The Greene County Guardian, April 4, 1957

’ 55 Massey-Harris gas tractor BAC Case Oliver 70+ Cultivators M-M ZA tractor 3-12” plows Two 2-12” plows The new long, low and lovely Custom Tudor Open Bowling Every afternoon--and Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Saturday and Suftday Evenings Community Bowl fXenia Dial 2-60181 Jamestown LELAND SMITH'S Farm and Home Center Your Massey-Harris—Ferguson— Ford is the best /Car-buy on the market today! Wherever you look in the new ’57 Ford, you find plus- value features . . . plus-value quality! You can see the plus- vaJue of Ford’s years-ahead styling. And underneath its beauty is an all-new “ Inner Ford” that assures you big-car riding comfort and handling ease—plus longer car life with more satisfactory performance. Visit your Ford Dealer to see and drive the new ’57 Ford. The car will convince you that Ford is your best buy by far! Modal far model, right across Hit F O R D is the lowest priced* of the low-price three! •Baecd on comparison of mpnMfacturcn? oupgooUd retail dsliwrn^miom F.O.A.f Ur New Holland Dealer RAMBO-YODER FORD Phone 4-8511 THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN April 4, 1957 about people In Jamestown FAMILY BUDGET AIRED Home Craft Club Gathers Mrs. MARIE BOYSEL Phone 4-9491 Mr. Harold Lewis returned to his home last Thu r s d a y after s p e n d i n g the winter months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Carr Lewi s and family of Dayton were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis Sunday. Mrs. Ra l ph Lewi s spent several days last week with relatives in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T a l­ bott and Mrs. Etta Talbott of X e n i a have moved to the FrankHarper property on East Xenia Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen of South Charleston were the Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boysel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Willis and family of Cincinnati and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cline and family of Bowersville were the Sunday a f t e r n o o n and evening guests of their par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leeman Cline and Howard. Mrs. Bliss Smith, Mr. Har­ old Breakfield a;.d Mr. Har­ old Lewis have all returned to their r e s p e c t i v e homes after spending several weeks vacationing in Florida. Mr. and Mr s . C h e s t e r Grooms Jr. of Xenia were the afternoon and evening guests Sunday of Mr. andMrs. Ralph Talbott and Patty. Mr. M ax J e n k s has been confined to his home several days by illness. Mrs. Nora S y f e r d left by plane Saturday morning for Los Angeles, C alif., where she will spend two months as the g u e s t of her brother and f a m i l y , Dr. and Mrs. Glen Dayton. Mr. and Mrs.F.J. McCorkle and daughter of Cedarville were the Sunday e v e n i n g guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Wiseman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steub- ing and daughter of Cincin­ nati were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mis. Willis Glass and daughter Becky and at­ tended the class play. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mur­ ray and Lynn Ellen and Rich­ ard of Xenia were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Gordon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pin­ son were the weekend guests of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lu t h e r Cotton of Huntington, W.Va, On Sun­ day they attended the 50th wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pinson of South Point. Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t Hill called on Mr. andMrs. Angus Wright of Jeffersonville Fri­ day afternoon. Jefferson 1ettermen Recognized C o a c h R o y c e Pauley of Bowersville Jefferson award­ ed v a r s i t y letters to seven boys at the annual athletic banquet last week. Varsity "Js" went to Robert M a r s h a l l , Larry Guthrie, Ronald Brown, Neil Gustaf­ son, John W i l l i a m s , Ken Heineman and Jack Fergu­ son. Warren T a l b o t t , reserve coach, p r e s e n t ed second - team letters to Garry Hen­ derson, Neal Gregory, Jack G a l l a g h e r , Don Guthrie, Mike Batchelder, No rma n Dunlap and Steve Bone. Other members of the reserve squad were Kent Bone, Tom Kepler and Don Rockwell. Leland (Junior) Norris was featured speaker. He talked a b o u t the National Invita­ tional b a s k e t b all Tourna­ ment games played when he was starring for the Univer­ sity of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t Hill were bu s i n e s s visitors in Hillsboro Saturday a fternoon. Gary Tidd was a we e k e n d guest of the Hills. Mrs. R i c n ard Hughes was hostess for the March meet­ ing of the Home Craft Club last Monday afternoon. An interesting discussion on the f a m i l y budget and a short business meeting were con­ ducted by the chairman of the g r oup , Mrs. Kenneth Pitstick. Roll call was read and the minutes read and ap- DEERE READERS: We've had some marvelous results with tractor demon­ strations on the farm since last we reported to you. Several folks lift their eye­ brows when we tell them we pulled four bottoms nine to 10 inches deep at Bob Greg­ ory 's with our new 720 diesel. It was a l m o s t beyond our fondest expectations. But we did it—in b l a c k and clay ground, alike. You may be hearing more about this. Several folks who heard about it have invited us to do it on their land. And we're accepting the invita­ tions ! Lamar Long and Roy Staffan both have reported fuel econ­ omy even beyond what they, themselves, had hoped for and e x p e c t e d . Neither of them has found it necessary to refuel more than once per day—in a full day of plow­ ing. Sam De a n has given us a very good report on his new 420. His fuel consumption is less than two gallons per hour in hard, steady plowing. He is also able to plow notice­ ably deeper at the same rate of speed as he did with his former tractor. If you're in J a m e s t o wn and you see a little 420 coming down the street, with a big f o r a g e wagon behind it, headed to of from the elevator, that will be Sam --the latest ad­ dition to our satisfied list of John Deere owners. It makes us feel genuinely good to see not only former John Deere owners, but also to see farmers with their first John Deere getting so much satisfaction with these new tractors. John Evans Evans F^rm Supply proved by Mrs. Max Allen. As this was the last meeting for the old officers, books were turned over to the new officers for the club year be­ ginning with the April meet­ ing at the h o m e of Mrs. Wayne Houpt, April 17. New officers are president, Mrs. Arthur Allen S r . ; vice-pre­ sident, Mrs. Wayne Persing- er; s e c r e t a r y , Mrs. Elbert Baker; vice-secretary, Mrs. Russell Allen; treasurer, Mrs. Ida Burton; and news reporter, Mrs. Arthur Allen Jr. One g u e s t , Mrs. Dorothy Buck, Home Demonstration Agent, attended the meeting. Refreshments were s e r v e d by the hostess to Mrs. Dorothy Buck, Mrs. Arthur Allen Sr. , Mrs. Ar t hu r Allen Jr. and son, Mrs. M ax A l l e n and daughter, Mrs. Russell Allen, Mrs. R u s s e l l Mills, Mrs. L a u r i s Smith, Mrs. Elbert B a k e r , Mrs. Linnie Knox, Mrs. Kenneth Pinson, Mrs. Wayne Persinger and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Kenneth Pitstick and daughter,. Mrs. Da v i d T f J L J Leslie, Mrs. Martin Carter and d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Earl Garringer, Miss Janet Gar- ringer, Mrs. Ida Burton, Mrs. Bill Evans and children, Mrs. Russell Hughes, Mrs. Wayne Houpt, Mrs. James Pierson and son, Mrs. Johnny Bales, Mrs. Gale Garringer and son and Mrs. Jesse Gray. 14 Brands of Soups-Sandwiches Carry-out Service Draft Beer The Old Mill Now in Full Swing RestatnantM Motel Friday-Saturday Special PEPPER STEAKS French F ries Lettuce and Tomatoes SUNDAY SPECIAL:$ 1.50 z?Chicken Dinner salad, soup or juice 2 vegetables hot r olls and butter HemlockCafe Jamestown, O. The C l i f f House ...A delightful place for small gatherings... South of Cedarville on U.S. 42 S ^ ^ ■*. v- —• ----- -—-— FORD outsells 'em all and here's why And roomy! That V-8cyot at/ ticked{ ' The (onerford is /JCI* toof (Mr