1897 Imago

ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. J. 11. ::\IcQlk-n-The book you de– ire, "How to Pro po e," can be obtained from any book eller and i Yery sugge tive. B. "11. P-1-Ben Hur was written by General Lew vVallace. Patent leather can be used for dancing. J A. Orr-Laboratory apparatus and chemical can be purchased from any good chemical hou e. elma i in Ohio. A. G. NicC-11 - Frorn your description of your elf, we would judge that you could play ball. Good pitchers are in demand. ]. C. c-rff -Antioch did have a foot ball team. 44 T. R. T-r-n-r-We are unable to locate your aunt "Sallie" m Utica, not knowing her last name. Connersville is in Indiana. B-ll \iV-nt-r-If the young man does not answer your letter, it would be better not to notice it. R. B. Wl-s-n - The song, "Take Back the Ring," i very pretty and sells for 40 cents. Prof. W. R. McCh- n-y-Cedarville College is at Cedarville, Ohio. It offers splendid advantages and has a good library. R. P. G-rb-ld-The H erald is a weekly paper published at Cedarville. Think your items would be accepted.