The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

M W m MPIPP mmm A IP P W IM m BY RBMWWffilill flB ST . AOYBB o w n n u r y ou jprrba bt O F T M T O M . M U D THEM! 9 k i H t d & d B k J U p o M , f a a & m m i» i t o r M gH P IOANO lTO 8 J X T r f « r TEAR NO. 22 CBDARVJLLB, 0100, ffW A Y , APRIL 29,1988 f U O A Y * A J L * * ■ 4 4 * 1 * 1 M C W 9 i Z I l t R 1 * M X U T F O T o i l * '' M S M K D K 1 V T S C O U R T N E W S DIVORCB SUITS Tte* k*r husband tecum* toiat- -■•tod wfch • nurse who was " ° ; to «**• I k M m when became 111 fan 1 "'•‘■",u"r ]February 8 hr charged by- Hslaa S. ®W*01iaiia—fci M attempt to to* , mmkam to a n i t for dtvaroe town ****** * V f Ww? * * • *•»* *• C. » » •* « , Sprint Volley Tup* •Motion miihtairjr, Mcntnry «f State. <*, gp. m »mmon ptaut court. They •Jwete married October 9, 1913, 'The ptotottif MVMti wt aMmony award, , „ . . ^ ty oMc* »n mlwNtten owl restoration t© te r in CnNinlrtir on ******* ***!mnktia name.-.A' cruelty chargeJ» * • f " * • » * • « •* •* "* »•*•{ mad* tte teal* of tte petition. ■ted* last wash at • w iM e efvlm te . Chanting «m»» negferiiAnd cruelty. <*i— *•,•* — « 5 - — - c « , 2 3 5 T l 2 * w I S tbo states Mpmaontatiw aonntioo.lwrCe from Charles Routing, whom p m t e a tte to o iN tM M im M U , married April 18,1884 a t Covin* bySecretaryXnM «r»neonunittao *» , * * Th. plaintiff accuses her WUMnw J, ffnw iir ban called of clerk* r f t N K t & V M G E B W I 8 0 R O F 1 1 1 A U U U k l U P 8 R •to propmro for the M»y meeting a t which tbs atohtimitete couatir Imsrrii well te repemaHei. Georg* M. Neffi- platea i f tbty ^go ted” through tin. authority la tin Department o f Stats, pm mmmi ehtermim of tte official ooaf ir iam r f iMitiM. "Tha coot of >etoctien* to OUn must te^radocad / 1 Saewtary Ksmmdjr told, tte group. Be todfeeted tlmt te will favor * new ,tewwhfch weald fix a minimum salary a t f79 A moteh for clerk* of boards o f elections, lit sows fof ths less Foptdou*. counties the present salaries to r derim ere as low as|S$ niontlify, Sacretafy Xeanotiy said that tbs coni> PMSiatida bt certain instances was far front atiegnate Wbcn compared with not only the' time and work but the responsibility involved, '- f b * div^ioh of ^ s e w tio » ,f« tbe intereat of enUftfctenfnjF Ohioans ro- sartibtr tbs splendid •vacation pos- aWStiaa of Ohio’s atala^fiaad lakea aad parks, baa prepared an illdstwited tiweript^e fc*i«t for fro# di»trih«-> H was ameoaead by COnaervatlon husband of npn-suppyrfc and abusiny bar, regawts alimony, an injunction ayainat moMetiag; hey and asks that the .defendant be barred of interest •tthdrproperty. Stella Femosb, ip a divorce action ataimit Xannstb Femuals, charyas non*msppmft f<w the last three yearih requests custody o f a minor child and <m alimony award .1 They.were,mar tied dune 17, J®S 8 . Restoration