The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

( i f - . ; i ^ urn**, wsmmm**. m. ^gwywgljl.iliHlhlwm Ii*iuinaftwihiin>ni gMgJUWS^m IP iAl|l^ggB^8g^%ll|l>i' 3 ® S A B . V IS ,I I I H I S . A L D AS® FXJBiaSHim ,V tM P ffk— >f|#»j<. 4MM>1 4 ^n U wiig tyir AM*9-i I#**! Y«lKijr W*m A n w l~r" « s second cleat matter, , H o T em b e r 2 8 , X94X DEALERS NON-COMMITTAL Tim New D*sL*fe* pint dome” Is beginning to boil over as is evidenced by the suit o f form er Democratic- Congressman »f O'* ‘ Charles West o hio, against the Empire Ordnance C o „ New York, f o r fees due him amounting to nearly $700,000 as agent in securing $70,000,000 worth o f war material contracts in the Roosevelt-Ghurchill-Staiin war program that is said to be mak­ ing 10,000 new millionaires in so-called Democratic ranks each year. ■ , . A ll lines o f business management knows that a fifteen per cent commission paid to some New Dealer as agent can land rich juicy 100 per cent profit contracts and that bidding is but a blind, the government giving out contracts on the plea that only certain companies, with 15 % agents, can get the business, Legitimate business as well as small business has little, or no chance fo get an order from the New Dealers, West has held numerous New Deal government jobs only to be pushed here and there but Roosevelt always kept him in the $10,000-a-year salary bracket. West’s record in Con­ gress while short in duration due to the voters not returning him, was. active but always the “ Friday-man” fo r the White House. He has been known while out o f Congress .as the “ liaison man” fo r Roosevelt, a term Webster gives several defi­ nitions and you can select the one you’ think applies in this situation. In the suit West claims he was to have a monthly draw­ ing advance o f $1,000 and he acknowledges receiving such for each o f three months along with, other fees that amounted to $13,000, The contract started in March last, which would indicate West has been fairly deep in the Roosevelt war gravy to that extent. His suit is fo r the balance of the $700,000. Meantime the sheriff is selling out'the West home in Kenwood, Md., at public auction to satisfy a judgment o f $2781 to satisfy a claim o f William A. Julian o f Cincinnati, Democrat treasurer of. the United State's. West is but one o f several hundred Democrats that have enriched themselves at the expense o f the Roosevelt war. Money has been thrown away right and left in every depart­ ment from the White House down. It is claimed, and not de­ nied, that Roosevelt has spent more o f thd-tax payer’s money fo r special trains back and forth to Hy'de Park than all other presidents of the United States from Washington down to date, Meantime the Ne>v York Times warns.all those on salary that will come within the new low income group to begin today saving to be ready to pay their income tax next March as in thousands .of" cases the government will take as much as 17 per cent o f your income to pay only a fraction o f the cost of the Roosevelt war. * A $700,000 fee on war contracts may be regarded as “ rich . picking” but when you consider thousands o f Democrats have been put in w ar1positions at fancy salaries the sum will total many millions. W e have a recent example in this county when the Democrat probate judge drawing some $300 a month through the county treasurer as salary and also given a “ posi­ tion” in the war department at Fairfield under the title of “ captain” at a salary o f $450 a month with $75 a month for subsistence. Judge Henrie is now drawing in excess o f $800 a month, in a slacker’s swivel chair while the sons o f Demo cratic families in the county receive the measly sum of $21 a month to sleep in the mud and,fight' mosquitoes in the southern swamps. The. W est and Henrie incidents are but two o f hundreds- o f such cases that might be mentioned in connection with the Roosevelt war. However, you will not read a word o f comment in the Democratic press o f what is going on in the New Deal process o f wasting the taxpayer’s dollar. A tax payer’s suit in the Greene county courts to stop payment o f Judge Henrie’s