The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

T. MAY t, W - T H E C B D A K V I L I B H E R A L D •\r lA f t L B BOLL — --------------- ED ITOR AND PUBU •t tM f tM O ffice, CasUrvilla* Ohio, O ctober U 1SS7, TODAY, MAY f. ltfifi WHAT TAXATION OT FEDERAL ROKDR WOULD DO Tfce prapnaal o f o f e ll boado, m unicipal, sch oo l, o u t * o r fed e ra l, w ou ld p ro se e s iatereettat study a* t o fcauita. First — ho od in tern * taxabla fo r incom e purposes a lso su b jects tb e m m beads t o taxation under state law s, f o r in* stan ce under the classification law In O h io. . „ Just how the pub lic w ou ld b e attracted t o purchase such bonds is y e t s mystery. I f the bonds w ere issued b y the govern ­ ment th e preva iling interest ra te is from tw o and on e -h a lf p er cen t t o th ree p e r cen t. W ith U ncle Sam tak in g a cu t and coun ties, m unicipalities and sch oo l d istricts gettin g a sh a re , ju st h ow much w ou ld a 1100 bond h o ld e r have le ft ? I f M r. and Mrs. Bond h o ld er sough t o th er investment* then h ow w ou ld th e governm ent and states fin an ce m any p ro je cts , th e fo rm e r having n o w ay o th e r than corp ora tion and Incom e taxes f o r revenue. Banks n ow have n o ch o ic e when govern ­ m en t bond s a re issued . The governm en t requ ires th e F edera l R eserve to ta k e w ha t is a llotted them an d th ey then pass the b on d s dow n t o th e sm a ller banks. T h e la tte r m ust i f com pelled t o se ll, seek th e sm a ll purchaser ou t in th e stick s. W ith th e banks h old ing governm en t bond s a t low ra te o f interest and incom e ta xab le in variou s w ays w here w ou ld th e n e t p ro fit f o r th e investm ent b e t<?the bank s? I f banks cannot m ak e m oney th ey cann ot rem ain so lven t very long . The d e p osits o f depositors up to ?5 ,00 0 a re insured b y a governm ent co rp o ra tion th a t co lle c ts th e Insurance prem ium from th e banks. T h is idoney is invested in governm en t bonds, tb e same k ind th e banker b o ld s . I f a bank fa ils tb e insurance ca n on ly b e m ade g o o d b y se llin g tb e b on d s in pu b lic m arket, I f th e re are n o hu ye is th e governm en t insurance is n o g o o d S o a fte r a ll tb e governm en t m ust d ep en d on th e pu b lic t o own th e b on d s b o th f o r im provem en t a s w e ll a s back in g f o r t h e in surauce of deposits in all banks. T h e re .Is b u t on e redeem ing fea tu re or taxation o f bonds and th a t is th e w h o le N ew D ea l p rogram from paym ent o f re lie f r th e fa rm e r, as w e ll a s th e unem ployed , w ou ld co llap se . T h e fa rm e r cannot. b e a v e ry 1la rg e h o ld e r o f governm ent bonds, neither can th e la b o re r. H ow th en can anyone exp e ct th e * governm en t to se ll bond s w ith in terest ta xab le , th a t w ou ld p rob a b ly n et lesa than one. p e r cen t t o the b o ld e r? Chart* Sawyer, emfiklata far ik* Panacfatk aoaiiaauaa far govanar, will broadcast tins Friday avaaiag at ? p , m.»am an Ohio network in which ha will discuss tiw I pn e east aaao**» meat m * f being laviad oa atata'ajk priatom by tier, Davtyfor a eamgitipa food., Grand, jurim are is neaaiua he Cincinnati and loiumbu* investigating the scope of the political holdup, With the New Deal investigating tim Old Age Pension set-up in Ohio, having eighteen auditors from Washington m duty in Columbus, it looks lika a hasp -rummer for the Democrats in Ohio. im m tho fiehorr and Paathartan ramp, t gives clearance papers to Japan ship- Yha lata Dr. A, C. Man agar when a f pars for exportation o f war material. Carl H. Eh], Springfield, whs seeks the Democratic nomination far congress in the Seventh District a* gainst Arthur AleHhire, sitting mem­ ber, was in town last Saturday look­ ing over the field, Mr. Ehl is a World, War Veteran and