The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1954

Editorial Comn,ient ." l·~l,\Tl1.~ \\·t, li,·(' i11 n cl c1,· • \\ l1r11 tlll' l)t\<)t)l(~ t'l'H\' 'c' t'\.t·itl'lllt'1,t . l ~11lt'"'~ a 1)1'<).i(\('t or <·1re11111stn11et' l)l'tllt?." ,l tl1rill <)r Hl\ <'ll'lll('llt ()r 111<' llllll~\lcll, it r,l l'l' i ('~ ll<) i111t'r(~:,,.,t for , <)11 11g· c)l' <)ltl. 1'<) t ' ll~ it l" lllCl'l'cl,111~·])· 11ll})01'1H11t tl1c1t tl1t' })t"'t)11le lt"lc11·11 t(1 1,rr11 tl1rir feet t)ll tllt' g'l't)t111tl, 1o tl1i11l, enl111l)'" c-l– llt)11t 1)1·ol)lr111 l)t'fort1 111alzi11Q· clr– ei~io11,. <111tl to Rr:TJ ..\ .._ ..... . \.. fr,,· ,,· el,s ,1Q<), fol]o,y·i11£)· a11 c1ll-11ip:l1t clc1,,·11110111· of 1·ai11, tl1c ,,·e,1tl1 1· l1111·pa11 111 ( 'le,Trl a11c1 ro11- l'l11cl cl it~ 11101·11i11g l11·oaclea.,t ·\Yit11 ~ tl1c\C ,,·01·1. : Tl, rre i. <T JJO.s il>il- if.lf n.f for11a<lnc. ·. · ' I111111ec1iate1J· t11e 111c1,·01· of tl1e cit,... ,,-i tl1011t a1- • • el1la ti11g· t l1e (• l1a i11 I' a ctio11. 1·t1 ·he 1 to l1e 1·,1clio . tatio11 c111(1 . 11olre to tl1c l1COl le C)f t}1e ·it~r. . R,\'"i11g t }1at l1e ' a.. 11111ccl ' t 11a t a to1·11aclo ,,·011lcl l1it, l)11t l1011ec1 it ,,-0111c1 11ot. 1I e . ta ted t l1a t t 11 e R eel '1·0. I ,,-01.1l cl l )C ," ta11 li11g· b}'". Ir11111ec1iatel)r tl1e ~al,ratio11 .. \ 1·111,~ ·allecl to tl1e faitl1 - • f11l a11cl l1eo·a11 to 111al<e roffre b, 1 ~ t lie ga llo11s Reel '11--0 . ,,~01--l,er. J·11. hetl to t l1eir . ta ti 0 11. . c11. t<)111 r1·~ fle 1 £1·0111 the sto1·e. . al1to111ol)il P. ,,-e1~e 1uo,recl f 1'0)11 t lie . ·t1·eets to :;afer 1 or c1tio11. . offic·e. wr1·e e11111- t ie 1, . l1op. ,,e1· • 1 o:ecl, fa ·to1--irs 01--de1·ec1 e11111 los..e · to go 11011 P . a11 1 t11e l'ity ,,~,1ite 1. .1\ ~ t1·011g: 1l1·c,cz el1a1--acte1·ize l t l1e c1a,·. l)11t otl1e1·- • ,,: i."e, tl1 e cla ,. ,,·c1: fair. ( 111,.. t]1 e • • ~ehool cl1ilcl1·e11 1·ejoi ·el i11 t l1e a11- 11 01111ce1ne11t a: tl1 ·l,1.-:c>.· ,,·e r r t01·1ni11a tec1 all ot he1·: c·o11 . ·i c 1 e1·er1 tl1e a111101111ce111e11t l111ti111el,-. ,1 11 c1 • tl1e cla,T a lo..... Tl1 e 11 a,To1· l1a 1 .. . p:ooc1 i11te11tio11s, l)llt ,, 1 as llllj 111. i\"C . FlJ'"i11t{ . ·a11cer: 11a,Te caJJtivatecl t 11e i111ag·i11ati 0 11: of t l1r 1 eo1)lc c111C1 a11tl1oritie:' 011 f],ri11~· . Hll- • • 'Pl\ lla\re fC>lll1C1 cl '\\re]] f) l' J)al·Pcl al1clie11ce for tl1ei1· ex 1)la11atio118 a11c1 111·eclit·tio11. . E,.. c1·srl)OCl~T i.' s<1C– i112.