to her maiden name la sought by Margaret McCall ig a di­ vorce suit, again Ralph McCall. She charges the defendant has failed to support her since 1 their- marriage' 5f»r«h p, tm . ;. a ^^ Murthell Jtiansherry, in a divorce, petition against Quiet?, Ilansberry, loach St., charges wilful absence tpm homo for more than three years and requests restoration to her former «g» . They pn» married^ in March, vfct The Home Owners’ Loan Corp., baa Three hundred farmers of emetic Darke, Itartgomery, FreMe also Miami county meeting at the PhilSpabarg wbeothouee Twieday iiiwbt cheered attadcs on the ag>i< cedtoral adfotment admiai«tratia*i ^m ul 1 -DlaM ' m m W 'wuf AJWpHl HVp|H i>w.IfVW JMVPl wBR; hoybig popWbsrity with the people’s money. Moat of the farmer* signed ferm iettma to protoefc tbemaelvas m gainst what they believed Was an a t­ tempt to obtain compKane* with: acreage abotments just made the new aryieultyrat act. The farmers, it was explained by I. E. Baker of Rhttlipsburg who pre­ sided, already had received card*from the local offices of the AAA notify­ ing them of acreage aUetnmwtf which, they belieyod,. weald become manda­ tory unless refusal waa presented in writing. The form letter which was addressed to, the ^county chairman, agficnKaral _cMieervatien pnHyram/ read in' tarts ,t ’' “I b*H*ve that the whole -<agti- vE*trtiwavjt ''jaRRaiapa #a in friwiri .■ je 'aasif hereby notifying yea in writing that all allotment* yon hatrn placed on m r farm «•-,, be,vhld-* * * I da net new to jeopardise my xiptia m i %) jdat' because ftsewtary WaNaceTWan' to try out some ow ceismtal j p ugn p a t the expense m the ewaB IQanti valley<fefhurr,M ' Col. William North of Mitin Ttinihifrifit r d ii li .*hririiaii: for SMttke coanty, admlniatratimj! 0P Jecting to the' pat. of '.the' tuutm of Thomas detemon ’h.-pmpOm . With the. New Dsal And etifirt V^jt: W ndi D ta d M f b JM rw iC E l m •TiMeirttlia^ndatir ttfe fact p a t fWilotagainst CMrehca Barnhart* .Cedar- ^ ^ S S k T u ! ^ S ' *'W ««hi »r > mdver ^ 1 - ^ 5 3 .8 6 , Judgnientiv Ciidaridlle l 2 2 S t * ^ attowmy: ^ ■. GmtntoAmiie W««We» *aeid.v. ^ h e . , OKDKR PITBLIC SALE *>' “ U because of W ; J SM »fa sale of real estato^volved in the petitlm 'anil of Hay Speckman g a in st Sarah R, Shope ^ % r w & u > CITATION ISSllSd) %) A-'COhteetpt of «wiif chation tifs iUlxffiL lack df Isdbniulibtt m to what Ohio hill to idfor and,MoraIm- 'matihrwfwsmir'ef''Wm - iHtiM(-<are- y, ^ 0 $A 6 x * ktitn wKkft O tdM i 'Ohio ettnaetoObV’ IbMwnwamals-otdWik4lm'k'ikmew^mtie^' ,.