served abroad and a’ member o f the various Legion organ txations. Being a traveling salesman, selling food products in the Seventh District, Mr, EM says he hat learned ‘what it takes to make business and speed recovery" easdidtft far ate* senator had to bit* the darn in the Marshall race with Demherto* patting the «gaa” in the: In those campaigns a«y- aae, partieulariy the writer who cop*: darned 'm ion* handed fight against; Schorr, JSmharton and Marshall, was an ingrate, What we want to knew and probably will have much to sag about later is just whst caused th» waslt between Schorr, Pemberton ami Marshall? Herald readers will re­ call a few years ago we mentioned that a certain check from Republican G -M e n p u t o n s h e l f b y n e w d e a l With Gov. Phillip LaFgllette.Wis eonsin, and his brother, Robert, a Senator from that state, announcing a new political party in opposition to the Mew Deal, it appears that things mnst not be so bright for the Roose- veltians to lead the people oat o f bond­ age into' the promised land o f milk, sunshine and flowers.; Both o f the XisFollettes started out with the How Deal one hundred per cent, both hav­ ing been Socialists.' The trouble la that Socialism and Roosevelt .Com­ munism will not mix, the, former guarding their early claims to poll tlcal Salvation all through .the. new experiment. How both say- Roose­ velt has failed. Has not made good hjs promises and it following a fine o f thought that will he disasteroas to the nation and that must be reaBy had, Even Norman Thomas, 'was last With the New Deal spending millions foolishly each day -and Franklin D, Roosevelt, king of the new realm riding the high seas on a battleship at a cost of $6,750 a day for fuel and pay for seamen/ we get the announcement that 330 G-Men, one half of the greatest law enforcement agency in the worlds must be la id .o ff as a means of economy. W ith k idnappers ram pant, bank holdups tak in g p la ce da ily , lead ers o f th e underw orld m ore defian t than ev e r b e fo re and n a rco tic rings entrenched in every city o f any size , it^hard ly Jweek escorted out o f * New Jersey conv in ces th e average citizen tha t th e N ew Deal is either I city by a Democratic NewDeal msyor. honest w ith itse lf o r th e p e o p le w h en th e righ t arm o f th e law { Thomas has been tho Socialist candi- is num bed in th e nam e Of econom y . , r Jdate for president several times and F o r th ree years o r m ore N ew D ea l leaders have tried fb J«w <*««*» damage against the New u p se t th e m ost outstanding law en forcem en t b od y w e h ave ever I*?*?* fe«dew under the h a d 'in th e coun try . W ith b rib e ry th e ca rd in a l p rin cip le o f j Lindbergh kidnapping law. Socialist th e N ew D eal t o w in pu b lic fa v o r one m ust n o t b e surprised th a t I le*der “ » • ' When a man gets so de­ law en forcem en t shou ld b e h e ld t o a m inimum . . ****** *nd demoralised that he can ■ I nut get mtn 'either o f tile tbgee pell l ' |tlcal parties he naturally becomes Hew Dealer and finds himself right M A ' p m r i n U m l V 12i ! Account Of Inwgularand Intwraaittant Grinding tha t w ill Our Regular Grinding Days Will Be Monday, Wednesday, Friday . Of Each Week . KELLOGG’S m i wine * wriw Purina Startena C.L. McGuinn R shib B i jhllllsw fit, t^ndLurvili#. cl at home among Communist friends.” •at last whet two large vweais belaagtag M Japan iU n d d ). ihai ««nt M g M i d With scrap I m f v hsrtna. All for sinpmsat U Unit coaatry. A gnat te ihenliar i* iamgaet aapahte o f lifting asveeat taaa primary fight a-] at a tim* took th# metal fro* ite Prtenu Judge Berry Gram/,:freight cars- . Advariinicata ia the eeaaty, and two years later'eny paper* offered more than market A 1 , Q i W mk . SpriatfieM 'pwe foe wrap iron* Jap** weeded and banker, In theee tha »*eul whde at awr- «a