The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 27-52

-'*'r MMMMMTiUi PWkAVJh A M * V m * CB~D A l . V I L L 8 H E A A L D • wmmmw ss BXTOK AND PUBUHOSt Hfrmi %gj|ifr Jpyiwi A ienni * SKteHMt At tfc* P««k OM ca , O dw vili*, Ohio, October31, lHS7r *» second el*a* auntUr. IW ig y , S t fte s tb o r # , 194® r , k ta in iiuiHumwwwm m i MRJJJOtlAatES IN THIS WAJt~’ftQ*H ■A Tfcb »*8»n ovidosrtiy is to undergo treatment under Roose­ velt’* *0*0*4 Wodd War similar to the Wilson World War when t?a$hi Sam paid for. throe branding irons for every mole owned by the arm/. Everything else was purchased in pro- poKthut «ttd that brought about the creation o f several thousand mew ■rifmilifiws. One pf the Roosevelt New Deal-promises is that we are not to have #ueh a thing happen in a “ well regulated New Deal war** for congress will pass a law forbidding anyone from tak­ ing that much profit. You hear about conscripting manufactur­ ing plants and a lot o f other misty discussion to fool the average citizen. About the surest crop that has been cultivated to a high degree is the enormous crop o f first class liars in the Roosevelt administration. Dowell Thomas in his broadcast.some evenings ago exposed the. new form o f “ legal graft” that already has developed in the letting o f war contracts* certainly a dangerous thing to dp in this day o f Roosevelt dictatorship. O f naval contracts announced that flay L. W. Roberts* of the firm o f Roberts & Co.,"Atlanta, Ga., secretary o f the Demo­ cratic National Committee* was successful in landing eight con­ tracts for construction o f army camps in Florida, Texas, and Puerto Rico, the first named state to have six o f the projects,5 The;contract price was $26,859,991, According to Thomas and press reports,Robert’s fees for engineering and architectural services will amount to $9*11,- 560, just enough under the million mark to meet requirements. . But that is hot all according to the radio commentator. t There is yet the fees for construction, extras in many ways, contingencies, etc.* all o f which will ruh the profit to the Democratic leader’s firm to around Seven million dollars. Honesty prevails in New Deal headquarters at the White ' House as well as in other New Deal departments to such a degree that contracts are being let, without competitive bid­ ding, "to the faithful. . * , v. NO wopder Roosevelt wants a law passed to make it im­ possible for his war to create new millionaires. It is a perfect blind to foo l the nation and* there are;dupes enough .to actual­ ly believe that' such a law, will do what they think it is in­ tended. -A Republican or a Socialist millionaire is pictured as an object o f scorn while a Democratic- New Deal million­ aire is something to be admired, especially when their leader imagines that wherever he'goes a "halo” hangs over his head. . Just"enough- “war- contracts are being handed out in the north: to'.keep suckers^biting and not manyb f these,will be found after the' November,election. : ** . , . , IN THE WAR BEFORE NOVEMBER V '■Congressman Clarence J,Brown was granted leave to have S tated in the Congressional Record o f August 22 an article om the Washington Times-Herald o f /August /2 l, It wa? headed “ In the Wa^-Before the November Election” . - The Times-Herald asks the following question: "How long do you think it will be before we get into the.present war head . oyer ears?” ' ' t; „ «*•** .,;/ •; " It is .well to he thinking,about these /things, because oui entrance, into therWar seems, very near. Many people think t? 