The Cedarville Herald, Volume 64, Numbers 27-52

iflM A P u y i' — mjMtL i m u j , m m m m m ml nma . a a > t f ^ a ^ & 3 3 ? q e 1 1 WVn,jf«.^«...,>.... t h e c i d a i y i l l e h i a a y o i » y M m # _____ . __ M>rTO* a n d i w a p i jt/fttat*i "titeemptetee EjKV^Mia t ^^fjggg Mkffftd * t Ife# Fort O A e t, Cadjurvftl#, Ohio, OoteW I I , 1M7, M imku ^ c I m « m*tUr. ■ Friday, Saptembar 19,1941 W H AT HAVE A A A C O lfM IT T E ilit ll TO 1A T H ow that Saarotwqr Mor**nthau hjut ia a public speech ad a l « f aft gvfew oh farm prod oaadi to hava BtilWotti o f buahel* o f Canadiaa wheat imported voeatad oeotr iucts and #v*n threat* duty fre t t o hold down the price o f wheat in thin country and it* relative a ffect 0* ether food products, fartners are wonder- in s just what the attitude o f th e loca l representatives o f the N ew Ilea l Commnnists ip Greene county haye to say? In air much as the County AA A Committee composed o f Messrs, Masson, IhwPbb# and Eavey, is considered, they are the officia l sp o i«dn *a o f the administration ip Washington and fo rced t o c a n y out orders'whether they are approved by the loca l farm ers or n o t Certainly Greene county farmers have a right tp know their views and whether they are to stand by their neighbor farmers or bow to the w ill o f the bureaucrats that are determined to regiment all branches o f agriculture as they do in Russia and Germany, Mr. Morganthau was speaking officia lly fo r the Hew Deal administration claim ing that higher prices on farm products means inflation that would ruin the nation. He d id not mention the high p rices o f organized lab o r ; manufactured products from feed to farm machinery and commodities needed in the home. He did not mention that farmers w ill foe compelled to pay more fo r gasoline fo r the farm tractor and a much higher price fo r his automobile whether it is 'a . new car or a used car. Morganthau did not mention the fa c t that while farmers are receiving some.higher prices fo r farm products that the average ■increase on every thing he purchases is 17 per Cent more than the percentage increase in everything he has to sell, including -what are known as benefit payments. W e have been asked numerous tim es the past few days how Messrs; Mason, Bradfute and Eavey stand/on duty free wheat to whip' the American farm er into accepting a low price fo r his .wheat, even wheat in government storage under govern­ ment loan. *- • * / Mr; Bradfute has always-been regarded a Democrat o f the free trade school and has been, a candidate at times on that ticket fo r public o ffice .. Messrs. Mason and Eavey have been listed as Republicans, the latter at one time was elected county commissioner on the Republican ticket. th e question before Grepne county farmers at present and one they are discussing, daily is whether these three approve or disapprove o f the Morganthau proposal? w h a t p a r t w i l l c h u r c h m e m b e r s t a k e ? ; The fa c t that, the present national administration has en­ gaged, in an “ undeclared war’V the very thing H itler has been guilty o f from the standpoint o f International law and the ig ­ noring o f congress on this question as required by. the Consti­ tu tion , has begun to reach into religious Circles and leaders are wondering if we are not taking steps that w ill mean a religious w ar not on ly on this side o f the Atlantic but over the entire world. . No administration since the foundation o f the Republic has as many infidels, athiests.and follow ers o f the godless as has the New Deal. This is se lf evident from the fa ct that Com­ munists are in places o f authority and Communism has no place fo r religion , religious loaders or the Christian Church, whether it. he Protestant, Catholic or Jew. Communism in Russia under •Stalin has. lead to the assassination o f hundreds and hundreds o f- church leaders