salary is worth consideration by all citizens. Greene county at­ torney’s are at a standstill in handling probate court cases as they should fye while the Judge, who is o f draft age, swings in a government swivel chair on the Fairfield government res­ ervation. . ' . WAR RECORD OF TWO FAMOUS FAMILIES H ereis something you will not find in the Democratic press that continues to sell the Roosevelt-Stalin w a r : Theodore Roosevelt, served in the Spanish-American war at the front with distinction. . JThree sons served in the World W ar; Quentin died while fighting in the air over Germany. Theodore Jr., was twice wounded in the same war in France and a third son, Kermit, wounded in active combat in front line trenches in France. Franklin D. Roosevelt served as Assistant Secretary o f the Navy with an office in Washington under appointment of- Woodrow Wilson. Wanted to fight the whole world at that time and had to be silenced by the Chief Executive. Four sons are “ fighting fo r Democracy” behind the lines in this country, under titles given them by their parent and stationed in ranks unearned by service or merit, James has traveled at government expense by air almost around the globe evidently looking fo r new places to foment or expafid the war. Capt. Elliott started out ask gasoline inspector at Wright field and had to be transferred due to snubs by those under and over him. His “ Captainship” was a gift o f his pap, John and Frank­ lin, Jr., each have places of distinction in the army or navy service, but. not subject to even bad weather service and all drawing princely salaries. Elliott while iii this county drew better than $500 rf mohth. Mamma Roosevelt has left the White House kitchen to serve under Mayor LaGuardia to sell the European mess to the American people. You can make your own comparison and your own opinion which o f the two Roosevelt families havp served their country, even as did your grandfathers in the Revolutionary war, the Civil War,, the Spanish-American war or those who served in the WorhT War front ranks without a White House family decoration. I f you should be guided by your conscience and ignore the present White House tribe o f Roosevelts you may be branded by the Democratic press as pro-Nazi. You are not supposed to express yourself in public under the present form o f “ Democracy” as the Democrats took the liberty against Herbert Hoover. It is just hard fo r some Democrats to take it. trttation to Kiud pwjNMPmd*, «f whiefc everything non-Roo*»r*It 1c termed In these ttmee. We have received an interesting let­ ter from W , W. Galloway, who ia traveling through the south for the Bauer Manufacturing Co., Springfield, calling on the paper mill trade. He encloses interesting editorials from the Columbia, S. G., Becord. One editorial comments on the city’s need o f PWA for extension pf the city waterworks. It seems the nearby city of Sparten- burg, has a $110,000 grant for its system. The Becord says "’politics rather than logic seems to govern these things,” a charge that certainly must bet'rue in public comment over the manner in which one southern Democratic city is able to milk the public treasury in Washington over another Democratic city, even a neighbor. Mr. Galloway writes o f his experi­ ence in southern cities, where they have the “ black-out” each night. How­ ever the darkness o f sight is not for fear o f Hitler dropping bombs as Mayor LaGuardia o f New York City preaches, but the. “ rain-maker” has laid down on the job, so to spekk. The south: is dependent on the socialistic plan of TVA supply for electric pow­ er in mbst towns and cities. The'south has been over looked by the weather man in the way-of rainfall for several months and-thus the river water sup­ ply that feeds the great socialistic turbins at Muscle Shoals and other power dams hus forced a reduction in electric production. Mr. Galloway says department stores ' are using gasoline lamps to light their windows at night. There are no boulevard lights in cities. No reading lamps in hotel rooms. The situation is much on the pattern o f can happen here” . .Three years ago when the