The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

m MMontiiia mar. a d v b r TM M u w r a n a r you a m u u s t 0FT8K TU PBB . BRAD TERM I Y Z e d a r r iU e A§ T f nU D U M M C M r a o s . o n a i t m SMHIFSOAIIOS fO SIXTY-FIRST YEAJt NO. 26 * CEDARVILUB, OHIO, FR*>AY, MAY 27,1288 r o e * t u n a r a n g iM im ta l » M U l n a H T M E S ix ty -S econ d H. S. G raduating Class news fo r j m v o e c * surra Bdytto Qi frin w , te * *uk against. Harold Unrrtegar, Jamestown. ctorgoa., both crurity and groat neglect, rc- qiMMt, fwtonSlon to bar maiden COLUMBUS — Good ___„ ____ Orta*. mm, «rf Motors, to , « * »"*•«*«• 1 tW," r f . ttomHiusftor. o f a million j J * ? ? " f *: wonma^oys and girto, n i tto f J^ 1* 1 iwm *• m i mt Washington Lawroaee WoedfeU of the! * rrf f J * * «>*| publication o f • mw and txctorivej^ I1*,1 S*J °r' Valley, syanam -s * * » " ,*,eh -M>wt * * ^jtWMraa and art* that the defendant eatlati of all principal itnm y , trt» butertos and lake* of tto state. It was towed as a apodal eupptotnant to subaeritor* to the "Ohio Conserva­ tion Bulletin," the official wild-lifeI publication of the atato division of conservation, hot extra copie* were printed and they,mill be sent; to any interested Ohio angler upon request and receipt of five cent* in coin or stomp# to cover the tort of mailing, Commissioner Wooddell mid. On the fever*# aide of the sportsmen** map is an official state highway map for con venience of the sportsman irtdriving to the stream or fake o f his choice. There is also a brief description of Ohio’* state parka,, reservoirs, fakes and game preserve*. he barred o f totorrot in hi* property. He charge* cruelty They were mar­ ried November IS, 1924, at Center- villa. - Hath t\ Marten, necking a divorce from HowardMatters,whom she mar* vied in 1938, charges the defendant with cruelty. FORECLOSURE ACTION * The People* .Building and Saving* 'To, hat died a foreclosure suit against' -?red C> Co*by and others, requesting judgment for f!,28£.64. Xenia prop* ’Tty is involved in the case, J. Carl' 'fforshall is attorney for the Peoples company. , i In an opinion rendered at the request o f Superintendent W. G; Seariei^y of the rtate school for' the Wind, Attor­ ney General Herbert S. Duffy,ruled that it is within the discretiort ftf the state director o f education and the superintendent o f the state school for the blind to offer as a course of study " literal inrtrucjdo in the .operation, of confectionery.and magazine .stand*. The question arose a* tto-result of a demand for specialized training .in the stand merchandising field since passage b y ,congress of a measure which permits the Ohio Commission for the Blind to establish hr federal building* stands W be operated by titltef poteen* in order that .they j»#y become partially or totally self-sup­ porting.' Superintended* Scarberry wanted, ip Order to provide proper training, to construct on the School ground* a building; that Will house a model stand which would be open -to the public and at which would be sold candy, tobacco, rowspapete, magaxiaes ‘ and light mft'f*hi|»e»ta< ;^Mfc*nrojrr General Duffy held that ‘the'auperin. tendent and Stab* Director of Edu­ cation E. N» Dietrich would have au­ thority, to erect and equip such a training stand, Director of Agriculture , Earl H, Hanefeld