The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1955

d itor i al C (J 111, Ill, n, t \ .l\ll' \\'lit 11 111() ln:--1 ~11i1>- li ..\ I ~It)~ l )H<l < f' , · c,llll~slt\r~ • l,<,artl, cl t It, ( 1,rtll 11- <1< 1 tilt' 1,,Jlt,, l,l.111,l ,l,HI\ ()(' • t l 1( \ 11 l l :l l l I )() H 1 I l l l (\ () l \ s cl t l l l' - (l (l ~ 111 <) 1' l \ i I l !,! • .. \ l t ~ l t , t :2 ~ . t )\ l' l' H 11 1 1 )- lll~ "' 1,,,11 f<>l' 1~ .),1 t•cl tllt) 1<> Hll ( tflt"ldl t•ltlsl'. 1) 111·ill!! 1110 l} i g· 11 t \\" l' l' 1\" 11 7:; : ·l)l lllg' l)t't>l'll' \\('l"(' l'l'gt"tCl'l:'tl , <)f' '"111111 l ll~l-! :1Pt1tnll,.. attl 1 t1tlt'tl tlt t' • c.._·:1 1111> . ()11 r l11111lll'P<l a11tl for1~ ()11< ,,~1 0 J1n cl rt'~i,tt'l'l l f<)tt11cl it i111- l' ,,~lll r t, l'tl.1<)~ tl1r. ec11111)- '"' <) lll f' f' 1· t 11p l' t ,t,<)11 n11<l , <>111e i'c>r c111- )t l 1 1·. \\. itll()tlt ,111, (l<)ttl>t ,,·l1cltl' \'l' l' tltl' • , ,l,t'll j11,t l: lt)'iPtl \\ cl , tltt~ 1110:t , l('l t'""t 11l <)f tl1r £0111· , ·t'c-lr~ tl1P • 1 a,.: i 11 t , 11 a, 11 ce 11 i 11 11 ~ r . Tl 1 is i ~ • ,i11 e tl, cltltle<.1 ('(111i [)ll1c11t a 11<l fi11er n < l 111 i 11 i , t r a t i o 11 . t l 1e o 11 t gr C),'" t l 1 of ' \·" 11er1 c11et'l. 1 )i "ei 1)li11c ,, ,1" 11p,·e1· l)ett t 1· H ~ t l1c1·e ,,·c1~ 11 ot 011 0 111aj 01· 111fra ·tio11 ()f 1·t1Ie~, a11<l 11c)t 011e at·<·itle11t. a11c11·t £1·0111 tl1e i11p,·it,ll)le ·11t,. 1)111111)" ,111cl l>r11i. c: ,,·a'-i 1·e– J1f rt eel. 1'l1e 111t1-. e .. . life Q·11a1·d8 ,111tl c·ot111"0llc)1· , clic1 ,,·c11·1·io1· :e1·,·ice. 11e cl clLlecl f pa t111·e 1)ro,·ecl to l1e PXl't")Pcli11£rl~- 1101)11lar a11cl , ·e1·~? 11111el1 \'\ t)rtl1 ,, l1il . ·\\'" e r efer to tl1e "l)ort~ cli1·eetor. a11 offit·Pr \\·110 ,,-c1, aclcl'.}cl to tl1e ~taff fc)r tl1e f i1-. t ti111e. I-Ic1·etofor e tl1at i111po1·ta11t (lltt~- ]1a(l l)ec11 a ig:11ecl a~ a e 011cl– a r>- 1·p, J)o11,il1i 1 it~- of 011c 0£ t lie t<>1111 , ellt)1·~. Thi" o£fier ,,·ill l)e cl "t c111cla 1·c1 11t1·>- a111011~· tl1e acl- 111 i 11 i ,t1·a ti,·c p e1·:--.01111 1. T lz e ,. 1 JJ i r it l ta l It i, l1tte1·l~· i111po._. il)l to e·\·al– ttate tl10 l)iritl1al ,,·ortl1 of (~'a1111) l)at111(> . E, e1·:· 1)ecll{e1· l1a(l a c:: l1a1·c1c·teri ..... tie a1)p1·oc:1t- l1: :0111p em– J)l1a,izi110· tl1e r,.. ,l11geli. tie a1>1)eal\ 1tl1 l1~~ ·e11te1·i11!:! 