writer visited the TVA plant at Flor­ ence, Ala., only part o f the turbins could be used owing, to low water, all of which reminded us o f the local ex­ perience when local citizens depended on electrical power from the Little Miami river plant at Clifton. In the summer time water was low and in the winter time ice would stop the flow of water at the dam and the lights would be almost below the- reading stage. Who is there that would want to trade the present Day- ton Power & Light Co. service for what we had then or whivt they have now in the south with hundreds of millions of dollars o f the tax payer’s money tied up in a nan-profitable investment? Alabama Poweir & Light and Florida Power and Light invest­ ments, privately owned by thousands of stockholders is profitable. Sections having this service now have light and power' just as we have here from a plant that is operated as a successful investment against a socialistic poli­ tical investment in power dams with­ out water and no control over. the “ rain-maker." While Roosevelt swears over the Time incident what about the public ’ health report that the seat o f the American government has the largest ‘ per cent o f draftees afflicted with one or more o f two types o f social disease than any city in the country? The report lists the Capitol with some 140 victims to the 1,000 which exceeds New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadel­ phia, San Francisco, as well as other large‘ cities.- While the Chief Execu tive has his branding iron out he might give the nation some light o. what examiners for the draft board, discover. He might also discuss wit the public the great increase in num bers o f such cases in army cam,, where Democratic politicians have, leased buildings and sites that are now harboring a class o f degenerates on a commercial scale such as have never been known before. If Time magazine should ever print the list of Democrats, a few congressmen and senators, that lease property in Wash­ ington for houses of ill repute, the ex­ cuse you would get from New Deal circles, “ It is nothing but Nazi pro­ paganda.” The editors o f Time maga­ zine probably feel a sense o f respon­ sibility for the truth regardless o f what Roosevelt wants. If Time would uncover a New Year party celebration at the White House, what would *be exposed ? “More Nazi propaganda.” There will be plenty of harvest hands for the 1942 farm crops. Mrs. FDR, who months ago advocated the draft­ ing young girls for defense duty, now proposes a “ Women's Land Army” to help harvest next year's crops; She wants to term the feminine army '‘Farmerettes” to take the place -of young farm hands that must go to the army or engage in industrial defense, work,! The /First Lady says there is no question- o f the need of women in the fields next year. Here is a chance for Messrs. Mason and Brad- fute to give aid to the farm program by starting aenlistment of farm girls and women for field duty. Certainly farmers that delegate the New Deal to run their farms would trust their daughters to Mrs. Roosevelt's new type of army. One of the features pf the suits of numerous farmers in Union and Stark counties, with similar suits to be filed in some twenty counties, is that the jasis of the suit is against AAA mem­ bers, following the argument of the Njew Deal attorney before Judge Rob­ ert Nevin in'U . S. Court in Dayton, when 'hearing similar suits against Secretary Wickard and asking injunc­ tion against collection o f the 49c pen­ alty on wheat under the AAA. WE HAVE ROUNDED ANOTHER MILESTONE With this issue the Herald enters upon its sixty-fifth year after continuous publication since it .was founded in 1877. From the latter date to April 1899 the Herald had a number of own­ ers in the twenty-two year§*being known as “ The Enterprise” ■ the first few years o f its exjptenee. In*April,1899 the Herald was taken over from the late, Rev. S. M. Ramsey by J. Robb i1 Harper and the present publisher, the partnership terminating 1 in 1900, when Mr. Harper joined the Wilmette, 111., school faculty and has- since headed that school system/ to this date. The Herald