The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

* / -3 k z Club and SocialActivities Mias. Eleanor McKtwjtin and Mr, Lioat. Robert; MacGregor, Great Robert Barden o f Cincinnati ware the Lake* Naval Base, Chicago, spent guest* Sunday o f Mrs, Cora Trtpnbo, Thanksgiving at homo with his family. CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, NQVEMBIgUMi, 1941 Mrs, Cam * Jonas o f Springfield was a guest last week-end at the home o f Mr. M. W . Collins, Mr and Mrs. Carl Bagford had as their guests Thanksgiving day, Mr, (*hd Hrs. Walter Watkins and Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Hamer o f Xenia. Mrs, Donald Field has accepted a position with Miss Pauline Condifa School, Yellow Springs, as a steno­ grapher. Miss Maude Hastings o f Kent, 0., spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, E, Hast­ ings. f k . ■ - . , Rev. C, W. Montgomery apd wife of ; Gilead, Indiana, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr.'and Mrs, C. W Steele. Rev. Montgomery is a brother o f the latter. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennon and daughter, Martha, and Betty Brewer spent Thanksgiving and the week-end in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs, John .Glessner o f Fenton, Mich., spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Mary "Spencer at the home o f Mrs. Arthur Townsley. * The following were elected’ officers o f the Masonic Lodge No, 622 last Thursday evening: Robert Richards, W. M.; H. D. Furst, S. W .; Howard , Stackhouse, J, W ,; Amos R. Frame, •Treas,; A. B, Creswell, Sec.; A. E. .Richards, S. D,; Walter Huffman, J, D.; H. K< Stormont, Tyler; R. W. MacGregor, rtustee. Miss Betty Nelson, who teaches in the Kirkersville, 0 .„ schools, spent the week-end vacation with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson. Dr. James L. Chesnut and wife o f Bellevue :Presbyterian congregation, Pittsburgh, Pa,, spent a few days here this week as guests o f the latter's mother, Mrs. S. C. Wright. Letters -Were sent out this week by , Kenneth Little, executive secretary o f the' Greene County Health League, op­ ening the sale, of Christmas Health Seajls. Seals’ have been mailed to patrons who can return the price by mail. Eighty per cent o f the sale funds .will remain in Greene county to continue the light against tuber­ culosis. Twenty per cent goes to the state health department for educa­ tional purposes in behalf o f the league. METHODIST CHURCH H. H. Abels, Minister Telephone 6-1381 Sunday School 9:45 A . M, Clayton Wiseman, Supt, theme ’’Christian Love.” Church Service 11:00 A. M. Sermon “ Divine Risibility," The Woman's Society o f .Christian Service is sponsoring a turkey dinner Dec, 3, 5:30-8:30 in the College' Gym, tickets now on sale, 60 cents each. Make your reservations now. j The Methodist Youth Fellowship is collecting old paper's and magazines to raise their quota for the church budget, a project •they chose two months ago. They ask your help. i College Service 8:00 P. M.First ’ Presbyterian Church. ! M. Y. F:. 6:30 Choir practice 7:30 * Saturday evening. IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL S UNDAY I c h o o l Lesson By HAROLD L. LUNDOUlSr. D. D. Dean ot The Moody Bible InMityt# jq XCUiCMHttt* (Helea*ed by Western Reyepaper Union.) Lesson f o r December 1 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se­ lected . and. copyrighted by International Council ox Religious Education; used by permission. AN EXACTING DISGIPLESHIP . . . * * LESSON TEXT—Luke 9:48-83. GOLDEN TEXT—No man. having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, Is fit tor the kingdom ot God,—Luke 8:62. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Crouse enter­ tained on Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. James Foist and Mrs. Sidney Smith of Kendalville, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. John Richards and1Janet Jones of Mason; Mrs. Ada Jones of Dayton; Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Townsley and family and Mrs. O. E. Bailey o f Ce- darville Mr. and Mrs. Forst and Mrs, Smith remained for the week-end. Phyllis and James Adams, who with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Adams, will leave Cedarvillc soon for Cincinnati, were honored at a fare­ well party given by Honey Lou, Dick, Bill and Leslie Stormont at the. home o f Mr. and Mrs. H, K. Stormont, Fri­ day evening. Mrs. Cora Trumbo and daughter, Mildred, entertained on Thanksgiving Day, Mrs. Rebecca Ward and children and Mr. Ben* Trumbo o f Osborn, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Westerfield of Cincinnati. Mr. ad Mrs. Westerfield remained for the week-end. Mr, Harvey Bryant and wife ‘ have moved into the Johnson property, Mil­ ler st., vacated by Mr. Harvey Myers, who has moved, into the Shull proper­ ty which was purchased by the latter. Mr., Bryant has been operating a farm in Union county the past eleven -years and recently sold out his equip­ ment, due to the condition o f his wife's health. 1 _ ■ ' a I f C O Z Y | # T H E A T R E « § 5 - - ..........-------- S | F r i. a n d S a t., N o v . 2 8 -2 9 | i Joan Davis—Jinx Falkenburg 1 i § I .iTWO LATINS FROM | | MANHATTAN" | ‘ | News—Cartoon—Magic Carpet | § • ' ■ ■■-— ' _ — ..... 3 | Sun . - M o n ., Nov* 3 0 -D e c . 1 | | Jack Benny—Kay Francis j | “ CHARLEY’S AUNT” j |. F6x News—Cartoon | W e d . a n d T h u r * ., D e c . 3*4 | Robert Sterling—Chas. Winnlnger | “ THE GETAWAY” Z | Cartoon—Traveltalk Mr, and Mrs. Alva Chaplin and family, with relatives, enjoyed a cov­ ered dish dinner Thanksgiving day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Her- ( bel t Powers and son, Cedarville; Mr. C. F, Pape, Williamsburg; Mr. Arthur- Pape, Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Horn-. er Brothers and son, o f Morrow; Mr. I «»• ' j and Mrs. Elmer Pape and two daugh- j ters, of Hillsboro; Mr, and Mrs. John Pape and Wm. Pape, o f Columbus; ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jess Michael and son of Waynesville; Miss Lillian Ave, Day- ton;' and Mr. and, Mrs. Walter Elty roth o f Dayton. Sabbath School 10:00 A. M. Supt. Emile Finney. ,, Preaching 11:00 A . M. Theme, “ A Goodly Heritage.” ’ . Y. P. C. U. 7:00 P. M. Subject, . “ A Christian is Forgiving." Leader, Pres. John Rcinhard. Choir rehearsal Saturday 7:30 p.m. Prayer, meeting Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dobbins . . Monthly meeting of the session af­ terwards. Union Service Sabbath 8 P, M. in the Presbyterian Chui'ch. The An­ nual College Y. W. C. A. Committal Service. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Benjamin Ni Adams, Minister All members of the I. O. O. F. are requested to attend a meeting Mon-; day night, December 1.. Meeting o f. importance. . . Donald Taylor, Sec. RESEARCH CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY, DECEMBER 5th The annual Christmas party for members o f the Research Club and j their husbands will" b*c held in the U. P. Church dining* room on , Friday evening,, December 5th at 6:30 o’clock. ENGAGEMENT MISS McDORMAN TO TED ESIIBAUGH ANNOUNCED 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School, Mr. H. K. Stormont, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Theme, “ The Challenge Of a New Sit­ uation." Junior, sermon: “ The Devil’s Driftwood.” , 2:30 P., M. Senior Choir (Christmas rehearsal). 6:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor. De­ votional leader: Flora Creswell. 8:00 P. M. Cedarville College YWCA Committal Service, at the Presbyter­ ian Church. (Note the hour.) Wednesday, 3:45 P. M. Intermediate choir rehearsal. 