'w ill odctir before the Presidential election in November.” One reason given ik the. recent agreement with Canada Another is that the New Deal is sending pur vessels tftroug! mine infestpd waters in the hope of; disaster to life and property as an excuse to declare,war. Another is the appointment of Col. Frank Knox, war-minded and once a military figure of distinction. Becatfse-Secretary SfciWson has always stood tm foreign intemmion^ ’ . - ■" The Times-Herald says there are many social influences, - financial influences; racial and relfgius influences. The Canadian agreement is one-sided f o r it means that the United States must-help Canada but there is nothing about Canada helping - the/United States. / The. Times-Herald points out our dangers. Being swept like a great tide of propaganda,to get Us in the war. Facts ’ Save been-.translated into fancies and fancies into facts. We are unprotected against the insidious and insistent propaganda o f our-own government. Consequently a sentiment for war is gradually developing in this country as it did in the World War. "Soon therefore we«may look for war” , says the Times- Herald. . U m o f flw faesoralfc war stsgajM Jthat ia awaajto* toe country if “Vote #loet Roosevelt and got th« boys out **** WJP e U i cma. Mtw M* of th« trenche* before Christmas* 5 to* Rah Qmmmi, to iUMTa JU*g and taMt* m tosh? re­ cent visit. It had bran pfauwfd lor tie reeopfe* 3k front m E mwal fainting. Hysteria if a fargo part *t th* preawtf fengtam About to* war W m m ? * i * • (FW* Ml of Idaho, Minor.) MlNNUill Hjpw* to* Wall***, * | j f U m I t b o u rn “fat l a i r F iM M ia ftif f l r i ■ * * mMUm . ! - ^ - ..... “ * * t o * « » gram at sympathy to “Hide Pato’V Interest in the nation now if just . We had jm toterestfng chat a t o **> ar* ratokiratiAf to tot JSngHfh ■W two. and one half million waif prop*- *>wn» J- Wood*. Hj» husine#* i gatida fund sent over to convert the nation to the cause o f the Europe*** . war? Sir George Pajsh* whose ***** ^ r y t o t o c «*ad to Jtorkf, d ic e d to toe senate discussion, left, *lwm p5ctttred by a Wlshiiigton hurriedly between /two They’re Funnier Than Ever Get s«t*for langhft Myra* Loy ant William Powatt are oa thfir way to to* Xania Wtrtttr to pfay to* aaaifat roiM of toiir camra 1* **i L ot * V ok AN*fn.” llftrra hatband and Wif* aysln, but toff time Powell become* the victim of aa amaeria attack which atakw him format that he’* marrind. Howevar, M yraa.«*« a way of re- mtodiat him, this fsa-on-toe-ran oo»fdy, atari* a t -day engage- mmtt SutMfay, Seft*mb«r t, , SK J»r A N N O U N C EM E N T . Z o p | U I D f f ! D ip l r M mk wm A to Ilf toft ft mm tomideted • poit graduate course Joined oar organization. BEAUTY UH M. Detroit St Phone M Xmia, 0. guns when things began to le*k but, Re had boastedbe had hold the World War to Wilson and Democratic lead­ er* and that he was here to sell this war. He admitted having talked ta eight senators. Hade a trip to toe White- Hopae, probably to convey a greeting from King George, and a lot o f other prominent New Dealers. Stories to circulation indicate that cer­ tain columnists and radio “war mon­ gers” have had a cut out of the Eng­ lish gravy, A few prominent to Cam­ ber o f Commerce circle*, urging im mediate entrance into toe War* may have some o f toe golden goofer dust in their mits. One minute the radio has England winning while too next 'minute Hitler has completed his pro­ gram and will be on our shores toe following day. It is all to toe pro­ gram to sell the war to toe American people. - A certain manufacturer, Who has *o war orders and has nothing the war coeds, says when this War is ended whether