o f a ll faiths and the destruction, o f thpusnds o f church buildings. I t is little Wonder then that the New Deal w ould lend the Soviet government $100,000,000 this week to carry on her war. Church leaders on this side are beginning to wonder also if thisj s the next in our war program as there is little or no difference between the Nazi or Communistic form o f government and no difference between H itler and Stalin on religdus views. A movement has been set in motion in Ohio under the di- . rection o f Rev. B. F. Lamb, Toledo, o f the Ohio Council o f Churches, that the religious organizations o f all faiths should participate in religious education work during the week o f Sept. 28 to Oct. 5th. It is agreed in all quarters, excep t that o f the war mongers and their satillites, the. attention o f God-fearing homes should be called to conditions at present and the evident intention to lead this nation away from not only Christian teachings but .beliefs as w ell and a rejection o f the spirit o f the Prince o f Peace. The war movement in thi&_country has convinced many religious leaders that m ore is at stake at home than winning o f any foreign war and that Christ|an education can continue to bring about a harvest fo r the up-building o f the Kingdom, only by keeping public sentiment centered bn this effort. I t is 8 obi fo r this purpose that Dr; Lamb urges servance o f the cam­ paign fo r Christian Education, that it cbnnot be submerged in resentntion under a banner the whirlpool o f deceit and m isrep o f so-called "defense.” — E OTtKCOATt S W I S H A S H A S „ M **?•, LaMs** Wrtet ami PMkst Watefcss AMS up. RaStaf, « list>tHH< ItM m * AMS Up I S R I A N I A F F M E *S W . Mats a t Sprlugfiild, o . OPEN EVENING* Returned From Vacation M L 6E0. A. SMITH D E N T A L S U R G E O N AS4 M lteh.Il B U g * gpri*gfi«M , Q . fttatfc 4*M (Day er N ight) Bally Offlea B a n s A A . M . te S P . M. A t Dawn Town O fice (Coma to my raaidttkca offtea evening*, Sunday*, Holiday* only) MHthmMun t amsowdevotingall my time to my Xenia offlea. DR. IRVIN a HYMAN Foot Specialist * * » TREATING A LL AILMENTS OF Oyaft daily—AAM . to S:A« P. M. Evening Hours, This, Thors., Sat. 19 Allan * ' e m . P teueS f BMf. | i*W LAMM F l i t 0ffk*-~lMnSfil-W Xenia,O. IF YOU NEED PRINTING, DROP IN Tim Die* eemmittos ha* proporly tagged Lean Henderson. the Roosevelt price fixer, u a Communist, along With, a Jot o f other appointees in vari­ ous departments. The Agricultural Department is fu ll o f Russian Com­ munists, minus the whisker*. "West­ brook Pegler, columnist, takes the hide off .Henderson in hi* Monday last letter because the “price-fixer" In the New Deal ranks, had attacked Con­ gressman D ies, a Texas congressman. Pegler say# no one care* what Hen­ derson thinks o f Dies, that is not the issue. He says Henderson is one o f the “pink-whiskered" hoys without the facial growth known as a badge of one hundred per cent Communism in Russia. I f D ies had said so and so was a Nazi; Henderson and. Ickes would have shouted long and loud. Pegler should look up the list o f Com­ munists in the A g , Department run­ ning the .AAA show. He should dig deep and inform the public who it was sold Roosevelt the Russian farm con­ trol plan. The Iowian never wore whiskers but his fraternalism with the Soviet followers spoke louder than words. » 'Ohio citizens, at least those who have not been put on the government payroll fo r peddling Communism or defense in one forjm or another, prob­ ably were ju st a bit shocked when they read last week that the whob state o f Ohio would he put in' jail just because the state owned land produced a few bushels o f wheat more than the Roosevelt Communists in the Ag. Department had decreed. I t made no difference whether .the wheat was grown-for flour to feed the unfortun­ ate old folks in state institutions, th< boys and girls as