presided last' week' at the ground-breaking ceremonies at the Ohio; State fait grounds' for a hew $160,000 building for the junior fair; which will be featured, in conjunction with th* 1*8$ state fair, the build­ ing, which will bo erected on the site o f the bey*r tent camp, will contain Stall apace.for $7$ head,of cattle, an -arena hanked fey seating accommoda­ tions for 1000 person*, dormitories for the youthful exhibitor*, offices' and Shower*. It is being built a* a WPA project, It will be a two-story structure, of concrete* brick and steel. "We csrtainly need, it badly," Director Banofrid commented. "The junior fair plays an important part in the annual Ohio State fair and the boy* sad girls haven't had proper ac­ commodation* for several*‘ysar*." lift predicted another record-breaking at­ tendance for the 1938 event, DIVORCE GRANTED . Ongrounds o f gross neglect of duty Beatrice BUBtoell hto been granted n divorce from William Bushnejland .^stored to her maiden name of Lee,1 • t. ' * J X. i '■Vc'’ "', * -^ 1* ^ •> / * » F -' , W'-' ^ & J S * \ t /, -•?’> . >‘ s Z- . C v .;> ' r *• r ha Mm - The Homq Owner*' Xofjn- COrp. has : , jeVdyeted a- $j,92?i&0^m»rtggpe fpre "* loaure judgment in' a suit against (liarence E. Barnhart and others. ALIMONV AWARDED Mary Osborn .has, been .awarded permanent alimony and custody o f minor children in hersuijtagainstCarl 0*bom« The court ruled the defend­ ant on his. cross-petition, had failed to establish proper ground* for a di­ vorce, ^ 1 * ‘ \ „ k B tate s V alued . . ,Six ’estate*. have*,been appraised under probate court direction a* fol-, )ow*r ' , Estate o f Mirph I, jlfamht gres*| value, |2^8d; |87l;«4; «dmin-| istrativ* cost, |5$^ft; not value, ft*4 $ 1 9 's. rr' r +4 ^ ' l l Ertafelof Ett*.Uryipt imointPlue, $&^78.lg; debts, H$48.80; adroinis- tyafit-e cost* $782.60; net value, $501.- pft.- ’ ( iyJ W Estate of E. i). Bryan: grosa value, Ue,8i2J)C; oftligation, $12,029.73; net value, $4,213,23. • Estate Of J* E. Stoner; gross value, fdjObO; obligation*, fib ; net value, ffi,~ jS3K' • _ ; . . Estate of Jerry Bbtngy: groes vaiue, ^00; obligations, $I£30; net value, nothing, * , Estate"of E. L* Stormont; gross J/qlap, $13,099. Clj. debts, $4$34.04; administrative cost, ?8jl0, net value, S7..9.M ,: First Row-r-Top—Bussell Miller, Jeanette Neal,- Frank Bhlinger, Wayne Andrew, RuthEllen Dennfthy, Louise Graham, Jeanette Boots. ' Second Row—Eugcne Willis, Nancy Finney, Robert Dune-' vant, CarL Warner, Donald Fields, Jay Peterson, - Xathrine . Randall,,Harold.Miller. , Third Row—Leroy Dailey, Jean Dane, Mary Aik* Whit- .tington. Supt. H. D. Furst, Prim, Carrie M, Rif*, tasogene Everhart? Elizabeth Coulter, Lucila Curl. * Fourth Row—Raymond Hartman, Ervin Cultiee, Howard Sparrow, Helen Ross,- Add Fenyman, Baael Bipshi Fifth Row—Mary Geia, Anna Rump!*, Albert Hnrphant, John Reinhard, Betty Jane. Judy, Lrtce Anderaon, Date Thru- ‘ hull, Edith Melton. ' Sixth Row—Margarrt Dailey, Alma Brms*r, 'Cenatawie • Bruce, MargarettaLott, MarthaLott, EdwardBmiton, Catherine Ferguson, Geneva Benton, .