The Greene County Guardian, April 11, 1957

THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN A p rU ll, 1957 about people in Jamestown Mrs. MARIE BOYSEL j Phone OR 5-9491 ! Mrs. Ida Hughes and Mrs. Bert Jacks and family spent S un d a y with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Persinger and family. Little Mickey Evans spent Monday with his grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Persinger. Mrs. Catherine Haggard and Mrs. Florence Turner enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haggard, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gumm to dinner Sunday. GaryTidd spent from Wed­ nesday until Sunday with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hill. They all spent S a t u rd ay in Springfield on business. is slowly improving after be­ ing injured in an automobile accident some time ago. Mrs. Mary F l e t c h e r and daughter, Phyllis of Bowers- ville spent Friday evening with Villa Chaffin. building last Monday night in Springfield. c ---------- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borst and d a u g h t e r , Miss Bertha B e l l B owe r s and Ruthann Bowers motored Miss Carol Ann Bowers back to Oxford University Sunday after she had spent her Spring vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Noah Knisley entertained members of their family at a dinner in honor of Mrs. Wilda Wiedenheft's birthday and also in honor of their son, Woodrow’s, marr­ iage to Miss Carol Smith. Attending were Mrs. Phyllis W i n d o n and family, Mrs. Betty Brumfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Knis­ ley and family, all of Spring- field; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiedenheft and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Knisley and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Rich­ ard Lovett and family, Miss J o An n K n i s l e y and Jerry Knisley, all of Jamestown. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Bu r r e l l Smith of New Jasper and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lemaster of Xenia. Mrs. Lawrence Foster, Mrs. Estel M i l l e r , Mrs. Everett Fulk, Mrs. F r a n c i s Shoe­ m a k e r , Mrs. Maxine Cox, Mrs. D a r r e l l F i t e , Mrs. George Hines and Mrs. Lee Boys e l attended a Stanley and bingo party at the YMCA Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bow­ ers and family spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bowen and daughter at Xenia. Miss Carol Ann Bowers spent last Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saunders nee Gladys Brandel. Callers at Shirk Rest Home Sunday were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Hersel Long called on Mrs. E mm a L o n g ; Mr. and Mrs. James Dewitt and d a u g h t e r called on Mrs. Grace S t its w orth and Mrs. Baker of Cedarville called on her mother, Mrs. Paige, j Mr. and Mrs. Claude Glass1 of Washington C. H. spent last Monday with Mrs. Alma Shirk. I Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ridgway and f a m i l y of Canal Win­ chester spent S un d a y with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Devoe. Mr. and Mrs. James Knisley and Mr. Harold Chaffin spent: Saturday afternoon with Mr. BobKnisley, who is a patient at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati. Mr. Knisley With Every regardless of price of oil We also have among our s e r v i c e s Car Wash, Cleaner, Pol­ ishes andWaxes, Oil, Gas, T ires , Batter­ ies and Accessories Gnmin & Brads Services Station SAVE MON£Vktf8ialord A CUTS and SHREDS inoneoperation! P U l V E A JZ £ : v/ Corn Stalks V Cotton Stalks %/ brush For outstanding performance, see the Ford Rotary Cutter in action! Observe the way it completely cuts and shreds stalks . . . heavy weeds . . . small brush. You’ll like the way it leaves fields easy to work, with crop residues pulverized for rapid decomposition into soil building organic matter. See how it shatters the stumps of brush, helping to kill the roots to prevent new growth from sprouting. Attaches quickly to 3-point hitch on Ford Tractors. 5mmu» now for thm latmtt In low cos# labor taring mquipmmnt C C / 0 : 'S Pastures Y , ®°od «des V ^oirwoy* King Tractor Sales 115 Hill St. Xenia»Phone DR 2-6161 \ / r a o c i e r 8 ® u o * L I V E B E T T E R - F O R L E S S \ COFFEE / vac. CUP O CHEER pak 6 9 * lb BANANAS 10V p w B iih at K n o t 's and Save TOP VALUE STAMPS FOR FREE GIFTS Service 880Table Values To s250 and our 1/2 Price Table Loads of Values Jamestown 5-9691