The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 27-52

C I D A X V I L L E HERALD IDITO* AKD FUBU8H1EE Mt*#i f*a*r fam *mm. » t th* Font OAe«, Cadarrill*, Ohio, Qet*b*r i l , 1SS7, ax m oos '! o I mo matter. Friday, August 36,1940 m m YOKm i m m n u s r r s w a l l o w o w n m m Ntw York Times, owe o f the formsoat newspapers in thfMeftfc* worid and certainly the leading paper in this coun­ ter* n eM a dose o f He own medicine that may disrupt its future. The Times has been loyal to the New Deal on moat mmm feMue, exdept some o f the most radical proposals, like i patHag the Supreme Court 5 ft was first at the White House and with big city newsmen . that is “ something'*. To be first 'you must give approval o f ( administration policies. I The CIO With administration backing organised the Ameri- i sag Newspaper Guild, a union o f editors, reporters and front ' shop employees not engaged in mechanical work o f any kind. Compositors, sterotypera and pressmen had their own union. A* long aa the Guild did not force itself on the Times it was MOK” regardless o f what the union might do to otber daily papers. Hear [ & st had a long fight with the Guild and was forced to close several papers. Now. the Times faces an order from the CIG for a closed shop among the “ front office em p loyees", 0r nothing hut union editors and reporters and the union will say hired and "who Is to be fired at all times. This does not suit the Tunes and the CIO was kicked out bodily. Complaint was filed before the National Relations Hoard and as usual the Times mauage- * meat was found guilty o f “ unfair labor practices” . The times fa cts charges under the-Wagner labor act and stategthat it ' will appeal tp the highest court in the land, W e agree with the attitude o f the Times on principle* but Publisher Sultzberger, is only paying for swallowing the Roosevelt Communistic dope the past seven years. A little .'blistering now might cause the,Times to think and reflect U what has happened to others, - AM ER ICAN tE G lO N OWES NEW DEAL NOTH ING 1Remember, you boys that served in the World W\/, what \ Roosevelt Said when you. asked for your compensation follow- Tng his election? , , ' Remember when .the boys gathered in Washington he shipped a train load- o f veterans without food or funds to a -southern tip of Florida? ' 1 Remember the tornado that swept across that state causing death and destruction? ' ' . Remember that the bodies o f a thousand or more veterans were not .even given a decent burial, but were thrown upon ■heaps o f brush and rubbish and burned? -■ ' T Remember that Roosevelt said it would cost the nation 4 a billion dollars to pay the compensation and the nation could vnot afford it? ' • . - ’ Remember that he ordered a cut m the compensation o f Iall veterans and withdrawal o f even the small sums granted . Ifo thousands? - ,1 . '' . ■ • ?! Remember Roosevelt ordered a reduction m the* $50 - \ month pension paid widows o f Civil War veterans and the . ?veterans o f the Spanish-American w ar?" • * , i r jn face- o f all this insult to the three classes, of veterans . ireceiving support,1Roosevelt-plunges this nation into a forty |billion dollar debt—-for what? - ‘ / ' 1 ' -Congress at Roosevelt’s request granted seven billion dob liars fo r army and navy defense over a period o f seven years. ' fAnd what have wfe to show fo r it today? We are told it will f take ten billion more to make a showing in the ‘ain> .on land 4^for on the ocean. - \ '*>•% ; * * - • ' * - 1 The American Legion suggested a program several yearn ',a « o -tP*' Rocfeevelt made light of ||f« r the and hisVNew Deal congress elected, under the «K)ianHHwawiaii njmimim iHUSMirw The 8mpp*-Kow»rd newspaper#, tome tweaty d*iU** in th#t many different cities, have weakened on the New Deri after » long bed-fellow­ ship with FDR in the Whit* Houee, Jttey Reward we* tor several year* a side-kick o f FDR who with a little mack eould even