it is; next year or ten years from'now, the present depression in which toe New Deal has kept us for revert years, will bomild as compared COwhat is to follow the German-Eng- issh war. Every nation on' the globe will be broke including iherTl. S- What we value now in ddllnrs and cents may not be in use ten years from now -When we balance then, this gentle- man predicts that toe only asset wfl' he the farm land and homes.,of the nation that will be taken .over by what ever torn o f goyeip’ment exists at that time, just as Russia has done -jn.d Germany in another form. Every body will pay rent to the government as takes on land/or property they clonk they own today hut will not comes time to pay the war bill, with those who need heavy hardware machinery o f different kind* as well* He Velafe-; .the gloom pictured by a small towi merchant who is head o f a bank in Kentucky town, He naturally ha* bee; a Democrat all his life but in hideout ty which depends on tobacco a* thr main,crop* things argnotbright. The average amall farmer in that section; farms the side o f on* dr more hills. The New Deal .-pays most o f then about fifty or sixty dollars a year to reduce on tobacco and corn. This year the weatherman has reduced the to­ bacco crop to a ninety percent failure and the corn crop will not even be cut. The merchant says the only hope­ ful Bigri i*; o f reduction- in families Where these farmers have one or more boys that w|H fall In’ toe draft, .The merchant say* the only Roosevelt ,-otes in his section will be from those an relief and that Willkie is the only hope o f the nation. He thinks Roose­ velt has sunk the Democratic party by the combination o f New Dealers and Communists, ’ , Democrats a* well as Republicans are waiting to read that twp or three of the Roosevelt boys have volunteer­ ed in the Roosevelt World War No, 2 ifou would think that if. A president of the United Stateswak cpnsdetJCious abotit. urging his natto* to. World W at he at least would'set ;*h -sample ,and announce to to* work that his own sons have taken the patriotic stand ahd volunteered and no “slacker finger” can ever be point­ ed at them/ But not so with a Roose­ velt Who goes under a different mot­ to: “Do not as I do hut as I toll you to do”. Greene county New Dealers can display their patriotism by march­ ing their sons up to the recruiting station .as evidence of good faith in what Roosevelt calls a “righteous cause.” But the Roosevelt boys are not the only hoys hack home in the woods. One probably cannot be Spared as his family -connection, “ duponts” muni­ tion manufacturers, probably need his advice. If toe son cannot dig up any new -formula, there’s “dad” in the vVhite House that c*n make any kind o f an explosive: The army officer on toe retired list that spoke o f toe com­ ing war and militia activities let one top. ‘1 do not see how anyone can inspect a proposed army or army ■amps by riding in an automobile”. The officer fails'to keep in mind these h e not the old day* but the days of toe New Deal, when the self appoint- d indispensable, untouchable and om- niptent in the realm jot Communistic nikavor is at the helm. Here is news that is news that will tot'be repeated by the New Deal out- dde o f a whisper. Mrs, lame* Earley, srlfe o f toe former chairman of the democratic National Cohimittee, an­ nounces in New York, that she Will mpport Wendell Willkie for presi- lent. Also a-brother of the former postmaster general, has joined the .Viltkie hanks, James says nothing Mifc keeps his own counsel, Neither iid he explode when Roosevelt dec­ orated him with a perfect-lie and