The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1954

Septeinb r 1954 - --------- TIIE 01110 INDEPENDENT BAI>TIST Pag Njnct en -----~~~~~~~~~~~ - WILLIAM FUSCO AND WIFE ENROLL FOR ITALY f \ 1 11 l (' ,1 i ( l ~I iHsi<J1lH ( 1 c> 11 f'pr – <' l l (' (\ 1 'Pl'(' 111 J ' • ht'lcl i11 }iJJlllllHll - ll P ) , ~ a I) t i:,.; 1 ( 1 }1111·c·J1, l)H\"1C>tl . ) ()Ilic>, ihc' l )P\' . HJlcl ~lrs. \\ril– ]ia111 l <11 sc•c) c>f ~HllClltS]{)", ()l1ic>, \\' PrP f'c>l'lllHl].\r cl(' - C'C])t<:'cl f c>r S<' l'\ 1 iec' ,L 111 issic>ll<l l'l <'s i11 It ,ll\". 'I 110 el111rc· l1 c'S ()r ()hie) .1\ :-;sc>- • eiatic)Jl cll'( 1 tl1rjllP(l H1 t11 c' 1>1·c1H11ec·t of' ~C111cli11g· fo rtl1 tl1i8 hig·l1].\" 1><11111lnr a11 l ,vell <fll<tlifiecl l'Oll]) l P i11tc> 111is- • • 81011 ar} ... SC' l'\" lCC' . • 1Jf1 ·. ] i 1 l{ CO i ' a 11cl11\ 1 ()f J\( 1<)()llH J>c11 11 s.,rl\rclllict a11cl \\'cl8 SH\'C' tl 111 ,l l~il )lr ('1011fere11ee l1('ltl i11 tl1Ht C'il:\" • cl11ri11g· f'J11l . .. of 104(1. Il e.' ,l11P11 lrcl ~Ioocl3~ I ib1e I t1~tit11tr, la1c.)r tra,rc>l – i11g· as cl 8011g 1( acler ,,,itl1 cl 11 e\'cltl – g·e listie te,1111 tl11·011g·l1oltt tl1e c:01111- tr)'". Ile se1·,, cl as a... <)ti,1t l)H,~tor clllCl llli11i,"t I' 0£ l llll "iC, \, 1 it }1 t'Oll- icle1·a}>}e 1~acl io ."er,,i ·r. l l e l1c1s bce11 l)c1, ·tor of tl1e 1 a 1 \' c1 t•)r 13,11)tjst ( 1 l111rrl1, " a11 lt1 "]{)'" ()hio lt11·i11g ta.. l{. ,V elc b3r ,,,.e le tl1e I1u1· l i .. 011e11i110· 1111 iti to tl1c .i. ... 01·tl1. I~11g·li:h Bil)le · la e: a1·e 11 o,,r i11 prog1·e. ; i11 lct1 hi. l ra)'" tl1at t l1e )TOlll1g· fJeo11le ,, 1 ill COll ti1111 to ·0111 reg·11la1 .. l3r. ,\ l1ile tallci11g· v,·itl1 a collrg·e r rof e.. 01.. at tl1e 1·ailroa d tatio11 i11 I l11·i110 a jl111 ·tio11 lJe– t,,,ee11 1<11 hi a11 cl Kag·o.. -- l1i111a tl1e E11g·li. h teael1er of tl1e I 11ri110 SC'boo] S) 7 ·te111 · a111e to t}1 statio11 ,,,.jtJ1 eve1·al . t11de11t . >- <]1c l1a 1 hee11 a £01·111 r • ti1cle11 t of th ·ol– ]cg·r. 1)1·ofe. · ·01· . ,Ve ,,~ re i11t1'0- cl 11crcl a11d h e i1111necliat ly tolcl h e1" alJ011t 1uy c1e ·ire for a Bil)lc cla: · i11 K lll'ino clt1ri110· lll.)r t ,\ 1 0 110111-– ,vait fot tl1e t1·ai11 l)aelc to l(ag:o– ~11 i 111a ea e 11 8t111 cla ,,. . F 01.. se, 1 e1·al .. H,11Jcla}.., 111)r fric11cl a11c.l I h,1ve bee11 clistr il)ll i i11 g· tra ·ts f ro111 11011. ·0 to J1c,1tse. 'l'J1ere is 11 e l1t11·e]1 i11 K111·i- 110, a c·iiy of a l)ot11 ] ,0()() <t11cl ,,·e J1a,, 1 11ot lJPe11 al>le to fi11cl a ( 1 l1rjs- 1 ia11 j11 ,,·h<>8P J10111e \\'e 111ig·l1t 8iart a 11ilJ]e eJass. r1'l1r E11g·]i .. l1 tra ·lier i111111cJc li<LtPl)' eX])l'PSS0(l lier flesii·e f<Jt' a11 l~11o·]j~l1 J{il>l r c·lass a1 ,,,Jti<'ll ~ 1 it11 ca !