The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1954

Pag0 T,,o___~--=-~~--·~T......;_HE OI-IIO INDEPENDENT_ BAPTIST:,____________ October 1954 Ed itorial Comnie nt 'l' l l 1-4:; l "l) 1 ... \l " l , l l l "I{ l 1 I I l 1 '1' ( )lll 1llt' l l('!!, llllli11g tl1e lt) t'cll el1ltrvl1 11,1~ lJ ("l' ll ll~<' <l HS clll lll– Stl'llllll' llt t() g',lill 1111- ll lclll t\ ll(ls, ,111(1 St) ,rill it l1p 1111til tl1e s,1i11ts cll't' e,1ll0l l i11t c) tl1r })l'('S(' ll l't' ()f tll(' } JOl'(l. 1 ll<l f cllll<) ll8 l 1 l 1 l1rist ( 1 l111rcl1 i11 l l1il,1(lr l1)l1i,1 ,v·,1s f<)1111cl e 1 i11 170:... l)~· tJ1i1·t)..-~, ix go d 111e11 a11cl t1·11e. '· ,,·110 PX tolled t lie , .. irt11 e of tl1c cl1111·ch i11 a 111a11ife~· to. The, e 111e11 ,,..e1·e f1·0111 111a11).. cr c1ft:. Of 0·1,eate t i11te1·e. t a1·e tl1e 11a111E\ of r" I\.da,111 I~ i1· 11 a11cl -r 01·µ:e Tl101111): 011, occ1111atio11- 1Jirate. :.\la11,.. ti111c\ the local ·l1l11-- ·11 i ~ . ob,~io11:l1r 11, eel to gai11 111·e. t1g·e at othe1· ti;11e. f 01· l)olitical I)l1rpo e.. . a11d 0111e ha,·e clollbtle: 11 .. cl it a a cloak to eo,Te1· . i11. Tl1er e are tl10 e who 11. e it a a . ·oeial ce1 t er, a11d J)1--olJabl~y· 0111e e1"\ 1 e i11 01~der to exploit tl1eir tale11t ."' . 111 tl1e a1)0 tolate lJefo1· e the h111" ,h vra for·111ecl tl1e1-- e ,,ra. a fJ 11cla. and e,·e1--)? ge1 ei-·atio11 ha p1--od11 ·ed the h) 1 po ·1·it e. Tl1e ,,Tl1eat a11cl the ta1--e. ~:1--0,,· togetl1e1·. lJ11t ,,l1e11 the fi11i. heel ,vorl{ i 111~e.·e11te 1 to the Fatl1e1-- lJ3r the f--! 011 t l1e l1l11--ch will be g·lo1'io11.·, 11ot l1a,,.i11g pot or ,,·1"i11l{le 01· a11y 11c11 t 11 ing btlt it hall be hol~r a11cl ' '"itllOllt l)len1i 11. WE xREE .r\.. ,,,e cl1"'i ve a1no11g t11e ('h11rehe: 011 ~ 1 1111clay, tl1ro11gh ope11 ro11nt1'},. anel to,\·n.·, ,,, ee 0111e ,,·01·l{i11g i11 the fi elcl othe1-- 1)ai11ti11g· t l1e holl e f ·0111e ~·0111e11 l1a11gi11g 011t the ,,a l1i11g, anc1 a 11111ltit11de atte11 c.li11~· J)lace. of 1,e ·1·eatio11 a11(1 a111l1:e- 111e11 t. The fir t r eactio11 to thi.- i.· 011e of p1--ote ·t l)11t ,,..l1e1·ein i8 I)I'ote. t j11 ·tifiecl llllle . ·11el1 acti,rit ie. interfer e ,, ..ith tl1e ,, 1 or hi1) 01' ,i\ 1 el– fare of h1·i. tian 1)eo1)le ? ... l)art fro1n a lacl{ of cot1rte;y ancl r e~ ·p ect £01"' the 1 l1ri.·tian neio-hbo1\ the activitie of 11011- 1hri.-tian peo1Jle are whollJr ,,·itl1in thei1-- 11101·al a11cl legal rig:h t. · i11 a land of lilJe1't3r. Tl1er e ,,·011lcl 'ee111 to be 110 , ·alicl 1--ea '011 ,,rhy 11011- .. ( 1 hri tia11 l)eople a1)a1·t f r on1 th 1·ea 011 . tated hot1lcl atte1111 t to conf 0 1 .. n1 t o I l11·i. tia11 . ta11cla1·cl ·, i11 ·11eh n1atte1-.. 