1897 Imago

---=- Name .. . . Central Appearance Disposition . . . ... . . Bad Habtt . ... .... . Religion Favorite Disli . . . . Favorite Rtsort . . His Fad Occztpation in College Fav orite Study Intended Occupation Probable Occupation . BICKET. Bashful. Lively. Kidnapping Girls. Adventist. Kraut. The Oklahoma. A Mustache. Driving 10000 Miles . Judge. Preacher. Circus Rider. DIAGNOSIS OF SENIOR CLASS. ., 1J~ I ,- COLLINS. GARBOLD. MCMILLAN. -- Feminine. Stud ious. anctified. Unstable. Forgivi,ng. Pious. Fickleness. Gambling. Smoking. Shaker. Puritan. Free Lover. Lasses. Hash. Any-Old-Thing. Xenia. Edward Hagar's. Bob Wilson's. His Stewart. Hunting G ,rls. His " Kitchen." Raising a Beard. Dancing. Working in Lab. Dancing. Self. Democracy. Professor. Lawyer. Preacher. Pugilist. Ward H eeler. Actor. 47 I I MORTON. DL1dish. cherous. rting. nkard. tatoes. Trea Fli Du Po Behi n Spo d the Bat. oning. T elling. Gazette. Story Police Missionary. !breaker. Hear ORR. Modest. Amative. Kicking. Quaker. Onions. Selm.i. Drinking. Preaching. f } History of Europe. M.D. D.D