turn the head o f the C r o a t magician for or against any­ thing ha wanted. Then entered the Communists who demanded recogni­ tion after delivering their vote for the New Deal at two election*. Enter Communists. Exit Roy who doe* not relish that brand o f company. i mms * Mriag to tip* e t She HMtor teuxd tori f Ha Hyde lank Sgutoe w*« to* tow* ridkg areernd taapecttiur * « » y kWKpe, McNutt weathered forth aa a substi­ tute hot “« * # " dent ge with WilHOe who said ha weuM net waste time de­ bating with hk fraternity brother. The natk* awaits the day when the fifth Avenue playboy will accept the challenge to debate with the Indiana lawyer. The former warn a lawyer without a practice while Wilkie arose hi the buaixteee field became o f ability A a lawyer. The latter had to prac­ tice law to make * living, the forme played at It and livedbff a family in­ come fortune. The other day Roosevelt offered an honorary place to Roy to win support o f the twenty papers but it was no bait and Roy proceeded down to find out for himself just what kind o f tk-up Ropseveit made wftb that country under the trade agreement. Roosevelt wanted Roy to ; ;heek up on Brazilian as well as all South American papers toward the Xew. Deal. Boy politely informed the Vhite House occupant he waa not ac­ quainted with the southern country pre. s and declined the honor o f * free trip at the expense of Uncle Sam, When Roy return* he may have more to say than Roosevelt will want the people o f this country to know. Letting the people- in on big things, nave your ever heard just what took place between Roosevelt and the TJ, S. Minister to Belgium, Mr, Cudahoy? ou will recall that the latter made 'a statement to London paper* that peo­ ple. in the Balkan countries would starve this winter with,the English blockade as it was. This, upset Eng­ land and o f course anything that dis­ turbs King George irritates Franklin t)., the great, the indespensible, the untouchable. Cudahay was called home after a fiery statement from Sec. Hull. On hiB way over a radio message stated the Minister would tell the actual condition oven if he was fired for it. Roosevelt was angry and was going to paddle the U. S. Repre­ sentative. Cudahay called a t the V?hite House, told his story, and went on his way. Everything was "peaches and cream” as far as'the public knows but dope we gdt Is that Roosevelt met <me man that could hot be bluffed, The- denial of the" Whit® House at tht rime did not fit well with the urgent appeal each night over the radio foi funds that the Red. Cross could feed und clothe the unfortimpth people to Belgium, and other countries, i mw ti cif Democrats refused to give the plan consideration. ' Almost everything the American Legion has proposed has f fieen opposed* liersonally by Roosevelt. Rut the Legion has not' its dutjr to its country^ It still stands by the flag and ;forgo ' Opposes the forces that would change our forth o f government. J? i t h>« opposed Communism; It has urged America fo r Ameri- can s against the Harry Bridges supported by Roosevelt and his - New D ea l.' The Legion owes the New Deal nothing. ENGLAND PREPARES FOR THREE YEARS' OF WAR ■ According to a radio address and news reports, England . is not ronly preparing for continuation of. the present conflict for. n ex t’year, but fo r l942 and 19.43 as well. Should such be the case the greatest concern in this country would be not the direct effect of”the war on manufacturers or farm products, Roth o f which are shipped now under great handicap, but what would England's economic condition be after a war o f three o f four years. ’ - ^ " .. r . 