1101· tl1at t l1e:yr ·l10lllcl 111al{e a p1·et e11.. e of l)e i11g l 'hri. - t ian . Tl1e ,,Torcl l1)'"l)OC1'i. )... l1a: 0111:}T ()llP ll1C'Hllillg\ \YhC'thPl' llS<'Cl i11 l'C' – lc1ti()ll tc> tl1P t• l11t1·el1 c>1· tl1<> ,,·c>rl cl. 'l 1 l1p 111arl< c>f clifl'r1·r11ec> lJc t,, 1 eP11 tl1P 1 l1r istia11 a11cl l1i .· 11eighl)o1~ is t'lll l) l1c1 , ·izecl U.'" eo11cl11c·t. Tl1P 111ost p('f'ceti,·r ,,. a1Jo11 i11 t11e ha11cl., of 8ata 11 i., i111ita ti011. I 11 ev .. Cl')T ,,·a11< of life tl1 r , ri1·tt1e.. of ( 1 hri.1tia11it)r a1·e i111 it a t ed ,111cl to a J)oi11t ,,· l1e1·e the 1111tc111g·l1t a1·e i11 a . tate of co11- fl1 io11. l1ri tia11itJr i.: exe1nplifie l l)·v· co11 l11 t, a11c1 if that \\ 1 hieh is 11ot ( 1 l11·i ·tia11 i. aclor11ecl to loolc 1 111--i. tia11 the t e. ti111011,... of the L 1 l11'i. tia11 lo fo1·r e. "'\\Te procl 11ce 110 a1,0·11n1e11t to i11flt1e11ce the 1111- r eg·e11e1'atecl 1ua11 to ob.,er,,.e the Lor· l Da,.. ll11til he l1a 1·ecei,...ecl • ,J e 11. l 1 h1·i t a.· hi · Lor 1. TII T D.B~(JREE a 1)71. D. I n i 1-t, o 1 · lt· i 1 z g Jo r 11 i .1J B.D. ' · I ,,i goi1lg i11 for I ., tl1 e 11ri111ar} 1 pl1rr)o.1e of ol– leg·e ,,,.01·1{ t o gai11 a11 ell1catio11 or to get a cl egr ee ? "'\\Te are co1 , 1 i11ced tl1at tl1e cle '.2.1·ee c·o111111a11cl fi1-- . t pla ·e i11 the tl1i11]{– i110· of 111any ·tl1cle11t. 1"atl1e1· tha11 • tl1 e l t1catio11 1--ep1·e..e11t ecl l)~'" tl1 e eleg·1·ee . I 11 fa ·t, n111 ·h ·011,·e1--1 ·atio11 ·e11ter. i11 1egree. · a11 l accredita– tio1 1·a the1-- tha11 c11rri<'lll11111 a11cl tl1e ,ro1"tl1-,,Tl1ile cl1a r ac.:teri:tic of the ., ·hool . ~\ cc: r editatio11 i · irreatl~r to be 1 :i 1·cd ,,,l1e11 the . t11cle11t a:pi1·e: t o acl, , a 11 ·eel eel11 · a tio11 to e11gag·e i11 c·ertai11 , 1 0 ·,1tio11. a.11cl 1)1--of :sio11s. ~..,01· tl10 ·e ,, 1 110 J)la11 for i]11·istia11 ~ ·e1"\"ire i11 l)l1l11it or 011 111i:.1io11 fie lcl e l l1c atio11 i11 ( ~ 11 ri.. tia 11 e11vi1--011- 111e11t i.1 111ore g·1·eatl)., to be cl . ir'ecl tha11 ac ·reclitecl cl egree g·ai11eel i11 a11 at1110 1 l1e1·e of l{epti ·i:111. \\,I e lo 11ot 1 la).. cl o,, 1 11 the , ,al11e of ear11eel c1egree · l)tlt , 1 ;re e111pha ize t l1at it · th 1)e1· 01 ality a11c1 11ot the cleo'r e that '\\ ..i11.:. Fro111 a l111111a11 1oi11t of , 1 ie,,.. the \\ 1 in11i11g fa ·to1--.· a1·e tho ·e acco1upli hn1e11t.· ,,ThiC'h ar·e l)11ilt i11to th indi, 1 idt1al wl1ether ho111e t1·ai11i11g ecll1catio11 gooel jl1clg·111e11t or a , 1 ..,. i1111i11g· ,,.. a) 7 : ,·r 11 etl1e1"' t l1e fa ·to1· , ar i11he1 .. itetl 01· act111i1·ecl ~·11cc.:e. .