China, And • Marahail ea»*M oat ail ordercfthe Hew Deal heaeta o f neutrality and j;i !h»eke»i* come home to ruMrt.” is an old saying. The little riot at Wit- BUY CHICKS A HATCH EACH W E E * p u lW w * Toetwd and CwtWd Flocfce CUSTOM HATCHING $M|C Far E gg O sttr’ i la t fik tr y H I YMbtw gpriage. OMe irMpdawa, VmA, «a d S upp K m V .. berforee among atadenta has ita Ha- son. The boya only put in pnectlce tip f ommuniriic teachings they have been hearing. Its fine in theory but some­ thing else in practise at home, f . It, T. Marshall issues a statement ever his own signature denying that] he had sponsored the candidacy o f j Ted Brown for Gongreas, and that he -; THIS TEAK , r .w * » « « occasion W IT H T H I / » , \k nor any o f his supporters had anything * headquarters never reached the TVeaa-ito do with this matter. He concedes i urer o f tip Greene County Committeej the right o f anyone to be a candidate | and never was accounted for in a re-j bat hopes neither Ted Brown nor any-1 port required under the corrupt prac4«m» else enters the contest, leaving it] lice act, If Mr. Schorr has anything] to the voters to express themselves on i to say here is the place to say it, If |the issues involved. | Miss Baker, now a member o f the’ * - — — j state committee wants to “clean» Fred Snyder comes to the defense! house," her* i s , her chance, Bow jo f Marshall and Miss Baker with the > would a fswindle o f that check look]following! “I know that h , T*Marshall" in print at this time? .* 'and Margaret Baker had nothing to do ' with bringing Ted Brown into the Con- gressianal race, Furthermore, I have.;; heard Ted Brown say the same thing and he has alsd'made a statement in the newspapers to that effect. For Marshall or „Miss Baker to have ^i^fttxane-. would have been a dumb trick because Clarence Brown will profit by his can­ didacy." r ^,t Ai l ! J, M. Boll brought to this office a few days ago a silver Mexican ^dollar that had a unique'history.' Back in the McKinley-Bryan campaign the is­ sue was 16 to 1 ui the debate between the defenders o f the gold and silver standards fo r our money. To bring the issue home to all the late E, W. Hagar entered Mexican silver dollars, then worth only 47c with which, he paid employees at the paper mill. The men found the money bulky hut en­ countered trouble when they discover­ ed local stores would only give ’47c worth o f merchandise for each silver Mexican dollar. .Mr. BMl was in the grocery businessat the time and kept one o f the silver dollars as a memento of the campaign event. It did not take the employees long to>make up Ho one denies the. political connec­ tion between Ted Brown and Mbs Baker and that he holds a city position Created at the suggestion o f Mias Ba­ ker to pay n political debt. Everyone connected’ with the Baker faction has rushed-to the frontArith statements hut the public has the idea that some­ thing was ataried that cannot be stop 1 - ‘ '■ Of; Vv tlGlNS ( o : ' ' l t s u n n N f u s t i ' V - Nfl* Uwyr-——~~""«akr.r 'r'.la m .B|m s-»dfM » Tbg’n t ia s a a IsrS- ' wsTva»*et< ataritikiall daw fiP.SuVAe * -x r s a -wai , « '.aaff ri»»rfi»Ar f e f i f *33 7 S / ped for “Ted” continues to sit tight their mind that the gold standard was! while the anti-Marshall and Baker the best. The employes,did not loose e/ement in Clark county sits back, anything in the joke as Mr. Hagar enjoys a hearty laugh and awaits the saw that they all were paid in full outcome, with good American dollars. , The'Hew Deal claims for neutral­ ity are hardly born out by the facts, that is when you see with your own eyes what takes place. While in New Orleans back in March and viewing the skipping activities' on a thirty mile water front with hosts, loading.; and Unloading at the largest Wharf in f t ie Wucld,we here fotem thfin seeing' I M O V E D T0 *H* »®‘ l i n u