrons of school districted Martha Jeanette McMillan Stormont; under a policy which Superintendent!,* Charles, a t home, and a half. Aultman said the county board he*!brother, David R, Stormont, o f Henri’ adopted, («tta,0kte» - The foncral scrvke was held Tuns- 8a- IBt.MA TOUT* AR8UMTBD by C lark cm nirr m M u r r B d iar Yeesell, 19. CedarriHe. R . R 1 . who k «aid to heme eeeeped from RmBeys’ IndMtriflJ Rehoel, Lanraeter, eriata*-am aaosasl atery to Claek ceonty umheritles. Hie story k that 16 or mere yaathe eonwtitomid mmm time bee psuctk *!! theft o f auteaie- IM m , ae writ ae. esher fesum e f atmd- Imp HeaRiwmeve was In Daptou and YeaaeB hae iml smiil to the th e ft o f; three earn. Mbsa arvepted he had! a v e rtri a stolen eer hetougtog to | ftTTf VNfVfPtop | <50CNt¥ CUT BDNHRD INDMDtRDNRig IN 1«87 I dsy afternoon from the F irst Pmfey- The huid*n of hondsed indebtedness upon Groena county government, ite ’nttfitripnlitUft and school districts w*« lightened in 1987, hy a net nwhietioni Schools being grouped according to enrollment in upper four grades,,Oe- dsrvAle competed in Gl#*e C. Wetk fitg under the handicap of the ahoenee of several members o f the gr*ftp«, all ritlrics received splendid ratings- The judges rated C. H, 8- hand a* tood and the orchestra a* very good Special Masting ef B e e ri'e t Trentsea A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Cedarville College k eaBed fo r next Wednesday, M itch 80th, a t 1:80 p .m , If you think averyHhiag k . to the TVA territory toaka a trip south .end ’Ppsad, seme -Ram a a ^ th ^ tiK 'ilg ' plant* and to- the torritory aereai . About the most th a t can he aa$d fim the. experiment th a t haa coat th# tax­ payer* more than f<Mr hundred miUkm a t Norris dam and fo rty o r more mil­ lion a t Muaqle Bhoalea i* .that a to t of people toj the southern state* are receiving electric service a t jcea than i t k costing th e government, and a t the expense of the nation. The Comptroller General is holding b ilk th a t total 9M9O#O0 th at a r t it* legal; must of whkfc D r, A. B. Mee- gan protested payment, while hi* fellow members urged payment This does not cover the $5,000,000 claim to r marble deposit under the dam claim­ ed by Ben. George Berry, labor lead­ er, and Democrat associate*, which Morgen opposed. The purchase of the 84600 joclc-ass with an pddsd expensss of travel a - mounting to 0SJOSO, to create a new family, is among the tong Bet e f il­ legal payments, and It haa been iba joke where ever you went in the south, The animal was reported daad last week by the Birmingham Age- Herald; AH reports gave the age a t l*25, Exposure of payment of such a price has caused much eemmetit a t Pulaski and Griemhia, Teen,, whea t other similar animals were pnrehssed at- prices ranging from 8289 t o $490 e f #79^77.97, according to the aimaail T l l t p lW l i * report of f*ounty Auditor J . J, Cur- left, The Cedarville corporation shewed) in the report a ru t of 89809 in 1997 over 19*6 end leaving only 844,198 for water and sewer, wHb only 91188 a i the- village’s proper share, The genersl fend of the village ha* iw» In- debtees*, f I« a similar festival last year » '’ £ * £ - local orchestra was rated average, ***^ thus marked imoroTemen?. o f the *mw located to ^ in g f ieM , ^ L soap r« very evident, took place m Msarito Ctoek cemetery.j* A te in d k g Vera Mae ............ .rieh k , lls-roid Corry, Wayne lo rry . RPRING 14 NIUtBt TRA I.At COM BAR QUADRRPMffVR lb s cow tg to Driflh, gay* teeta to qta drppk t agn.^T lu* to *t* i to km than a ysat, The first day of spring anrfvad not only officially Monday hot fat raaHty for when the wwcary steads a* 79 a t uM day on the f is t day of March, spring Is bore, 15 m it, Tasadag was another spring dag. ja r i aa ryNghtfiri as the prerioas dsjr, Row Ig pH wtU go oat w»g ha B- % and Wamlft Hnghet, received m grad* T o B e R c ? i im p S 4 l | m L entered an open field as | there was no dlsUnciion of school* 87,96 a program to change te le -|made. Cedawlllt’a contestsnfa were" serriso of 469 ru ral sub-- Helen Andrew, cornet eotokt, who wan •en te rs fg the gsnia exchange a taa rated very good plus and Jack Huff- anasaaced by the Otf<>Bell Tele- man, who was rated very good. Co. (Cedsrvllle is proud of ibe fine show* Work on the eoaeerslon will atari k g mode hy the students of the r&BRUA lfcY B IH TH S iStalMte, Faculty Bxpras* Bympathy- The students and faculty exited to Mm Myron I, Marsh their itoesre sympathy in the loss of her husband and companion, Dr, Marsh, Dr. Marsh has been a keiAbet o f the Board of Trustees fo r the part seventeen year* and fo r many year* has served a s vice-, president of this hoard, Ute Marsh’s generous service has been greatly apj , preclsicd by both students and fscuHvl h ’ as Writ as o iV f friends of th e college “ ‘ May hi wtl! be otcnmpltehed on on* % line » t a tone to avoid The peeprsss wilt he com.- pletsd by Jane, The eteawm will aHmtaato 'the pr*«.- m t method of tai jlwg a ctnNk to! Froe MwAc isstraeNea Wgaftl too opsratec ami repkee this; During tee ceminr mmintor, system with tbs angse type wf ssrriee; k offering freo lostmetten to he- ____ W WRBrgfRPal^W^^9 music depart ment, firi your tickets now to r tee Junior n*»s TIsy, April .1. Mr U is also iwmoJel tbo I a t to te s to renovate and’ in the Xenia Main end Whiteman M ad Mag J te gd i. w « onto -MM ba win by W h i t e W a s h B r u s h F o r W h i t e W a s h i n g Dinners tn the .study o f striag and wood wind Instruments Parents In- teifSted In fmring children •rift inetrwtion stated got In with Mr. Road... “HU Boat Inr—tiuent” ~ Clsss Play, April. OidarvflW Optra The Herald learns through a con- fidentkl source th a t * few of Dr, Arthur % Morgan's friends in the county In the rid a tty of Tallow flptfngs, this week sen* a white brush to the WMte Hoftos wMt i scripth>n as W bm : "Tbrsnr your smear mg amt use a irtfla brush in jroer attempt nan to protect Dee of tee moot settee In ttw men* U a sen of w n of the Democrats I* Mr*. in ., ed Girl* slightly outoamtared boys In babies bom In Greene County in Feb­ ruary, according to birth eerttocates Med wdh the county health depart­ ment. Births of iw*nty-eev*n k i t e ■ fourteen girts and thirteen, toys- wars reported. Births registered were, as follows; .Rosalie Ann Wilton.. 684 W» Main Donald Howard Williams. W h Detroit B t, P atrick Joan Ttamnu, m Home A w . Ralph im «hwmat 619 Monroe Joyce Ann Psttor, 789 E, Market 8t... Thomas Phfl% Mb-, t Atecrine, t t t B Wool PL. Winmm Marie Hoteteger, la k e A , Haranborg, »l9 8 , 7%4rd I t , Noil Couatna, | p lAxNlfton Ae*.. Beverly Kay Rtegg. • ThoraMR Aeo^ ChArisfte Aimetto Rnfocd, 789 9. Masks* i t , RUrley <f« 889 R. 91 IBriteg i t . Y«m Albeit D, J r , an o f : Howard rifts ft. R 1] Vftllap 1 . Mi Anna ft. ftchroedor, of Cbfcago, ta r aa sal ■ toolbar la-law Mrs. U l | W J S E