• .JeJlVJ^Be H K w HRWH j by Or. Walter o . Stirtaitg, director of the State Omartment mf .OeMth, In calling attention to May ’tiUld basHh dap’ piWieame, “As a part, of •Kt^ IHf RPWRRR 0 IBi , .Iff WWHW atartwfib tim peowchool child and in­ still essdy in their minds the neces- etty ofwMtihg the dm tist fieqnwitiy- A al leiwenotfoetist that no physical •cunifMtiwt la coMytefe withoat a ' figytftil 1 'fT9iRt9Ai9i!tt ^It' fin ftit ■ h t i N t i that many maladies, such as HinRi- •'ijpRitUwfy ^ i ftyOliliW ' teteff '‘mmaS J^Aaentmm AWmir ■WPPHf ■ m-- v*»w*w •biU» rauesd A sa tlji or eggrevatad by in feetteas which have gaiaad entranre sSM -' iMaa> m 4—■»T•lutlL IN M |i WplOIMf. lnililW , WfUi. Knowing tiwae tiringb I t is indeed tm fartmaia tiati many stand by and al ker tha hortfge ef the child, who. is rntthkA li | . iMBfi and ftiih ly fertfly, e^mgwn.w^n^n^r *^w ^ ^aa,sx^^nen^og s——s j to ha imen ■ imaad•'s^ahw t-'-ftii1* hmtibMr^ defendant in a w it brought by''Vir* Ainia tamber, ordering hia appear- anfto ib e» 8 *h - * ' - 'v ' t * ' 1 ^ ’ - w s ttis » T |v 0 CAsas ' Upon motion of the plaintiff, a fore* closure suit o f the l'cophm Building ««d Savinga Co„ « a ln st;R. H, $lagle Jias been .dismissed. Haying been settled, the case of Wilherfow?* Uni­ versity against Samnst Bray wad dis­ missed. tree of charge off the Gala, amimt a t Ohio SUte Ugivef* facta eCmalid sl or workmanship waa the goad news lamed by Registrar Frank Weal, of the state bureau of: ■foMtii*, The statement was -ae the reenlt of mwamw** torn- plaiata that the IMS tag* leee timir palm eaatty a n t wrt mfcjir t to met, Xegletrwr Weet» sfttit Investliatieo, the trooWe on the ox and wagon eUhouetie, Re said Ihm *a aider to make the imprint of the and legend In o n - wmm tom of tho *ewp*e*«twii*la! Mlitmtlw ef th* Northwaet Tenrt- , 1 a* Moa*^a»wAsa a*' ilsM^mm wRsjf# WffiBIRRwWRiP»yw?F'MB©Rs!S|grfTMy F 8 TA 1 WB A m A Illll) Steven ctiateSE have been appraieed niwlrr direction of probate court as follows: ’ ■ Estate of W. X . I’Cnewlls gross value, WyOO; obligations, |S00; net value, |2,700. Estate of Reuben Msriwaaihcv: gross .value, fMQO; net value, atme amount. 'Estate of Melissa PeiWwit; gross value, WOO; net value, same, amount. Estate of 0 . Frank Brickel: gross value, 10,198.95} debts, lUIOSgj ad 1M* automobile license ministrative cost, AMO; net value Estate of Emma Glasers gross valtte, 1 4#UM t obHgatiens, *1,244.40; m t value, i%mM„ Estate of John Glaser: gross value, *22,9*5; debts, fl,d » J7 ; admlnielrat- iu: cost, *290} net valae Estate of dames IMwneys gnm - m l | * 0 d} net vM«e,adn!« ttmotni APfVWNTitBNim MATjE (list* 'Irene Banders has been named executrix of the estate ofFer. nanda JT. Bandetsj late of ffprisg Val ley, without band, J. 4, Curlett, Kd Weiss and WllHern Weiss were a» whkh mtihrtwatsly wi!Upointed aperaisem wm hsK the palat well ‘There will ha Mr impkewiwit? of accident-dam^ ef | ^ i " j^ijuMgi^^S Hj|Prel SfW B a ld G r fH e f f id B County lle r t o k m B e m r d Mrs. B to t Mttshei Wyle. wlfa sf tha lata Baa. C. C. diad in imr daughter^ hama hi day, AgdlM. ffin hmdli far aevaent gha wna Bm ta the fourth drfM ef MOtor Mitchell, tha community. the near Bee Abie, eeeen of wb*m eita etfil Being, ah- Attended. CaRtana CSsilena aad: MU- - '■T^eBte^MiMaAaie SeA^He --- ±-.