1897 Imago

GLEE CLUB. X T HE fandolin and Glee Club wa rganiz d 111 the Fall f '96 , and th y opened a very succe ful ea n at X nia, ., rendering an xcell nt program to a large and appre iative audi nc , each piec b ing h artily encored. About two week later they filled an engagem nt at Clifton, 0. n thi cca ion the Glee Club wa very ably econded by the Ladie ' ctette and Homer icMillan, Mis s Morton and Pollock, elect reader . Th next engagement wa at Cedarville, the occasion being the annual ion of the Farmer ' In titute. The Club furni hed the audienc , ith fir t-cla ntertainment during th two day ' e ion. The Club clo ·ed the ea on at Jame town, 0., again entertaining the friend of the Farm rs' In titute. Much of the ucce of the Glee lub is due to the untiring efforts of Mi Belle Beaz 11, the Iusical director. GLEE CLUB. First Tenor 'econd Tenor Fir t Bas Second Ba eorge, Collet .Young, Kyle Elder, Sterret Rife, Orr Piani t. Tho R. Turner. MANDOLIN CLUB. _.. ..... Mandolin .Yor111g, Elder, .'terret Guitars . . . . . . . . . George, Collet Violon ello. . ... . .... Rife Reader, Homer Nlcl\Jillan. 35