7:30 P. M. Senior choir (Christmas I'ehearsal). - Friday, 2:00 P. M. Mispah Bible class at the home o f Miss Ada Stor­ mont, Note change of date. ' Saturday, 7:30 P, M. Senior choir rehearsal. Ii CLIFTON- UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. O. Ralston, Minister Announcement has been made of the engagement o f Miss Miriam MeD or-1 man. daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDorman, Selma, to Mr, Ted Esh- > oaugn, airtst and motion picture p r o -' ducer, New York City, the wedding date being an event of the near f u - ! ture. • , ! Miss McDorman 1ms resided in New York since she attended Duke Uni- vesity, Durham, N. C., several years ago* At Duke she was n member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority and in New York she is a member of the university’s alumnae club. Mr. Eshbaugh is the son o f Mr's. Edgar Eshbaugh, New York City, and the late Mr. Eshbaugh. 10:00 A. M. Bible School. Paul W. Rife, Supt. j, 11:00 A. Ml Morning Worship. Ser­ mon, “A Vision, A Call, A Response.” 0:30 P. M. Young People’s Christian Union. Topic, “ A Christian Is For- j giving.” Lender, Catherine Ferguson, j - The Presbyterial Y. P. Executive j Committee will be in session during J the afternoon, and will bo guests at j the evening meeting. CHRISTMAS CARDS With Individuality And your name printed as you like it. Large Line from which you can make your selection. The selection you make will not' be duplicated to another, No other place will you find it possible to have ex­ clusive choice. THE CEDARVILLE HERALD THE CHURGH OF THE NAZAKENE { Sunday Services I Sunday School 9:30 A. M. to 11:00 A. M, Preaching 11:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Evangelistic Service 8:00 P. M. ’ . Wednesday Service I Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M. * j Sunday School Superintendent, Ru­ fus Nance. . Pastor, Raymond Strickland. j CHURCH OF GOD R. C. FREDERICK, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 A, M. Morning Worship, 10:30 A. M, Evening Service, 7:30 P, M. Prayer Service Thursday evening, 7:30 P. M, All Welcome. F .E.Harper Plumbing oi All Hinds BATH ROOM EQUIPMENT MODERN KITCHEN SINKS HOT WATER HEATIN0 LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES Weak-kneed, watered-out, and “ sickly" religious philosophies and activities have no right to call them­ selves Christian. Following Christ is not just a sweet sentimental im­ pulse expressed in smooth words and formal religious exercises. It is a vital, virile, sacrificial faith which leads the true follower of Christ to be willing not only to die for Him, but also to live for Him in the face of opposition, hatred, yes, “ through peril, toil and pain.” Let us put away these insipid im­ itations of Christianity which so often masquerade .under its name and face our time with a call to discjpleship which demands every fine, noble, manly and womanly quality, The lesson for today re­ veals that following Jesus ("and please remember you are not ready to live for Him until you have been born again) calls for I. Co-operation (vv. 49, 50). The placing of the little child in their midst (vv. 46-48) and Jesus’ words concerning true greatness re* yealed, to John that he had been wrong in condemning the one who was working for Christ but who was not of their party. The true discipje .recognizes that the man who truly loves and serves Christ is to be ac­ cepted in His name; We may not like his appearance, or his language, or his methods, or his friends, but we ought to love him and co-operate with him. •Let us begin to practice that as well as to say we believe it. II. Humility (vv. 51-53). Gross discourtesy, evidently in­ spired by national hatred (the Jews and Samaritans had no dealings with each other), was shown toward the Lord Himself. His reaction gives us an example of humility, for* He said not a word againSt them. The true follower of Jesus should expect such treatment from a hos­ tile, devil-inspired wbrld and emu­ late his master by showing love and III. Patience (vv, 54-56). The disciples wanted to show their power and authority by bringing the fires of destruction upon the enemies of Christ. That spirit has persisted in the church, the desire to call the fires of heaven (and possibly of hell) to destroy those who hinder or- op­ pose us. Such is not the spirit of our God and His Christ, for He is “ long-suffering to us-ward, not