■ *-.. .. WWIf wft™#*iKff l 8 llFf 1 Vl 9 r a ( mmt A.8. dagre* from Amity CeBagt ia southern low*. After teaching in A sm and Idaho she -was married in IIM to Bee. t'hariea Cf Kyle, whg.. wrgs a* that tuna a ho we wiwkmaay In tha United Freekyterian ahwreh he Nebeaskm Sh# shared hto wmk ftenrand k ter in California, IlUnofa^ |te%lMiaeotni, and.Arkansas. Indtiuu who livid the Woods on her iRimMNf-:" r« farm. North atm attacked wtott' .-termwl' inam ti^ yitoiea of ilia RioemaBndWiUllgiftiiMi (litiatiigtoday»he said/weraiio Btiger q p P w im -m , tiw gmtetttftekb'1* ^ paidmentera. % >j -_ .t y' : ■ " t f J a r l A . i t o w D i e d 49, farmer residing three mile* east (,f Ced*«vilie,:who died Saturday a t « Payton hospital following * brtof I«- ness ,wwa condupteiil At 2:30 p. Tusade'y'in : 0 if 1 *Ccskrvili* ' M. ■% ChmK With burial a t MiltodgavUla, tie was highly respected ft* thto com- munlty. - Mr. RMewas born lit WastVfipgiai*, bad resided.In Once**.-and' Fayette <:ouhttos most of Ms Ufa and formerly tuugbt school ft* Aeffereort tdwneMp. He leaves hi* widow, Mrs. Bfcrtha hWguion, whom ha married in 1912; two lUftghters, Mrt. Kvelyn Raewh PaytoM, and Helen, at home; a now, dale, etudetatsat OMa 8 <at« Ugtvars- ity; five brothers, Bernard t , ofwear Xenia; Frcd M. of BewerSVIUa; A. Hubert of Imaeaster, Pa.; Karl of Springfield; and Ralp o f Jamestown; two sisters, Mr*. Minnie Brown of Uolumbus and. Mrs, Myrtle Bawegs* iiieister, of Bpriagflsld. MRS, MABEL SBtNGLiDBCXaR DIED FRIDAY MORNING doit i f t i r ,Attf-waffhii ifctii;-tykiill ;-af "see"'^p,- ■ mpmaanns• -ma*; rovewd -wagoiia -aa <tiwy/panmd..««i their way to erpas t%t Ifisseml a t Omaha.. Imter t im ; t a ^ t in Idaho wkm one still had-to |M ^ ^ a tiU M coach, and still later she watetod advm tm rs from ayeeywhsrs . come roaring in to Cslifomia. ;She i* survieed-by t*m dgaghtera, Mrs, Katldeeu B,«fK a f RelUdayV Cove, West YirginH ind.'Mrs, Relsh Imigwtt of Detroit. - \ . held^ftbm tha U; F Church, (wra Monday a t 19:99 «u mv wRh biirfal ’In ^ ftii» i» Gp»H *4 Ctompiullghte wera brolumhg lutisi «*Will as windows inwwhsd h i l u r t f Hall, A smalt fram e tmUdM* m* tiw campus owned by Item F , A, Me- Cbmis was bwmad, ' f t was cuptod. titevam ity e ttclali called fee hate' Eon* Bhailff Georg* Bhwkel,wlM> wtih the deputies added h i teatoch« ebout 9:49,- ’They ware called shout mid-BightwhM the ftnrne huBB- k g - te d Item fiwd. Two’ emRetiid ting-lem teb'weni piaeed underm te lf and taken, to tim county; jafi bu t irm ,■juutywtedl-^ntmrawdanuk‘' 8 m^^um'' -v -fHWedj^Ca^ IteveraKyaUthorittos sta te thatba- ."