1897 Imago

LIBRARY, E YER since the College opened its doors, the necessity of a Library has been felt. The town of Cedarville is blessed with a good library, to which Hon. '\ hitelaw Reid has donated quite a number of valuable volumes. ot– with tanding, it was felt that the College must have a Library. Accordingly, during the Winter term of the present year, Prof. McChesney made a strong appeal through the Reformed Presbyterian Advocate, to the friends of the Col– lege throughout the hurch for liberal donations towards starting a Library. Hi call was promptly and notably answered. '\iVithin a month, nearly 500 volume of the very choice t literature have been received, and only a few con– gregations thus far have been heard from. It is expected that by the close of the year at lea t I ,ooo volumes will haye been donated. We thank our kind friends for the interest they have already manifesteq in the new Library, and we earnestly solicit their further attention in this good enterprise. Let us try to get another thousand volumes next year. Boom Cedarville College Library. If you are making your will and would like to do good, ma_ke many hearts glad and perpetuate your memory, please leave a good, big sum to our Library. 8