· ,,.. ill lJe 111ea ·- 11recl l ) ) " the l)er ·011a l a et a11tl 11ot b)Ttl1e liplo1na. 111 'h1·i tia1 ~·er·,,i ·e t l1e lJattle cloe ' 11ot al,, 1 a3r. g·o to the . t1"'011g· 1101' tl1e 1·ace to tl1e ,,rift l)llt 1--atl1e1· t<> t ll()HC ,vh<) Ht1·i,·p t<) 111as1 Pr SP I r c111cl to g·,ti11 tl1ose l>asi<· c·11aral'te>r– i~ties \\'llil' ll ,,rill ,,,i11 a11cl holcl tl1 1 c·o11ficlP11 er of 111e11 a11c1 ,vo111e11. .j ( \T ~J ~ 1 J_; E l)ELI~Q{ E~( 1 Y Tre111e11 cl011.· p1--o lJlen1s fae e, 1 er ·\'r 1)1-.a11el1 • of the g·o, 1 er·11111e11t a11d 111e11 of af- fair. a l"e i11 a h 11dclle re, 1 ievv i11 g· 11a– tio11al a11d i11terna tio11al de,,.elop- 111e11t. ; ho,veve1· ,·rithi11 the 11atio11al bo1111da1'ie. there i. 110 p1·oblem of greater im1)orta11ce i11 the lo11g 1'a11g·e tl1a11 Jl"VEXILE DELI1 T _ C~lTE~C'Y. The £11t11re ,velfare of tl1.e 11 ation clepe11cl. t1po11 Ollr al-- ilit~· to deter111i11e the ca118e and to deal \\ 1 itl1 it. J 11,·enile deli11c111e11 y i g· r o,,Ti11o>, b1·t1tali t)" i i11crea. ing ancl on a 111i. den1ea110I· le, ,.el it ha. rve11 1·eachecl the hall of 011gr e . . 1-ol1r of the page boy. ,,Tere rece11tly ar- 1·e. te 1 f 01-- . hootino' 011t t r eet light.· , a11c.l 011e of the yot111g ter ,va. · £01t11d to be arr~y'i11g a lcnife ,, 1 itl1 a fo11r- i11cl1 lJlacle. I t i , aid that i11 t e11 )-ear the 1111mbe1, of ju,re11ile b1--ol1ght into co11rt ha do111Jlec1. In ' f 01--111er lecade,, tl1e yot1ng ter ,,re11t i11 for pra11k but t l1e, .. 11ow go ir1 fo1.. mt11·der bl1rg·lary, a11to theft 1'a1)e lict11or ,,iolation a ault a11cl kill f 01-- thrill. Tli e Ca11 e The ol c.1-fa hio11ed a11tomatic a11thoritJr of l)arent i. r·apidl~r cli - a1pea1·i11g· a11cl the ho1ne i, be ·0111- i11g i1111)lJ" a ,,ra}r, tatio11 ,,Tith COl ll– l)lete l{it ·l1e11 a11d T\T et. ' 1 0111ic ' ' bool< a11cl tele, ri io11 et. a1"e i11 part 1·e. po11 il)le b11t fro11t li11e r e pon i– l)ilit)r l'e t 011 t l1e door- tep of de– li11c1t1e11t pare11t ·. Tl1e lJa ic prol)le111 i , a lacl{ of lo,..e f 01~ the c l1ilel1 ..e11 ,,·11 ich 1--eache t lie 11at111·al e llle11 ·e of a lack of lo,, for tl1e pa1·e11t . Yol1110· ter ol)e) 1 a11c1 re ·pe t pare11t be au e of a11 exi ting lo, 1 e a11d 11ot becall e of the l)ioloo·ical a~ lJert. The g1,eed f 01, 111011ey l1a r eacheel a poi11t ,, ..her.. th hon1e become eco11el– ar1T. '1 1 hi e liter 1--e e11tl:),. held a bl1~:i11e ' inte1,,rie,,,. ,,·i th a h11 ba11d a11d wife pa1--e11t of t b1--ee 111all chilclJ·e1 1vhe1·e the hl1 ba11cl ,,~01--l< on the day hift and the ,,,ife \,·01·k, 011 the 11ig·ht hift i11 a local f acto1·}.... "\\That ·ha11ee clo the cl1ild1--e11 ha,..e ! 1 1·i111i11al te11de11cie a1--e 1·e-bo1·11 i11 e, 1 e1~y ~:e11eratio11 a11d tl1e 3,.ol1ng· ter· · of 195-! a1-- 110 diffe1·e11t,