v f i i i i,n i^T0H E ST. Over Woolworth 5 and 10 Where 1 xas formerly located, w. . Fheae: Main fg» DR. GEO- A. SMITH DENTAL SURGEON . “ Springfield, 0 - ' (M ftd firOMk W. ^ i X 'f l .’im r s F i asa d . t J A . f - i r y -J *- H t it - / S m m ANDSALEADSPAY” Of all the’ factional bickering Repnblicsn rank* over who was, } now or hap been responsible for the “ Ted” Brown, entry into the congm - : sional race, it. all backs to Miss.Mar­ garet Baker's ddor. A t least aba tidies credit for much o f the Republi­ can political activity Ui Gink County and says, it wad she who sought the Brown appointment in the city water­ works department as a sop for sore­ ness over the Brown tWmdown as city manager. Springfield Republicans say if Margaret tepid dictate the creation o f an office to put Brown on the’ city pay Krill as paymnttTor his service .to .the cause,: it it she and' she alone that can take him out o f th*.congees* sional race, All the blustering and excitement with denial Of connection with Brown fall fiat in the dark county capita), Fer a while state­ ments from the Baker camp were eon faaiJWV now. they *R sing the same tame denial. Ohe Republican close; twthe city admiaistiatloa says aR Margaret has to- de to dear up the shustloft is to ask the proper author­ ities to abolish Brown’s waterworks job if he eohtinue* to refuse to with­ draw.,.. The Baker camp professes to he mach embarrassed over the en­ trance o f “ Ted” in the race, Has Margatet Urged him to withdraw in favor o f the harmony desired? It has been oar observation that when a political leader wanted a certain can­ didate to do certain things there were always certain ways to bring Shout the desired end and no one known this wore thin SJCsaRskerand her friends. BABYCHICKS-STARTEDCHICKS Wood Tested Custom Hatching Hom« C ity Hatehcry 414 HubertAvs Fhsne641 Springfield, 0, n| IlkSs M o s d a f WMurfctl Ftidkwr D im and F «r B A M U A C T M S •is friasil tm yn w IM b BM MSMPM^MM b l HETUHN* GUAMAfniCG H f ROND YOU* SPMNGFIELDUVESTOCK a n a s f tM f> W T ' AfW One feature o f the.£;Ted;) Brown anx-up is that the Baker following has just- about lost sight o f the fac­ tional fight agaEait M Sdmt and-» . tS, Bewhettofli- For several weeks the fetter writing campaign centered all shots, at these two, all because they hid tmned down U % Marshall, Both supported Marshall in h Is other earn- patges as well as when fee ran im State Senator. The Brawn espfsode in Springfield has''left these twn nut in the dark bat to keep them fa the plctore we want to know ,.|f Miss Baker and her followers ere g*fisg to support John W* Brkker for the 'SepsMiean nomination for governor? The Baker-Marshall faetsen has made many charges, against &herr dktat- ing nomjaatfong, iflss BaS*r* ?s « mmim o f the State Committee of which Schorr is ehaltmam Has any­ one ever heard o f Margaret m in , her fellow members t» cad » meeting and unseat Mr, Behest? It is her legal power to start aw-h m What do MarthaJl eannat de iV iw tS r can either o f the Browne, f e n ear, Mtwfmttf We hare tried 1& many Ways sn4. a ■ Mem- Arthur m m Mkaigo pmg*, ■Mft:C l«lph ' Mnxtw, Wayne, Mr*, s i Mm, In the 3 want, Jackson her mot Mm- < Ohio, uu Dr. and ' days t e u >;■> timface i, years m> . many in • Cedar meet at man, S! George hostess, come p, •■as: Giro*.- own « o . sm u-riy-tenl ogwMt report. unedt SUM Misf} Asheviil aunt, M spring 1 Miss Mr. and former!;, but she with he ' feld, of Art eon cinnati. CPAlgh tntiful m ( w - HW iU tfi • m-Gw«wt«Ai ‘ ' *3S.OO * 7 5 .: Armor and con erine B mater, i informal McCslln friends .. Block is com Pleasan' Mrs, Mt a freque will, tide ■ ... present Hitt, C ir.- Evansvi Dr. a aweomps ■Gefitiver and Edi Mrs; H dam, N< return r as Dr. o f the £ burgh-X May 11 .for the 15* m m '.■‘•-is4S - ’■ i * J*-«i Mr. ami . tsined & honoriUi Club. I Marsha] X 1