will­ ing that any should perish, but that all should come' to repentance,” ■IV. Sacrifice (vv. 57, 58), The writer dislikes to use the word “ sacrifice” in connection with our life and service for Christ, for id reality we sacrifice nothing which is hot more thah replaced (read Matt. 19:29). -But at the same time it is true that God does call upon us ns Christians to hold nothing dearer than our devotion to Him. Following Christ is more than singing glibly or carelessly, “ I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord." The one who starts out with Him. is to count the cost (Luke 14; 28-33). He must expect the same treatment as Christ (II Tim. 3:12) and be willing to take it gladly (John 15:20; I Pet, 2121). We ought to make this plain to professed believ-- ers. Toll young people the truth and you will see that they are ready to respond to it. They ar<\wjllling to give themselves sacrificafly for causes of this earth—why not for Christ? V, Devotion (vv. 59-62). It has been said that Christ is either Lord of all or He is not Lord at all. Even the demands which love may present on behalf of our aged father must not be permitted to stand between the Lord and His disciple, Christianity is considerate and courteous, and our Lord is not here suggesting any r.cglect of-the duties or amenities of life. The point is rather that the Lord must have first place whatever else may call for second thought. The blight on the life and service of most Christians is that almost anything and everything else is al­ lowed to take first place and the Lord must be satisfied with second or third place. Sometimes one won­ ders if He is given any real place at all in some lives. No one who puts his hand to the plough in God’s Kingdom and then wants to defer following through un­ til a more convenient season, or who wants to go back to “ bid farewell” to someone who for the*,moment is more important lhaivthfe Lord, is fit fob His service. The way of joy and usefulness js the way of full and unconditional yielding to, Him. In Spite of Imperfections Ho brought me forth also into a' ia ige 'p la ce : he delivered me, be­ cause he delighted in me.—II Sam. 2 2 : 20 , The Main Issue Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."—■ **«ivfcrbs 4:23. __________ .________ . A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE A d a i r ’ s atari** o . !-N. Detroit St, SCHOOL NEWS (Continued from‘first p<xge) is necessary for them to cross the road after they get off the bus. . Each bus is .provided with a j&trol hoy who assists in this work. The school puts forth every effort to pro­ mote, safety and safeguard pupils in every way possible, The State Highway Patrol stresses the importance of safety for school pupils as a part' o f their program for reducing the number o f traffic acci­ dents. The boys serving on the “ Town Patrol”- are -Paul Whittington, Bud Ford, Earl Bailey, and Dick Wright, Those on the “ Bus Patrol,” are Eu­ gene Collins, Oria Cassel, Kenneth Bull, Kenneth Wells, Paul Evans, and Joe Shinkle. We appreciate the effort put. forth by these boys in the promotion of safety for the school. They deserve much credit .fo r . this service in en­ deavoring to eliminate traffic'acci­ dents. J- NEW JASPER NEWS By Miss Bells: Allan Si M r. and M r*. C a d Ifm m e S' this week to Eaoa. K Mr. Loo Hopping o f Oolumbu* Cedarville vs. Selma Tiie Cedarville High teams will play the Selma boys’ teams here next Tues­ day evening at the College Gym. . Report Cards Report cards for the second grading period were given out Wednesday. / * This week another acetylene Welder wds installed. We now have two weld­ ing outfits in use, An additional metal juthe- has been requested and it is noped to have it here within a few days. . The Misses Mary and Florence Wil­ liamson entertained with a family din­ ner at their home Thanksgiving, Miss Nancy Williamson of Bowling Green University, Miss Frances Wil­ liamson- of Lafayette, O., Mr. Law­ rence Wililamson, coach in the Rey­ noldsburg