• Rev. OrlandoRitchie . Alumni Orator . appointments m ade Frank Shigjey ha#been named exe­ cutor of the estate o f Anna B. Shiglcy, lute of Jamestown,under $10,000bond. J. J, Cprlett, A. J, Barnes and Rod­ ney Robert* were appointed ap­ praiser*. V ORLANDO RITCHIE Registrar prank West of « J V ^ W Pleas Judge George II. Smith to\ IjWMwas *** ^ ‘-v' e,w ^ bureau o f motor vehicle* reported that i(Qm ^ u ^ !a ohlo insurance. Fonr horses, three of FARMER SENTENCED Changing hi* plea f » s* innocent to guilty, P au U a Cordell, 35, Negro, in­ dicted. recently by the grand jury on a riiSigi o f assault with intent to maim, was sentenced Friday by Com J Im during the Hrtt two Wfttki inMay the bureau mailed warrant* in the amount o f $ 10,986 to twenty hospital# in Ohio in reimbursements of claims Bled for services rendered Indigent patients who received treatment as the result o f motor vrtcle accidents. The Ohio Publics Utilities commis­ sion granted the application to U* A, Paraoiw, who operates -as a company known a» Rural t?as at Mt. Vernon, to abandon gas service to rural con­ sumer* In two Inox county township* on account o f the inability of Rural (tea to Bad a new source of supply in lieu o f the exhausted wells which pre^ yiously served the territory. year* penitentiary. The charge was the out- giowth of a severe clubbing admin­ istered by Cordell last February 5 to his neighbor, William Free, 64. Ihvjr live on adjoining farms east of C, M. KiawllFear* W h e a t I s D a m a g e d U, M. liaaeli, Selma grain operator, thiaka the wheat in this section has by the tmm some M# say* » fears ago thf* hod swrti a frees* and white the whowt Waked Haemal the yteW SM one *r the hwaHast, there being g,«i a {gw grate* to the head, 4 a T c LVE H«WE • The praef#w*t*e Farmers C!«h ef. CedervlOe met at Vocational AgrkmHwre M te teg , Wednesday* May j * n n|*rtr 'wm+ dhwneeed -a»d but* ite members to study. wRI be Wtdwta* Xenia City Hall Bids Received McGtirtan Bros,, Xenia, with a bid of $67,000, were apparently low bid­ ders among .14coatractofs whose bkls for ftonstfuciiott o f Xenia's new city fiat! Were tabulated by the city com- misaioft yesterday. The commission took the bids under advisement and wilt not let Ih* con­ tract until after ail are studied. The McCarnm Bros.' bid Was $698 under that submitted aa j>Joint hidby W. €. Hit of Cedavrilte and A. D. Eveland of Wiimingtmi. Tf# original Wd* tanged upward from the JM!#W9 Rguva to 1*2,? 6*2 white the preliminary cost esti­ mate was $*$, 000 , including equip­ ment, son# of them for /mbsidiary contracts for plumbing, heating, electrical work and m elevator, which is optional. . Rov, Grlfinfto M« Ritchie; pastor o f the United Freabyt«ri*n Church in Lawrence, .Mas*., will he the orator before the annual banquet of Cetlsr- viite CollegeAlumni on June 2nd. Rev. Ritchte I# * son o f Dr. and Mr*. C. M. Ritchie o f this place, f lf tM i e s D e s t r o y • Greene Co, Barn Fite caused by lightning destroyed a large barn OS the farm of Ray Brock, of Dayton, on tile Bcllbrook- Aipha road, a,half mile north of Loss as set at $10,000, covered by themriding horses,were led to safety, but -two autos, tool#, a new mowing machine, an auto trailer, two sieighs, saddles, harness and a quantity of liag were? destroyed. An epgpty chicken house also bum* ctL’ The house was not endangered since the wind blew the flames In the other direction. Brock ?