The Greene County Guardian, March 21, 1957

25$ per cwt. Discount jrtog Cone. I all Pig Cone. in rtieal Sow Cone. J pellets Dairy-33% Beef Cone, with Stil Calf Pellets Comp. Calf feed Dog Burger Rabbit Pellets Pig Starter Pellets Chick Starter Chick Grower Layer Cone. Chick Cone. Laying Mash notes from New Jasper Mrs. EARL WOOLEY and their families enjoyed a Phone 2-3851 covered dish supper, after The Leaders Who Do Class which instructions were given held their monthly meeting the group on visitation. at the home of Mrs. Fred St. ------- - John Wednesday afternoon. Sunday evening, March 24, Plans were completed for a special meeting, sponsored the Father and Son banquet by the WSCS will be held at to be held Thursday, March the church. A covered dish 28. Mrs. Fred St. John and supper will be served at 6:30 Mrs. Walter St. John were p.m. A native dish of India appointed program chairmen, will be on the menu. Guest Election of officers was held speaker for the evening will with the following officers be Goodwin Pawar, a student b e i n g re-elected for their from India, who is studying third term; president, Louise at Ohio State University. Fudge; vice-president, Dor- --------- • othy St. John; s e c r e t a r y , Heart Drive completed in Geneva Matthews; Assistant New Jasper with Melvin Stor- secretary, Peg Jenks; treas- er as chairman. The workers urer, Marguerite Woolley; turned in$76. 00 to the fund, a s s i s t a n t treasurer, Sara Drivers for the a f t e r n o o n F u d g e . Beula Fowler and d r i v e were Charles Hum- Eilleen Tidd were appointed Phrey, Charles Ford, Francis on the f l o we r committee. Howe, Mel Storer, Geneva Refreshments were served to Ma t t h ew s and Bea Jenks. the ten members present. Young people assisting were --------- Pat Howe, Larry Foster, Bev- The Couples Class met in erly Miller, Sandra Smith, the church basement Satur- Ellen Ford and Eileen Ford. day evening for a covered --------- dish supper. Thirteen mem- John Williams Jr. opened a bers and sixteen guests were shop for general repairs in present. Following the supper the former Mel Storer black- a bu s i n e s s meeting and a smi t h shop. The shop has d i s c u s s i o n g r oup was in been vacant for several years. charge'of the president, Rev. --------- John Collins. Auxiliary of Volunteer Fire - --------- men will h o l d their next Wednesday evening the first meeting March 26 at 7:30 at meeting of the "Fishermen's the firehouse. Club" washeld at the church. --------- This groupwill be responsible Miss Sharon Rogers was hon- forthe work of the Commis- ored on her 16th birthday at sion on E v a n g e l i s m and her home Saturday evening. Membership. Thirteen adults Games were enjoyed and re- GIBBS HDWE the greeme county GUARDIAN March 21 . J 957 iresnments served to the fo l­ l ow i n g guests: Doris Jean Wigal, Judy Andrews, Nancy Matthews, Judy Green, Ruth Ann Brown, Wanda Campbell, Linda Bell, Jim J o hn s t o n , TomThumaand Ted Rogers. F i f t e e n members of the Neighborhood Supper C l ub enjoyed a covered dish supper at the home of Mrs.Ert Hus­ ton in Xenia Saturday eve­ ning. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Riegel of Jamestown. Lloyd Mrs. David Paice and son, Davie Lee, from Hagertown, Md., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. He r b e r t Dean, Stringtown Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Fount Denny, Pain tersville-Jasper Rd. , have returned from a week­ end visit to Albany, Ky. Wayne Garringer has been confined to his home by il l­ ness the last couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Harley"kogers entertained at a family din­ ner S u n d a y honqring their son, A/lc Gary Rogers, on his 21st birthday, al§o the sister of Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Glenn Overstake of Ogden, Utah, who was here to a t­ tend graduating exercises of her daughter, Phyllis, from Ohio State University. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Palmer and children of Sa­ fain a , Mr. and Mrs. E a r l Moore of Jeffersonville and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rogers and family of W. Lancaster. NOW IS THE TIME * * * DON’T WAIT TRUE-VAC Safe and Sure, M o d i f ie d Live VJrus Vaccine with the Safety Se r- ,um Balancer for the Prevention of Hog Cholera. SEE US FOR YOUR ANIMAL NEEDS. HEIFNER’S PHARMACY Jamestown, Ohio Ph. 4-4371 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean and sons and Mrs. B l a n c h Griffith attended a birthday dinner honoring Mr. Leslie Griffith at South Charleston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Col­ lins of Wo r t h i n g t o n were guests Thursday ofMrs. Wal­ ter St. John. They accom­ panied Mrs. St. John to Troy where they attended the fun­ eral of fvirs. L.E. St. John. Mr. and Mrs. Harley John- sonhadas their guests Satur­ day Mr. William Johnson and Mrs. Margaret Leach of Day- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scott have returned from a week­ end visit to Mr. Rainier, Md. Timmy Johnson spent Satur­ day as guest of his aunt and Bargain Days We Offer to Our Fine Customers the Choicest of Meats a t ............ SAVINGS GALORE Soft 2 5 < f P e r l b . 2 Lb. of Lard For Only 3 5 t Rockholds Meat Market Jamestown 20 O F F P E R GALLON With Purchase of Tankfui of Pure Gasoune 500 O F F On regular price of Purelube lubrication. PURE Good only during Bargain Days Jamestown Oil Co. Jamestown Bargain Days 16 ounce, choice Porterjionse Steak Dinner Two vegetables and salad. j While they ! last . . . ONLY Gurle/s fine Fod IOpen ’til nine Jamestown Xenia Farmers! Exchange