The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1955

Edi toria, l Comnient \\ l I 1 \ l n,, ) It \, l, , 11) () 1l ..\ Ii' I , \ I I, ~ Vll l'l'Pll1 f l'l'llt{s cl~ , 11111) I: t 1 t t, l'' l l l l « t t t l l ti(,,· 11\ tltJllt lllHt iti ellHlllll l, Hllll ,1,, 111t tl1at ,l1elt' ' 'fttl ttt't!< t1nti<ltls t,>ll,1,· 111n,· ,, t 11 llf 1 lll'itl'l,L'll'tl ,rit 11 • • ,\ lnt, t>f ,,1 e(t''" to111tll'l't' ' ' ll o,,.._ :\,. \r. )})1111 )tl, t ft '11 fHil 1< tnl~<' <l c ec, 111 t c.. t , 1 l t i 111 n t ", t' 11 cl~ n ~ ::-i 01 i rtl1 111 l,t tl'~ \\" ord. 111 rl1' e,11·1~ ~t,l!!L' ' of tle, 1 elo1>- 111t'11t ,~ tl1 ") .. \ tro . \, ic111 1 t)11fPl't'11t·' t eo11, t'110 111 ....\ 1)1·il. l)i11 li11g tt)g·etl1- r t,,c11t,·-1i , e 11c1tio11~ t)l cA \ ~iH. tl1P~t' • t<) b 1)itt"\cl a~r(1i11~t tl1 \\""e._ te1·11 ...\ lli,111 •">. ,l ll~t , 11t·l1 o·ro111)i11g is ~l t fortll i11 r~ tel~i ') l ;3 L~ clllll ;J~, Hllll tl1t 011tl 1 fo1·")tolc.1. 111 tl1 l)l'OJ)l1c- ·je~ ·ite<l c111cl otl1 1· L_ e1·i1)t111·e it ,rill 1) ~ 1101 d t l1a t it is t 110 lJorcl ,, 110 L'o111e ., to lie 1·e~l'lle of I 1·ae l c1g·,1i11~t ,,-110111 tl1P l1cltr tl of the t'a , t i .. ec11te1·ecl . :1 cl et hi111 elf to t lie defe11 ·e of 1 1·,1el . 11ot 0111,~ i11 the . ·ce11e of ~ ~ \.1·rna o· (ldo11. l)llt cl t all ti111e. . It i ,y1·itte11 i11 P~al111 122 :6- · P1·a,T ~ fo1· tl1e l)ea<.: of .J el'll, ale111: the}r l1all p1·0 1)e1· that love thee.' ' In "' l)ite of ocl c, 1)ro111i "e · ancl 1>1·01)l1ecie ·. 1na113c,- 11atio11 · l1ave "acr·ifie cl p1·0 "l)e1·it}'" ancl l1a,~e .. t1ff 1 .. ecl national clefeat ·on1e to a J)Oint of O 1)li,·io11. , -\"""e 111entio11 R0n1e. ,,·l1ich le t1·0:v·ecl ,J e1·l1. alem: . ~ ~ "JJain, the :.\Iotl1e1· of the I11c1l1i i- tio11 ~ I>ola11cl. the ·e11ter of tl1e 1)0- gi-0111, ao·ain t . e,,· 1. a11cl Germa113"" "i111de1· Il itle1· · ma " ,1ere. E11gla11cl ,,·a l)ro. 1)e1·ol1. l1ntil afte1 .. ,, ...orlcl ,,a1· I. "-hen the l)ledge to I --1·ael ,~·a lJrol~eu ancl 131·itai11 t111·necl to tl1e ....~1·al) . ... ...o,,· . the B1·iti 11 Em– J)i1·e i 1·apic11J.. cli integ·1 ..ati11g·. Tl1e ...uited ~ 'tate of ....\_me1·ica i lJe– gi1111i11g to lo. e \\"Ol'l cl leacler hiI) a11cl to tl1e exte11t that the 1.... .._'; . .L \ . i"' tl11·11i11g it l)acl{ 111)011 I ~rael :a ,,.01·i11o· .J 01·cla11 ll Jl cl c r 13 r it i:li 'P'l ··,t1·e: cl11e to in,Te tment· i11 ·\1·alJia11 il Fielcl . 1ocl ta11cl ,,·itl1 I "'1·ael . aucl tl1at 11'"1tio11 i, ,,·i e ,,~11i ·h ~tanc1 \'rith t I c,cl. ...\ fi11a11 ·e 111agazi11e - 1·ea · l1i11u· tl1e cle 1< of thi. e,lito1· ha" tl1e fol}o,,·i11g· o a, in relatiou to taxe : .. .. l f a •Q]ll J)all}r 01' ·Ol'l)Ol'cl tio11 1·ect11i1·er] it e111plo)re~ to ,, orl{ f1·0111 c .0 .\ .... \1. o 10 ::3ti ~\.