# a mem­ ber o f the firm of Greene and Brock, fe re *? *# ,,D a y t o n ,,? GO-OPERATIVE 4 ) 1 ,UD MEETING The €%=t>perat5ve toidb met, at Old Mill Camp,. Monday, for noon lunch­ eon, and business meeting. Ditferent projects ate 'being considered by the' elubwhile certain surveys are made, J, II BTEMLE DIED IN CINCINNATI, MONDAY Mrs..J, D. Bteete, widow of the late Daniel Steele, former head « f the Hosven lb Allison €n„ Xenia, died early Monday In * tJnrinnatl hwipitat The funemt wa«, h*M Wednisday with Interment inWoodland Cemetery, Art*ss!^rttefe!^s¥rtai^»tetertSB»B!l ^NIWIt'E TO,THE RIlEMf! HOTICX -ttamm bring ns yoas n e x t c a n o f c « # » a n d h am a te a n r th e rj n ln g , of etir many natidlUi patrons^ w w * Mountain V tm m Btetten NagteyEM*, Xante, An. .N o tice i s h e re b y g ive n t h a t ' the, im d e frifn e d gto ceiie s w ill observe th e W edne sda y artetn<>on h o lid a y hsgtn W e dn e sd a y, J a n * 1 s t a n d c m t i n e * th ro u g h J u n e , J u l y a n d A u g u s t fit, i t M u tin y . it E. Martov* .•! . C H. Cfttes* . - Tb«Grtterv!1tIe GpfWHMMwas tlte scene o f the annual Baeeateureat* Service, Sunday, May 22, . The mqsift for the occasion was a high school mixed chorus and a hoys! quartette under the direction, of Mr. Reed. . ; , The address of the evening .was given by Rev. B. N, Ada#* Who cem tored his remarks around the subject: "The. Cotes of Jerusalem." Hie Reverend CjiarleaE. Hill, R, O, Ralston, and James J. Mentrer assist­ ed in the service. Atetenl Diaaer Dane* The annual Alumni Dinner and Dance will be held Friday evening at the school building. ■CteanaenecMent ^ The Bixty-second annual Commence­ ment Of CedarvlUe High School Was held in the Cedarvilie Opera House, Tuesday, May 24. Parent*, relative*,' Und friends of the 43 graduate* lilted the Opera House for the following programs— Procession- -^Festival March/' Men- delsshon—High School Orchestra, Invocation—The Rev, James J. Monitor,Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Clifton, Ohio, Mnsie-^Sepenade, Teselli, Presentation of Sp*rtce?--JL G. Aulttnan, Hoperintendetit, County Schools,Xenia, Ohio. Address --Georg* E. Rotidebush, Superintendent, City Schools, Coiam­ bus, Ohio. Mas# - - 'Tntenfterxo, L’Arteitenn* Suite 2”, Bixet, Awarding of ^Scholarship" Letter* and “National Honor Boctety” Cetti- fieatog-'-Carri* It, Rife, Principal, C#■ darville High School. Muster-Gypsy Trail Overture", fischel. Pictentatioft of Diplomas -HaroM I), burst, Superintendent, Cedarvllte Public Schools. Muste---“Schwt €adata,lVRaymmid ■ Bcnediduin^-TI# Reverend R, A, Jamieson, P.D, Pkttof, United Press byterian Church, Cedarvllte, Ohio, Finale-M il American/! Under­ wood, The Class Roll Is *» foltewai;^ Donald Rngrtw FteM«, Jbfwktent; Jay It. Peteraoa, Jr., Vte* Prnrtdwitt Cart % Wawwr, Rawrtary; Robert Sawtttl Dinwvawi, Trteww , Lola M. Awdartaa. Way«* Ewing Andrew, Gwuwa Lea Beaten, Edward John Beatoa. Jeanette Beete, Alma tucite Drawer. Omwteiiee Adiln* Bruce, Ha*e| Marie Sort, Elteahrth Jatt* Cotilter, Ervin terey CaHtee, Lwille Marie C«ri, Mary Margaret PiiUy. Ruth Eltea Denaeky. Frank R EMtegw. Imegane Ever­ hart, fterah ftethertoe Bergaeon, Ada Marte Ferrymen. Nancy Gaewlya Fla yUrt»M»im< m r m f a " ) WPA Batcks Up On Yellow Springs Completion of the' sewer system at Yellow Spring* ^a» hemt delayed he- caOM |h* WEXBii rojerted io, ap#B>; intion for an additional grant of $ 5 , 000 to complete the>-project. The village ha* attempted