111)011 a tec1t-l1 i11g· 111i11i,t1·~·. It i ect11all:,. i1111)0") ible tc, ,tat l tl1e xact 1111111ber of ,·ot111~· ~ (. })e<>l) le ,,· 11(> 111a cle a £i1·"t-ti1110 p1·0- f .. ,~i )ll of fait l1. "\\T 1· c·ei,·P(l 1·e- 1,orts f ro111 t i111 .. tcJ ti1110 a11cl f r o111 1J .J ~*' r ;al)OI't"' ,,·e e,ti111ate t1ictt tl1e c1 ,·.. ra g·e 1111111 lJei· of (lefi11i tP tle– i,ic 1., ,, a" fifter11 to t,,. l11t,~ for • ea<:11 ,,- ~el{ . 01· a11J)roxi111c1t l~· l~.') tc> ]:( for tl1e ei 0 ·l1t ,,. rl,. Tl1rc>l1g·l1- ot1t t l1 e l)P-rirJcl tl1<1 s1>eal-i:e1· a11tl c-011 . -.,p}J or <·011lcl l)P "'e<-'11 i11 eo11- frre11ce '"'·itl1 i11lli,·i(lt1c1l a11cl 111all Q'l'Olll)s Ollt llllCl :,r t}lp tl'PP~ ill t]1 c1fter110011 a11cl ec1 rl~- e,· 1 11i11g. ,,.. 11,1,~ · (lP-fi11it l,11<)\\·lcclg-e tl1at 111a11)- J)<.. 1·....,,111a l prol)l 111. ,,. r e ol,·ed. 1 ] 11 ·11 . tl1cre 1-... a11other J)oi11t <Jf ,·al11e tl1at c-a1111ot ll c>,·erll>Ol~ecl. ]1cl J tis ~·ou11g f o} I~ lllPt al 011 O' t }1e ,, n., :i , , ( 1 , 11 c • S(, r,. i(' 11 t l ~ 11 i 1 )~ , , i 11 i ,, ltldll\ t'clSt'S l lt' (.'() Ill i11 tlt'<I . I 11 I l lt' • lt>ll~ l'clll~ t' fll' <>~l'<ll l l. t ht ' ( i(•:,.; : 11tH)llg t lt f'' t•htt r ('ht's ,, 111 IH· ,11·<'tt!.!i h('llt'<l. a11cl ,<> li lt' l)cll't ' ll(, lllH,\ il\<licl th<' 11 <',, r, c1 <• I 1 t' c) r "'<' l, 111 !..! 1 1, (' i r sc >' '" n 11 < 1 < l, l l l ~ 11 t P r, 1111 P < 1 t 1 n 11., yr<> l, Pc 1 ,, i t h l 111 I){\ 1 i l' \ (\ l' '. ( )' l l' I J () I'( l 1, l ls j I) O ' n t , 1111 1 ) 1) a t 111 <)" 111 11 1 a 11 ., , , a .,·"' r <>.. l Ii "' D.·lc>r,. • r/' /1 ( f t'{( <' 1 / i l 1( ,\ ' l'l1i " ]llcl!?.'<l l ill l\ i11 , l l' (l(' <' llt i'-1- ~ll(\ HJlllC)l lll l'Pt l t}1at tllP llllt<·l1- ll l)t'ClPcl ~11()\\·er~ ha l l>PCll i11:-,tc1llPtl. rl,}1is \\'cl~ i11 J) Hl't, P l'l'Oll l()l l~ . 'l 1 lll' ,,·orl{ ,,·cts ll<1g,111 l>tlt ti111 ~ clicl 11c>t 11Pr111it tl1 t 1 to11111le1tic>11 of c-1 11 C' l1c:11·tecl ~110,,·ers. ( )11 l,\" ,1 J>,1rt <>t tl1i!-; t;\lflti11111 c11t ,,·a., lll c:1c·c.)c_l it1 ~e1·,·– ic:c b11t it ,,·ill all l)P f·o1111>letecl l>rforr t l1e l'c111111 of 11ext )·e,1r. Rr, ·. l.J ro11,1 r cl Tra,·i: i.- i11 c: l1 ,1rge of lJ11 il c.li11~ ('al> i11 · to rrlie,·e tl1r o,·c1·-t1·0,,~clecl cl or111ito1~i r . c111c1 t l1e ,,·01~ I~ 11,1: cl lr acl,. l)ee11 st a rte cl. T,,·o • C'alJi11:-, arr 1Jei 11~r l>11ilt fro111 tl1e a. soeiatio11 t1·rc1. 