wards o f the state or the men in prison. The state had broken one o f Russia’s best known laws, the famous or infamous wheat quota, and the Taxpayers must pay the RooSevelters 49c a bushel for the excess or all go to jail. W e are In­ formed out .at Delphi, Ind., the home o f Secretary Wickard, the wheat pro­ testors have a slogan o f their owii for the county. “ To H------- W ith the A A A ." |The county commissioners, Democratic, kicked the Communistic A A A enforcers out o f the court house and into the, street, W e also get a line on W ickard- as a farmer. He measures up to the Ohio standard required to enforce the A A A , decrees formulated irt Washington by a Rus­ sian Jew and passed, on in this coun­ try by Messrs. Mason, Bradfute and Eav*y~’ 'V~ fiC* . Commenting politically on the A A A it is the underhand vehicle for selling the Roosevelt-King George war to the farmers in the nation. Instead o f us­ ing the term “w ar" the cuties in Washington that" chum out the pres* matter use the term “defense." Every A A A committeeman is looked upon by the administration as one o f the spokes in the wheel to sell the war in an undercover way. We would not be surprised some o f these days to ^iear o f some* o f these county boys ^getting so excited over the Roosevelt war they will offer their sons as vol­ unteers in the name o f “defense.” A Democratic farmer, one who says he has never yet voted Republican, but promises his neighbors in good old Democratic Mercer county, to get on the other side o f next time, has about the best political solution o f the A A A We have heard. H e says there is no longer a Republican or a Demo­ cratic party in this country as we once kflew these organizations. He thinks probably we may have one more nom­ ination made by each but either the Communists will Control the Democra­ tic convention, as they did the last, or completely wipe out the party fo l­ lowers o f the donkey. He says the New Deal is the flagship and the A A A the tail piece o f the Communistic movement to send American boys to Russia to fight in “ Bloody" Joe Sta­ lin’s army. " In discussing what Indiana farmers are doing where land is rented for cash or grain rent we find that the A A A is forcing land owners to in­ crease all cash rents probably a t a point where they Will be few takers. We are told those renting “ fifty -fifty" for grain are compelled to pay great­ ly increased sums for “ privileges” from one dollar to two dollars an acre. In some instances tlie land owners are demanding fifty per cent o f all government payments from renters as “privileges." A local land owner says he has informed hi* tenant that if he insists on signing another year for A A A , he must look for another farm . Wendell W fllkie, water hoy for the New Deal, besides defending the mo­ tion picture titereStl? against the charge o f creating a war fever among the people, is out with a statement that he is going to purge both Demo­ cratic and Republican parties o f a ll candidates for’congress and the senate that are not with Roosevelt and King George in keeping up the European war. .That is a big order for the de­ feated presidential candidate that tried to slip into the White House by the back-door route. Wiltkie is the W all 'Street messenger to the Whit* Hofit* to keep Franklin D . in proper tun* jtf wtat lbfloats the Pattern la Used «r juarny. It k rsutly reported that Willkie is to he paid WMMO faea for defending the issofiou pi^?tm^e iutss^oet^i before a eoi.