The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 27-52

M W THINGS ARE ADVERTISED BY MERCHANTS FIRST- ADVER­ TISEMENTS KEEP YOU ABREAST OF THE TIMES. READ THEM!' ADVERTISING IS NEWS, AS MUCH AS ^THE HEADLINES ON /THE FRONT, PAGE. OFTEN IT IS OF MORE SIGNIFICANCE TQ YOU* ■ a s SIXTY-THIRD YEAR No. 52 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, 1 /ID A Y , NOV. 22, 1940 PRICE, |1,50 A YEAR CONSRESMIL HAPPENINGSIN WASHINGTON In all probability by the time this column appear* in print, a definite, de­ cision will be reached as t o whether the Seventy-sixth Congress will ad­ journ sine die or remain in session. President Roosevelt has announced that he has no further legislation to submit to this session o f Congress and is not interested in ' the passage o f any measures now before the Con­ gress. Democratic leadership will press ‘for final adjournment with the argument that the ‘ legislative pro­ gram has been completed and that there is no reason fo r Congress to re- . main longer in session. The Republi­ can minority will, solidly oppose ad­ journment and will insist that the "Congress remain in sesion as lo“ng as the present (internation/crisis con­ tinues, and until final action is taken upon such important legislative mat­ ters still before Congress as the Long- Waiter bill to limit the authority of governmental agencies and bureaus, the Smith bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act, and other less important legislation. The Republican leadership points out that the Presi­ dent and Administration leaders want­ ed Congress to go home last June, stating at that time that there was no further work for the national legis­ lative-body; and that since June most o f the important National Defense legislation has been enacted. Another attempt to adjourn Congres was made by the Democratic leadership in late September, only to be blocked by the Republican minority and[ a group of independent Southern Democrats.' I f now remains to be seen whether a sufficient number., of Democrats will vote with the Republicans against ad­ journment and to keep Congress in session, or whether the fact that the election is now over and President Roosevelt is reelected w ill, change their viewpoint on the question o f ad-' journment. COURT NEWS niMMUMmMUIIIHItWWWWWHHMHIMWMBWIfMlWHUWWi DIVORCE SUITS - Nora M. Snider, 28 Trumbull St., charged extreme cruelty and g/oss neglect o f duty in her suit aghinst Harvey R. Snider, Xenia, R, R, 3, whom she married October 11, 1938, at Xenia. She seeks .restoration to lier maiden name o f Sturgeon. William J. Schneider, charging wil­ ful absence, seeks. a divorce from MildVed *Schneider, whom he arried | November 2, 1930, at Newport, Ky. Address o f the defendant is' unknown to the plaintiff. SEEK PARTITION Partition of property on the Lower Bellbrook Rd., is sought in a suit filed by George E. Brandenburg against Andrew Brandenberg and others. The property was deeded in the name of Nella Brandenburg Davis and hus­ band. PILES CROSS-PETITION Mary E. Willis, defendant in a di­ vorce suit filed by Roy M. Willis, has3 filed an answer and cross-petition seeking divorce from her husband. The couple was married November 19, 1927 at Newport, Ky. The defendant seeks' restoration to her maiden name of Evans. GRANT DIVORCES Pour' divorces were granted as fol­ lows: Dorothy Anderson, an infant, by her next best friend, Louise Byrd, from William H. Anderson,, on the grounds of-cruelty and gross neglect, with the plaintiff given custody of, a minor child; Lamar Armes from Phyl­ lis Armes, cruelty and gross neglect; Marjorie Fouse from Leo Fouse, cruel- tyf-and^Wilfred-Iiarris from Alleni). Marie Harris, cruelty and gross neg- ect. ' - ' Kenneth Little Will * Head Seal Campaign Kenneth Little o f this place will again head the campaign for the sale o f Christmas Seals this year in the county, A meeting for reorganisation was .held in Osborn last Thursday ev­ ening. The