The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1954

3epte1nber 1954 ----------=T:..=.I-IE== OIIJO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST___________ Page Thr c t ri P11dl) 1 to , l1ri, ti clllll}r Hll<l 110 per . 0 11 cl ll ]1J'CC1 i ,t 111 fl l { ll l'(l r Or 111is iOllcl r, 1 ,,1 01·1(. .. .t\.f ricci js t111clc1· a \V,1 ,,r <> (' 11n - io11a] i. 111 c:111cl 0 111111l111i. tie i11fll1- ~11ce a11d i11r0Hc1 it1· l1r i11 g· 111 ,tclr )~' tl1e e11e111y i11 <)1ttl1 A111c> ri c',lll 1 ot111t1~ies. l11·i. tia11ity i H Hl111t 011t )J' the Iro11 u1,tai11 c111d tl1 e eJ111rel1 1a g·o11 1111de1·g 1·0 1111cl.' Th 1· d 111 e 11ace l1a11 ~!,'s lil<c ,1 cl c1 rlt ~lo11d o, 1 e 1' tl1e ,vorlcl, a11cl I)rotrst– t11t ,,,01'1{ . llffe1\ a lclitio11al l1c11· l – ;hi1) lt1e to J) 1-- 1 11tio11 l)J' tl1 e .;atholic i11 111a11y eo1111tries vvl1ere l1e doo1-- r e111ain 01 11. Tl1e a11 we1· 1·e t i11 t l1e i11<lig·e- 1011 h t11· 11. Wl1e11 tl1e 111i - iio11arie a1·e fi11ally exrlt1cl0c1, t l1e 1atio11al 111t1 t 1'e111ai11 ; 1 11 it )econ1e incr ea i11g})r 11 ee . ell')' l1a t indige11ol1 l1 l1rcl1 b e ta 1)– i hed a11d that t 1·ai11i11g· e11te1 ..s 01' Bible chool be e tablj~ 11 d 011 ·very fi ld w l1er e 1ni iona1--i . e1--v . ~ ational ,vill 001 be alle(l llpo11 o complet e the unfi11i l1cd ta l{. WIIO ? ll' li ei·e ca1i we ftrid a sati fact o1·y eva11gPlist ? rhi que tion i freque11tly a. Ired >y pa tor. of Ohio ociation. 'viany time the chu1"che p1·ocl11·e t non-clenominatio11al eva11g·eli t tnd fi11d it 11ece ary to do ome )atch,·vo1·l{ aft er .. hi depart.t1re. At >ther time church e ha,re called 11 me11 who e method a11d l)roce– lure failed to 1neet Regt1lar Ba1)– ist tandard . I t i our ug·ge tion that cht1rche 'Xplore the po ibility of procu1--i11g >ne of the pa tor i11 Ol1io A ocia– ion for the campaig1 . \Vithin he f ello,v hip ther e ar'e eve1 ne11 wl10 have bee11 defi1 itely uc– ·es ft1l in eva1 geli tic \'\ 1 orl{; n1en vhose doctri11e are gua1--a11teed, t11d ,vho ·e proceclure a1·e crip– ural . It is often po . ible for the I astor ,f the chureh holdi110· the ca1n1)aign, o su1)ply the pulpit of the vi itor '01· ~ 1 unclay ser,,ice 1, t l1us .·tr ength– ·11i11g the bo11cls of f ello,,r l1iJ) vhile acc·o1nplisl1i11g t l1e desirecl ·nd. Tl1is e<lito1· is in to,1ch ,,,itl1 al)le >astor -eva11 geli8ts a1 d ,vill lJ g·lad o 1nal{c 1·eco1n111 11clatio11 .·. A l tt e> r• 11·0111 i\ lr. II. A. II llll S i c: l{fl• , J)l'CSitl 11t of tl1 l\Ic11 's JJC}1g·11 of {Pg11 lar l~a1)tist ( 1 l1t1rcl1 es, ca lls a1- i, (' I l { i () l l 1 0 f .} I (' f cl (' { ( Ii ct {, I'U( l j O fr f\ (' 1. ltll (' g · j\'C' ll 1<) J>J'<>tPHfrlll 1, g' J'C)ll l1H, j H a 11 c > e H 1 P ( l i 11 ( 1 I <' , , c\ I a 11c 1 t < > t, } 1 e ( ilr\rr la11 cl J{HJ)list HS<><' j,ttic) 11 Htl a ('(i 1 i H t () 0 r i I 1(' a t i () 11 cl 1 ( i () l 111 (' i I () r ( 1 lllll' c 1 ll l'H. \ it}1c> t1{ <111 c' s ti <J 11 1l1c 1 ]) r cl(.' 1 i('( r() 11 () ~,(' (1 i l l ( 1 l f' \ ' (' 1 ,t 11 ( l i 8 111 (l 1 cl i t (' l' 11 r O 11 0 \ v( I ( 1 j 11 r v(' t• .Y 111 c'{ r<)()c) l1tH11 <'( 1 111 c 1 1·. 