The Greene County Guardian, February 28, 1957

MISS SHIRLEY TROUTE . , . bride to be The /.lit and ap­ proaching marriage of Miss S h i r l e y Ellen Troute, the d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Rothi.r i -".iie, Jamestown to Mr. E ;■> Si ringer, the son of . ' ' ; , and Mrs. Clayton W. Stri■get, Beverly, 0 . , i s b e - ing announced. Miss Troute, a graduate of Greeneview High School and issionary Society Hears s of Literature Church, Mrs. Ralph Devoe, Mrs. P a u l Garringer, Mrs. Knecht and grandson, Lee, Mrs. Harry Miller, Miss Nora Powers, Mr s. John Robinson, Mrs. David Robinson, Mrs. Roy H e a d i n g , Mrs. Viola Little, Mrs. R. S t i c k l e y , Mrs. R o b e r t Piatt and the hostess and daughter, Diane. Refreshments we r e Wash­ ington Day appointments. h Mrs. William R. Jones was hostess to the Women's Mis­ sionary Society of the First Baptist Church at her home, Thurs. Feb. 21. The meeting was in charge of the preJident, Mrs. B.A. Knecht. Devotions were giv­ en by Mis- Nora Powers. Roll call was answered by a Bible verse using the word pray or prayer. The program was in charge of Mrs. K n e c h t . Her topic was, "Prospector's Tools. " She and Mrs. David Robinson p r e s e n t e d a short clever playlet d e p i c t i n g various B a p t i st literature, entitled "Highlights on the Line. " P r e s e n t were: Mrs. Lina CHILI SUPPER T h e Bowersville MYF are giving a chili supper Satur­ day evening March 2. Serv­ ing w i l l be from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. Methodists to Atftend Rally Methodists in the Cedarville and Jamestown communities are planning to attend the Ohio Area Evangelistic Rally at C o l umb u s , March 5 at 10 a m .. Bishop Hazen C. W e r n e r will preside at the meeting. The feature address will be given by Branch Rickey, base­ ball luminary and outstand­ ing Methodist 1 a ym a n . H. Roe Bartle, mayor of Kansas City, Mo., will keynote the afternoon session. The Rev. Elwood Rose, Day- ton, formerly of Jamestown, will play the organ for the day. Cedarville Walker Williamson and Jim Wa l s h were h om e for the w e e k e n d . They were on leave from the Army at Ft. Knox, Ky. Pest Control Discussed At Garden Club "Plan P e s t C o n t r o l with Mo d e r n Sprays and Dusts" was the topic of a paper pre­ pared and read by Mrs. Stan­ ley Hetzler at the Jamestown G a r d e n Club meeting last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F.H. Clark. S e v e n t e e n members an­ swered r o l l call with their the greene county GUARDIAN February 28,1957, Page 3 worst garden pest. A flower a r r a n g e m e n t , "Tumbling Tumble Weed, " wh i c h was an arrangement of dried material, was pre­ pared by Mrs. Henry Fenker. P r e s e n t w e r e : Mrs. Roy Powers, Mrs. John Ferguson, Mrs. O. T. Marshall, Mrs. Henry Homberger, Mrs. Ro­ bert L u c a s , Mrs. Charles Fudge, Mrs. C. E. Thuma, Mrs.O.F. Reeves, Mrs. Earl Atley, Mrs.Ralph Geis, Mrs. W i l l i s G l a s s , Mrs. R. L. Haines, Mrs. George Saun­ ders, Mfs. Stanley Hetzler, Mrs. William H e n r y , Mrs. Henry Fenker and the hostess. Shirley Troute to Wed Don Stringer Mrs. Gertrude Clemans had as w e e k e n d gue s t s , hei daughter, Mrs. Fred Heifner and c h i l d r e n , Etoile, and Celeste from Ada. Sally Kay Creswell was home for the weekend, also. The Richard Weston School of Cosmotology, Dayton, is associated with the Raymond Beauty Salon, Jamestown. Mr. Stringer, a graduate of Beverly High School and Ohio University at Athens is indus­ trial arts teacher’at Greene­ view schools. The wedding will take place the second of June; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth'Bark- er and f a m i l y from Mary- mont, Ohio, were guests of Mrs. Fanny Williamson this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sharp of Xenia entertained