The Greene County Guardian, February 28, 1957

CEDARVl CEDARVJLL • in i OHIO the com nty GUARDIAN February 28, 1957, Page 5 1 . t m about people in Jamestown Guardian Classified Mrs. Leeman Clive and son Howa r d spent several days last week with Mrs. Clive's b r o t h e r , Marion Riley of Paulding Co. who has been quite ill. They also visited Other friends and relatives. L Mrs. MARIE BOYSEL Phone 4 -9 4 9 1 GRANDCHILDREN GATHER... GRANDCHI LDREN and great-grandchildren gathered to honor Mrs. Ida Hughes of Jamestown recently on her 75th birthday. Gathered around Mrs. Hughes, who is in the cen ­ ter, are Mrs. Bill Evans and her son Michael Ted and two daughters Linda Kaye and Beverly Jean; Robert Dale Per- singer, Larry P e r s i n g e r , Rebecca Jane Persinger, Dick Hughes and Max and Neil Hughes; Kay Anne Jacks, Susie Jacks, Carol Jean Lillich and Robin Lillich; and David Les­ lie and his sons, David and Douglas. 50 Attend Guest Meeting O f Cedarville’s DAR Mrs. Clara Nickell was re­ moved from Greene Memor­ ial Hospital to the G r e e n e H i l l Nursing home. She is somewhat improved but still confined to her bed. Mrs. Lester Cook and son, Jimmy spent Sunday after­ noon with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boysel and family. Mr. Ray Becker o fW. Va. and Mrs. Gertrude Lively en­ joyed dinner at the Yum Yum Restaurant at Dayton Sunday evening. Annual guest m e e t i n g of the Cedarville Daughters of the Am e r i c a n Revolution The Greene County GUARDI AN Published eve’ry Thursday of the year at 3 S. Limestone St., Jamestown, Oh i o , by The Guardian Publishing Co. Gordon C. Baskett and James I. Gatten, Publishers. National advertising repre­ sentative, Weekly Newspaper Representatives and the Ohio Newspaper S e r v i c e s , In c., 198 S. High S t . , Columbus, Ohio. Subscription rates; By mail in Greene County, $4.00 per year; for other areas, $4. 50 per year; for m e m b e r s of armed f o r c e s , per year; for m e m b e r s of armed f o r c e s , $4.00 per year. e n t e r e d as second class m a t t e r unde r the Act of March 3,1879, at the United States post office at James­ town, Ohio. On Guard With Gerard 1would like to tell you about a new coverage which only recently became available to motorists in Ohio. The coverage is known as the uninsured m o t or isf en­ dorsement. You no doubt have bodily> i n j u r y liability which pro­ tects you against the other persons you might cause in­ jury to as the r e s u l t of an auto accident. But one thing most of us are worried about is the uninsured driver who could cause an accident. He might even be a hit and skip motorist. T h i s endorsement, which costs only a tankful of gas, gives you$5000 for one per­ son and $10, 000 per a c c i­ dent. Stop in or call us. We are a l wa y s glad to discuss any question you might have. --Earl Gerard Gerard Ins. Agcy. 7 E. Washington Jamestown Phone 4 -9321 took the f o rm of a George Wa s h i n g t o n Birthday tea when 50 members and guests g a t h e r e d Saturday at the Methodist Church. Miss Eleanor Kyle, regent, introduced Mi s s Katherine Suber of the Dayton Public L i b r a r y who reviewed the book " T h e Long W a t c h " which is laid during the Rev­ olutionary War. Four entrants in the Chap­ ter's e s s a y contest about a character in the revolution­ ary war were introduced by Mrs. Ralph Rise, the histor­ ian c h a i r m a n . They were Mary Pyles, Beverly Hubbard, Sue Wright, and Peggy Fer­ guson. Two of the girls had s e l e c t e d Nathan Hale and the other two had selected J o h n P a u l Jones for their compositions. Hostesses were Mrs. Myron Williamson, Mrs. Leo Wells, Mrs. Fanny Williamson, Mrs. Warren Barber, Mrs. Robert Walker, and Mrs. M. J. Bahin. Mrs. Ralph Ferguson andMiss Eleanor Kyles poured. Mr. Vinton Matthews is ill with pneumonia at home with his mother, Mrs. Lee Boysel. Mrs. Bertha Early spent last week in Cincinnati with her sons, Dr. Dan Early and Dr. Neil Early, and their fam­ ilies. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Knisley had as their weekend guest, Mrs. Joe Miller, Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Knisley had as Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Windon and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brumfield and son of Springfield and David Knis­ ley of Jamestown. Their af­ ternoon and evening guests we r e Mrs. Horace Luttrell and son and Mrs. Ollie Carey and daughter of Springfield and Mrs. Charles Wiedenheft and sons of Jamestown. ter P a u l l i n e and Clarence Kraner and wife of Colum­ bus and Mrs. Harold Flax of Lo ndo n we r e the Surillay guests of-Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Flax. CHURCH Calendar JAMESTOWN METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. G .C . Reed, Pastor Sunday, 9:15 a. m ., Sunday School; 10:30 a. m ., Divine Wo r s h i p , Sermon Subj ect, " F a i t h is the Rock, ”; 6:00 p. m ., Senior Youth Fellow- s h i p ; 7 : 0 0 p . m. , 20 Pl us C l a s s meeting; 8:00 p . m . , Showing of the "Tournament of Roses Color Film. " Wed­ nesday, 1:30 p. m ., World Day of Prayer Program at the Baptist Church; 3:45 p . m. , Class in Church Membership; 7:00 p . m. , I n t e r me d i a t e Youth Fellowship; 7:30 p .m ., Choir R e h e a r s a l . Friday, 8:00 p . m. , Greene County Methodist Brotherhood will meetatSpring Valley Meth­ odist Church. JAMESTOWN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. Harold Cassady, Pastor Sunday, 9 :4 5 a. m ., Sunday school; 10:45 a. m ., morning worship service. Wednesday, 7:30 p .m ., choir practice. Thursday, 3:30 p .m .,Jun io r choir practice. Mrs. Ida Kraner and daugh- Send YOUR baby's picture to. The Guardian. BRYAN'S TV Service 69 E . Xenia St. Dial 4-7144 A PREMIUM GASOLINE AT THE PRICE OF REGULAR . . . with Fire Zone Protection That’s what you get when you buy Fyr-Zon . . . the gasoline that’s specially designed for hard-working tractors and trucks, and offers the power you need for cars, too. And today Fyr- Zon is better than ever, power-improved with new Formula 101 that results in even greater efficiency, even higher fire zone protection. Call us to­ day and arrange for automa­ tic dated delivery. GREENE COUNTY FARMBUREAU CO-OP ASSN. ------ XENIA Bellbrook Ave. & Walnut St. Xenia, O. Ph. 2-3541 BOWERSVILLE t Short and X enia Pfc. 3 -8 5 tl ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday, 9:00 a .m ., mass. Thursday, 8:00 p. m. .evening devotions._________________ card o f thanks I wish to express my appre­ ciation for the many flowers, cards, and the kindness that I received during my illness. _____________Mrs. Foy Gerard Cookie Sale Is Extended With more than 1000 boxes sold, Cedarville Girl Scouts have extended their cookie sales through this Saturday. Jeanie Leforge of Troop 69 leads the i n d i v i d u a l sales with 75 boxes. The t r o o p s netted five cents from each box sold to add to their troop finances. Mrs. Marietta Boots acted as c h a i r m a n for the drive this y e a r and scout leaders have expressed their appre- ciation. LEGAL NOTICE Ralph Pennington, Jr. whose present place of residence is unknown, but whose mailing address is Box 536, Wilming­ ton, Ohio, will take notice that on the 25th day of Feb­ ruary, 1957, the undersigned filed her petition against him in the Court of Common Pleas in Greene County, Ohio, be­ ing Case No. 30896, praying for a d i v o r c e , custody of minor child, and approval of a S e p a r a t i o n Agreement. Said cause may be heard on and a f t e r the 13th day of April, 1957. Marlene Jean Pennington, Plaintiff Russell Wilson, her father and next friend Shaw & Cox, Xenia, O. 6t-2/28-3/7-3/14-3-21 3/28-4/4. FOR SALE FOR SALE- -Gas range, prac­ tically new. Phone 4-8897. FOR SALE- -Two winter tread t i r e s with tubes 7 .10 x 15. Practically new. Dr. R. M. Smith 4-5161._ lt-2/28 LOST & FOUND LOST--Man’s brown billfold between J amestown and Day - ton. Finder please return to Heifner's Hotel in Jamestown or mail to John McRobie, Box 284, Jamestown, lt-2/28 SEE A REALTOR KNOW AND CONSULT.. . . . . A r e a 1 1 or in your com - munity when you want to sell or buy real estate. Realtors are qualified to give you the best s e r v i c e and meet the highest ethical standards in the real estate business. The Greene County Real Estate Board 10P PRICES Paid For POULTRY Need Hens Now ROBERT RHODES S. Charleston HObart 28291 Sa BOB RIN6ER Sales Manager at Clelland Motors Fo r Your Best Deal on a new, 1957 And used c a rs , too. BOICKu PONTIAC London Ph. Ul-22212 Jamestown Ph. 48871 Be Safe Be Quid c A U ~ Hours Both Bag and Envelope Located in Entranceway 24- Hour Banking Service Miami Deposit Bank CEDARVILLE Dial 6-2311