· tl1i11!!·~ ! Tl1e II-1301111) l1a. t]1e C'itizc111·,.. • cl izz}.... Tl11·ot1g·l1011 t th eol111 t1 ·~... ,,.. e fi11c1 little ,,·at ·11 to,,·er:. i11 ,,rhif'h 011e 1)e1·~011 . ta11cl8 tl11·0L1g·l1011t tl1c cla~· a11cl 11igl1t sC'a1111i11g tl1e : l{)T. 1·e1Jo1·ti11g· airc·1·aft to reg-io11al l1eacl – c111a1·te r .. · · .:\I e 11 's l1ec1rt: faili11g· t he111 f 01· f ear. · ~ ...o,,- c·c>111c>. · tl1e cl,1 t11ag·e(l -n·i11c1- . l1ielcl . ,,·itl1 'rx11lc111at io11. ' fail– i 11~· to ex J > la i 11. T ') it a t l 1 e 111 ic.: cl l i 11 g·1· e cl i c .. 11 t l 1 t~ t \'r 'e 11 t 11 e u: l as · 1) 1 ate:. a ~-o t111g tc-a1·' J)1·a11l~. <>1' a11 11 11 .-ee 11 cle111<>Jl ? ...... o J)Pl'~011 ea11 . J) eak ,,·itl1 a1Ltl1()rit,T, l>11t 11<'1·,·,·~ c·<>11ti 11,1<' t <> • ting·le. ' l'hf\11, 111 {ll<' l'C'llt?.i<>ll"', l 'Pclllll 111C {'l'ct\· i1 1~. .r fc)l' <'~<·iiP111P111 i"' ,1 l)l),lr– <' 11t. 'l l 1f~ a,· l' clUP H11Clic ll ('P ,,·,lll t"', tltc' ])l'C',1c·l1i11g· ,,·c)l l sai11 r H1<'cl ,,·itl1 tl r ,1 111atizatio11, c1 11cl saltrcl clc1,,,11 ,,· itl1 S 1lc1 ]11).\ . ]1ll l'HSlllg· H11Cl ~]11C' - 1lll'<:'S< jl1<',' s11rrcl1 . rr} )(l )T ,,·a11t 111(; thi11g. , lllH . S 1·c1l l iPs, lcll'~P ('h(>i l'.', c 1 c111tests for J)t·i zP. . a11cl ,,·l1r rr grr,1t {·it)·-,,·iclr <' <ltll J)cl iir11~ c1l'P hr1cl, ' 'eo11,,.e1·: io11 . ' arr 11lc>11tif11l, a: · · c,,·r r,.. bocl,·, is o·oi110· fo1·,\·c11·cl . \\" r ... . ~ h l1a,.. c 11 0 < 1 01111 lai11t R!.?:a i11st ,,·i,1r- . p1·ea l ,,· 01·]{, l111t ,, .. e c,111 atte11tio11 t<) tl1r Bool, of 1 1(i11u-. 1 c·l1,111tr1· 10. ,,. \ ~i:r at a11cl .. t1~011µ· ,Yi11cl 1·r11t the 11101111ta i11. , a11c1 b1"eal{ i11 piece. t l1e 1·oel{s, it ,,·0111<1 ~Pe111 tl1at tl1r full r wi11cl 8 of l1ea,Tr11 ,,., r1·e c1oi11 g l)attle, l)11t- t l1e T.101·cl ,,·a.s 11ot i11 t l1e ,,~i11cl. · Tl1err ,,·a.' a g1·c"'al ea1·t l1 c1l1al,c. " "h e11 tl1r 11101111tai11~ sPe111ecl to topple ag·ai 11st r a r1 <>t 11- er, l)l1t tl1e IJ01·cl ,ras 11ot i11 tl1C' ea1·t l1c111al{e. Tl1 1·0 ,,·a: a u.1·e,1t fi1·c ,,·11icl1 illt1111i11 ecl t11 e ,rl1ole 1· }_ gio11, a11 l tl1e t1·ees . ·ee111e 1 to l~r <ll1lclZe · a . 11eetarl1lc1r t 11i11g, b11t - 'tl1e I1orcl ,,as 11ot i11 tl1 fi r e.' }-i i 11 a 11)·, ,1: Elij al1 C'O"\"ere 1 11 i fa er ,,·itl1 1 i: 111a11tle at t11r t')11t1·a11rc to t11 e ec-1,"e The T1orcl 8l1<>1(C i11 a ~till s111al l ,Toic·e, a11cl F,Jlij al1 l1e,11·cl I 11 ,' J)i 1--it11a 1 111atter . . ( 4oc.1 i: 11ot cll – ,,·a)": j11 t11 .