a ioubie cross which might just a# well lave been the emblem o f the KKK. Walter Winehell in his radio news ommeht Sunday night must have gone a step backward in history, Wal­ ter was commenting on “ strange bed­ fellows in politics”. He mentioned the toot that history recorded the huiii- :l*|f o f the rapitol by the British, He could have gone back pnd stated,tho Majftower crowd came-over to escape English oppression and the right to Worship according to their dhtotf?; He might have mentioned that th< |ancestors o f toe early English eettlcre ■in the Revolution whipped the Eng­ lish Red Coate on these shores. He could have mentioned that England aided in the war o f 1843 and again in the Civil War until old Abe kineoln in his firm and honest edict warned the British to remain on their side of the Atlantic. Now Roosevelt and the fa ith at* willing to giv* the North’* a ■k REPORT Op SALE Monday, September 2,1940 The Springfield Live Stock $alea Co. HOGS—829 200-225 lb s._n_Il.i7.50 , - 225-250 lb*. ____ -7.60 to 7.65 250-275 lbs_______- ____ 7.30 275-300 lbs, _____ 6.95 300 lbs. up ----------------.6,75 down 180-200 Jhs. ______7.35 160-180 l b s .____—_____7.15 140-160 lbs____ ____ 6.30 120-140 lbs_______ _____-5.60 100-120 lbs, - __________ 4.60 Fat Sows ___ - __—-"— 5.85 down Stags — _______ 4.10 down' Rigs ——— ;— --------—5,10 down SHEEP & LAMBS—338 Top Lambs — -----------10.05 to 10.10 Seconds _________ 9.40 Medium —,— —' —__ 8.70 Ewes —------------— -------6.00 down CATTLE—107 , Steers — ___ 7.20 to 8.40 Best Heifers— ^— . ___6.60 to 7.00 .Med. Heifer* —;_-6,oo to o.6o FatCows 5,78 to 0-85 -Med, CoWS to 5,76 Thin Cows 4L90 down Bulls -7.55 down CALVEjS—184 | ‘ - Top Calves----- ^....-.—11.95 - Good & Choice — 10.00 to 1125 Med. Kinds -8.75 to 10.00 Culls —------- 7.00 down * |BWll^a beetoar-ia-law mi- *Mar* lit, land Mrs. J. L. lNMiersaw, * f tote pfae, An ia^drad ptoee from eae at ^ j**4AifaRrMativeihi,ti»aisiAtjf, m « B -1 m « M , r n . t tr t u K u t K o n c z * CeauaeA Cloa* Caurt ’ ' Graena Ceauity, (M * RabyE.Faalk . N o .2 U » PWntiff, vs. Elinerl^Hdk, ,. Elmer M. Faulk, rraidtng * t 1238 8. Belmont Avemte,Indian*polii», Ipcdana; la, hereby notified that Itoby % . Fimlk, hai Wed her petition against him for divorce charging gross neglect o f duty, Whd prajing for custody and support o f minor toild in Cna* Now22^5 W to* Common Pleas -Court of Green* County, Ohio, and that said .cans* will be for hearing on or after September 14,1949. -■ r. / ; :/ ;■ ■Dan M. Anltman. • ■ Attorney for Plaintiff Court o f Cemasen Pliae, :/■ ;G i (« h Couaty^ Ohio a -?/; a .;.^ Dale hi, Lockwood; . Plaintiff, ■ ‘ 'if;/'-; '/ ',Z'v% ;,r'-■/; Felicit* Lockwood, Defendant. FriiciteLockwoodi whoselastknown address I* care GeneralDelivery.Day-, ton* Beach, Fla., will take'notice that on the 29th day o f July; 1940, Dal* L- Lockwood filed his petition against her for divorce in toe Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, on grounds. ,of gross'neglect of'duty and extreme’ ’ cruel^r. • Said petition ,witt be fore hearing'on and after the 7th day o f September/’ 1940, at the convenience, o f the court, and unless answer is filed by said defendant prior to that date, judgment m aybe taken granting a divorce to the plaintiff. ^ DALE L. LOCKWOOD, Plaintiff Smith, McCailuter & Gibney, Xenia,/ Attorneys for Plaintiff. „ iU (8-2-6t-9-6dj “Hoover wa* a complete &ihsra.” fa he was. He failed in a lot o f thing*. He fail­ ed to draw out his salary o f 376,609 a year while he wa* president, turn­ ing it all back into the treasury, He failed to have b|s eons organise in­ surance company firm* to write in­ surance on government enterprises. . . He built a Rapidan resort for fish- ng and recreation at hi* own expense »nd gave ft to the government, None >t hi* son* Went racing thrqagh to* Hvorce courts to the disillusionment toe public. .He never bandied up a lot o f gov. rnment document* to sail as a book a toe faithful at A huge profit to u'mself and he never sold himself in- .0 political slavery to * labor organ!