4. France now is at the bottom just where5Germany Was at theclose o f the World War and'when her monetary system ■caved in and marks could be found in the gutters. France is overloaded now with* government bond’s, some, o f which have Tittle value. England flow has two values on the pound sterling And neither could be o f great value with her war debt mounting by the million each day, * Brazil intimates that she-will go to printing press money . and this eliminates both gold, which is not used now, and silver, as a Standard. No other nation on the globe uses gold for a monetary standard. This leaves *the Doited States, not on the gold standard since the birth o f the new deal, With -several billion dollar's worth of gold buried under ground at Ft. Knox, Ky., a metal so far as the world is concerned is •worthless as a means o f exchange, To get this gold the New Deaf purchased o f the world supply at a high price with our good money, thus crimping our financial stability. Our own debt is now at a dangerous mark and more bil­ lions to be added. We cannot pay our own debt to our own people with the gold buried under ground for as long as we are off the gold standard it is no longer a legal metal for pay­ ment o f debts, public or private. Meantime the New Deal fol­ lows the example o f France and continues to issue government Bonds o f various kinds, Continuation o f the war two or three years and this vatiotf wilt be on a level with both Germany and France. No nation ever won a war, nor has any people ever profited by war in the end. The picture o f the future is not bright abroad or at home but we are in the hands of, those who intend to plunge this nation into the European mess. Wfaeo Ipkeevstt waned JltoyorL* Ga a r i f f i s * * A j j i ^ s f c ’ cenfr***- man from New' York, on the joint Amerkan-CanadUn i^ r d for defense he dkhed oat a hitter dose- even k ,-ornt' New Dealers *n<J a dose to tea Democrats' that ,ha* sent nuknjr Iht; the Willkfe camp. „ , ’ Fr )iM» i<>H^HiiO*i»nuinniWHliimMiiHimtm^<nm»iinitnrtiiiiiitimiHiiiiitiliiiii<itiiimmiii<>iiiliiiiniiiiniiiiii>iiii» ANNOUNCEMENT . Z 0 B A W B I G H T Ha* jufit completed a poet graduate course and Baa row ,Joined otir organization. Communist Harry Hopkins Who has been head o f the Department o f Com­ merce has'resigned to be Succeeded by /esse Junes,.head o f RFC.-Hopkins lias also been living at the Whiti House 4from the table supported by ■Uncle Jam, the only cabinet memen­ to gee such a break. Harry has-been ill most o f the time and seldom was -seen about' his department. Prof, Rogets o f .Harvard, one o f the de­ partment heads.under'the old Blue Eagle, ha* been doing the chores ex­ pected o f Hopkins- It is. tipped that Roosevelt will .'put Harry dh the gov­ ernment payroll to he librarian of the Roosevelt library at Hyde Park, i private institution^ Uncle Bam is i generous benefactor,among the Roose­ velt family and connection^. We hear much about the volunteer enlistment system for'the army and navy as noi being successful: We Jo not hear of any o f the Roosevelt sons volunteering. There are several hund red New Deal Senators and Congress­ men that have sons but'wo have no record of any o f these stepping into an army uniform to help keep Hitler from our doors, By the*way we do not hear o f Greene County New Dealers announcing to the citizenship, "Here's my son, Mr. Roosevelt, he’s at yohr ■eivice wherever you need him." One o f the bright lights of the Ag department once headed by Sec. Wal­ lace, says this nation will have an .abundance of food for ourselves-and the' world. One says we will haVc* a surplus o f 360 million, bushel* of wheat while another says the excess crop with the Carry over will be 725 million bushel*. The„ilrst says, wo will only export pork to war nations thpt can get it- at a rate that will not in- crease the price o f pork to American consumers. This alone should tickle a hog feeder, who docs not seem to be a party other than to feed the multi- as ltm a eost-as possible. 