^.s*vw(nwwfa*m.mjors*nwnmm• Camto.:efi'iteuaa o f jwivllteos l i ’WM hetoiaeiry /to - H^den tte-^reffitetiens method',' of-mehhhr tim k■p p m known. ^ V 1 ts*• wu. f P i y i i m i F i B " - M S M R l K I B r r a f f w a w n i•>.;! fi 9 §*■'*alteWB telmP a .result of" « car evaeh Taeedey night, oh state Roitta 7 t, south ;at a ' to Koala, this week, t t e t e r y. J, tierfett to *ate*Mitfe*ito *tot tear#* seerteery, Cmmr tm *> wme M— Ml J, Fawceti to the third iw h i r of the hoard, tobtefc Still bold, a aevtoo of tetetidusl tearimrs nrtoingj, ftee* tte veatet comjdstots ftrisfwj ito m ea t wiwty-'nMs' retil Anna Herr has hem appointed rxe ruirix of the estate of Jennie Hower, late of OslHWfl, Without tend, Myrtle E. Wnegar be* been d*shf natsd adfmintotrairix ef the estate of Florenee E, Bteeger, late flf fititer creek Two-, wader 91,899 tend. NefeoA (-ortto, Ray Rwanay and Charles Burr FF!t n*ITO5 * Mrs. Matel Champ BhtoffiWNkcr, 28, wife of Charles X, Schingtodecker, died a t her home in Xenia, Friday morning, after ah illness, of tight months’. -She was tew in Beliogtun, May 28, 1910, the daughter of Charles and Frances ' Good Champ, The deceased resided fo Cedarvaie until she ,moved to. Xenia two years ago, She minded Defemter 13.T.9I9, Besides her husband and parent* she leaves two children, Betty Lou nnd I aoti , and 1 hs following brothers and sisters; Iwster, Lonnie, Jerald and Forest Champ; Mrs, Bernfcs Jteee, Mss. Georg!* Givens and Mrs. Helen Givens, #11 of fipringfield, and Mrs, Led# StjuFres, ef Bromley, Ky„ tha ftswerai was conducted from the Whltmer and Ofctity Famsral Rotor, Monday, Burial took p laerls North Cemetery, «eit. Maemtle AlMMh ■AHBINRB 0 <»Iwlrj SAMI APPRQYRD fiM te n 't eato eg c*l aetete te- toagteg te tte (tora^ . ' L tetef to*tete, to Mr. and Mu (L h Jtoynard f<W fig*#, has teen confirmad by tte court, o CLARENCE fiCRMlWT WE'MHEE 1 larem# RfhmMt.wte tea served a« eAunty *-on*rntoetoner te Cterk eminty nlHNt 4927'. mkhwim * that te will act mm *, anatter SaraL. We to a 9mrm*r, raahlaat eg tfcia Meaty, a, non ef the tote M. M StiNaUt, ENmRB CDLtjMRUB MOSFHPAki Jack Alien local te tte r, te s entered the Gra«t HtepRab Coitstotes, where ha underwent an operation- for in in* feetton on bto j*W tea# fram #n In feeted tooth. FUJMWARRlt RPSlDWiCE , H. Fiekertog of Ftokertog Itoc^ trR; te* purchased the Balm? property on Miller street of the CresweR Brother*- The resMtece w)U t e fs- modetod for # home, r FDRTYBtroRTFOii AURIf jte«M* forty fsmlltoe on reHef re- parted tp Ate. Townehtyi TiMteee Seat Saturday far 'WadH” te find eat tte tr SnSSRSl INMSfimlFa^A a SBHM MteaM^aUtelV^^JMmteaaw FlwmMmwmaMAHwa. .g*nwy japumpg, .