- greasional cownu'tt**. S3*E COLLEGE NEWS Wh.t ha. km a . of th. » . D>- v is" that figured some d*yV b**k in * congressional committee hearing e f a crooked re*l estate deal' that had been set up in New D ea l’circle* in Washington? Being an Ohio citisen, “Mr. D avis" is an attorney, Democra­ tic loader, and potential candidate fo r governor next year? The Daveycrats are just waiting their opportunity ac­ cording to a Greene county Demo­ cratic lead er.'H e promises the “ lid” w ill be lifted it Mr. “D avis" ever en­ ters the next state primary. , A Greene county farmer residing in the Eastern section solved the AAA wheat quota we are told,- He had moiV wheat than the A A A quote perihittod. A'neighbor did not have the amount he was entitled, to , Two truck loads were sent to the elevator in the name o f the neighbor. The crop was sold. The farmers divided the money, Boot-, legging liquor waa legal under the New Deal, so why not wheat? And yet the A A A says you cannot feed the overage wheat even to the wife's chickens,. The committee should get out of the swivel chairs and find out what is going on'even in Greene coun­ ty . ’ •The New Deal newspapers have little time to consider Republican opposition backed by about 80 per cent o f the people against the Roosevelt war sell­ out. The New Dealers have such senators as Wheeler, Byrd,. W alsh, Reynolds and a lot of others that;are not ■willing to b e branded ■“rubber stamps” to: cover " n crooked-war con­ tracts that provide millions in profit to Democratic •politicians. Just last week it developed in Washington that ■a number o f Ohio manufacturers seek­ ing sub-war contracts -were informed they would haVO to pay. certain politi­ cians a commission to get any war* business. From another angle .Republicans read with interest that Roosevelt has ordered the release of more men from the army after a twelve month's serv­ ice than was asked for in the recent legislation. Sen. Taft suggested that if the New Deal would not stand by its promise o f only 12 months service, it should be eighteen months. The war department Wanted two years or more, if not the army Would go to pot.' The law was passed fixing 1& months as. the lim it, now Roosevelt orders those coming in under the 12-montK plan released after^Serving f o u r t e e n months. The .New Dealers have been hearing from the -folks back home. Every eongrmmlianxsg&triteM^f.poli­ tics, that demanded the nation stand by its promise o f twelve month’s serv­ ice In the army, and" voted that" way, has been vindicated by Roospvelt’s ac­ tion in ordering the time cut to four­ teen months. The war and navy de­ partment said anything lets than two years would cripple the war program and create disturbances in the ranks, A presidential decree o f fourteen months will or will not create such a condition. What say you? One o f the topics being discussed in all circles today is the attitude of government office holders, Democratic and New Deal politicians, as well as Communists, towards the Roosevelt war program. A ll are for war just so long ns none f their relatives are drafted. I f so how can they get their boys in an office job in Washington or behind the ‘ lines? So fa r -a s ,we have ever heard ndt a sihgle Democrat or New Deal office holder from post­ masters down to the A A A township cotfimitteemen have offered to volun­ teer in this great cause for “ demo­ cracy," or ^ven offered a son for the cause, The public is taking stock on the attitude o f the administration group. W e can name a number of Democrats in this county with sons of draft age that have tried to find soft spots in the class long filled by the Roosevelt boys, W AR TA X ON PHONE AND BULBS— NONE ON BEER The last New Deal war tax bill will add much to the cost of living of the highest to the lowest beside great­ ly increased income taxes, Bus, train and boat fares are taxed 5 per cent} telephone hills 5 per cent tax on total; radio, musical instru­ ments fo r the boy pM p rl in school, cameras, will oost tfi wpr cent more tax; matches, 2 -o t o t ^ a thousand; electric light bulbs iffrffjr cent, In as much as we are payftijf fo r both war and defense,‘this latter the d8,000 oi^ A A A s*!a?y» y l« sa iR «ongh up the next taxes,' However the New Deal was