to avoid draining into a stream in Glen Helen, and HugK I. Birch, philanthropist, has donated A tract o f ground and $ 8,000 tft. assist the project. •Now tho WFA h‘a# ruled the ex­ pense o f carrying the overflow to the tittle Miami river is unreasonable; has hold that thft use of the Glen Helen streamWill not be detormental to health and ha* been sustained in thin opinion by the state health de partment. A* a result the village has beenre­ fused an additional grant, has spent the money dotlated'by Birchand laeks fund* to complete the project. Local BoyWins . 40and 8Honor Montgomery West, a junior in the local high school, was recently select- ad by the Green* County Society of the 40 and 8, to b* sent to the Boys' Btato. . The Boys’ State is made Up of 700 boy* throughout Ohio, who will spend .*n days in Columbus, June 18-28, in the study of and actual participation ft the various branches of slat* gov­ ernment including all of the principal subdivision*. There Mr* 13 boys being sponsored by %rioua, group* and organisation* In G reene county. The purpose of the Boys' State is *o trai ncapable young men in the various functions of government In the hop* that seme of them will later have u desire to enter this form of public work. The ultimate aim, of course, is greater efficiency in the administration of jmbite affairs, The bey* ate- selected mainly on the hssisof a good resort! In scholar-*, •hip and attitude In school This Is the first time that Gedatrille ha* been represented in the Boys State. This is an outsteading honor and young West Is to be highly commend* ed upon being chosen by the 40 and 8 to take part to thl* worth while pro- ■last, i \ COt l wmia gl!FEBlNTENflBNT I* HONORED GUVKt gnpt and Mrs- H. 0 . Purai ha* a* dien#r gusste daring the owmtog of rotwmswssnwnt. gape, sad Mrs. 0- N Reudshaak. roiaatbas; Sag and Mr*. Xante; Rev. W. * . Ewing and Sag- Elmar Taste, Mt Bterlteg. Mr, fimrttert, who is snpsrln>sn4- ant of tha Odsatearlty arhoob 4* tivwrsd tha rtMrwT foe tha High ■H U & i ^ H j | Wiffi ptewty of She teravaia and a dirt fwr.Mliik" Xrtotey, to ymr *U ,«ag*tito who ertagad frw tha Brsawa m m ty jail aosmi d ^ $ aga after rt- ha*Ung a turahoy, Steagy aiRaeitted te a ahaege « f . ■whan■Hhri»l»»d and Graeae offibarateok him hi eharg Knietey had kaea eoeikMd rttonty jail for hoaet hraekiag and 'Ft* awaiting greed jury arttea whaa hg rtcapad- H* had *— pad g ya«t- 3fU ■ from the Lendoa ftriaag - ter* where hawas serrigg'a Sana. .Coming from sorthara Ohio arkari Sheriff Henkat plaesd him aa*Ur-.|W- rest aomft wrok* age, it waa eartaim he .would return te Skat oactioa aad Deputies Cecil Strowkridge agi Robert ChambUs* of thl* oaualp after; nveatigation located Xaiatey la b fw .•eil EdUow near latlwm, O. Bltariff- Dunroth '.gad.;alii./from Mighlaad. rounty, apd Sheriff BanketaadDeputy Ralph Davie, of thi* county and a Jrte hjjriiway officer, amvemaM Dig: hoUro where * party;tow bring h iM . - they" demanded teat Kairiay ’ augr .