officers chosen are: Mrs. Mill&rd Framej Xenia, presidcny Mrs, Jack Velsey, Osborn, vice •president; Mrs. W. C. Pool, Osborn, secretary, apd Mrs, S. M, ‘McKay, Xenia, treas­ urer. Dr, Charles F. Snell, Patterson Field, lieutenant colonel in the army medical corps, gave a talk on “ Health in the Army". Mft Little explained the program for the 1940 seal cam­ paign this year. Land Transfer Is - Okeyed By Board Transfer of a<92-aere farm from the Selma School District in Clark Coun­ ty to Greene County was voted, Sat­ urday by the Clark County. Boai’d of Education. The transfer was mandatory upon the county hoard in view o f the fact that a petition for the move was sign­ ed by Fred G. and Faye Wilburn, com­ prising 100 per cent of the electors of the area. Although the Selma district will lose the tax revenues from the property, it will lose no pupils. Wilbur’s three children have been attending the Ced- nrville school, pending the outcome of the petition. The petition was presented to thp Clark Co. board at ..the October ses­ sion after a similar petition embracing both tjhe Wilburn farm and another farm was rejected because of insuffi­ cient -Signatures.- ’—■— ------------------ Three Men Injured^ First Huy.Hunting |n Greene County - • Three hunter# je ll victim to injury last Friday witlr the opening o f the hunting season. Harry Sodders, Xenia suffered flesh wounds in both hips after- a gun carded by G. C, Young, Dayton, waB discharged accidentally, Sodders was senifcto a Xenia hospital. Rev, Arthur E.lBrewer, Bowersville, in company withjHubert Webb on the Webb farm, suffered sligl¥f injury, Webb shot at a irabbit ancj the shot scattered and bo#iced back, one strik­ ing the pastor is! the neck below the right ear, The jmnister was treated at the hospital o f pr. Haines in James­ town. . - U Francis Devoe/New Jasper, is min- mmiipitWIMHIHIIlOMMUMUIMHHMlIlHMHM COLLEGE NEWS m h w w ih w m u m w h im m u ih h h iiiw h m h h w h h iw m The Y.W.O.A, candle light Commit- tal Service will be held Sabbath even­ ing in the First Presbyterian Church. This ceremony was written by Miss Frances McChesney when she was a student in Cedarville College and is now given annually in her memory. This year President Doris Ramsey at Cedarville, will accept the pledges o f her cabinet members and welcome the girls who are joining the. organi­ zation. • ' The college choir will present Christmas cantata December’ 18. ALIMONY AWARDED . Bonnie Henry was granted alimony of $15 a week for herself and support of a minor child in her suit against Donivon Henry. , ; The latest recapitulation of the No­ vember-election returns shows that the House of Representatives in the coming Seventy-scVenth Congress will contain 267 Democrats, 162 Republi­ cans, 3 Progressives, 1 Farm-Labor, 1 Independent, and 1 American-Labor, making a total, o f i435 members. The iecords also show that the new House will contain but 74 new members— thG smallest turnover in membership since 1908. Of this number 15 Demo­ crats were succeeded by Republicans; 22 Hemocrats were succeeded by Democrats, 13 Republicans were suc­ ceeded by Republicans; and. 22 Re­ publicans were succeeded .by Demo­ crats. 'One Independent' succeeded by a Democrat, and 1 Progressive suc­ ceeded by a Republican. Of the old membership, 233 Democrats were re­ elected, 134 Republicans won out in the election, while 1 Farm-Labor, 2 Progressive, and 1 American-Labor members were also reelected. The new Senate will be made up of 65 Demo­ crats, 28 Republicans, 1 Progressive and 1 Farm-Labor. There is one va­ cancy in the Senate occasioned by the., death o f Senator Pittman of Nevada a few days after the election.’ There has been much discussion on Capitol Hill and throughout official Washington as to the Administration’s program during the coming year. Those who are in the best position to -know state that the United States will assume a firmer foreign policy; take a stronger attitude in the Pacific, and greatly increase aid to Great Britain, as evidenced by the recent order that SALE CONFIRMED A private sale, conducted by J. A. Wheelen, administrator of the estate of Mary E-. Wheelen, netting the ap­ praisal value o f $3,440, was confirmed in probate court, i : APPOINTMENTS H. Leo Hackett was appointed ad­ ministrator o f .the estate o f Charles II. Hackett; late o f Yellow Sprngs, under $2,000 bond and John W Gib- ney was named administrator of the estate o f Minnie O. Simpson, late o f Wilberforce, under $1000 bond. , (Continued on page three) MARRIAGE LICENSES (Granted) Robert Phillip Johnson, 624 E. Church St,; Xenia; truck driver, and Aristine Louise ■Harrison, 117 Colum­ bus Ave., Rev. P H. Hill. ■ « ■•■■■■■■ Commissioner Clerk Volunteer Services Arthur J Haverstick, Xenia, clerk of the Greene County Board of, Com­ missioners, holding order No. 1395, and Leo M. Thomas; Xenia, order 954, have both volunteered to be drafted for the first call on November 25th. FIRST DRAFTEES WILL GO TO FT. THOMAS' The first draftees from this county to go to" Ft. Thomas, Monday are: Mil?rWHyttB~Coopur7".28,-Jarxiestownr Elwood Leroy Koogclr, R. "4, Xenia; and Leslie Elmer Oliver, 22, Osborn, R. 1. The boys will be. sworn in Mon day for one year’s training in the army. All three are volunteers.’ • ■/ b V . P. LADIES HELD ANNUAL BIRTHDAY PARTY LAST S*VK The. Ladies Aid Society of the Unit­ ed Presbyterian Church held their an­ nual birthday party Saturday after­ noon. In the church .parlors with near­ ly a hundred members and guests pre­ sent. Members each gave money to the amount of their' age and -a neat sum was realized. Guests were seated. at tables dec­ orated to represent a different month of the year. Hostesses presiding at the different tables were Mrs. Charles Coulter, Mrs. C. M. Ritchie Mrs. R. A. Jamieson, Mrs. J. M, Auld, .Mrs. O. A. Dobbins, Mrs. M. I. Marsh, Mrs, E. C. Oglesbee, Mrs. I. C. Davis, Mrs. Ida Wright and Mrs. .Hervcy Bailey. Mrs. Ralph Townsley was in charge of the. luncheon and Mrs. Ervin Kyle was in charge o f the program which consisted o f a vocal duet by Mrs. Don­ ald Wickerham and Mrs. O. K. Swal- len; vocal solo,' “ The Bird With the Broken Wing’’, Mrs. Wickerham; monologue, “ The Chickbn Dinner”, Mrs. Montgomery West, and a reading “Remiscences of a Pastor’s Donation Party.” TIMOTHY HALEY, FORMER RESIDENT, BURIED FRIDAY For'the first time in several years the Cedrus Staff ia again undertaking us his big toe on’the right foot, when the presentation of a four act drama, his gun was accidentally discharged, j Channing Pollock’s welj-known play Ho was alone at, the time and could “ The Fool” Will be-given with the aid not tell how it happened. He was of the college Dramatic Club, Decem- treated by Dr. R fL . Haines. ber 18.- Party For ;4-H And Rural Youths SCHOOL NEWS Nigh Class - ; <_ The ^Agricultural night class will meet again regularly on Monday at 7:30 p.m. sharp. The discussion will be on the subject o f Hybrid Corn fo r 1941. Rabbit Supper * The Smith-Hughes department of boys and girls cooperating served one hundred people at their annual rabbit .supper Monday evening at the High School, A fter supper the guests en­ joyed a musical program by the Ced- arville High School band and several sound pictures. . Thanksgiving holidays began with the completion of the Wednesday class schedule. - Reverend R. B. Wilson of the First Methodist Church o f Xenia was giiest speaker ,at the; combined Y.M. and Y: W. meeting Wednesday, November 20. Rev, Wilson spoke upon the subject bey 23, at 8:00 oHock. The spirit o f . ,. . j . m .......... . ... ___commenting upon present day con- ■A Thanksgiving Party for 4-H and Rural Youth Groups and their friends ftom Fayette,: Clinton and Greene Counties will be field at the Armory in Xenia, Saturday evening, Novem- the party grew o ft o f the Tri-County, 7 b T ” “ “ , . o • , J7- , „ _ f f ditions, he -urged that the thanksgiv- Semor