has been housed in three buildings so far as we have learned. First iii the Newport house neat the Orr build­ ing. Later in a room now used as a dining room o f the Masonic Temple. In 1918 the plant was moved to its present location. Little i f any o f the original plant is in use, the old giving Way fo r the more modem method o f newspaper production and few offices in towns o f this size will excell in mechanical equipment o f the present plant. We have seen Scores o f our business lead­ ers pass to the Great Beyond, just soAvith those in private life, all follow ing the trend as laid ,out by the Master that we eventually are expected to leave the world o f care and respon­ sibility just ft bit better than we found it. With this issue we in this nation face a more''serious, situation than the world has yet experienced, w e still have (faith that it is our duty to “ Keep America f o r Americans” and remain aloft from all European entanglements. When “ Time” magazine praises some New Deal act, the Roosevelt follow­ ers all. get down on their knees in reverence to the “ Great White Father” in the White, House. When you touch on the subject of liquor you are plac­ ing a Thatch under the New Deal pow­ der magazine Jor booze has unlimit­ ed and unchecked flow in the nation’s capital. If it is honor /or an English­ man it is “ Churchill gin”. I f it is Russian it is vodka. If it is honor to a New Dealer it is bourbon, rye, gin, and “ what have you?” The popu­ lar magazine in commenting on the death o f the Chilean president said in part “ Aguirre Cerda had spent more and more time with the red wine he cultivates. Franklin D, Roosevelt, who buried prohibition and brought liquor back in the early days o f his first term, issued a statement this week ,that the article in Time was what he called a “ disgusting lie.” The article promises to be an international topic. Roose­ velt now says the article is but a con- The New Deal attorney held the suits should not have been filed against the Secretary, in a Federal Court but in a state court against the AAA as members o f the AAA County Committee and as individuals, repre­ senting the farmers, who elected them. It is hinted that following an injunc­ tion in county and state .courts will follow suits, against members o f the AAA. for return o f penalties paid and seeking punitive damages. So far not a single county committee nof a fed­ eral action has been instituted against a farmer who refuses to pay the pen alty. Organizations opposing the AAA program have invited both gov­ ernment or committee action but we have heard o f none so far. A TORRID, TROPICAL HOLIDAY! Ninja out of ten farmers you meet we find there is' still much comment over the expulsion o f Herman Eavey as treasurer of the Greene County AAA. To -find one that swallows the olTicial announcement is-like hunting the “ proverbial needle in the hay stack." We have inquired of various sources if such a situation has de veloped in other counties but find so far Greene has the only honor of a treasurer being kicked out under the circumstances. Farmers generally as­ sume the removal was for political reasons only and seenr to be firmly convinced such was tiie case. - T he Carroll -Binder Company 110-112 E. Main, Xenia Telephone 10S Distributors o f HIGH GRADE GASOLINE, KEROSENE, FUEL OIL, DEISEL OIL, TRACTOR AND MOTOR OILS Fast and CourteousTruck ServicetoAll PartsoftheCounty 'For gala—Border Golfie Pupa from working stock. John A. Davis, Cedar- ville, O. AW A lice Faye, John Payne, Cesar Rom ero and Carmen Miranda, aa seen ia their latest technicolor,musical, "W cek-End in Havana. At the Xenia Theater, three days starting Sunday, November 30.. Mayor Frank J. Lausche, newly elected mayor of Cleveland, Democrat, wants Gov. Bricker to turn bis sur­ plus cash in the state treasury over to the “ starving cities” that are knee deep in war prosperity. The Governor does hot scare for the .reason he has the electors in Cleveland, Dayton and other cities behind him when they re­ fuse to vote more taxes on themselves. The Cleveland mayor was elected on his reputation o f breaking the gambling