-,}le ,,,011]d j11tp1·1)1·e1 t o tl1(> lJ C-181 ,,r hc·r al>iJj1.) '. [1 ,vas }1 c> 1· OJ>i11ic>11 tli,11 tl1) 1 (J\\ 11 11c-1c,cl cl to l><l a,,,,tl<– <.,11P(l. l1<!i lls J)ray tJ1,t1 tl1ey ,,·ill , lJ()ll })p H\\ 1 <1]{ 1 llP(). --------- r 11Jy A111erica11H 11,t\'C 111ast reel t J 1 < 1 a rt o f I ) ~ i 11 g· 1) r o s J ) <' r o 11 s 1 I 1 o t 1 g l 1 bl'uJ<c. t I Ip J) cl:,.; t r() l 11' ,\ pa I 'S, ,111 ( I (I tt I' j 11 g' t 11 is J><'ri<><I ltHs lH'P tl c1c·t i\ 1 <' i11 f '1 (' ,1frc1irs ()I' ()liic> ,\ :-;s<><' iafi<>ll rlllcl I (c,l>rc>11 Assc>c' ic-1t ic>ll hc>lcli11 g in, ,>, > r 1 a 111 c > rf i c • e1 s i 11 <• I t 1 < 1 i , 1 g· t 1t " 1 <, r \ r()llt]1 clll'('C'(<)I' itl {Ii<' lc><·ctl f'p]Jc>\\' • slti J>. rJ' hc' J)Hl'('tlf 8 <>f' ~Ir . J 1 tl~('() Pll lllllffl'cl{Pc] 1'1·<>111 (1,l].\, ill ]!)l _ ,lllfl ,,· e11·p laic'r <'<>11\'<'l'l<'<l . 'J'hc· J>cll'C'llls <·c1111i11tt<' fc> 1·ps iclc' in .. \I 1<><>tl,t, f >p1111 s,\ l, 1 c111ia. ,1/ rs. /<11,scr) is H 11 at i,'c' <>f' ( 1 c>l<>- 1· cl cl<>, f l 1P f' a ll l j] ) ' 1 cl { <' I' l ll C > V j 11 g· 1 c > T t>,v ,t . NJ 1 c) a 1 t P 11 cI( 1 cl I < > c > c l,· I1 i I > l c, I 11stit11t t) 1'1·(>111 1!}--1~ 1<> 1~Jl -l , i11 e lttsi,· <1. Nl1c l'pJJ i11 ]o\' <' ,,jtJi iii<' littl r. It nliclll ,lncl th0,· \\' <'l'<' 111ar- ~ ri <>l l i 11 1 ! ~(>. Ir. a 11 cl ~lrs. ]-i' t1 st·<> ,ll'P \\P}l tal c11tecl i11 11111:ie a11cl 11011P j,1 111<' fello,,·:-:;l1j1> ,volllcl cli~J>lt1 thPi1· 1· j g· 11 t 1 o fi r : t J> l, l e c i 11 t I 1a t f i c> 1 cl . \ ~ i\ [ 1' . J 1, l l St () ( 1 i 1' (l <: 1 s i ] 1P J l l l l ':i i(' J I i ~ ',.i r (l t 111· i 11 s l 1 p 1· all ( 1 i e11 (' _) 8 \\'it 11 ] l (' l' ctl)ilit.)~ to o·i, 1 <1 t.11 ~ J ja110 a ,,·orl,-011t. 13otl1 of t l1 csr ) ' 0\1110· J)POJ)l ,1rc cle \l)l~r SJ)irit llcl l ,t11c.l l1cl\' ,l11 )vi– l lli lo,r) £01· ,'OLlls. \\Tit ll()lli ( jllC8- ~II 8 ~ 1 T( NL\Rll-D~· .B 01~ tl1e 111i. ·io11 al') 7 - l11i11c1ec1 1 co- 1 le tl1 "1111111al 111e ti11g· of hio A::o iatio11 ,,rill lJe 1·i ·11 i11 . 1 iritt1al ,ral t1e tl1Le to tl1e ·arcft1ll)r . el ttecl g·rot1p of ·l1oi ·e 111i. ·io11a1·i · : ·l1ecl- 11led f 01· tl1e ·e ·io11 . Ret \ J. .L\ r e li 1 lc111rl J>j'aff·, ,,rel l 1{110,,,n to tl1 1·ea 1 1·. of tl1is 111c1g c1- zi11e tl11·ot1g·l1 l1i. frrc1l1e11t a1·tie: I ;) , ,,,ill peak 011 T1te ·cla)r e,Te11i11g·. J?ev. (; eralcl 1T. 1 ,1iel er ' lll) ri11- te11cle11t of 1 1 , 1 ela11d IIeb1~e,, 7 Ii.