■aOTHi^wPtogw< *is >i i ^v«mr M famlltoc on retiaf Jamestown, m n othinm snstaiitod fit- Juries. * ( •' '« >J t A p aa se tig a rin tteN k te l! maehftte Mrs. Jtesisl CiftWl, 29, o f jurnr town, * tisteg ’a f tte : d rlw r, 1* in. M<to. CeMan tesp itu l, Xsilla, snffettog from ERWPiwii'-.4i(ii *®ni• .jwiwii-- jumi - knee*. -Al** M t te teap ital I* th# front hfWlMtooitematitoacddate te*. eutoreA te te •'Wte. turater into hto driveway. K to \te anffering from ' v A m ' l -- -tep.mjwmgBr-A^wwp* 1 .WR9 ■-w^p*' 0 wmrr L^gj|u , Vr^mm, Mte;Bl«te:lRfte,'*i,Mjamestowtt, to In tte heapRal of Dr, R. L. Hhiaea .igf• ■ ■j|gj^9hgjagMgf Aig tea iMdfotedte' *»' ' mw UJ ms - w -JUam©F -W*a* sr #m «VQiHRWHM#IDJHK|«JIM' RdUMPJg-aMHW^-toMgJR-MMRMmKsHIHIWMi n^^gwte'-*^gg ■s^to^g im^uma^m AteBM etetew to-wto|mn*5W(i tytetefMffil|iL'1-¥ k | mj|£jr mgjjt tyT ■ ^asMMi^^aaww - w sssr -4W^^ne■ .er-e. ^a^^nMjway. (U ipnir w .M il’jim t \fuWj< , nub'Omm tw &I Jkttttl and h u n t ..ww toveatigatimr the ac­ cident. N« wsmtesiWiitC has teen nlacsd far tte ' astidsMt. ^ g,a*^». wpam1 Sen. Vic Peatery He«d, TVA Board Ben. Vie Donatey, 0 , Ohio, te* teen chosen chafrsssn of tte senate- house tovtstigattog cfsstoRtee to look into iilegal totpendtimsa htommtinq; to mm than |9,99M99 to connection with tte Nottis dam eotetmtion In Tennessee, te eipemd by Hr. Arihur E. 'Mftrt«R, whom >Roosevelt ntottd from tte te a r! m few Weeks ago. Sen. Geo. leery,. R» Tte#-, head *1. the FrinteF* |v« i*mim Itokm, felted m coiled. IM9M0S m ,# supposed msrhto depostt under Noftia dam, Ihr, Morgan proved there ww no *teh d#-- pftsiL ., ■ 0 . t T R R E f R S n f A T F M T i i M i fM f P l t e a ^ w '^ n r w u t i l l a • • • • » . . f te te id WjUterfore* Ualventty' rtadaats ■tated a riot an tha <— * <niaa« ■’Wr*' "s#Mm *#!#' dn^mmr* day night as a proteat againef a rteag* to tte m iat gawntag rigU* og tte .g iri attotoate who aw M«^ea- nalrad te te to tteto roam* at atoht- fall instead of ten o’riook as fsomarlr. I t is said 409 stmtoats teafc p«*t hi tte riot and as a result ahw tem bean «xpa 0 ad by f t atideag W. O. Walkar. •ttoa. o . i« yet «n m<Urrrouwl fMUaC t f x*. KfilHHHlf S m (NM i —^s*sto-aw*ewswjR^aas-sj dg*»am*t::lwA, a# dasuga.'- Baoaris * te.ltodx-temto/todaim'fitomteM •'d>toAhtet^RlirfBi';'Ftei^^mf,' 4 liAto' .-^ i£g-juFtijfiwtetoiA*^,'wdl'T*ikm ‘Aiilaar; *to»tetopi*totoi|0^ ji'* t 7 ' * - -Bte^Wfci-. A.r'. . 'iWh : .MRU e *" " ■ • ■ ...■......... jnfiMMSB R e l i e f l o a d ^ . f f t l l l T n n rw iM ii lintel •-•Mr sapsmww^I*RW 4MM ALamA ..0|imMiaip;teteterirtam.jiy .mmtjjuiJHmM* —..^wa*m^a w4W^RWPa*mRSWR9 » . I^RI^gEmM * .^k^IElSRVv^PM^Bg IP JanaarytoMB to Nwatey a a d # l to.M*wb.; Tte-tetoLtmimaih .rV^,“T', W"1 " -Jg/WiW.Vmyr:• -W*-^amv*^k—;r^-t— ito -^-T inctoding 99B89A9 to rjammsy, |4 ^ # tm in Febtuhry and I9A9M9 to Mteeh. - • Official*-Said tte irnsailltma Hated "er*T,*ww wmpfavsRaas if'.'»mwemwui fop 'MiyMdfi TAflUl:itoliSlMdliMiF- & s rM li Mtttlllv I m I m I f i l i f haeittil '. 