1 L U C I L E E 'S b e a u t y S H O P 12</* N, Detroit St. Phone 23* Xenia, 0. Candidate Willkie minces no words even with one Of-his fraternity broth- 1 f er*,JPaul McNutt, The latter took a I back seat at the New Deal convention in Chicago when Harry Hopkins pass­ ed the word “ Roosevelt or else’CMc­ Nutt had once before felt the urge to become presidential timber*but FDR sicked the interna! revenue agents on his Mektek and rather than fact something from that angle McNutt retired a* an active candidate. Candi­ date Willkie challenged FDR hat he w** too bwey to debate campaign Is- *m wbieh iueluded Antfcraing the There vmaaa pverflow at three ma? nage license bureaus in New. Yor City last Saturday. The crowd wr, estimated at 1200- AU wanted to g:< tied” to escape the Roosevelt dr- law i f press reports are correct. Th surprise is that there should he su a, rush to get married in good o1 new Deal-Democratic New York Cit tp escape service.when King Franklb call* for registration and measure mant forjmiferms to be sent where- cver he pleases on the Western Hemis­ phere, Canada Or. Brazil. Such a rush to get married hardly implies a very wide streak pf patriotism backing up the New Deal-Kipg, f n Brooklyn the police had to disburse the crowd with the injunction, “Come back sotne other day”. I» tali fc fliliw liw m Regies* * ? ♦ a«d T,aiw4 th* XRpMles flLu|Ag rnJLmm 1JL MPIIMBiWPe • law * wmmm * H w mmmi uni aigairwl, Frine* ^ — — ■ - -------- i t Senator Hiram Johiuon, Rep.,-Calif., vho was a candidate in the primary rpegday for rc-nrmin -iun, had his aamc on both the Republican and the Democratic ticket* and reurns indi­ cate he was an easy winner in both fields, defeating even the candidate m the Democratic ticket. This is re­ markable in that Roosevelt two weeks ago issued a “Blackout” against John­ son and Urged his,defeat by California voter*. *"4 - The question as $p who is right and who is wrong op the number o f war planes ordered, now ' in process of manufacture, now in use or available in this country is just about as com­ plex a* how .many planes Germany and England have bagged. Paul Mai Ion, Wednesday,,in his column puts the lie at the’ White House doorstep on claims. He points out that someweeks ago we did not have as many planes as we had the month previous. Now be says* they are being built on “order pr on letter” ' whatever that means— which' is nothing but White House propaganda. Candidate Willkie Sug­ gest*' aviatiop he taken away from army, and navy and put under a new post which’ the country, would ap prove, FDR says Willkie does not know what he. it talking about as -it Is Congress, (New. Deal controlled) that if boldhwback th* defrtwejmo- gram. My. Wmkie. must keep in mind that"it must have been Franklin R Roosevelt that gave, the tip to Wright Bros., a* to how. to build the first alr- plarte, ***■ 11"“ '‘ - 1 .... . • •TT*aai*ii*aaa*nfni,vria!*rna«iwrc^ Loretta Young, who shot to a new fame with her comedy role In Columbia's “The Doctor Takes a Wife,” and Mehryn Douglas, who already possess a distinguished record as one o f Hollywood's moat gifted farceurs, are the new comedy starring combfnatlou o f Columbia's “ He Stayed for Breakfast,'! -which opens Sunday at the Xenia Theatre. NO ALIENS HERE LEGAL NOTICE The law requiring, registration o f Effie Humphrey, whoseplace o f resi- all aliens is now in force and registry- dence is unknown*will take notice that tion and fingerprinting must be with on August 23,1940, Walter Humphrey postmasters, 'Postmaster Rltemour filed suit .for divorce on 'the grounds «»ys he knows o f no local aliens to o f wilful absence before the Court Of thi community. Common Pleas, Greene county, Ohjb, -------- -----------— to Case No. 22,341; That said danse KOT!CE TO CONTRACTORS ‘ * * * * ? “ ^ Sealed Proposals will be received by ^(g-30-6t-9-M) ^ Pun^)e» Attorney. the Board -of Education of CedarvUle Township Rural * School District, Greene County* Ohio at the Office o f LEGAL NOTICE. If you have ahy wonder what things are like in the New Deal take a look, at an exposure by the Saturday Even­ ing Post o f Conditions in the National ,Labor Relation* Board, a group Roose­ velt named to please