-ender and he fled into a room where an eged man. wae sleeping.. It waa lete. the-tear-.gas wa* iwed, Gil' aged man -coming out' flirt and Kairigp surrendering without any. Struafater lifers, '-j Following,Ms escape Xnisley «Satad he stole an automobile beldngteg to ’ Bracten Dmlih, Jamestown, iwidTaad- ed In Highland county. - ' He ,vw .vbronghf Jto Xenia under heavy’ jpwrd.imd/ed- Tftmediy talma heforo Judge George EmRh .lad gtem two eentetices! <rffifteen sear* eedi oa charge* of broekhtg' 'and riitorimr, a " tqtol o f $0 yearsi. Tn tew than' hurt**.; after hie,capture Knisley waa on hie way*to the penitentiary. '* ■; •^(rtn .r* m tiinwgi q,„JMa,' >t\ *, i^tlaa Marttun B ryaat-^ 11 ^ ’ ’Haterd l«» ilaeitai COate.i*rte»nmt Week Atenauetmeuto ....Reecaiemwate Berriee* ■*- * t The Baccalaureate Service for the graduating eta** of.1938 toil be held to the Presbyterian Church, Sabbath evening,May29th at 8 o'elorit. Prest dent McChesney will preach the art- mort. Mr#.,Mildred Bickett Cresweli trill have chergepf the mueic for the rtcesion. All are welcome to attend. * Veeper.Prelude, 7i4$ p, m, ; Martha Bryaht, Organist, Rachel Harriman, Pianist,. ’ J. Otomh^Protode and .Fugue No. 0, Bash. 2 / Organ and Piano-—Fontesie, Demerost.1 ‘ 3, Organ-Vision, Rhetoherger, Procewioiiat—"The .ChurcVa Guo FoandatiMi"—Hymn i3$-~£otw$ga. qumwin C* Invocation—Dr, R. A , Jamieson. Quartet — "Remamher Now Thy Creator,” Adam*—Bertriot MeOri- lan, Jane Frame, Ray Siteton, Jslm P Scriptore^St, John 2l:U*2$$, Trio—.“Leod Us, O Father”, Cftorne •Rachel Cresweli, Junto Creewell, Ted James, Prayer—Rev, B, N. Adams, . Solo—Ming of Rings” from ”Tho drocifixion”, Steiner—Hay Biteteu, Twwr. Sermon—‘Your Oid*to”~riDr. W , R. McChesney. Benediction—Dr, C, R, Hill. RroeMkmato-•<ulhdetess. Sojob* Ba>; Items”—Hymn 11$, Protiade — ”Coro»ialfcn March”, jdyethegr. ■ IlMteltecHai The Music Reritri will he given in the Cteltege Chapel, Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock,.AH are welcome/ The Faculty Raeepttea The Faculty Receptkm will ha held in the Alford Memorial Gyumaatom on Monday, May‘80Ot at 8 p, m, Alt other <vtends of the collage »• wall m the students, alumni, faculty and Board -of Trustee* tm Invited, The Stator ties* Ploy The Senior daw Flay, "fh a Garden of the Motet”-will he pri*ont>!l Tues­ day waring. May tlrt rt itldVelMb to the Utetorrill* Ctolnr Day Cader Day b Walasadi y. Juan is*, bogtantog at U o, «*., on tha aampua if the wealhar b M r. ft J* iMWmia 'Bfli iRM If IMrayiM W$Bl;BM ffUMI VE will k* toU to the On—astern. The pragnaa to Mb aapacristaa of Gonerol Chairman, and Mrs. CnewUR a will giro a MISS MARTHA BRYANT ? Mb*. MUrtha Bryant, Springflald, sanieg in Cadarvilte College, waa pro* •anted to a graduating organ radtal Mototoy at 7:80 p, m., at tto Protby- terisn Church. Miss Bryant, a pupil of MBdrad Bickett Creswtll, director of asuaia at thecollege, ho* completed off raqtdto** ments for a musk diploma to tto muate doparimtett which fndwtos oob LtouteK-- .tu u rtb m - B it mjgm nmin in MWitwivnit. bnhw mw - collage hours,to organ atom. Stohaa rirotoy ptoyad at n—weona «rgaa reettab ghmn by tto eottoga mnsto department, and daring tto part year tow aamrad aa coitege orgurtit. Sto expects to teach maale after gradua* Hon, Her recital program Ineladod tto following auaitora; .. Bach»-Pralud* and Fbgae No, f Moudebsrim Senate I f ' Rtoder-In Moonlight Rweell—Soto: i f the 'Basks*. ■ Jenkba Down. FimnI—Andante Fiaiwh**Wml Ushers at tto recite) were tto fri* tetoag riMaamtee; Mb* Maty John­ ston and Mary Margaret MaeMitlaa and Masoro, Jamas Jnrtto Bartmoa. M m m m U o I m p m U i i i ~ ' HeldMoiribr Eve.