camp help a t. Camp. Clifton . . . . . . . , , . f , , r ,ing of this holiday will only be true last summer. .. *, ■ .. , •„ , • . . .. ,, . thanksgiving if the people are thank- Ed, Zuroweste-Of Spring Valley is * general chairman o f the group and Helen Tate o f Spring Valley is chair­ man o f refreshments committee; Don Davis o f Clinton county is chairman o f the program committee and June Montgomery of Fayette Countv is the chairman of the 'publicity commitee? A social and *rfcrcatio/ial program h..s been aramged. The groups own recordings .of sinking quadrilles and folk games will lie used on he pro- ful for the good and have the faith to improve the bad. ? gram and pictures in technicolor, of the 1940 senior 14-H camp will' be shown. Refreshments o f cider and doughnuts will be] served by the com­ mittee. MANY VISIT NEW EXCHANGE A number of"jfattfens o f the Ohio Bell Telephone sybteni and others ac­ cepted invitations to inspect tiie new automatic dial system on East Xenia avenue last Saturday afternoon and evening. Two representatives o f the company were present to explain in detail the working o f the system which while complicated to the lay­ man, is more easily understood when seen in actual operation. The com­ pany has installed equipment to care fo r . two-thirds more of the capacity now In use. Under the .new system we now have ten circuits connected with Xenia,while under the old system we had only three. The service so far has been very satisfactory. FIRST HEAVY SNOW N William Fancher Died Saturday Evening Wililam H. Fancher, 73, died Sat­ urday evening at the home o f Mrs. Nancy Hopping, where he resided. He had been ill for three yeai’s but h}s condition did not become serious until two weeks ago. He was born in Fay­ ette county and moved here from Port William in 1918 when he took employ­ ment with the Hagar Etraw Board & Paper Co.. He was a member of the Junior *Council, Springfield and the Moose o f that city. The funeral was held from, the Arthur Funeral Home',*-.Wilmington, Tuesday afternoon with Rev; David H Markle in charge. Burial took place" in Port William Cemetery, Cedarville High School,Opens Season With Victories Opening their 1940-41 basketball season, Cedarvjlle’s team got off to a flying start with a total o f five con-' secutive victories against no defeats. Friday, November 15 at Bowersville the varsity team batted to a 26-22 vic­ tory with Corry and Nelson scoring 7 points each while the junior varsity attained an easy victory 35-17. _ . In their home town debut .Cedar- ville’s - varsity, junior varsity and junior high teams all succeeded in de­ feating the opposing teams from Sil- vercreek. The varsity boys finished with a score o f 31-19; the junior var­ sity, 21-17, and the junior high, 21-4. The next game for Cedarville will be on Friday, November 29_ with the Xenio O. S, S. O. Home. This game is to be played' on the Cedarville floor. ' Thanksgiving Vacation ■ There is no school Thursday and Friday, November 2 i and 22. GIVE TO r I3D CROSS OSBORN YOUTH DIED OF LEUKEMIA IN pAYTON Richard Morse,' 18, honored student and well known football star of the Osborn high school team, died Mon­ day at the M>u™i Valley Hospital df Leukemia, a rare blood disease. He was ill less than a week. The first sign was taken as the youth having blood poisoning, He was the Son df the late Captain Lester Morse, U. S. Army pilot, killed two years ago on the Philippine Islands. The Red Cross needs your, support as a member just as much or more than in former years: Conditions at home and abroad have placed a heavy responsibility on the . organization. There are hundreds o f thousands of women and children abroad in need of aid. ’ .W& need the Red Cross at home in times o f disaster and. epidemic where many' may be' made homeless or ill through no fault o f their own. The recent storm on the Great. Lakes where many men-perished forced sev­ eral hundred people on the Red Cross