labor union lead­ ers but which has developed into a fight between the AFL and CIO.'About the only thing the NLRB has done has been to widen the breach between, labor unions and industry, in fact the* latter ha* no chance for a fair and square hearing at any time. .The Post says there are 105 T e v ie w attorneys in the NLRB department of which 91 are young men and 14 young Women, called more correctly the “ legal panty-Waist crowd’'. It is be­ fore these yodng ‘'jurists” that em­ ployers o f labor that do not bow to labor union demands and even before the ease is heard someone lets out * report “ guilty” hoping the company will plead guilty. If they stand for a hearing they are found guilty just the same. Many of these young squirts were named to high government salaries even before theybad their certificates to practice or become members of the Bar Association. The average age of this group is 29 years. Nearly all ate relatives of New Deal office holders, labor sympathizers in congress, or Roosevelt appointees of the'Commun­ istic fringe. One,lad 27 yeats old hatl out one trial case-in any court, a di­ vorce suit, before ho was named a •'juatiee” for the' union board. One young woman is the wife o f a husband age 31, who is ib attorney to the de­ partment. Both draw more than |8r- 000 salaries each, Thi* must tickle the old time Democrat attorney who toy several years has gone through-starv­ ing months to reach a point where h$a law practice even at his declining years exceeded |2,506 yearly. Yes, it is the New Deal, tor those at the gravy trough, , Coon-dog men from all over the United States will flock to Kenton, Ohio, September 1-2 tor dogdotn* Ken­ tucky Derby—the 14th Annual Lerig Oak Field Trials. The qusstkn “Who owns the champion coon dog e f Ameri­ ca” will be decided at the field and, in addition to winning the title “American Champion", th* winnerwill receive a *$tv** loving eupnnda onsh prize o f 91AM, th* largest print ever offered for field tried wi*a*r* to any breed o f-dogs. ■ - said Board of Education in the Town-1 Marie H, Conner, whose place o f ship' Building at CedaryiUe, Ohio/ nn- residence .is unknown will take notice til twelve (12) o’clock, Noon, Eastern that on July 10th, 1940, Clyde E. Cons Standard Time, on Friday, September her filed suit tor divorce on the 27, 1940, tor furnishing all materials grounds o f gross neglect of duly, be- and performing all labornecessary for tore, the Court o f Common Pleas; the erection and construction o f *a Greene county, Ohio, in easeNo. 22312 Garage according to' plan* and.speci- That said cause will come on tor hear- fications, prepared by Marlay W. ing on or after August 17,1940, Lethly &Herman T. Hunter, Associate I Cedi E. Edwards, Atty, Architects, located at 352 Eaafc High (7-12-6t-8-17) Dayton, Ohio Street, Springfield, Ohio, Bids will he.publicly opened and read.*.* . " r * Plans and Specifications are on file in the Office o f the-Clerk o f the said Bb&rd of Education, Cedarville, Ohio, and at the offices of said Architects, Spriijgfield, Ohio. * •. All bjTds must be made out to ac- edrdance with'the laws o f Ohio and upon bidding forms which*will be fur­ nished by the Architect,. 4 * J, Each bid must he accompanied, by * Sarety Bond or Uncertified .Cbedt on’* benk doing business to the State4 Of (itie to the amount o f ten peresuk (10%) o f the amount o f the hid, con­ ditioned, that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder wiU imraediately enter into a-contract mid give bond to the amount o f ’ one hundred percent (100%) o f the contract price tor'the faithful performance o f the contract? - The right is reserved by the Board o f Education^ reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. . " By Order o f the Board o f Education o f CcdamUe Towbsftip Rural School, District, Greene County, Ohio, John W. Collins, President. A. E. Richards, Clerk. Dated this 27th day o f August, 1040. v (8-30-9-27) SB! Flynn,' swasU-buckllng. here of so many thrilling screen adventure*, has his most glorious role In “The Sea Hawk,” Wsmef Bros, thrilling sea sega o f t h * seven seas, opening a,week’s en­ gagement August Z3th i*t th* &*• vent ’Theater in Spi!ngf‘*kL LEGAL NOTICE Grace Poe, whose place of residence is tibknoWn will take, notice that^pn April €, 1940, John Poe filed suit tor divorce on the grounds of gross neg-. Jest o f duty, before the Court o f Com­ mon Pleas, Greene county, Ohio, in Case No. 22yB41. That said canto will come on for hearing on or after-May 20, 1940. , : ' F, W. PUNKLE, Attorney to Ucwm i is r li- t«a*4 palrwt. LEGAL NOT1C* Mr. Fred a week'* \ Ratekey Mi at interest ICE Cmmm Fte«* OmH Gr*me C m tf, Ohte .- •' ■ ■ JBaier'Ito#, ' rufsnlm t r'- Xlamr M. P u 3 T « S u g at 1232 B. Belment Amtaw, Indianaptdi*, Indiana in hereby notified that" Motor Faulk ha* filed her petition against him tot divorce charging gro** neglect o f duty, and praying tor custody and support o f minor Child to Case No, 22,325 of the Common Plena Court * f Green* County, Ohio, and that said cans* wifi be for bearing on nr after ffeptemher 14,1949. Dan M. Atdtman (8-2-0MM5d) Attorney tor Plaintiff Mr, Ezn %wingfield, edf tjtelr to’ d«^ to htoa Fewrt »O to No. Dr. J. Ah and wife an days' with Anna O. WS Judge S. ( for several < and daught Frierson in m m W t t i s f ' ■V 'Saturday T w in T h r i l l N ig b t s JANE W ITHERS , t o “ G irl F rom A venu e A w SUN, MON. TUES. tltilH )(IHIII|MUHff)IWlUi)aW U| A NAME THAYSTANDS FOR GOCMF , F U R N IT U R E HUOGET PLAN AVAILABLE A d a i r 's N. Detrett St. MiilMa t.iimiw>ww«iMHim>HHiiiiiniiHniii*iwiit»iiii«<»iiui, „ <ntiimuUinl^Miiii»i|iiii « /» COAL! Place Your Order Now and Take delivery in August . S A V E M O N E T 25c to 50c on etch t(Hk * -% - . 5 • **•-v - v Cool prico so up Sept 4 to conform with the Guffey Act All kind* In the yard now*' * All FRANK H E S N E L L Mr, and k panted by t' spending se\ D. C,, as gu< rest Nagley ling at apoiia, Ruby 1 gainst icglectri y and No. a uri o f said eau| (tor Sep<l M. Ault ey for PI 7 1 m * B ig Parpdw G fwater MoVtw A nno * H its ia O n “Boom Town” "R liyllsm on th e W w * M any O d w » - 4 ) « i ,’ t Mis# The regui ‘ Research Clu day afterno* Jeanette Coo Mildred Gall The Gavel a retiring pre; well .and the tog presiden n,V#e In to TPRIIKNELP - Mr. Neil >■ spending the ;-u| Michigan ca . Justin Hartiriin, at Finger L.->ki-- home this we u h 4 f n j& y a f CrOOD s n o w : Mr. and -M Sq,-Light St , announcing t ,<• son, John Ro . at the City H Was formerl. fdace. ' E rro l E lypn In th u s l A ub -M Mr, Brentc- have been vis.- with Dr. W. . to their horn, mi •Week.*.- .Au| VvV -' ' Word Thui - W. C. Iliff wh field City Ho- - improved an( home . d^fghter, Dr. - ilk Sprinriiel'; ' 1,* ■ Sea n ¥KA Braid, Marshall G a u d e ; 1 • >*• A ? , * Rains "1; . i y * X 'Thura, [Aug, 29 Joan JBENNE 1 Francis LEDERER . to *■ ^Tlia Man I MarHad'* — A ddad^ * Wendell Willkie Guest iter of \'' '^ o r ; Rent V.'jLmrin j^svi r ’ ; at-Mus office. *.:ft8%, and W J . htonerWedneh... ; Wbeks.yisit n to Ashviile t - . h*me p f Dr. i l Thejf were ac dm Cooley i tesdhers' in ^ .Marquette,. J , Teaciiee’s Co" •- Lee Hall, Blu k” la a ll .. My*. Edvfa ofTaiku, Kor Mrs. B. N. A Adam* leave. City. She w 27th from S:< remain here Wheaton Coll as a freshma >an ; ib i i IER Ptowe*rt PrSvtt* tat. Nttdi “ Ha atayed for aretofeetf* . Mrs, Carrie e l and'Mary ine Henry, S Lott, have i trip through Mountains an U Mitel id for tat” Aim S o lh ern • at . 'Aug. 31] ,4 D*ya, U b U R u k Niisie” !* • Bowamka Miatos Mt Junta Creswe their, school* will teach r Elementary, School, and L Mr, and Mi eraonrille, O birth o f a sor. 20th. Mrs. Louise Graba rival took pU pRal to Colun V m AH** Pag* la auk n M tem .im u m p ' The ami beautiful i the husbat toghllghts t Married Ttomter. it «*r three « iu tm iw u c i r , Itoklav’ jX J Be*’* (Ml Cfeq. t wa fiOc n-.-i