considerate— no new tax on beer, I,o«t~-Ladi«s grid wrist watch, E i­ ght, gold M l* te s te three weeks ago ifi Mrs. Clayton McMillan. REPUBLICAN WOMEN TO MEET The Creto* County Republican worn- to l, organization Will meet in the common pleas court room, Court House, Monday, September 20, at 8 p. m. The meeting, originally plannfted for September 22, was postponed one week due to a meeting of the state Republican women's organisation in Columbus next Monday. * The Cejarville College Cenvosatios service-opened the forma! religious activities fo r the forty-eighth aassteu o f the college on Sunday evening, Sep terober 14, President W alter S . K il­ patrick delivered the sermon. He was assisted in the service by Dr. F . A . J irk st, The Coilyg* Mixed Chorus nude its dehut under the directorship o f Mr. Oscar Haupt* B . Mu*., M . A ./ Springfield. They were accompanied by Mias Jean Ferguson and the church organist, Mrs. Rankin McMillan. Various elections have been held during the week throughout the col­ lege .as classes, dubs, and other pro­ jects- are being organized. Class offi­ cers were elected during the assembly period on. Tuesday. They are as fo l­ low s; . . . . . . . Sepiop.ClaasT-President, Bob Guth­ rie; Vice President, Clayton Wiseman; Secretary-Treasurer, Velma Hender­ son. . . ,. Junior Class—President, Lee M iller; Vice President, Dorothy Bogenrife; Secretary-Treasurer, Bea O'Bryant. Sophomore Class— President, Hank Campbell; Vico President, Hal Guth­ rie; Secretary-Treasurer, Ruth An­ drews, Freshmhn Class—President, Paul Stoneburner; Vice President, Jean Ferguson; Secretary^Treasurer, Ra­ chel Neal. In the Student Body election, Bob Guthrie was elected to the presidency, and Velma Henderson was selected as the Secretary-Treasurer. The following is the. result o f the Whispering Cedars Staff election: . f Editor, Allen Craig; Society Editors, Bea Q'Rryant, Hal Guthrie;. Sports Editor," Bob Allen; A rt Editor Laurel D iltz; Business Manager and.Treas­ urer,. Harry Stoneburner. The Whispering Cedars is the col­ lege newspaper which contains college news, students opinions, sport articles, and other items o f interest to .college students. It is a weekly publication. Bea Collier has been elected house president at the Girls’ Dormitory. There are .twelve girls living at the dorm besides Miss Niestrath who is a faculty member and also dormitory supervisor. . . . . / tm u frm m + m i The Y . W . C. A . and the Y , M . Q.; A . held their respective organiza­ tion meetings on Wednesday forenoon. Plans were discussed for the coming year and various idea* expressed as to bettering the meetings and actiyl- ,ties o f the organizations, Members were enrolled with the hope for 10052 membership in the entire school. Y> W . ’C A officer* are: | President, Orsadee Stewart; Vice, itfresiefent, B e* Collier; Sectetary- ^rsWsurer,' Marion Muller; program chaitnan, Bea Collier; Social Chair­ man, Helen O’Bryant. Y . M . C. A . officers are: President, Clayton Wiseman; Vice President, Lee M iller; Secretary- Treasurer, Hank Campbell; Program lfsivya Dowries, Ra^ Hussey, BUsa Drew come to tha State Thea­ ter on Friday to Columbia’s “Oar Wife;" a John M- Stahl produo- tlon praised by preview audience* as “the most exciting trlaof >that. ever made a guy run to Ci.clesi". Douglas, the “guy" to the «**#,•’ is seea as a brilliant muaiclen who doesn’t even know he la the main prize in a romantic contest between his co-star*. Miss Hussey, abandoning her hitherto sedate and dignified screen characteri­ sations, appears as a coldly scien­ tific young "woman whose inter­ est in romance ha* been practical­ ly nil , , . until she fall# to lOTOi An amateur in the fine art of manhunting, ’ she pits her brain**, -against the more positive *iura-( ment* employed by the curvacbm*' Miss Drew, only to learn with and-', den and starUing.rapidity It’s not a