·pretac11la1·. J-i al' i11u: tro11l)l r is al,,·a,·s pasip1· • • t l1a11 feaI· i11 g· it. a11cl it is tl1r c·al111 l\ ·acler ,,·ho ,,1'i11. tl1e cl,1,T. P,111ir • l1Hs <lo11r l ittlP l1r)-011cl ,,·r e<"l, i11g li ,·ps i11 ti111<1s <)t c.lisastrr, a11c1 i11 ~1 i1·it11al 111atters tl1 iss11Ps i11- \"t)l'rPcl 11101·it c·arrf11l c·o1 s itle1·at io11 ,1 11 cl .·t11cl,T i11 t J1r \\T<> rc1 of (loc.l. ~ \ \ '"C)RIJI) rf }1p ~ lX , ·ra l' () l ( l • ( •() l "~( 1 If) ,,.,.. <) r l cl ( • <) 1111 e i l c) f (l 1111· ehe. , c·o 11.· i ~ti t 1 ir c>f al)o11t 1.')() c1r11c>111i11c1tic>11s, , rit l1 clc 1 lPg'clte.· <·0111i11 sr fro111 a11c>11i ,)() c·<)t111t1·i s . i11el11cl i11~· t·o1111111111i~t- c10111i11ate<l clel·~~·c1tc~ frc)111 T1· <>11 • ( 1 111·tai11 c·o1111trir:, ,,,.i ll l1c)lcl a t·o11 - C'la,·r at F.1,·c111:to 11 , llli11oi. , . \ 11g·t1.-t 1:5->~ l. 10.3~. rr11e ('(J]lfe1·e11t·r 111e111e ,rill 11 ' ' ' 1 l1ri:t- Tl1 1101 e of tl1e \\T orl 1. ' ' f t i.· 1>r ec1ic·tec1 tl1at i11tc> tl1 E li.·tt1ssic)11 of tl1 p tl1r11 1e ,Yill 11" i11j ec·t e1cl tl1e c1t1 e:tic>11 c>f ' 'I 11e ~ 1 r(·– t,11 c 1 ( 1 <> 111 i 11 g: () f ( ' l 1 r 1st, ' t l 1 i · c 1 i– ,·is i 011 cJf tl1e1 tl1e111p f(>rt·rcl i11tc> \'if\\" 1>,. t}1 r (' () l ltill<' ll ta] cle1]eu·c1t S f r-, I \\'Ile> are 11111c·l 1 111orp ~ 1 c·ri1 ltt11·al 111 t 11 (' i t' t hi J' I, i 1 ~ t l 1H 11 t l 1(' •\ l l l (11' i(. cl 11 l'O 1111 te1· 11,lrt. l )r. J> itll('\. \ ,.Hll J)ttSPll j ..: 1hl • ~!' l ti clitl!.?. Sjli r·it c)f t}1p "'\\rc>rlcl ( 1 01l11- ·i ] clll( l J)l' ('"'('l11 1~· ,lt the' ]1rc-t<l <>f l r ll– i<>ll 'I 11P<>l<>!.!i<·,1l ~ •p 111i11 ,1r,.. . a ra11], • 111<)clrr11i'it i11sti1111 1c>11. l T11cl <'l' 111(' s](ilf t1} g•tti<lHP<'r <)f \ rH l l f) ll~Pll. \\'(• 11rrcli<'t tl1at th<' "\\ 1 orl cl ( 1 <>1111c·1 l ,, ill <·011c·l11cle1 tl1at H ~rc·o11cl <·<>1111110· c, f ~ ( 1 }1rist j..., cl })().' il)ilit>·, l)llt that the J1<)pr c)f t11t1 ( (h11rc·l1 rr~t"' i11 11re1a<'l1- i11g: tl1 go:11el. ~111c1 t l1at tl1r :()c·o11c l c <>111i11g: i · 11ot a 11 " :r11tic1l c 1 lP111<'11 t i11 t l1 e 1 l1ri:tia11 faitl1. \\Tit11 a 11aek of c·o11111111 1 i~t.