ring in his county. The state 'liquor department has issued a ruling, that slot machines will cost saloons their liquor licenses. We hear now a fund is being raised by some method o f milking slot machine owners and num’ rs wi'itersi to select candidates here.and there tio embarass Governor Bricker,. who they cannot defeat. The Cleveland Mayor should get behind .the Bricker administration. A surplus in any public treasury only annoys a 100 per cent New Dealer. Some time ago a Democratic publisher who has had his fling as a public servant ad- i mitted to the writer:,,“ You must ad-] mit we still are on the spending end j in. Washington, even if we do not know when or where we will land." FARM 4% LOANS | No.application fee. No appraisal! J fee. Refinance your loans at the f I lowest interest rates ever offered. § I McSavaney & Co. London, O. | 1 , Call or Write ‘ | 1 LEON H. KLING Cedarville, 0 .1 § Phone: 6-1901 I qmHIlitllltltlllllllllMHINliWNIIM We pay for HORSES $4.00 COWS $2.00 of size and cond ion Hogs, Sheep, Calves, etc. ■ Removed promptly call XEN IA FERTILIZER PHONE MA. 454 Reverse Charges E» G. Buchsieh, Xenia, Ohio NO HUNTING No hunting will be permitted on the following lands with dog or gun: „ Homer Smith, Mrs: John Kendig, C. A. Hertenstein, Denver Wolfe- James Kennedy, . Dr. Ralph Kennon; Massies Creek Cemetery. _ ■ .41 Keith FJattley, 17, Xenia, and Grant Crow, 19, Detroit, held by Sheriff Spuhr on auto theft, has confessed to two burglaries in Osborn and another at the Log Cabin near Spring Valley.- Flattley is held by juvenile court while Chow is held under $1500 bail, inlbzuredn? shrdlu shrdl shrdl shr Friday AND ^ ^ V B Q S p B P 'S a t u r d a y Twin Thrill Days! SCREEN— “ Married Bachelor” . With f R. H u s s e y R . Young SUN.-MON.-TUES Ali« Foys-CarmenMiranda Jolts Poyse•Cesar Ranter* NEED M0NEY-WE LOAN IT Hjewr Musical Inst.— Clothing--.Tools— Luggage— Fishing Eqt. Etc. UNCALLED FOR ABOVE ARTICLES for sale— Lowest prices- at all times * B&B L0AN OFFICE 65 W. Main 8L Springfield, O. OPEN EVEN INGS . Thurs, , •Nov. 27 1 Win. ' k Powell Myrna Loy , “ Shadow o f the Thin Man’ WRh ‘A»ta’ the dog Frl. NoVv 28 G en e Tierney , In 66S u n d f o i Y n ” With Bruce Cabot from the Sat. Eve. Post Thriller Sat. 2 — b ig hits tNov. it Badlands O f Dakotas Robert Stack -Plus- Over “ M o o n Shoulder’ Her Lynn Ban ■ Sun Nov. 30 n. yso I Buck Jones “ FORBIDDEN TRAIL” — Plus— “ Top Sergeant M n l l i gan ^ w Sun. • * Mon. Tues “W H EN LA D IE S M E E T ” Joan Crawford plus , -S A ILOR S ON l e X v e , A lw ays a Better Show In Spring- field i! -S^SSS*****" McCollister Radio Service Hie Pups Davis, C f g l g ’JB Miss Eleanor .Robert Bardon u guests Sunday o t Mrs, Carrie . was a guest last o f Mr. M. W. ('<. Mrs. Donald J position with M School, Yellow } grapher. Thur , Nov. Miss Maude 11 o y Bpent her Thank?' ^ Her parents, Mr inge. in D,r. and Mrs. daughter, Marth: spent Thanksgivi in Cleveland. famous Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, Mich., with Mrs, Mary f o f Mrs. Arthur ' ne Miss Betty Ne, the Kirkersville, the week-end vac ents, Mr. and Mi uey Dr. James -L. ( Beflevue -Presbyt ^Pittsburgh, Pa., s] this week as gu mother, Mrs. S. C w i r Cabot . Eve. ler . _Mr. and Mrs. i tained on Thanks Mrs. James Fors Smith of Kendal' Mrs. John Richar o f Mason; Mrs. A Mr-, and Mrs. R lack family and Mrs. < __ darville Mr. and Smith remained f Phyllis and J: with their paren Adams, will leave • : Cincinnati, were, • well party given.’ t Bill and Leslie St< o f Mr. and Mrs. F day evening. )ve r Icier” ari Mrs. Cora Truj Mildred,.entertain) Day, Mrs. Rebecca arid Mr. Ben- Trur . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cincinnati: Mr. a remained for the * ties - iD E N •geant rr . Mr. Harvey Brj moved into the Joh ler st., vacated by who has moved int ty which was pure Mr-t Bryant has farm in Union con years and recently ment, due to the co health. leton '■iiiiiiitiiitiiiiMiiiiiiiiimaiiiiu C O THE/ Fri. and Sat Joan Davis—J» “ TWO LATINS J News—Cartoon Sun. - Mon., I Jack Benny- 'i “ CHARLE’ F6x Ncwf Wed. and Th Robert Sterling- “ THE GT Cartoon— H X