11r,·: 011<:' el1t11·tl1 • 1)l c1 11. t o c·o11t1·i lJ11te f1111cl. £01· a tl1i1·cl tal)i11, a11cl tl1ere is ev·e r,T • r ea 0 11 to l>elie,·() tl1at cl fott1--tl1 ('abi11 ,,·ill be i11 se1·,·ic·e 11rxt , Tea1· . • rl 1 l1e l)11ilcli11g of talJi11. \,ill CO ll- tillllP 1111til tl1r 11eecl l1a: l)ee11 111et . ...\ 11,· l' l111r ·11 0 1· i11 li·ricl11al ,,·11 0 .. ,,Ti~· l1e.- tc> c:011t1--il)11te a c·c1 l1i11 . l1ol1lcl <:0111111 l111ir ate ,,·it 11 the trea:·11 r er. Re,·. E 1 to11 ( 1 • I I 11 lr i 11. :2 <) 20 E a · t :30t 11 ~ t1·eet, L or ct in. () hio. ,,· 110 ,,·ill 11 otif~· t l1e 1·e~1)011. ·ible J)el'.. 0 11.. . ...\ 11 l'abi11s c·o1 t1·il111tec1 ,,·ill l)eto1ne tl1e po... ~ e.- ·io11 of ()l1io Reg·11l,tr Ba11ti:t I Io111r a11cl ('1a1111) a11cl (·c11111ot lJe . et a J)a1·t for tl1e 11 ·e of t lie clo11or :. ~ \. clri11l{i11 g· f 01111 tai11 ,,·a.· i11- st allec1 tl1is ,·rc11· tl1P 111 0 11e,· l1cl\T- • • i11g l)ee11 eo11t ril)11te(l 1)~· tl1e c:a11111- er ·, tl1e to. t c)f ,,·l1ic-h ,,· c1.. 2:0.00. ...\ 11e,,· c·oolr 1· r <>0111 ,,·a: i11. t,1llrcl. to~t . · l,J(J().0() . al~o a 11111el1 11reclec.l 111eat li ·er. to:t.. ·10~).0(1. i11 acl– clitio11 to otl1er ite111 111aclr 11eers- ar~T lJ~· t l1 e ex11c111 ·i,111 1 r og1·a111. •'111all J)ot li!;!.l1t l1a,Te 11<),,. l1er11 i11~ta llecl tl1rc)l1g·l1ol1t the g ·r o1111(1~ a a11 atlclecl afet , .. 111ea. 11re. T o t l1 r • 11a1·e11t~ tlf t lie. P fi11 e ~·01111 o·:ter. ,,·p ,,·i 11 to a}· tl1at e,·er.\" J)r <-1- t·at1tio 11 i l)e i11g: tak:e11 to !!lla1·cl tl1e l1ec1lth ,111cl ,,·elfc:lr of t 11 ~·ol111g' 1 eo1)lP. 11ot 011l~y· i11 1·elatio11 to tl1e J) ll)'" 'ieal P<!l1i1)111e11t c>f tl1e ·a1111). l)11t al~<) cl'> 1·elatecl to tl1e foo(l . tl1P 11111-. i11~· clrpart111e11t. tl1 .) atl1l r tiC'". a11c.l tl1e :,,i111111i11 ~r. ,\,.e 1)oi11t to £0111· ~·par of ca1111) ,,·itl1- <Jt1t 011e 111ajor ac(;itle11t or l1ealtl1 1>1·ol>lc'.) 111 a"' a cl c 111011 t ratio11 of llCt'('"'"· \\ , , 11, , 1 ~ 1 s 1 , 1, <, 1i,)," c, , , t' " L 1, " , , > r t It(' I'< > 11 r \· p , l rs , > f I H > H t f ,• c1 \ ' P I 1 h p • St'HS<>ll ,iltSf (' )<>SP<} \V,1~ l}J p l'<>ll g}i <> ll<' . '11fJ<, }111rric ·r1 11 c 1 s ~Pl th,, l>lr1111P • l)ttf ,vl1ctt ( 1 \(' I' th\ "(>Ill'('(\ .'PVPral t ri 1>s \\'«'I'<' <>t1 r<>t1 g·h ,vn t Pt'. 1\ t ,,11p \\<1<'k:-,~11cl ii \\ct" ittlf><>ss il>IP t,, t'<' – t111·11 th P \ "(>llll!.!"1PI'~ ft> f}1p lllHit1}a11<l • {)II Satt11·,lc1.,. i11 saf' <1 tJ 1 • llc'II('(' tl1e1 \<1t1111a11 J~c>H1 f;i11 r. s1<>f)l>PCI <> J><'l',lt i<>ll~. l>t11 ~0111 a 1,c>at t<> t 11<' i~l,111cl fc>1· tl1r ) "<>1111µ:~tPrx <>tl • i tt11- cl,1.,· c1f1Pl'll()()ll. all f,t111iliP1..i })P ill!.! Jl (> tifiP<l 1)) " t P l P J>ll()llP ()11 }~,riclH.) 