for immediate care. We have aided other communities through this or­ ganization many times but we do,not know how soon we might need Red Cross oid in this community. Give the Red'Cross your support. Join today. „ BOARDNOTTO CONTESTLAD TRANSFERNOW The Greene Cpunty Board o f Edu­ cation has take the .position that It should not.contest1the suit in Com­ mon Pleas Court now pending to Sgvce transfer of. 283.43 acres o f territory in New Jasper Twp, back to Xenia Twp., where it formerly was to the territory credited to that school dis­ trict. The first transfer was made two years ago to Silvercreek Twp. School. The suit was brought against the county board and (jounty Auditor James J. Curlett and will be heard before Judge Frank L. Johnson, who no doubt will grant the transfer in the absence of-a contest, The county board holds it is the , function of the school patrons to say where they would have their children attend school so long as certain rules of propriety are followed within the intent of the state law. The suit whs brought by the-Xenia Twp. board; . If the school patrons in this terri­ tory desire to continue connection with , the Silvercreek Twp. school they can petition the county board requesting transfer o f the territory. /Xenia Twp, has no high school so’ that pupils o f that age.can delegate any Other high school'they choose. SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS Joseph T. Ware, Dayton, states that all those who are subject to the draft and must fill out the queStionaire must have,their social security num­ bers on these. If anyone hap misplaced his card or lost, same, a duplicate can • be-had-by inquiring-through Mr..War_e, • Dayton, Ohio, s , ENGAGEMENT OF MISS-BENNETT TO MAYOR ARTHUR EVANS BE MARRIED SATURDAY Timothy Haley, 70, Springfield, a former, resident o f this .place for many years, died a week ago Monday in Springfield and was buried, last Fri­ day from St, Joseph Church, that city, with burial in' Rose Hill Memorial Park Cemetery. Mr.. Haley a few years ago invented an electrical device that is used to clear" the roots from sewers without taking up the sewer. His -father was* the late Daniel Haley who lost his Jifc when the east.wing of the Main street bridge here fell, while .under construteion in 1887. Mrs. Kate Setz, Xenia, also a former resident is r, sister. > While wo had a Bkiffc of snow in j October the first snow to cover the COMMISSIONER-ELECT TO ground was found Friday morning. There was no snow in Dayton at the time and more east o f us we are in­ formed. It only lasted part o f the day after the temperature arose. REV. KILPATRICK ADDRESSES* | CLARK COUNTY MINISTERS Mr. Ralph O. Spahr, of Xenia, coun­ ty-commissioner-elect and Miss Mat- ! garet Lackey, Jamestown daughter of the late J. Harve Lackey, will be mar­ ried Saturday, ' Rev. W„alter Smith Kilparick presi­ dent of Cedarville College gave an ad­ dress- before the .Clark County Minis.- terial Association at the Y. M. C. A., j3pfingfield, Monday. His talk was "College at Institute, W. Va. Wilber reminiscense8 of Karl Barth and his force ’has a perfect, score this season theological teachings, having studied while the opposing team has only Won under this famous world leader. • two but lost five games. • WILBERFORCE PLAYS SAT. J Wilberforce University-football team will play the final game of the season Saturday against West Virginia State WHY NOT PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS DECORATION? December first will soon' be here and then it: will be but a brief space o f time until Christmas. To keep up the civic spirit in keeping with th(?i ap­ proaching Christmas Beasori we should have some concerted action from some civic group for holiday street decora­ tions. Business men should give this matter immediate attention and call for concerted action. 