~f .. e,·er, ,. L 'lei~· f c ,1· 11 it ]1i11 o·. t }1 :1 l)l·otP'°' t \\.Olllcl 1>robabl~· 1 ., , p111l)le tl1 ex1>lc>"io11 of a11 ll-1301111. Ht),,·e,.. er. t11c Ke11- t 11 cl{, J e. e,1 rel1 ...\ ,1,,,oeia tio11 11 ,t • f<llttt< l 111nt n 111n11 ,,1tl1 a $·1,f>(10-n– ~tnt· ,, n~P <)1' ~n lnr) , tctl\t'S 1,,cl l1t \11·s Hlt<l tl1irt,· fi\ t' 111i1111t r~ <JI' • t'cll'll tlH, t o <'H t'll P ll()ll ~·}1 lll<)ll C' ' r t<) • • • llcl~ ]1 i" fH\.l'~. \\' llcl1 ll,ll)J)C' ll S 1<) 111, l' l'"'t or tll t' p1p; l1t }1ot1r cla~r! 'll1t ,1 . stei,1tio11 sH ) 8 tl1p ,1,·rr,1g A\ llll'1·ien11 . 1)r11tl . it lil,l' ll1is: · · 1~ or foocl <)11e l1ottr a11ll :37 llli lltltt 1 'i ~ t 1· l1011: i11g. OllC' }1 011r clllCl ·~..J. 111i11t1t 8 ; fo1· elot l1i11g, :~6 111i11- 11tr~ ; f cJr t rc:111.1 [)Orta tio11 4:2 111i11- 11 t c.1; for 111 rcliral ra1·e, :2:1 111i11- 11 t e~ · for 1·ec1c.li11g ,t11cl 1·re1·eatio11 :2l) 111i1111t '. ,111cl £01· c:111 ot11e1' g·ooll ,· c111 cl : )r,·ie . , 2:3 111i1111te.. 0 11 - 1 i1111i 11g· tl1r 0clit o1· i,1l ·,t}~ · : ' ' 111 c>tl1cr ,rorc1., tli e citz~zc 11, gii•e · til e lir>>1 ' • :l1are of Iii: i i >1 zc a11 cl eff'ort f<> tl,e J1ll 11 z~·l, r) ll)ril e 71 i: l cllV. <111cl . <Jlt<l1l(l c r Iii.· cr1sl1. ' r1·0111 tl1e beg· i1111i11g· tax l1a,· l :ee11 1>aicl l )}'" tl1e eitize11. for 11a– t i c~11al 111ai11t e11a11er a11cl ' tt1·~/i, .al, t l1i." 111ethocl a11 t cla ti11g t l1e 1·e i g 11 t1f 1 ae a r .c\ llg11 ·tl1,· b)'" 111a11~.. ce11- tl11·i . TJ1 e1'e i. 110 ot l1er \\Ta:) 7 . It i~: trll tl1at tho:e i11 at1thorit,· • . (1l1a11cle1· 111011e:y·; i t ha. al,ra3'": l)ee11 a11e,l a1,,~aJ·· · ,,Till l)e :o . It 111igl1t :eeu1 to :0111e that 1no11ev ' ~ \\"()lll l be '8\ 1 ecl b)r reclllcing taxe: , , rit h a eo1--r e. po11cli110· 1·ecluctio11 i11 ~. r,·i ·e.· a11c1 lefen:e a ha. bee11 cl one i11 . 0111e of the 110,,· o·,ler-1--l111 <.:<)l111t1--i ~.. H o,,·e,·er thi .: ,vrite1~ i., ,,Tell I)lea~·ecl ,,·ith co1 litio11. 11nder t11e 1 ta1·. a11cl ~ 't1·i1)e~· a11cl ,re ·11g·– ge. t to 0111' 111011ey-hl111gry f1 .. ie11c1 · ,,·110 .·ee111 to be l111happy l1er·e that c1 ,,.,1, ... 011t f1·01n the tax lJ111 ..c1e11 ., ,, ...ol1lc1 be to o·o el. ewl1e1 ..e. SL()\\T · \Ve tr·a,rel l1aclr o, rer D \\TX .:\l e111o rv Lane " . re ·all " t l1 lo,,.._1110,,i11g life of ... <J111c t l11·ee-. ·eo1~e ).,.ear· , ago. The t P Jepl1011e 11e, Te1~ 1·a11g· the al1to1no– l,ile 11e,..e1-. })a: eel Ollr cloo1· a11 l t l1e 11eig·hbor · ,,·e1·e 11eig·l1l)o1']}'". Tl1e c1i11ne1· ,,·a al,,·a)·. . e1·,recl 011 ti111e, a11 1 tl1e ,rJ1olc fa111il,... 'lt1·ro1111cl e l ~ tl1e talJle. llol\" c1iffe1~e11t i the 1,ictl11·e ,l.