8 *mwpfWRy#,via*P**w'-. toEnpRSwWm.yiSM' jaw?" lief bflto intutvad ddrtog thto iffioatii had not teen pvsamted in tins* for to regutor ptemudit. N i & C ( k C ^ t i O o r e n i y N e i i t C o n t a c t ...... . V*.. ‘C*v. ■ ¥tm Mffrtty awwd Of a IffAW contract' t e t t e George Dodds aad Ckms Graidte O*iii- pany a f X«nl*, O,, fo r cow tnietim o f * monmnaat a t Avp, 0 4 te smtoni d w t e t t e c t a s h a f t t e mmy-dtrigRto wUamaAdkuaJEdLsaRe "flfflua MOtfumteA :M|MMIi®|Pwwa AIM . MMWMMR b ' sreaumiy sai^ would t e a titoffi of rnthr* stone. Ava is tte earn .nimiripality te tte place wtero LtosL Commander Eachaiy Laaadoww and 1 $ men- were killed when tha ship’ tsmptod Sept. 9, 1929, LKITBR TO TRR EDITOR Mrs. Arthur Items m » testes* fhmaday aftevaasa te th# members uf tte Kensington O te end Awamter ef.RMsto. T te praMAat, Mia. Much TurnteB, prsaStod *r, Mr*, toadau fistito %f lam*stowf» gave m totomattog and Imtmwtiw talk ahant Fw rtt Bto% a te Ameri tm pssMstinn of whW» tow dnugh- Ite mwti l»f a te fir* ,' Wltosn ahw 'pm w>tod. and mmt a a*sap Ml 1 duets A. daMrians .nerteid la v , G M day, MasiwnMUi Tuesday, Mgy K id ttffid sAdsih Waa- hailt to te too nwa mg^a. to , ^ . . . .sat ant to llteULA JteffilR IngMi < 'tettM-^tototo ' w toUMp# .‘VffiMBte'ii^i^Bgfidito''m^Wto *«»- - t-sa ^ V W s .MMV tei Iff tef| moteffiMl toteMteM wa^^*’"^wyawp*• mnmwmgimimmi teramavaf to 1 ^■dua.j^f Mu|^^ito'.,^^^|' Prnm*?*' -’MBMMRMRMWQfa 199 faat-loag by III ■tito-pte i,fat. into'ThniMdMMstotoria laaca. ' EMwnlaiSted diaM 'laat «■* w P P § RdiM‘aMte# 'tee mtete^ * * J » * * * • . * » » m t m | u I jujtoiiaiitoteto *^ mk 'a t e t o ' 1"™“•*T?toW^m TFRto*to -sPNt'RMI^MlfwIMy: 'ktossk >Mawmmtotoe 499. ton of-at-' a . , , • a s a n s ! * p jm * teffir ''W M M ^ to ipM w FtifiRA' ewntogr toitostvi, ' tim ytota -sutia^n ,. ®fMi|MTppA^ppppf^n^' f dfiVffinK .ffiffifimto i- "aantt ■>. 9^pmR|Pfi|WBFp Tfllftty PttoLtom^ . Hl&liitoaatoka^-^.dteiito^J ___ _ ^Tr-rF-’l ,u1 *?mn mi . i.- wWBto- to < t e t e MwEfipF|W • mjlji r.tCdyMid.ttetevjtoto'.'m^to-Juk .wfflfiP^T.RffiRPRE:JMRPf- tente toib^tetotoik^^ ®'"f* iUff.M . i 4 ’. -AMi«atetoto|M^aM Utelte* to§"ARlMU t e s ^ l f ' wM dPMMFPIII- tetiMC^te?'tel'f.totlfiismw; a MR*' w ^^PL'. wJMRRRRBKa »! w r i K W a . r * m a a i T ^ ii y ■ Tteyatia dANtoteaxai Hitewunte'Htoaiiwifiviaii 1 ^ w tojpg tiwm to toF to>a,:sn dtitomarth llO a Whaa Camn ia fWUy wttl yraduoa orm *H> p p M .r r n ^ m m r "mm riiii Vrf u ii^ w r'~. tot'ktewa. Bryan ww tito «Hhitoct : 'and. ■mto4«fai«uia»»tjj^= ?-. “_""Ryf,paM.iwi.amiteto.urwto-WEPWFw-fptolmfEm^'mlil''». Mona ew 3 woodwork. Fam-asaitofw • 99# actaa of fhnitog to te 999 acraa ' **fww*h.-Mto, *mdstow, lu y to .‘ Danaraa.riam.'mim,:4 p nw -anasAfa':' f*uduto.'9'te to to te *w mm np. to .'’ Gtiscado.*’ ' / ’ ‘ ; -}i'r k T-SWjvwwr^wnw!.