- mtion for a 3500,000 campaign fund. He gathered '* marvelotur bpllection if war stuff audLbuilt * museum for t, and failed to *sk'"congress to pay :he bill—he ppld It himself. He did not preach and. promote * qlass hatred and he did not try to pack the supreme court. H€ did not plow tip eveiry third row o f cotton and he did not promise, the American people one thing while at the very samp moment doing everything to *c complish toe directly opposite result. He did not ask congress to assess the taxpayers** billion dollars every time somgbne shot off a firecracker in Europe’ and he did not go on fishing trips on government warships accom­ panied by a fleet of destroyers.' Neith­ er did he kill off all toe farmers* little pigs nor encourage the .Importation of Argentine beef. ; In fact the^e were a lot of fooiish things Hoover didn't do that some other people have done. There was a lot o f - constructive things he could have done if he had not had the op­ position o f a Democratic congress, bnt, anyway, he •did not leave the American people 346,000,000,000 debt. .-.Mrs. Hoover never made speeches and raced[ hither and yon on unim­ portant matters. She never,wrote silly drivel on her everyday life and sold it to the Girl Scouts of. America. She never invited Communist youth to the White House as her guests. The Hoovers seem tb~have made '* failure o f about everything that goes nowadays. (We have had two different re- ] quests to publish the above and comply this week,—Ed. Subscribe To THE HEEALD LEGAL'NOTICE Effie Humphrey, whose place o f resi­ dence is unknown, will fake notice that on August 23,1940, Walter Humphrey filed suit for divorce oii the grounds o f wilful absence before the Court o f Common Pleas, Greene county; Ohio, in Case No. 22,341. That said cause will come on for hearing on or after October 6,1940, F. W* Dunkte, Attorney. , (8*30-6t-0-5d) , , A NAME THAT STANDS <• FOR GOOD , " FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Adair’s N. Detroit St. Xmla, Ol P. L. NELSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Jamestowa, Okie' Especial Attention Given SCHOOL-AGE EYES LanATsrw er ------- 1 » — «WE WHO ARE TOUNG** Gsnevs ClWs ig* last w Mrs. Wesley ssiaf t s i is vis O m . Hartman Mr*. Carrie spent the week W* Cstotts and Miss Marjorie visiting relative bOas* in Detroit Miss Florem spent Monday Frank Cresweil fXS s I k I;** 'N r MB r d t y m l JNG” IES. Mr. *hd_ Mrs Q., visited the . and sister, Mr. i for a flew days Mr. and Mrs mapper guests C. L . Cluxton a> •Dayton, Mips 1 .Arthur Evans r W. Evans. Mr, and Mrs. , A partof last we , lng their son-in- *nd Mrs. Paul M. the State Fair. o t , * e l i t t o iPMIKHELP u h 4 t M j e i f a ' GOOD 4MOW. Hie monthly u-* men’* club will b 1 12, at the home of .\i Mrs. John'S. H <• speaker. ' ■ IIISM|IMI<IWt*IMHIIi9ilH46tHK33l>H3< - C h a rlott* '* Beauty Shoppe* PERMANENTS FINGER WAVES MANICURES 4 v - - * Xenia Ave. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Proposals will be -receivedby to* Board o f Education o f Cedarville ' Township Rural School District,1 Greene County, Ohio at the Office off said Board o f Education in the Town-, ship Building at Cedarville, Ohio, un-1 til twelve (12) o’clock, Noon, Eastern Standard Time, On Friday, September 27, 1940, for furnishing all materials . and performing all labor necessary fo r ' the erection and construction o f a Garage according to plans and speci­ fications prepared by Marlay W. Lethly k Herman T. Hunter, Associate Architects, located lit 853 East High Street, Springfield, OWd. * Bids Will be publicly opened and ead. Plans and Specifications ar* on file- in the Office of the Clerk o f the said . Board of Education, Cedarville, Ohio, inti at the offices o f said Architects, Springfield, Ohio*. - , All bids must b* mads out in ac­ cordance with the laws o f Ohio And jpon bidding forma which will be fur­ nished by the Architect. Each bid mutt be accompanied by Surety Bond or * .CsrlMsd Cheek on a bank doing brahms* in the State of Ohio in the amount o f ton percent lo f/c) o f the amount o f toe bid, con- ditie|ed that if toe hid is accepted, the AoIessfulbWder wfil immediately outer into * contract and rive bond to the amount o f on* hundred perceat 100^) o f toe contract print far to* faithful performance o f to* contract. The right U reaemd by the Board o f Education to reject aaor or all bid* and to wahre iitfarfaRtMi. By order o f to* Board o f Education of Cedarville Township Rural School 'Mstrict, Greene County, Ohio. John W. Obffin*, Fraoidont, ; A. E. RjMmrife, Cfak. Dated- this' fiffto'fay -off Anfwst,' 1940. . (MKMMrr) S u b tfa bH o “ T B X X X M A M ,r 19 Allen Bldg. Xenia, O. I am now devoting all my time to mjr Xenia office. DR. IRVIN S. HYMAN Chiropodist: . . . Foot Specialist TREATING ALL AILMENTS OF THE FEET. Open d a ily --9 A^M. to 6:30 P. M. Evening Hours, Tuee^ ThUra., Sat. pfuwtria* N «w L ow F a a s Office-^JUain 281-W House Safe and Sure For Fifty-Six Yearn This AssociationHasPaid Regular Dividends OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY AND SHARE IN THESE PROFITS Accoun Me BySepta 10th Segfc l « i All •»ia'tolto'Aliaailim A l l iMCMMWti MAM nM UpTofaWOO.00 Wsifatetoi SPUNGFIILB FEMORAL SATWD and LOANA ll’ll M X . I U .a t . ' A r iN A M ,O M . , Mr, and Mrs. their guests Tu< ! G, M. Clark of . Belle Coon and Dayton,, . • Mr. Cecil Thon,.. H., and Mips Fran , biu City, Ind., sj>- >n Justin Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Virgin o f Detroit, Mich - , With'Miss Maude ' Mrs.' Anton^Fran , - Miss Dtfocilla C r‘rl'r""/0riugs ofNorw< GCo.Harti D*vid Reynolds < '•Mra?|ft;M.'Re; tie Stahl o f Tam ; day for Harrisb '; •will vtsit/tibe lai > •' « ,aiao »i*}fe.^'Uf PI ■ ~ : _ YotoC fty^ '.^ Mrs. Paul Cun > • ter Gummhtgs en o f bridge Frida their, sister-ui^h ' . •Dukes, who- lef( ‘ . ston-S*le% N. t >. High imorO. pri^c ^ ’.Ogr and Mra^rRt %«■ /* ’ guest .-prife '-1 ' ■’ '.•Dukea I* Sfinhect . , , Cash-Register C< . Miss RuthWes lug her hrother-i , and Mr*. Clyde 1' N. Yif returned , Companied \ .Who will visit w- Mr. and- Mrs. 3 Mr*. Hhtchison s . for * vi*ft Thura Sept.>6. if .11 el MV. Max Dohl:- Mrs. Fred Dobbi ' Knoxviliei Tepn: vacation at horn Mrs. C. L. C Marilyn and Ne Thursday and I Mrs. Bt. W. Eva A ~ The Herald j Stotemer to U. S. so wot*. Thera is n hut a* * rale n from tobir home Vote far that rea abeont voters l.... seWrtera tovote. {Mpseeible for si laHgh to go homi SAT. *«pt. y 4 Dayij Mr. hadMrs.) end day* this Msiuutoht* and thm o f the Gr< National Park & HT tit The Xenia i Jam—town Ada team on the loco o f X to 5. The aooond game del OrinwfUmeets ti here Frida meetst XOW/ MOto TUKS. Wf* timmm X t o « f « B t — s i <1 m Ora«. Perm R ig. 39c ntonitun Fa\ 0*X 14 tor !4 Gidii mmm