The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1954

.\ f 11 l l 111 () () l l < l l l < l t 11 i rt , 111 <) \ 1- • ~H l 1 Ll l) e () l } C 111c1l,t' cltl i11111rr .. - si\' t' .. ip:l1t i11 ,lll ) T lcllltl. IJclst 1ligl1t ,,.,ls ,ls ,J apa 11- e .. 'e- cl~ ,111,Ttl1i11g· l 11,1,·e , ·et st'e11 i11 . ~ . ,111 l)c:111. } ,1·c)111 e 11 il tl 1100<1. ,,, l>11 ild tll) i1111)1't\. , io11 ' of t1tl1e1· l a11d . } ir - ,,·01· l,s. J a11a 11e. e la11 te1·11. • p1·et JT l)'i1·l i11 l)ri u·h t colo1·0cl l,i1110110 t°' ~ lr1r~: sh1·i11 a11d te111ple. ,,·ere 1u3.. , .,i io11.. of 1 a11a11. Lc1. t 11ig·ht ,,,.a. 110 di appoi11 t111e11t. Roltltgat "' ufo 111ea11 tl1 ' ixth 111ontl1 lig·l1t fe ti,,.al . E,,,e1· T 11ig a Rol(l1o·at 11to i held at a differe11t h1·i11e i11 the i t , r. Tl1e wo1ne11 a11d ._ cl1ild1~e11 d1'e 11p i11 thei1· fi11e t 1904 SOth-1954 ANNIVERSARY CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Testimonies to Jews Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Brazil Quarterly Magazine "THE TRUMPETER FOR ISRAEL,, "News and Views" of local and world-wide interest concerning the people and the land GERALD V. SMELSER, Supt. P. 0. Box 3556 Cleveland 18, Ohio pTL races to ALFRED A. KUNZ EJecuttve DI reefor beat Communist timetable . TllE MIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST September 1954 __..::~:..-=..:~------~~~--~~~~~- ' 'RO KU GA TSU T 0' ' t•lt>tl1<1s. l)1tri11g· t l1 <lcl.\. ,,·c\·trr11 <lrrs: is 1)1·rc lo111i11a11t. J;a i 11ig-l1t tl1r fr ·ti,·,11 ,, fl: l1rlcl ,1t tl1e largest ~11i11to . l11·i11e i11 1 ,lgo: l1i111,1. "\\T loacl c>cl 111) tl1e nr a11cl 11 aclecl fo r lO\\Tll cl. 0011 t 7 :30 I"> .1\1. .L\ lrcacl)T :everal thot1. a11cl l)eopl ha i aa t l101·ecl. The ,vide roacl ,,Tl1irl1 lead 11p to the hi11to .. l11·i11e , 11e. tled bacl{ a()'ai11 t the hill i abot1t 011e-fourth of a mil lonO'. n lJoth ide of t l1e e11tire le11g·th of thi 1--oacl were scor e of 111all te11t and ope11 l1op ,vith eve1--3rthing· fro1n balloo11 to a man cl e1non t rating a ne,v aw. "\Vhat a t i1ne t1·ying to lreep Ma1·k a 0 ·e ix av-~lay from t h e fi1,eworl{ , bal - 10011 oftdri1 lr and tri11ket . H e ,,Ta bor ed tiff at t h e r e t of the f e t ival, a,re for the occa io11al fi r e– wo1--k high above ou1, head . hoving throt1gh thi c1~0,vd eigl1t 01· te1 foreigner prove to b e a · 1nuch a ight a the other attr ac– tio11 . The ll 11al tare last about five to te11 1ninute when ther e are other attraction , too. t the e11d of the r oad we begin our cli111b to the center l1ri11e. A h l1ge Tori marl{ the e1 tra11ce to t h e hri11e p1--oper. The ft1 ll moon g ive eve1--ytl1i11g a fuzzy light vrhile at lea t 5000 mall la11tern line the path to the vario11. hrine 011 the hill ide. Differ ent bu i11e or ganizatio11. co11t1--ib11ted the l a11ter11 which adve1~ti ed their bu i11e . 011 our ri o--ht hand prep– aratio11 are bei11g rr1ade for the trac1itional da11ce by the ,vomen. By 110,v the r ovvd ha begt1n to ,vell. ,v e are at the tep i11 f1·011t The Communist blueprint for world revolution, recently inserted in the Congressional Record by Senator Knowland, names 1960 as the deadline for Communist domination of South- east Asia. . The step-up of Communist efforts. an Asia means that our time for preaching the Gospel in J a pan, Formosa and Korea may be tragically sh~rt. . Wh ile the Commun ists are advancing, serious shortage of funds threatenS' to slow up the Pocket Testament League campaigns of Scripture d istribution and evangelization in the Far East . Your help is desperately needed al this critical time. Write to: c)f thr IIc>ly plac·. ()11 the ri r1}1t, 1> ro1>lr ~1re clri11l<i11g· II oly \vatrr at thP ]avrr i11 prrparatio11 for th<>ir ,,,orsl1ip at thr Iloly pl aer. I n8icl the IIoly plare ,l n1a11 is beati11g· a l a1~ge c1rum to aclcl to the co11f11sio11, I g11e. s. ~ 1 01~r: of people are try– i11g to 1~ea ch the . acred rope to ri11g the bell on top. fter a t11g at the rope to call. e the bell to ri11g the wor) hipper claps hi. ha11d. and then hold. t l1em in a prayer po- itio11 while h e bo,'{S his heacl and clo e hi eye for a few . econds. Ir. l\Iorgan top to get col o1 ..ed lide · of thi event after eeking permi . ion from ever al prie. t ,vho vvere giving out lip of paper in r e po11 e for a 11umber taken from a bamboo r od. The bamboo rod. are placed in a large bamboo tuhe and come out 011e at a time, th r o11gh a mall hole i11 one end. The lip of paper are me ages from t he god telli11g them ,vhat they can expect in the day to come. lark and I ha,re to look into the huge offering plate ju t under the bell. The plate i about 15 foot long three foot ,, 1 ide and thr ee foot deep . l t look like a p e11ny st1pper offering. One yen note worth a cent each completely cove1.. the bottom. I can ee a few t en yen coi11 which mu t have been thrO\\'D in by t he more faithf11l. Eve1"y now and then fi1 ..e"\vork exploded high in the air. 1arl{ inter e t r en ews immediately . 'l'he n10011 a een thr ough the many pi11e tree bring a ight wl1ich make. the affair that man has pla1111ed a mall hadow of the beauty God ha prepar ed . What ,,1 e11t 011 in the p eople' mind a they wa h ed in the la,rer ra11a the bell at the flolJ'" place bo,ved, thre,v their n1011ey into the trough or bought their fortune l cannot a)". :i\Iark wa bored! I wo11der ed at it all. 111 the mid t of 11earl}r 5000 mall paper la11tern ,,·a a hu()'e paper lanter11 " "ith a picture of Dagwoocl and Blondie ju t co111ing back fro1n one of the local departme11t tore . Text week the acred arlr i taken from the H ol1r of H olie of thi " 1 hrine to a pa1·l{ three mile to the 1101 " \ a mixture ! I can- 11ot figure out ,vhat mal{e tho11- and co1ne to tl1e e hrine yea1·l)'"· 111 the 1neantime, "'"e are till tI')'"– ing to tudy thi langt1age. It loolr a if it ,, 1 ill be a never e11ding