'Announcement o f the engagement and coniing marriage in January o f Miss Dorothy Bennett,1 Cedarville, teacher in the Xenia Twp. Schools, to Mayor Arthur Evans, was made at a party Friday evening at the. home -of the-intended- bride’s- parents, M r ., and Mrs. C. L.] Bennett. Miss Bennett is a graduate o f Ced- . arville High School and Cedarville College and teaches at Goes. Mr. Ev­ ans is engaged in the restaurant bus­ iness and is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. . H. W. Evans. •During the evening, games were enjoyed and prizes award­ ed to Miss Mary Bingamon, Chloe Mc- Vay and- Clare Middleton. Appoint­ ments were in-pink blue and white and bowls o f pink and white chrysanthe­ mums. i * Guesis were Misses Choe McVey, . Mary Bingamon, Annabelle Shipe, Una Harbison, Helen Smith, Clara Middleton, Elizabeth Keiter, Lucille Lott, Dorothy Bennett, Mrs. E.dward Nicodemus, Mrs. Paul Shipe, Mrs. Fred Dean, Mrs. Louis Cluzfon, Mrs; Donald Taylor and Mrs. Roy Ledbet-. ter. Mrs. Wilbur Conley, o f Cedarville assisted Mrs. Bennett in serving, iWO XENIA DOCTORS CALLED , FOR ARMY SERVICE v JAMESTOWN WOMAN NAMED TO BOARD COUNTY VISITORS Carolina, Dr., Best is called for Dec, 1. Both were called at the Same time but Dr. Ellis was granted additional time. ’ • .. • , . ....... - ~ < ........... ..— M, . Mrs. E. C. Thuma, Jamestown, has been named to the board o f ' county visitors to take' the place "of Miss Fannie K. Haynes, Xenia, resigned, which visits the county institutions each three months. Other members' o f the visitors’ Dr. $ C. Ellis and Dr. Marshall Best, both of Xenia, have been caled into army service. Dr. Ellis is captain in Medical reserve corps and will re­ port “ D e c / 10- af~Foi‘lT~Bragg, North board-are -Mrs. -Sarah: Haller, Xenia^r chairman;' Mrs, Isabelle Velzy, Os­ born; Mrs. Esther Snediker, Fairfield; J. W, WhitOside, Spring Valley] and L. H. Kahoe, Miami township. ■ f County Board j j Draft Registrants! | . FROM ^ 6 6 TO 20G7' ] ... . A--AIpliA Its—nelibroolt Ito-Bowcravlllo - Co—CedsrvHlo , Cl-CUften , W—Dayton •' If—falrneld ' J—Jameatown K—Knollwood N—NewBiirilnston ' 0—Oa1>arn . . ■ II 1- -iliiral Route 1 Sa—Sabina H.C. -Soutb CliArNnlort. , H.H.—South Solon S.V.-SDtlnr Valley W-WHyncflTllle Wl.'—Wllberfotce > , t.S. -Yellow Springs X -Xenia ; ■ - COUNTY LIST 208ft *MarctiaAfelvln Stewart, A, 2080- Arthur (Jshrtcl Dowir, S,V, 20?O- Yay Harold AusbailKb, O. 2071 Allen VVbUtlngton, X., U2. ftOJl Wayne Albert Pcttlnger, .t., M. , SOU- Franklin Mason Hntnnbrey, X., «2' ■ 2074—Wayne Erwin. ATthrleh, O.-’ 20 t 0 -*AIoMJto Robert Walker, C*, 2078 - Jobn (Jrorel Reuber, D., R8. S877»"0*rald Clark McClain, J. JOifft*-XVerett Kxm Sldenatlck, t.B„ HI. 208", 2081) 2087 SOUS 2008 2001 - 2005 ■ 2I)!I0 2001 2008'- 2000 '2070—Vlrutl HudRol, H.V., HI. ' 2080- -Jnme* Edwarit Scott, V. 2081 Frank Stanley I.okal. 0., Ul; ' 2082 Robert Klwooit l.nndslcdel, O. 20S8 .William Taft Ilavlk, X., 114. 20.81 John Frmifls Dinner, Y.H. Willmr'Thonhohl Hera, X„ U4. Roynl Kendal ltlnek, Do. Howard Vernon, Cooper, Ce., H2- Keimdli Raymond Bnyon. Kl,, 2080 -tllenn Russell Jones. J, 2090- Samuel Shlmovctz, X., R4, 2001--Colvin Woodson Crabtree, J. 2002 .Melbourne Hess Smith, S.V. ltarobl Bcrdett Armcntroul, S.V, Russell Warren’ Flax, J, •Oconto William Thompson, Y.H. -Artliur boon. Webb, J. Howard Morvalfcfi Sillier, Y.S. ■Krnost I’njton, A. Tlmddeim (ll)more Moilor, O. 2100 Felix Andrew Ilticlil, F. 2101- John Rttasdl X.awyer, I). 2102 John KrUcst Zimmerman, 118, 1), '2108- Ralph Ilennl*’ I,nemler, F. 2104 rnul Hindi Smith. Y.S, 2105—Charlie Oncy. R2, J. 2IOO—Jnmea Scott llesm, ill, X. 2107 <(ljrant Hosicitcr, Co. Jirim F.divard Nichole, N.. hell Jimepb .Kiser, Cc.' Howard Karl Shook, Y.H. Charlc*. Rnptcll llushes, Rft, Sa, Norman Meredith, Re, bewia Veneer Morris, Re/ llcorgo Waller Rtaser, t). Kvereit Kdward Hurley, S.V, I,enter Coffman Frymah, 1*., Rft. 2117. WlHIs Douglas Hoodfellow, Y.S. • 2118 .Willis DaVId Hilnler, W., Rl. William I.ennard Wolf, O. Chorltfr Devon Healdr X.s R4, * * 2121--.-Jittepli Ferguson, X.v R4. 