The Greene County Guardian, December 27, 1956

Page Four The GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Jamestown, Ohio, December 2 7 ,1 9 5 6 Ross Township Mis. David Harper Telephone 4-8384 Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Paullin Harper entertained with a Christmas dinner Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt J r ., and f a m i l y , Mr. and Mrs. Perry Weller and Miss Dorothy Weller, Mr. and Mrs. David Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holland, Mr. Robert Barley, and Morris Barley attending. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lutterell and d a u g h t e r Linda enter tained at a Christmas dinner Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Caryol Smith and fami­ ly, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lut­ terell J r ., and Mr. and Mrs Os c a r Smith and son.. . Mr and Mrs. Robert Ritenour and family entertained at a Christ mas d i n n e r Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ritenour, Mrs. Ma ud e Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond St. John. Christmas eve dinner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. William St. John were Mr. and Mrs. War- 40 at WSCS For Cedarville Forty members attended the WSCS m e e t i n g Wednesday at the h om e of M r s . Tom, Hamer. Bu s i n e s s meeting was conducted by the presi­ dent, Mrs. Hamer. Devotions and p r o g r am was given byi Mrs. K e r m i t Elyard, Pearl Hu f f ma n , and Mrs. John Mills. They were assis­ ted by Patty and M a r j o r i e Spitler, Sue Huffman, Con­ nie Agnor, Elizabeth Winan, and Nancy Elyard. Refresh-1 ments in the Christmas theme were served by Mrs. Harner, Mrs. P.N. Gillian, and Mrs. Paul Evans. Win-One Class Names Officers Mrs. Paul Evans is the new president of the Win-One Class of t h e C e d a r ville Methodist Church. She was elected at the annual t u r k e y dinner Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robe r t Richards. The dinner was attended by 37 persons, members and their families. I n s t e a d of exchanging gifts the group b r o u g h t food and clothing for a needy family. Other o f f i c e r s elected in elude Mrs. Robert Noble, vice- president and Mrs. Richards, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Noble gave the devo­ tions. The c h i l d r e n present tad a gift exchange. ren Little, Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond St. John and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritenour and fam­ ily. . .Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t R i t e n o u r and family enter­ tained S u n d a y dinner guests from Xenia, Bowersville, Jef­ fersonville, Franklin, and the Jamfestown a re a .. . Mr. and Mrs. L e r o y Spahr entertained Christmas e v e ­ ning. Gu e s t s were Mr. and Mrs. L a w r e n c e S p a h r and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas of Cincinnati and Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and sons of Dayton.. . J e r r y L e e , the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L i m i n g re­ t u r n e d home Thursday from the Greene Memorial Hospital where he underwent an emer­ gency a pp e n d i c i tis opera­ tion . . . Mr. and Mr s . Buss Bosier and family of Wilmin- ton were S a t u r d a y evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Liming and family, and the L i m i n gs were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L a u r e n c e Liming of Sabina. .. Curley’ s Employes Honored at Party Mr. and Mrs. Merell Roach e n t e r t a i n e d employees of C u r l e y ' s R e s t a u r a n t at a Christmas party at their home. S l i d e s were shown and gifts were exchanged. Refreshments were served to Gladys Scott, Elsie Taylor, B. Smith, Charlotte Bogan, Mar­ garet Jones, Irene Carter, El­ inor Shinkle, Karen Johnson, M a r l e n e Stackhouse, Ellen S p r i n k l e , Marjorie Dalton, Lora Palmer, Mildred Perkins, Becky Glass, Terry Scott, Mr-, and Mrs. Paul Ballentine and Doug and Robert Roach. Mrs. Smith Hostess For Advance Club Mrs. Bliss Smith was hostess for last week's m e e t i n g of Jamestown's Advance C l ub at her h o m e . Participating in the p r o g r am were Mrs. C l a y Ma u c k who read a " K i n g in Yank Land, " and Mrs. Harold Lewis who read "The Land of the Pilgrims. " Attending we r e Mesdames Charles Fudge, Ralph Geis, Ralph George, R. L. Haines, Max Heifner, He n r y Horn-: berger, Harold Lewis, Nor­ man L i n t on , Robert Lucas, Clay Mauck, Roy Power s, Charles Reeder, O. F. Reeves, Braden Smith, J. E. Syferd, Cedarville Womens Club Holds Banquet Members of the Cedarville Women’s Club held their an­ nual Christmas banquet, with husbands as guests, in die UP Church Sunday School rooms last Thursday evening. A turkey dinner was served with e v e r g r e e n decorations. C e r a m i c s by local persons added to the d e c o r a t i o n s , along with lighted Christmas t r e e . There was a g i f t ex­ change. Nelson Creswell showed two Christmas films. Members of the decorating committee were Mrs. Nelson Creswell, Mis. John McM ill­ an, Mrs. Lawrence Waddle, Mrs. Lewis Lillich, Mrs. Roger Collins, Miss Martha Cooley and Mrs. Myron Williamson. M e m b e rs of the entertain­ ment c o mm i t t e e were Mrs. Leslie Stormont, Mrs. Robert Turnbull, Mrs. J.E .M itchell, Mrs. Rankin McMillan, Mrs. Edwin Bradfute, Mrs. Walter- Iliff and Mrs. Harold Hanna. Miss Sandall and Mr. Shane to Wed B e t r o t h a l of Miss Norma Sandall of Xenia to Jerry Shane of J a me s t own has been an­ nounced by the mother of the bride - tO - be, Mrs. Evelyn Johnson of St. P e t e r s b u r g , Fla. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. K e n n e t h Shane of Jamestown. No date has been set for the wedding. Kinsingtons Party Friday Cedarville's Kensington Club members e n t e r t a i n e d their husbands at the annual Christ­ mas party held Friday evening at the IOOF HaU. Mrs. Ralph Townsley was in charge of dinner arrangements while Mrs. Raymond Cherry h a nd l e d the program. After Santa Claus passed out gifts, the group s a ng Ch r i s t ma s carols. New Jasper Notes Mr. and Mrs. Ben W e b s t e r were to leave Christmas day for S a r a s o t a , F la ., to visit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Gannon.. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowler en­ tertained their fiye sons and t h e i r family at t h e i r home C h r i s t m a s e v e .. .Rev. and Mrs. John C o 11 i n s will hold open house at the parsonage for their friends and members of the congregation, Jan. 1 from 7 to 9 p.m . S a n t a C l a u s visited 120 children at the New Jasper fire h o u s e Saturday. T r e a t s of candy, oranges and balloons were given to the children.. . Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gar- ringer and children, Rosemary and W a y n e , were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Garringer Christmas day. . . A Christmas program washeld at the Elea- <1 zer C h u r ch Sunday evening, j P r o g r am was p r o v i d e d by; members from the New Jasper,; andEleazer church.. . Mr. and 4 Mrs. H a r l e y Johnsofyenter- ; tained 12 guests from Sabina, Jamestown, and Xenia for a j Christmas d i n n er Sunday.. . Mrs. Ronald Rogers and child- dren, Angela ancLStevie, ar­ rived home Tuesday evening from a t h r e e -month visit to Wattford, England, where she visited her mother, Mrs. Ellen Hughes and fam ily .. . SERVI CEMEN: A/2c Gary R o g e r s , who is stationed at A r l i n g t o n , Va. , spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harley R o g e r s . . . S/Sgt. Roger Scott has been transferred from Wright Pat­ t e r s o n AFB to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D .C . His family will join him later in Washington.. .L t. John W. Tibbs of Ellington AFB, Texas, joined his wife and daughter who had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Tibbs' parents Mr. and Mrs. E a r l Woolley. The Tibbs will return to their home in Genoa, -Texas, next w eek... NOW! Is the time to have your fields spread Call us for fast, economical service Bulk lime and fertilizer spreader truck for hire JIM CHURCH’S GARAGE J A M E S T O W N D ays - 4 - 7 9 2 1 N i b h t 4 - 5 4 4 1 o Baker Shower The h o m e of Mrs. Art hur Allen Sr. , was the scene of a m i s c e l l a n e o u s shower last Friday evening honoring Mrs R o b e r t B a k e r . Thirty-five, guests attended The dining room was decor C.E.Thuma, and the hostess, |ated in blue, pink and white. Legal Notice PUBLICATION FOR DIVORCE) C o n s t a n c e Neely Points, whos e place of residence is unknown and cannot after the exercise of reasonable d illi- g e n c e ascertained will take notice that on the 6th day of December, 1956, the under­ signed, Charles F. Points, filed, his petition against her in the. Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, said case num ber being 30740, praying for a d i v o r c e and relief on the g r ounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be for hearingon and after six weeks from the date of the first pub­ lication hereof. /S/ Charles F, Points Shaw and Cox, attorney I I l I I I there is no substitute lor agitator washing! SEE MAYTAG and learn whyl tsdothei cleaner than “tumble" wash­ ing, yet is gentle enough for delicate fabrics. See a dem­ onstration today. from $228.00 Mrs.Hurley Reads Paper Ch is t mas meetiftg of the Rural I mp r o v eme n t Club, highlighted by a paper read by Mrs. Mabelle Hurley on the m e a n i ng of Christmas, was held last Wednesday at th e h o m e o f Mrs. O. T. Marshall. Skipping January, the club: will meet again Feb. 6 with: Mrs. R o b e r t K e i t h as the hostess. AHappy- New Year The Year Around with Soft LINDSAY Water BUYorRENT $2.95 m o . . ■ LINDSAY Automatic Water Softeners ‘Fiberglass tanks Only LINDSAY has it ‘ Lifetime Mineral •Lifetime Brass Valve -6 models— 12 sizes- *Buy from $7. 67 Month TRADES-TERMS LINDSAY-AERO SOFTWATER SERV. 4-5911 or 4-5241 Jamestown 5. W. Wash. St. Don’t Tarry-See Jerry e f f e c t i v e repairs start With good parts and parts service. Let Jerry help you to choose the right parts for that right job. Our complete parts de­ partment is the backbone.of a good repair service for you. Jerry knows your tractor, what p a r t it n e e d s to do the Job correctly. You save mo n e y with genuine parts, we have s o u r c e s for odd e - quipment-If we don't have it, we'll get it. The ‘ off-season’ for field work is the‘ fix -it’ time for farm tools...lfet us help you be ready! Je r ry will advise you...we will do the work now while we have ample time during winter months to make all your repairs promptly. It’ s almost impossible to guarantee prompt r e p a i r service during our spring rush period. S o , why not avoid a costly delay be having it done now? GIBBS HDWE I I I J' Jamestown, Ohio Dial 4-4911 "SERVING GREENE COUNTY FOR 21 YEARS ” OUR COMPLETE SHOP OFFERS ^Genuine Parts ♦Factory-trained skilled mechanics ♦Complete precision testing Equipment Take Advantage of Our Deferred Payment Plan Hall J . Hill Faim Service South on State 72 at City Limits Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4-9691