1 r,·c-11111µ:. a11cl a~rai11 11<J1 ific>cl I>,\" tPl<>– J)ll<>llP 1 '1111cla)'' 111or11i110·. '1'11<1 XPtt - 111a11 Bc>,lt lJi11<1 ,vill 11c)t C)J>cratr a11\· l)CJ cl1 at a11,,. ti111r ,,rhp11 c-lfPt,· • • • i ~ i 11 c 111 r. t i o 11. ( 11 r ,\· <> 1111 g f o 11, ,l r e g·11arcl<1cl 1>). the1 l)Oclt J>P<> J)1 e ,\·itl1 111r .·a111 p lle1g·rpr <)f ec)11c·rr11 a. l>,\· Olll' o,,·11 staff I)Crso1111 ::,1. 1'11 c 1, ,. orh· 1lT rc !t· I1 r , ·. l)o11c1lcl II . Beightol <·all Pcl fo1· a ,,·01·1{ ,,·eel{ to b rg· i11 011 :i\1<>11- clH ,\ 1 11101~ 111112,, Se1)te111lJer 12 a11 cl ,,·l1r11 tl1i: 111ag:azi11e ha: llee11 c1e– li,Te r ec1 tl1e ·a1111) ,,·ill l1a,"e lJee11 <·011clitio11ecl a11cl p,1t to . leep for t 11 e ,,·i11 t er . Dt11'i11g· t 11 il-) ,,Tork ,,·ee le :\fr. Beigl1tol 11la1111ecl for 111a11}.. 11rPcl rcl r e11c1i1·: to l)11ilcli11gs a11cl ec1t1ip111e11t. 1 1 0 tl10:e ,,·l1c) l ' E' , l)Oll(lecl to 11i · c-all fo1· , .. ol1111tee1·:. ,,·e ,,·i:h to ~a,--rrII4\~l Y()l" . ~ () .4 y T<) ERIE 1' 11 e T,,Te11t)·-F.iig·l1tl1 ...\ 111111al :\Ieeti110· of Ol1io .L\.., ·oC'iatio11 of Reg·11la1· I-~a I)ti. t 1 h11rc:l1e, ,,·ill 1) l1elcl i11 tl1e Bethel Bapti. t 1 hl11·th. F:1·ie, 1)01111:}·l,·ania. :\Io 11 d a ·-:; tl1rot10·]1 Th111· cla,. ()<.'to l)e1· 17 to ._ . :Z(). 103,) . rr11 e }) r reecli11~: ecli to rial cleal t ,,·itl1 ( 1 a1111> Pat1110 ·, cle.-- ig·11ecl for tl1e lJe11efit of tl1e ~-01111g·. t er . I l er e is r1 111eeti11g ,,· l1iC' 11 aI) r)eal. to tl1 e olcl:ter.- ; 011e tl1at 11e, ·er fails t o 111eet ,,·itl1 tl1r a1)1)1·0,·al of Re0'- 11lc1r l~aJ)ti. t J) e<) I>le. ::.\ Ic111~· of tl1e ft) 11, ''° 110 a tte11cl tl1e a111111al 1ueet– i 11~ l1c1,·e l>ce11 er11 a111c)11g· tl10. e 1 r P ·e11t for 111or e tl1a11 a (1t1a1·ter c·e11tt11·,· . ~0111 ~elclo111 0 1· 11e,·er • 111i~') a 111 reti11g· a11cl oft e11 it i~ " l-)cli(l: ' ' rl,hi" j ' tl1<1 }Jp~t 111 eeti11g ,,. 11 a ,re e, YP r a tt 11 cleel. ', T /1 c J>rog rrr 11l 'I'l1r }Jrog·ra111 t l1i. ~TP,lr ,,·ill ea rr)- 11a 111 rs ,r l1i · 11 l1a ,·e 11 c)t l1eretofore bee11 e11ter etl £01· tl1e a111111al 111Pet – i11fr. l~a1>ti"t J)cl -- tor ,11·e tra11g:e fe llo,r. a11tl a <1l1arte1· ce11t11r~.. i"' 11ot lo11g e11<)ltg·l1 to e 11a lJle 011e t o i11tc-1r11ret all of tl1 r i1· iclio ~-11e1·a– ~ie~ : 11 ' JJa~ 1or ~e 1 1 ·t 1 (1 f 01· t lie