·– io11 al,,Ta)r. 1 Opl1lar, ,vill a lcl1·es. I Est: 1932 23rd Year f i<>II t Ji,, I J()l'( I \Vi 11 I><' ,1 l>IP ( () llSP 1hc'lll n1i g h1il.)' i11 1h<'ir c·l1<>sc•11 ficlcl Of' HP J' V j <' (' • 1\ I I' . I 1' l IH(. () \, , i 11 s ti I)} 11 i t :-t st() I' y r c > 1 • i 11 <• I 11 s i,, 11 j 1 1 1 1 1 <~ < > <• I , , 1) (' r· i s81 1 0 <>f' 1}1is lll cl g,1zi JJ (' clllCl \VilJ f'<>])CJ\V f '1 is \\ i 111 ,I 8<' l' i PH () r cl r1 i c· I (' 8 r> (l l) ( 1- j 11 g· I I is c I <• I > a 1• 1 t I r cJ f' c, r t h" fi P I c 1. 11 i 1, t i 11 l ,11 (1 :-;e1 r i Ps <> r a t'1 i(' 1 r8 \v j 11 I< cc 1 > lltP r< 1 H<l <' t'S f'1 1Jl.Y i11f'c,r1t1Pcl 1}1rc,ug·J1 - <>t1t th<'ir tllis:-;io11c11·.y xP rvic·P. ' 1'11 <' J>HS1<>1· ,vill 1·rHig 11 11i8 J>ttl - 1 > i 1, " l r r <• 1 i v c., i 11 < ) <• 1 c > 1 >e r , a 11 c I ,vi I J tl1t 1 rr1,1ftPr l>P c1\ 1 ,1il,1lJl r i'c>r cl cr>111a– f i<>11 ~c 1 1·,, ic·c 1 ,1111c>11g· I he c· J111rC'hes of <>hi<> ,\ 8sc,c·i,1tic>11. Ji~V<'ry af'filiat0d c·'11trf'lJ \\'ill }>l'Ol>al>l.Y \Vi .· J1 1o J)l'<>fii ll,\' c1 \j~it f'rc,111 1hPse J)otr11tjal 1nissic) 11 ,1 rj<'s. :\) r. ct11cl .i\ Jr:.;. Ji 1 useo ,vjll 111<.1<'1 <1PlPgH1<' f, Ht tl1c c:t111111al 111 t 1 r1 itli! <>f' (>J1io .1\ 8soc·i,tt io11 , Brool<– ~icll') 13,lJ)i i.·t 1 l1l1re }1 ()lev0la11cl, ()c·tc)lJPl' 1 - ~l , i11c·lL1sivc. J>f'<J jJlr are 11r.vcr l,1tc for a sPr, 1 i<' c l><1<·,111~c· tl1c~y lcJ 11ot r1111 fast <' Jt<J11gl1 it'~ lJ<1<'ct11. ·r tl1Py clo11't 8i ,trt soo11 c 11011g·h. tl1c t1cleg·ai " 'l l1tt1· ·clay at 11 :00 ~ \ .l\I. 'I 11 11 tl10 \\T 0111e11 s ·eHs io11 to lJe l1clcl 011 '1 l11tl'.:c.lay after11oon ,vill 1 )ro,,ic1r a 1·il' J1 treat ,r ith .i.l/ 'rs. W il– li'(l J1i Fztsco a11cl J.111·s. Robert lloge'rs a. the 11l'i11eipal . peal{er ;·. 'l"he g'c11e1·al 111i ._ io11ary y111- lJO ·111111 to l>e eo11clt1ct cl by R ev. I J all Dat1t l 011 \\T ed11e · :lay after"'- 1100 11 ,,Till be l1ig· l1ly p1·ofit,1ble. 1\ jol) lo11e 1·ig·l1t tocla}'- 1nea11s le ·. · t1·ot1ble tomo1·1 ..o,v. • 400Student Enrollment Inadequate Training Is a Lifelong Detriment How often we h ear the sad confession, "My training was not adequate." The selection of a school is one of the most serious s teps of life. It is almost impossible to compensate for an inferior training in later years. An education should be an open door to Christian service but in a school which is spiritually indistinct, academi– cally unsound or impract ical it may be a barrier instead of an asset. Baptist Bible Sem1n~ry should. receive Y?ur n1ost serious consideration. It is emphatically B1bl1cal, aca demically recognized and separat.ed in prac tice from. per– sonal and eccle~ astical <..omprom1se so that the Seminary graduate may declare tl1e riches of grace in Christ Jesus without impediment. Paul R. Jackson, D .D ., Pres. John R Dunkin, 7~h.D., Dean