1897 Imago

'98- JUNIOR. President-J . M. MCQUILKIN. COLORS-Green and Lavendar. Morro-·• A rolling stone gathers no moss." C LAS of ' 9 , which cla i. all good fellows and not a skate. Why, to be sure it is. The Cla s of '98. Make way for this trio of broad-shouldered, high-forehead(ed), young, stalwart ons of Cedarville College. The Clas of '97 may think they have set us a stiff pace to follow, but just wait, in a year far beyond shall go the Cla s of '98. Although there are but three of u , we are not a barned of our number. We sing for joy, but had there been more we might have been pestered with tho e peskiest of mortal creatures, which ome geniu long since pa sed away saw fit to de ignate as girl . Al– though other tudents may lament becau e of our meager number in the Spring of '9 , we ourselves hall rejoice when we see our competitors so far outstripped in every race for cla di tinction . Would ye eek instruction? Ask ye what we intend to do? Ask ye yon haughty enior who saw us aid them in the Class rush . Ask ye yon Sophomores, o encumbered by gingerly complected girls and boys in whiskers. They, with one accord , will cry, "Greater than we." Wait! The record breaker goes out in '9 . A k yon " Fre hies," who know not rhetoric. They gladly give u honor. Go ye to the children in the Prep. Department, they who know our greatnes . They will shriek, "We bow, we humbly bow to the Class of '9 ." ·with malice for none, with a kind word for all, with re pect to our President, all honor to the Faculty , with a helping hand fo1· those less favored student , we must lowly bow and confe s the truth, "we, the people," are the Class of ' 98.