Saturday evening with a pizza supper. Gue s t s were Mr. and Mrs. Joe F l a t t e r , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barker, and Dr. and Mrs. Richard Miller. SCOTT PROMOTED Word has been r e c e i v e d here of the recent promotion to s e r g e a n t by the Marine Corps of Ar no l d L. Scott, son of the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Scott, Sgt. Scott and his wife, the former Carole Irons, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Irons of Jamestown, mailing address is Box 342, S o u t h Laguna, California, Sgt. Scott is s t a t i o n e d at Camp Pendleton, Calif. The Willing Workers Class held an all day meeting re­ cently at the home of Mrs. H a t t i e Wilson in Xenia. A c o v e r e d di sh dinner was served at noon followed by a business m e e t i n g in the a f t e r n o o n . Nine members and one guest was present. Mills Host FB Group Farm Bureau D i s c u s s i o n Group number four met last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills witf! the president, Mr. Mills, conducting the meeting. Mrs. Mills led devotions. Mr. Ed Hamman reported on the county l e g i s l a t i v e meeting. A representative of the d i s t r i ct social security administration,’ a Mr. Will­ iams, explained the changes in the social security law as , they affect farmers. The hostess served a desert course to Mr. and Mrs. Ray M c D o n a l d , Mr. and Mrs. Della Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ha m m a n and daughter Eleanor-, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliot and Mr. Williams. Shining Star Class Meets Mrs. Haines OES Hostess Mrs. Leroy Haines, James­ town, was hostess to the Past Matrons of the OES last Wed­ nesday at her home. A bus­ iness meeting in c h a r g e of the p r e s i d e n t , Mrs. Ralph Stitsworth, was conducted. The hostess was in charge of games and refreshments. She served a dessert course. Six­ teen members were present. Mrs. Howard Landaker and daughter, D o l l y , have re­ turned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moorman of near Sabina. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Smith h a v e moved from the New Jasper community to a home on the Jeffersonville Pike. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Webb have s o l d their home and mo v e d from their farm on the Jamestown P i k e to the former Sam Stoner home in Jamestown. Class A Work Shoe Repair Pickup Point Happy Day Laundry & Cleaning W e a r -W e l l Shoe Store Jamestown _^V^JV^hington 4-4761_ 1 1 HOG BOXES Hog Box, 6 x 7 .... ...........$ 5 2 . 5 0 Box, 7 x 14 (without floor) (with floor)......... .................... $ 1 3 5 COLONY HOUSE, two 8 x 16 houses joined together.Will accomodate six brood sows. ^ 3 4 5 L .R . Jacobs Yellow Springs Clifton Pike Telephone 7-9321 CYPRESS LUMBER Just Unloaded Car of Tidewater Red. Cypress Boards l X 4 - i n . , 6 - i n . t and 8-in. , Random Length $ 16 per hundred board feet Cedarville Lumber Co. Lumber and Building Materials Joe's Taxi IRON STAINS O & Dial Cedarville % WATER WITH BAD TASTE OR ODOR & CORROD ED PIPES 6-4021 - t a & SC A L E - P L U GG E D HOT WATER HEATERS AND PIPES G A S *»» O 11 "0" **"' - I PLEASE ’p y C i ', u r r Tires-Batteries Washing Lubrication Accesories Gumm and Bradds SERVICE STATION State 72 at Selma Pike Lindsay-Aero CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS BUY or RENT From $ 2.75 Full Mo Lindsay-Aero Water softener Lindsay-Aero Softwater Serv. 4-5911 Jamestown, O. Open till 9 p.m. Completete Line Of All Styles Field Fence Posts Posts Posts 71/2 ft. Red Top Steel Posls 5V2 ft.Tied Top Steel Posts ---------- Q fm il WIL L PLS A SB ! YOU___ Locust Line Posts Creosote Line Posts Sawed Locust Line Post • For Board Fence# .* Xenia Farmers Exchange Cedarville phone 6 -1 3 3 1 Jamestown Dial 4-4471