2122- Robert Jullon fllefer, D„ RS. 2123- Ralph Thomaa Kdftlnglon, He, 2124-Cecil Rimer Hampton, Y.8., Rl. 2108- 2100 - 2110 21,11 2112 2113 21)4 2115 2110 21ID 2120 ' - 2125 2120 2127- 2128 2120 2130 2131 2132 2133 2131 Heinz FrlfZ SVIimidf, O. Efirl ElllBon, Y.S. I’mil Howard Arnislrong, O. Lonnie‘ McCoy Jones. F. (Icorse Vincent Novak, lie. llmvnrd Harding. X., 115. Carl Lewis Miller, X., R3. Norman Dear Coy, II., (18. Rnper, Loren Jonoa, Ha., III. Clean Lavorno Howard, O, 2135--Norman Adam Reeves, S.V, 2I3(1.*-Cerll Ivan Fugclt, F. 2137- Everett, L. llradshaw, D, 2138—Shlrley’ Daugli, F .- 2130 Waller B. Ilalneil, F. . 2140- Lawrence Albert llcnm, X., 111. 2141 John Junior Mustard, N., 111. 2T12 Clyde Mosley; F, 2113 *Charles Alien Jones, I’alntcrsrllle, R2. 2144 Irwin Thomas Ford, X., 112. ’SrtS ■Orville Bobbitt, X„ R2. 2140 Herbert Lewis, Ce. at Marlon Asa Darner,'Y.S., ttl Clyde Alexander Harness, Y.S. Charles Lincoln Hamer, X., 113, TJiomns William Richards, Y.S,, Rl, Raymond Jacob Frederick, F. • 2152 Robert H. Sclmlfcr, O. 2153-Virgil Bledsoe, Ho/ 2154..Elwnrd Aloyslus I'rocliaska, D. 2155—Reed Ocorgo Huff,, J. 2150- -Franklin Gale Wy'mcr, Du R2, 2157- Edward’ John Dykstra, Y.S. 2158—Charles John Marshall, 0. 2180—FIoyd Nelson.WAddy, F. 2-11,0 -Clark Steward'Jones, X., R2, -Willis Thurman (laodbsr, J., Rl. William Clarence Drake,’ X,, R2, % Jesse Wendell Hobbltt, X., 115, -Woodrow Wilson Boggoss, Ce.( Rl, Onrcni’e Ear) Croskey, O. .2l(C--Robert Thomas Martin, S.3., RL. 2107..Harold Eugenie Cowman, D., R8, 2108—Ernest Fred Little, Ce., R*. 2188- -Ralph' Ferry Spinks, J , 2170—Aha Dclwood Marshall, A. 2147 . 2148 •2140 2150 2151 5101- 2102' 2103 2101 2105 2171— John Wendoll Marshall-. A. ' 2172 -Harold Cecil Masters, A. ■2173--Roy Albert Wells, Cl. 2174 Harold Raynialcy llcaconi, O, ’ 2175- James Edgar Lewis, Y.8., Rl, . 2170—Edward B. ^lagee,- F. 2177— Morrll Law, F. 2178- Edward Robert Pulaski, F. 2170- -Waltor Alvin Reeves, N„ Rl. 2180—Otbo Franklin Kavers, J„ Rl. 218L* Harold Stevens McKinneyr"W. 2182—WilliamJennings Bryan Moore, S.V. Rl 2183—Robert William Irwin, Co,, R2. 2184—Homer Wilson Mooro, X., R5 2185— Jutlns Elisha Hill, X„ R2, ,218G WSltcr Thomas, Co., ‘Rl. a 2487—Hugh West Webater, N„ Rl. 21f8»~Davld Wilson Batdorf, X., R3. 2189—Edward Walker Irons, J, 8100—Paul Faigeno Townsley, Co. 2101 ijJlomer Austin Sbuff, 0., Rl, 2102- Jacob Osborn Plnncli, 0. 2103..Donald Eugene DrakeHeld, J., R2, 2104—John Rol»crt Braeolin, Y.8., RL 2195 -OvA Gardner Cross, O, 2108--William' Cosper Mwc, Ce., III. 2107**-Thcodoro Patton, Y.S. 2(98 -Karl Seheller, Y.S, 2100—William Henry KastbCrg, Y.S. 2200 -I.e Roy Wertz, Y.S. " 2201- -JamcsiEngeno Stewart, Ce, 2202- Franklin Hsglcr Boots, X., K2, 2203- *Floyd Weaver Harness, Be., Bnxr50. 2204- Radar Waiklns, O. . . 2205 Noah Hotrard, J. Rt. 2208*-Francis Allen Gibbs, 0., Bo*. SO,, 2207-Horifian Msrtln Zink, D„ Rft, 2208* Robert Louts Dobblhs, Co., R2, • 2200 Lawrence Vlfictht nobleman, F> 2210 -Raymond Joseph Perry, O.' 2211- Glenn Edgar Stauffer, R2, X. V„ 2212 Georjte nenry Abbot, Rl, S.V. 22llP“Ev»n Raymond Burba, R4:, X.' 2214— Frank Brown, B4., X. 2215— Russell William Areas, O, . 2218—Andrew Anson, Jr„ 0„ R1, 2217- Leonard Anderson Bootes, B2, X. 2218 Paul Joseph. Miller, Rl, B,V, 2210- Hubert Fnink Bacon, O. 2220 - *Joint william, Taylor. B2, X. 2221- Chorles Kugoho Sanders, O., Rl, 2222- Artliur Roman Slmowlng, Cl. . 2223 -Charles Raymond Matthews,'X., R2. 2224 -Robert W. Hosglsnd, F. 2225- Lewis William Webster,M., Rl, 2228 John Dwight Taylor, J. 2227— Walter WlWlllS Boyer, J. 2228— Carson Wesley Flccuor, \V„ Rl. 2289—Lloyd Webster Kennedy, ,Y-S. 2230— Carl Everett Plckoring, J. 2231—Donald Francis BreaiinobL J. 2232—Francis D. McDonough, K„ 2238—william Granylllo Wolf, X., R4, 2231 Floyd Mason LcVnllcy, J., 112. 2235- Williams •Albert Bcaklcr, F , 2230 -Edwin Elsa Sizemore, 0. 2237* James Samuel Morrow, 0. 