schools and Mr. John Wil­ liamson of Ohio State, spent Thanks­ giving vacation at the home of their jaren Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Wil­ liamson. Cleveland shrdlu etaoin shrdl shrdl .Harry N, Heifner, owner o f the hotel in Jamestown was able to be re­ moved home in an ambulance from Cleveland, Sunday, following an op­ eration in the Cleveland Clinic. Sharon Lee Baker, aged 3, daugh- er o f Mr. and’ Mrs. Ernest Baker, Xeniay died in a Xenia, hospital Tues- lay "as a result of- inhaling smoke vhen she and a brother and sister vvere overcome when the family trail­ er burned Monday. NOTICE ' Notice is hereby' given that on the 1.9th day of November, 1941 the un- lersignetl filed a petition in the Com- non Pleas Court'of Greene^ County, Jhio, alleging that they are the own­ ers of the following described real 'state, to-wit: ' “ Situate in the County o f . Greene and State of*Ohio, viz: BEGINNING at a stone in the center of the Xenia - South Chnrk'ston and West Jefferson •Turnpike road adjacent to a lot of ground owned by Mrs, E. Turn- hull and running thence N. 18*^ W. 21 poles to a "cedar on the edge of the cliffs thence with the , mennderings of the creek to a red oak on the bank o f said creek, thence S. 18% E. 19 poles to a stone in the center o f said turnpike road, thence S, 91% E. 85 feet to the place o f beginning. Containing.103 poles be the same more or less, being part o f a mili­ tary survey entered in the name of William White-.No. 43G7 on Jhe waters of Masses Creek.” The prayer of the petition is for a finding and order o f the Court that thc^ undersigned are the owners 6f ;aid real estate, and that it is neces­ sary to sell the same, and for an order i i Court authorizing the sale o f said .ea’ estate as in the petition set forth. buid petition will be for hearing in the Common Picas Court o f Greene County, on the 26th day of December, 1041, or as soon thereafter as the Court may designate. Trustees of The Synod of The * Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America Frederick E, Milligan 1611 First National Bnnk>Bldg. Pittsburgh* Pa, Miller and Finney, Attys. Allen Bldg,, (11-27*12-4-11-18) Xenia, Ohio CHRISTMAS SEALS Mr. and Mrs, Richard Smith and ! the week-end wjtfe his grsndmctiw, son were Sunday g u e s ta V Mr. and Mrs, Elizabeth Hopping. Mrs. .Taylor Humphrey and family. " , I (I H J « Mr. and Mrs, John Goings and son Jimmy of Sabina, were guests Sun­ day evening o f Mr, and Mrs, Eber Allen and family1. - * .> Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Ratliff o f Xenia visited Mr. and Mrs, Dane Ratliff, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fields (Lois Graham) are announcing the birth o f a son, born November 25. f GLADSTONE AND I GRAPEGROVE NEWS *By Mrs, John JJ, Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutslar spent Thanksgiving Day with their son, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Hutslar o f Yellow Sprin? s. Mrs. C. L. Myers entertained as her guests Sjmday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Boesenbirg o f Dayton, The Woman’s Christian Missionary Society will meet with Mrs, Carl Hicks of New Jasper, December 2. .tlltlllMMiltiliiiilfMIMMIIimiMlltlllllMllllimilllllllllllMiiiiiiii, I CLIFTON NEWS f § By Miss Glenna Stein ' I iMIllflllUIMHIitJIlMtMlIMIIMIIIftllllHIIMfMMIIIIIHIIIIIItlllKIIIB Rev. Malcolm Harris and wife have returned home- after spending several days with relatives in New Rosa, Ind. Mrs, William Stitsworth and son Earl, spent Sunday with Mr. and M**, George Sheley o f Plattsburg. Mr, G, C, Blake has purchased the property o f Mrs, Louis. Mitchell and will move in a.few days. ~r- >% Miss Rebecca Reid, who attends Miami University, Bpent Thanksgiv­ ing vacation withJtier father, Mr. Ray Reid and her grandmother, Mrs. Wil­ liams, Mr. William Reid, who is sta­ tioned at Marietta, also was at home, . y ' •y ' Mrs. J. G. Hoener is ill at her home. Charles Grube underwent an opera­ tion Tuesday morning at Miami Val­ ley hospital, Dayton. The Presbytery executive" commit­ tee of the Young people,s society will meet Sabbath afternoon at the United Presbyterian Church in Xenia. >The group will meet with the Qlifton so­ ciety, Sabbat!' evening at the U. P. Church in Clitton. 