'l'hc> r r is lit – tl or 11<> 1>robal>ilit. tl1ai J~il>lr l>e1 li l\ \ ' 111 g· g· 1·c >tl [18 ,v ill ihr·o11 g h a11y Htr ,1i t 1 g·y l>c' ,ll>l r ic> 1>roc·111·e ,t J) or– tio11 of t l1i i-; fr re i i 111 ;\ itlt l10 1.J1is i : l o~·sil>l r i11 s111,1 ll er c:0111111l t11i tit1f-i. I t i · t11 tl1 ol1gl1t of ~Ir. ll t111 - ·ie]cr1· tl1,1t f t111 l,1 111c11i ,1 l ,J,t1rcl1Ps . hot111. l)OOl 1· SOlll' l'C8 a11cl J>llr– el1 ,lsc ti111e for bro,1tleast. 'l' l1e ,,,r itc1· 11elo:ecl eo l ))' of a lett 'l' aclclr ,'.'e l to olliers i11 1·r- latio11 to a 1·ee 1 tl y J)ri111 l a.rti (·] d ali 11g ,,,j t 1 t l1 ( 11e 1 11 ltre 11' ' JJ1·opaga11 1,1, ob,,iol1sl ba: <l l111011 fa to1~ £111·11i. ·lied by t he \ orlcl 01111 cil of ( 1 l1u1--c]1 . EvV }i,E .c\ '1 l TRI~ TIIE TRl liJ " 'I' RY R ER 111al{e it bo,v to tl1e r a 1 r i11 thi i. 11e. Th R ,,. 1 y ril L. a1 e11 pa. tor of the 1 li11tonville Bapti ·t 1 hl1rch 1 olt1n1uu. i autl101' of t he ~ e1"ie . Ir'. a1'de11 ha di ti11gt1i~heel him elf a111ong t l1e you11 g' folk ,vho atte11cl a111p l-'at1110 by hi ability to 1)1 ..e. e11t tl1e le 011 th1·oug·h n1edium of the tr11e tory. Ile i al o p opt1lar a1nong· th cJ1ur he whe1--e l1e ha con cluct e 1 e,,a11geli ti meeti11g-. . 1~a tor· a1·de11 i.· a11 ar ti. t a11d behi11cl t he baptist1~y in 1nany churche l1i pai11ting ta11d as a monument to hi ability. Tli e T1·1£ e tor·y Corrze1· give promi e of bei11g 011e of tl1 e mo t ,viclely r ead 11t rie appea1'i11g n1,011thly i11 t he p11blicatio11. VAIL BLE The R v . a11d 1\ 11-- ·. J. Ne,vla11cl Pfaff Iid -1\1 i io11 1·e 11tly r - tl1r11ecl f ro111 J apa11, pla11 to , .. i: it t l1e ch t11· ·11 .· of l1io ssoeiatio11 clu1· i11g· t}1 e latter 1)a1"t of • r1)te1 1brr a11cl t]1e first t l1ree ,,·eel{. of ctol)er. ;}1111· lies 11 ot alrea(ly liste 1 011 t lie :cl1 <1l tlr sl1 ot1l cl eo11 tact Dr. Ilo,,.._ a1'<l ( J. YO Llll O' vV el li11g·t o11 , l1io, 0 1' I{ V. J>fatr, ] -> . . l3ox 25, J 0 }111- 80]1 1 ity, ,,r orlc. '1011 \)" cloes11 't tallt t l1Pse cl ,t)YS - jt g·ops \\'itl1ot1t sayi11g·. (Ditt1tc 1 l ) THE OIIIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Published Montl1ly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCIIES Publi cation Office 110-118 E. Oak St., Butler, Ind. H . K . FINLEY, Editor 120 Park Avenue Elyria, 0 hio Circul ation Manager MRS. CARL W. MARTIN 316 Tenth Street Elyria, Ohio Subscription Rate: Per single copy ______________ -$ .15 Per year __ ____________ ________ $l .50 Advertising Rate: Per column inch _____ _______ _ -$ 1.50 Per half page_____ ____________ $21.00 Per full page - -- - ----- ------$40.00 Entered as second class ma tter at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE COUNCIL Ohio Association Of Regu lar Baptist Churches Chairman REV. E. V. WILLETTS 11 Adams Street Berea, Ohio Secretary REV. REGINALD L . MATTHEWS 937 Grand Avenue Toledo 6, Ohio Treasurer REV. VERNE L . DUNHAM 227 Kansas Avenue Lorain, Ohio Missionary REV. HALL DAUTEL Gallia & Waller Sts. P ortsmouth, Ohio Young People REV. W. H . GREEN Baptist Parsonage Gallipolis, Ohio Me1nbers REV. C. C. CLAWSON REV. JAMES T. JEREMIAH REV. ELTON C. HUKILL REV. T. FRED HUSSEY REV. ALLAN E. LEWIS