2238 Orplmt .1, Bryah, J., Rl. 2230 - Carl O’NcSI, F, „ 224D*-Jahies Harry Dale, Be. . 2241- Itvrmi William Shields, D„ R2, 2242 Wilbur Edward Frclcr, 0-, Rl. 2243- *Berkley Shore, 0„ RL * 2244- John Milan Rlddlson, 1)., R9. 8245- Virgil K. Browning, F. 3240—'Lowls Newton Wright, J. 2247-"Lawson Williams'Reid, J, 2248- Robert Leroy Chaner, J, 2240- Orville Leroy Lee, J. 2250 Carl Henry Fischer,4O, ■" 2251 ...............Thomas A. MacAlllstcr, Y, 8. .2252 Dmujld James Kelley, O. 2258- George Wllllard Sutton, 0„ RL 2254- Glenn C. Oakley, O. 2235- Herbert Snead, !>., R8. 2250-- Raymond Halier \Vliltmcy, O, 2257—Jamiis-WllliamWolf, X„ Rft, - 2258—Paul Edgar McCorkelf, C«., Rft. • 2259—William Willis RulSn, 0., Rl. 2280— Leslie Harold Moore, 0„ RL 2281— David Waldron Sallume, Y.S. 2262—Robert CleOh ’Shellabargcr, D„ R8. 2280 228L- 2282- 2283 2203 ................. -Paul Gustavo Karnath, I)., R8. 2204 - Frederick Lolita Itlcble, I). . 2205 -Lawrence Denver Rogers, C0„ RL 2200---Harold Frederick Hess, I)., R8. 2207 -Leonard Gels, Y.S., Rl. 220ft-Kslet Franklin Lnrrlck, I)., Bo* 191,R2 2200 - Ilerdiui Gayle Richey, W„ Bl. 2270 •-Cheater Rothwell, X., R1. 2271—Andrew Earl DoMent, Cl. ’ 2272- Charles Edward Olt, S.V,, Rl. 2273 -John Harold Zimmer, F. 2274 '-Kcnueth Delno Walters, Cl, 2275—-Allen Learoy Fields, X„ 112. 2278—Glenn Robert filney. X., Rl. 2277— Wllllard W. Fannin, F. 2278- *-Jacob Peter Kern, D., R8. 2270...lllehard Loon Smith, J. Bert Edgar Jacks, J., Ill, Wllllani Wilcox Alford, Y.S. Clnrenco Gilbert Patton, HI, Y.S. .Harold Kphrlom Lee, Y.S. 2284—tieorge Parker Hill, O . 2285- “James Harmon' Andreas, Sr., R2. D, 2280 Frank Miller, Itl, Y.S. ■2287..Raymond Hoover, Rl, J. 2288- John Jasper Michael, Rl, W, 2280 -Howard Forllon Poland,- Rl, O, 2290 William Henderson Palmer, Rl, W. 2291 ...............Robert Foster Shaw, Y.S. - 2292 Charles Lewis Kavanagh, R2, Ce, 2293—Donald Frederick Morgan, R4, .XI 2291: Lester Clay Cyphers, X, • 2295 Homer Tennis Garver, O, ■ 2290 Vergil Peter Lewla, HI, Y.S. "H297-- Virgil Leroy Cline, H2, J. 2208 Robert Edward Whittington, R2, X, Carl Klmer.Wolf, A. Leonard Craig, Rft, D, >Ulton Eugene Gearhart, R4, X, Paul Charles Foray, Y.S. Robert Klngstoy Perry, Y.S, James Herbert Boydeii, V. ..... J.loyd XvaMM,..CaUyra R4, X, 2306—Charles Seth Batiln, Y.8. 23(7—Asa -Martin VuUamore, Rl, <1. 28(8—WilliamNelson Clark, Cl.* 2209 2300 2301 2302- 2303* 23(4 2305 2300—Francis Devjjo Jones, R2, X. 2310 -Jnljn Derwood Karns, R8, D, 23U -Clifford Leroy Gray, R8, D. 2312 Harry Clinton Mosmnan,,Ill, Jv 2313 .................Nolan William Hettinger, J, 2314 Richard ‘Allen ntldorhrand, J. 2315 Georgo Edward Slnm, R4, X, 2310..Robert l,eer Ford, J. 23.17- -Herman Ralph Brown, B2, J. 2318- -George Woodrow Potter, R2, J.* 2319- William Donald Guthrie; III, J. 2320- -Donald Ellsworth Fudge, R2, J, 2 3 2 1 Virgil Albortle Uaughey, Bo. 2322 - Gporgo Kenueth Heinz, Rib J .' -2323 - 'John Byron Antrim, F. ' 2324- Ralph Wayne Bull, R4, X. 2325 23211 2327- 2328 2329 John Amlrew'Werncr, Jr., Be, * -Rlelmtond Cllaao Hubbard, Y.S, -William Arthur Erhaugh, Y.S. . Glenn Baynard, Rl, X, John William Fudge, Rft; X,\ . 2380*James Evcrctlo Miller, Rl, S.V. 2331 -Kenneth A. Moore, R9, D, 2332 -Adolph Reusaenzehr, F. 2333—Lamarr L. Patton, F, 2334* llkrold Lee Hahn, Y.S'. 2335“ Sherman Lament. Holland, Rl, S.V. 233(5—John William Sbeeley, Rt, Cc. . 2337* -Ira Ben Shadley, R2, J. 2338 - Harold Shaw Dobbins, Rft, Ce. 2339--Leroy Bttrlen Shaw, Ce, 2340*--CliarleaEllsworth Stewart, R8;P„ 2341 - tionnle Ray Merry, 0. 2842- Jesse. Sanford Burgess, O. 2343 - Edward Ro«s Patterson, J. 2344- Robert Know Kennedy, R5, X. 2345 Jessie Bernard Coy, Bl, Y,8, 23)0 KaH Clemmei* Spshr, 0. 2347 Ervin Tbotrta* Bridges; R), O. 2348 AHhur Elvln Jenkins, O, 2340- Albert Asa Burden, O. 2350 --Mas Lee Jenks, J, 2351- Thomas Robert Conner, 0. . '2352—Waller. Finley Jenks, Rl, f. 2838—Haney Newman, Rt, j, 8854—Chester perry Learnt, J,, Rft » if gt. 1 <1