· ~t·l1rcl1t le 1 to l1e 111'r~r11t . a11c1 t 11c l,1111( of clel eg·ate. tl101·011g·hl)'" i11- c~oet ri11c1te(l ,,~itl1 tl1e !!.101·,- of t 11r • I~ c·11111 r11 iC' a 1 ~ I c),Tr111 t> Il t. a11 cl t hr f P,,- rr111,1 i 11 i 11u- Ribl e l)e l ir,·i11g· 1 eo- 1 le ee1·tai11 to tal,e acl ,Ta11tage of tl1e OJ)J)o1·t1111 itirs 111·r. e11te 1 1111cl t~1· t 11<-> c·c)11 f e1'r11ec tl1r111e . ,,-r l)recl ict a ~-q1ret ac·11la1· l1a1·1·ai! e of ti11scl <) ll tll<' J) latfo1·111, f1 ·011ti11~ fc> r tl1r te111- 1)c-1st1to11 · 8 ·~io11: i11 the C'<) 111111itter– roo111. all e11 tli11µ· a. a ~,~~·ro(·l,et <'xti 11g11isl1ecl, of 110 ,~aJ1tt ,,·l1at e,Ter. \.,..c-111 J)11sr11 is a ,\·ell . l,illecl 111a- 11i1111lat<>1· clil<l ,,·ill tal~r 110 el1a11c(' <, 11 "l)litti11g tl1e ,,.,. ( 1 .( 1 • 011 tl1e l1a:– i...; of a11)· i .. llr, l)11t ,,-ill 111al(e , .. r r)· ('(ll'tc1i11 t l1 c1t tl1e 1·esol11tio11s aclot1tecl cl<> 11<)t <·0111111it t11() c·<>1111til to ,1 11,· • J) <>s iti o11 <> l l thP ~<'<' <)11c1 c·c>111i11!.?.'. \ 1 itl1Pt' })l'C-lllille1111ial 01· ])()St-111il l r1111ia l . l > I? I~~ \ ( 1 I 1I ~ ( : .. \ ;-.: )) l > 1{ .\ ( 1 rl' [( •~: 'f }lO.'(' ,,· }1 <) ,,·i '°'ll t<) 111al~e cl ~t11cl,· • ol 1\ 111eri<·a 11i~111 sl1011lrl ,·i:it tl1e f,1C'torirs. ,,·all, tl11·011~l1 tl1e gic111t ' ~ l 1 o 1)1) i 11 g· c• e 11 t P rs . g· a t 1 e 1· . t a t is t i (·"' <)11 fa111il~· .1a,·i11g's c1reo1111ts, . ·ta11cl a 1 · <> t 111cl t l 1 , · o ti 11 g: 11 o t 11: , a11 c 1 e 11 a t ,,·it 11 a e1·0:. sec:ti 011 of t lie ·itize111·,· • i11 r esi<l e11tic1 l tli.·t1·i('ts. IIere 011e ,,·i l I fi11cl cltl1110C'l'clc,· t>11 exl1il)it io11. • St 11cle11 ts of t 11 e ~ \ 111 e 1• i <·a 11 , \Ta 1 7 0 f • i~ife .· /z(Jttlcl 11ot st11 l,... tl1e 11e,,-. .. l lcl ]10l' s r e11orti11~· 011 (•011~r1·es. 111e11 sc·rc1tel1 i11u· at eael1 t1 t lier ·s e,·l'-'· • . c· 11c1tc)1·:--.; b1·i11g·i11~ fal"'e cJ1<11·u· !-'I to ~t·a 11tlc1lize 01111011e11ts. 1101· l1011lcl tl1 t ~ .. clel,Te i11to t l1 jealot1sie a11<l i11pffi ·i r 11 ·ie · of tl1e I:) r 11tag·o11 0 clllcll,·ze t l1r ,,·orl( c>f c· r <)C)l(!-1 i11 tl1c • ll l >] )Pl' l>l'cltl~et OI t?_O\' 1'11111 l1t . ' r}1<: l .. 11itPcl Stcttes <>f ... \ 111p1·ic,1 1·,1111,~ f i1·st cllll<) 11p: tl1t1 11,ltlC)ll ' c>f tl1<: <'H l'tl1 l l t 1 <',l\l!-,(' t)f its <ll'lll<)<·rati< :,.,)·stC' lll . <111(1 i11 ~l)itl' <>f \\'Pc:lk:11 <1~~ i1 1 }11g ]1 11lcl(••lS. 'l' l1< >s<1 , ,·11,1 ,,·i~l1 tc> stl1cl,- tl1e • { 1 l11·i"ti<ll l l~<j l igi<>lt sl1rJ1ti< I l' P,t<l t lit \\"<> r el c)f ({ <>c l tlic'11 , i~it t l1c>"'l' \\· l1