1 - Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ralston, Mr. and ■Mrs. Kenneth Ralston and daughter, Marilec of Belie Center were Thanks­ giving guests of Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Ralston and family. Mi', and Mrs. Loren .Hixson were week-end guests o f ’ their son-in-law and daughter, M r., and Mrs. Roy Wells. ,. Mrs. Julia Martin entertained the members of her Sunday School class of the Presbyterian Church, Saturday afternoon. Mr. Howard Printz returned to his homel in Springfield Sunday, after .pending several days with his grand­ mother, Mrs. Laura Printz. Mr; and Mrs. O, B, Hayslett spent Sunday with relatives in Dayton. Mr. Ben Tjhisselle, minister o f ‘the Grape Grove Church o f Christ, and Tiny Allen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Iiershel Long and family.' Mri and Mrs. Marcus Hutslar o f Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cum­ mings o f Cedarville, Mr. Herbert Cummings of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cummings and daughter, Nancy Lee, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.‘W .-A. Cummings. , The revival at Grape Grove Church of Christ,, closed Sunday.evening. HtMiimiiMiMiiHiiMiiiitHmiHMHmmm’tmm tiim um ilHmM Daily Special on Cookies 12c Per Dozen Cedarville Bakery 8*S sis "ifltMilillMIHIIHtMllllllimHlimiitltMlitHlllllllllfillfllHIHIII I Men's Winter Weight I ( LongSleeve j | Uuderwear I I 69c f Home Clothing Co. 1, ' G. H. Hartman, Prop. S . . . . . . ,.a iniiOiHmtiiiiiiOiHiHiiihiiiMfiiiiiMtiiiMinrtiiUMttiiiUitnoO V No. 2% Can of Apricots 20c iwwww«Hiw >Miwiil»innMmminiiiii Pr6t9ct Your Horn* from Tuberculosis t Master’ s Grocery Phone- 6 4 4 4 1 ' Cedarville 20c **< Miss Anna Louise Ritenour, nurse at Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M: K. Ritenour and daugh­ ter, Susan. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton and children Ruth and Frankie, o f Jeffer­ sonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin, Sunday evening; Miss Mary Paullin, o f Delaware and Robert Paullin o f Dayton, visited their grandmother, Mrs. V ide Rite­ nour, Sunday. She returned home with them to visit a few days. Mr. and Mrs.iEarl Ritenour enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Ritenour and Mr. and Mrs, Otha Evans and son on Thanksgiving Day In order to acquaint patrons o f this territory with the many bargains that Ape available in local stores, Cedarville mer­ chants have taken items from their regular stocks and reduced prices to a minimum. Our readers will do well to read every advertisement and take advantage o f these specials. Your at­ tention is also called to the length o f ’ time these specials are advertised for. All ads not othe "wise stated are fo r ONE WEEK ONLY. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM NOW 1 ! J ............................................................... iiiiiiiimi .......’ .iiiiiiiK m iiiim u n iiiim iliu m i.......................................... | Regular $6.00 f f Regular $7,75 Lifetime | I , I I guaranteed s ] Permanent liPen andPencil! Wave Set $4.0 !| $5.00 s S 5 .3 ! Bea’ s Beauty Shop ! j Brown’s Drug Store | ifiiHiililiiimilliiiHiiM iiiliiiliiiiilitiiiitiiiniltliM iitttllliM titti iiitniiim iiim nm OiitOim tm iim iim iiiim im iittikiintiiiiiiQB | Bottle o f Ghyla • | Hand Lotion | | Made by DeJonge 1 1Keep your hands soft and 1 smooth after dishwashing | and household chores [ 19c | Bird’s Variety Store nuMHUiiiHiOiiiiiiil'iMUtiOiMifUnUitiijltUiMiiiiiliitHiiiniiH (Oxydol orRinso i Medium Size Box I SATURDAY ONLY S ' ! Crouse Market I 'tHwiiii>iiiitHHi<nilH(niniiif(>imiH(miiiH«wi»minMiiHm No. 6 OhioCoal $6.0 per ton Locust Pence Posts \ Phone or Call Emmett Evilsisor Phone 6-1971* Cedarville, O.