woman's brains- that cause a man to yell: “uncle!" v Armed with this knowledge and? awake to her own beauty, she does her best to adapt the techni­ ques used against her by the wilier, wiser Miss Drew. The battle royal* thereupon precipitated Is Said to provide the complications and the entertainment.which makes “Our, Wife" the top fun show; , Unwitting victim of ,tbe free-for-’ all, Douglas first Is .seen as a *young hand leader who loses.his gold-digging wife and his luck at the same time. When his divorce Is about to become final, he meet# a girl who inspires him to try again. ,Mls 3 Drew la cast as the wife; Mias HuBaey as the inspir­ ation. ; John Hubbard, last seen In “She Knew All the' Answers,” and Charles Coburn, of “Devil and Miss Jones” fame, are important mem­ bers'of the supporting cast; ' - , Chairman, Layden W ilson; Chairman, John Reinhard, Arrange Now Seeding Time 500 Bu. Trumbull Seed Wheat , W a s b e e n r e - c l e a n e d * i 00 Bu. Thome Seed Wheat ALSO BEEN RE-CLEANED ORDERS AND DELIVERY TAKEN TO SUIT YOUR WANTS FRANK CRISWELL * Smew# md tiV iy T "* * • * cntee jMgrMmt. Ise as ter jpJap*.Of* darvifiefederalfswheg*AIssueAsse * nwp te »tewr if* TV frit AMD rg»fctird«j TwfnTJtrfH Uejel ^PrivateNurse* J PAY# 9 «TAItT# p t ’t t e in to SPRIUCFIELI e&nd E n j o y ci ■ G O O D SHOW ! Social The first college dance o f the cur­ year was held Thursday evening at the gymnasium,. It was an informal . “ Summer Sport Stomp" which was sponsored by the senior class, Prior to the dance, the senior class and friends held a hamburger fry in the cliffs, ' 4Zp, ’ Fri. .•epfc 19 ilR'CONDmoNFt The Y . W . C. A , Welcome Tea was held at the dorm Tuesday evening at four o’clock. Bea Collier, program chairman -and vice-president, acted as mistress o f ceremonies daring the pro- grain pHcedmg- the tea. Y . W - C ..A , President Orsadee Stewart gave the welcome address. Music, at the piano, by Betty Ervin and, on the bass vinl, by Jean Ferguson and readings by; Miss Glenns Basore Comprised an en­ joyable program after which tea and cakes were served M elvyn Douglas “Onr Wife” With " Ruth Hussey M u d i o f fist 2 Smash Hits! U«»P** *> “Whistling In The Dark” with the New Star, Red Skelton —Plus— “ For Beauty’* Sake” . With Lola U rn •un, [«ept> 11 . f #lfl Hits “Outlaws of OhsrokSs Traliv .and Misehs Ausr -“CrSeked Nuts" - Mce, Tusa Always a Bsttsr •how In .Cptthgftstd ,?fv. tv WE PAY CASH FOR THE FOLLOWING Fence Wire. . $ 9.00 per net ton (2000 Ibe.) Old Black Sheet Iron . . $10.00 per net ton (2000 lbs.) Galvanized Iron $ 7.00 per netton (2000 lbs.) Delivered Our Yard, South Burnett Road and Big 4 Railroad Kasle Steel Compressing Co* Phoe 1740 . Springfield, OMo us sad aaalv i , S e s m ls r i ^ i a l Bariags A Lt Mr. ar.-j a* tfe jr di and Mrs. 8 . Vienna; mon, Miss P Ehtokle, <cf ( evening call* -S C R E E N - SleyAnd bab Columbus; 1 D ickie; Mr. end daughte; w t and Mr, and gtRTS brook, i T f e r l U D a ) vatcNuri Mr, and Akron, Ohm, Clayton Me The Kens luncheon m home o f Mrs Misses Pa and Ruth Lei] leyan ,Servic<| at the Nelso Mr. and M] reside in the cothe flowers that attractiveness,1 and Mrs. Pic some thirty Mr. Pickel w the #O. S. & learned lands tion of flower spring from CIVIC CLUB! eater Movie son Is Here MORT5-OR It has been clubs urge a o f Hallowe’en the custom in things have that parents objection -can celebration co night but in several night •last year was order, where course damagi tolerated and viliage'official and order. Miss Anna Ohio is visit: -M iss Anabell Mr- and Mr on a vacation in Michigan, F w ig a t in godd ’eond ^J«kyll \ and j Hyde” ; S tarring [fencer Tracy W ith [grid Bergman Melvyn Hougl as JnrVife With luth Hussey “* March he Dark” ! the New Stas d Skelton , -Plus— >rBeauty’ s : Sake” ;h Lola Laiie 2 »|0 Hits, “Outlaws of Cherokee Ti and Mlscha Ausr “ Crsoked Nuts" 100 lbs 100 lbs Road * 8 4' *>