-.w»iw^^:.Wr *1 ,w*W^^^^mv,vWa 5 :'’, ti3b;''$hi|i<Mrik' -I m iMtepiik -hut. to, variausly "eattowtoii to firam ^ U9AP9to9SSAM .AU tte.stotofar Aw'tetotoffiitoto:^ito»aa^mAf^BtoYVtoto;iBtotrfdfl ’ .TWV^ fte:mvcmV^wamWaWOW.^Wwtor^RPfitopMWfilB.^ Ptehahly alto cut and ahapad riffito mi • the farm. v .. . * ..•Stoto'tidtgigantic rstotetom.Ttyki MM^'tib' te« teMtoteto •• maMia..aiieliantft to tte ' Daaartaasto' : a flte u tity . Tb resfoira It a te pto- i t ' toteffoad fappirwouldOQtothMMnads''' 4 t dkffisni. • th e n t t tito 'w sm T d toe ‘ titete to m aomcatototo nsa to Wldtit. Rnmid ha.pto.: Shyan, rito mSBton-’ xtoativa o f tte wnHam Jwsto *M ,tyV9hMtoPi)NI w. 5 teW,Wi O T 1 T P T U B U O ' %- 5 TIIE Twm i m i i K K C T O H o 18 mXSBBEB The- D^to n a , to th a Emhiuito tosdc haaam totom t|0MW kl A o ltlR U U I RhJlMMt 'te f tmtpuyw's Wlar* ateuM te gpite fte vahte'xieiived.,So John Bryaa*sban, •wa tte to**sat havtt to .the' wstfto^ «0Wtte last original huildtoganwhat; waaaneo’J hatoyan’e farm, wfif liavu : to m m d#wi* to t t e totertat of toto otoney. mid eafo^.’ Bto Joto Bryan wfil ewtiinie to he romamtetadfor his grualsiti cotoribnaon to tte poopl* of GMo, Tte ito to f ARot of Greater Chanty, kiatotteate pm m m *Jate* Bvyaa fitato FsriE.” ...................""T ' ’ -if ToRnnForPoffit Isa Alkto B^w^unnma■m^te r i |M*:.. fimto Tranp Ne. 97, Jfl; ^ A* Mu A. Banw, JP ; i r . Ctosn aimaar «a a mauwnmmt u i ^ i ^^Hnwnmm*'..wnwa^ RRRbwMRB*1 tor the vamatotog tww yaara aad-- tto a r rnaatte of t t e .uaeigUsed tona of Judge Goosga H. BiaHb, wte to a MWL<fltotea,Jlfcltot»lS* Date Effiter; 1 wanderIf ttep eeftea f tide try teva not lest «U self tospact to tiii* mad rwih tor toe# siw y - WMi demote* for four hIMlem to Western tte'to .Addition toethov MHitee, wfneo iiw we 'gnite to tondl - I* Ohio, -Gotefftor Xtovty Is ‘fia- tog to ask the 'fegfelatinm foe |^ < 999A99 forvetief tor the rest of !»!•, This money must em * eat a f tte p w .tli TO m ini RnR fl0!»R OwnPl M well te the follow' that too a .Jab, But the worst ef all Is that hmaiy toimetrwtod extra kelp and got i t , . Then wo find te s t farmers to auawMtiB Mmteewaffi f^Wth wfiRR IMRMw PflP - -^- n s^mArto ^«te,uiuA' PWR FteGCYwJ^s id to to hwagvy 4Wd t o ttoa fellow # polky #.d»wtructlte of Ratf h# Wm M i U to ; Mm. i m 1 99T49; Botoet ' Wmhisp, TUFto *ff9to^aA^^al ffhRF filWaadUi^^tti'^A , *MH Mr.'#P 1 MMM^.'' 7 MII^MMTM]rt - - ^'s-.^*... a aSL*«....,v : - fHfl | ki | MMullfitte Ibe wnafastte I h I m uskhig tte go. at. tin Aaguufc Attaraav B m m h . Bhaato iSSBL MMN^dhNP JMlMP M t Km 1a«m uw dA JI to.., RmMPpiRBPWi tomPM LaAja. n tef HR w ttistp Attorney AaltoHn. is the sea af €, Aatonea. sapariatsudimt of sw • f Daytoa aetiegs af tow. Me to* prertfete law to r tte Suet tinea t J * FUhirmaa ware wanaai 'Ttoaiay te l IK I^ , 1 # ^ ^ , f n h n a n a i dtosaa* Cwwtiy hmm piatostSM d f 'i ■ ^ •^ ■ •^m a jr «ltfHMOVI tarift 'tWMMl fei' 43^sRik