· of 195- ! I u the fa1nilv the ,ro1'l~illo· :\lotl1er • r r.l ies la1'g·ely"" 111)011 the })rocluct t,f tl1e tc11101)e11e1· a11(l tl1e eo11te11t. of tl1e c1eeJ)freeze, a11cl ll:11all~.. tl1 ) 111t·111 l)er~ of t l1r f c1111 il,~1110, ..e i11 f 01· .. cli 1111e1· 011e ,lt cl ti111e. <l · ~et tio11~ ,.f a ·irtll trai11. l111111rcliatel,· • c1 f 1 r r I ea,· i 11 ° t l 1 ) t a lJ le t 1e,.. r 11 l 1 -.. . t,, tl1 t ele1)]1c)11e or i11t<.) t l1e ·ar. to ,1r1·a11g·e la. t 111i1111te tlrtail') fc)r tl10 . fl' e111ug·. I 11 th) <.:ht1r ·11 e,·er,.. c, ·p11i11<>' i .. / (: J} P( f \ \ i { 11 H (' f i \ 1 j I ~r, 1() H J) () j 11 t , ,, h<' I'<' thP lll <' ltl })(I J'SIJiJl lllll S t 'Hl'l' ;\' th<' <· h11rc·l1 l,11]) c• ti11 1<J cl t 'r111it1f' \\ llit·h g t'C) llJ) lll PP(. - \\'}lC'tl. 'J'll P J)H">f<Jr arP ~o i11,c>lvrcl i11 o·rr,1111 111cPti11g. i11 tl1' 11 111 c· l1111·c!h <>r ,t tt r 11cli11 ~· 1·c 0 io11a] c1ifc1irs, that it i"> ])l'aC' tic·ally i111r>o~s ilJle for tl1r.111 1<> 11a11cll r a sp re i,tl 111f1lt r, r rgarcl– }p:,.,s of it s i1111)<J rta11 cc. \\ 1 r hct ,·r 110 i11tc11tio11 of st1gg·r t – i11g ,1 1>la11 of life that i · 11cJt ot1r J,, 1si11 )::,., ; 110,re,~e r, ,v0 ,vr r (l r racl - i 11 g- i11 tl1r \ \,..or cl ~0111e pa.· ·ag0~ ,,·li iC'll i11clic,tt0 ,1 ,,·icle 111a1·gi11 of cl itrr r e11cr bet ,,·ee11 01 11· ,,·,1 v of lift1 ., tLllC1 t ha of ot l1r1· cla)'".'. ~J e. ·u :e11t 01;t the : e, ·011 t1'" a: 1·ecor lecl i11 J_;11ke 1(), a11cl i11 ,Ter :e 4 h e is r eportecl as . :.i~·i11g : ' Nalll t ) 110 111a11 1 ) r the '"a}-. Ile ,,.a. 11ot 'llgge ·ti11g· that tl1c cli. cipl . IJ cli:col1rteot1:, l)llt l, 110,,.. i11g of their t e11cl e11c~y,. to vi ·it .. ,·ith fri e11cl l1e 111 ..gecl then1 fo1·– \\'a1·cl. Eli. ha .·aid to hi: :erva11 t ll e }J azi . If thot1 111eet any roan, ~al 11 te hi1u 11ot . ' ' (II Ki11g-. · 4: : 29 ) 'f h1·ot1g·ho11t tl1e Bil)le a1-.e to l)e fo1111cl . al11t atio11 , all of ,vhiel1 i11cli– c,1 te prolo11ge l , .. i.·itati011. 111 tl1e hlll"l-.}·- 'Clll'f}r l)l'e e11t it . a llOCl a ~ 111ile or a '· II o,,·cl~yr, ancl 011 ,,·e oo 0 . \\Te 11ote that 1)raha111 1 tl1 :--.(' l',Ta11t 1·a11 Da, 1 id 1 .. a11 P eter 1·a11 a11cl 111c111y otJ1e1·: 1·a11 : ho,,eve1·. 1 :e\'e1· cloe ' the t ri1)t111 ..e. :a,.. 01· ~11g·o·e ·t that J . ll 1·a11. Rll l1i11g 1,LJ l)ee11 a e;l1a1·act e1~i. tic of incli– ' i<lt1al.· l111cle1· ce1·tai11 cir cl1n1 ·ta11ce. f r o1u the begi11ni11 0-, bl1t tl1e era ,,Tl1e11 a g·ene1·atio11 rl111 · l1a cl e– ' <-· lo1)ecl c1t11·i11 o· 1·e ·e11t l ecacle . Tl1e1·e a1--e ce1·tai11 h11ma11 cl1ar– ac:teri:ti ·. ,,Tl1iel1 a1'e ,, ..01·lcl-wide. l"11t tl1 r · to11cl1 ancl go has it · <·e1 t e1· i11 tl1i · cot111t 1·J... and pa1--– t ic11la1' l}'" i11 t l1e l1ea, ,ily i11cll1 trial– izr l 11orther11 ·tate:, a11cl n101· par- t iel1larl,.. i11 1101·the1·11 hio. Tl1 .. (· l1a1 ..atte1·i ·tie cloe.· 11ot appea1· i11 111,111,· of t lie for eig11 eol111trie 1101· • j t t ·ta t e ~ o11 t 11 <) £ t 11 :) .:\ I a ·o11-Dixon Line. Tl1e l)io· Cllle ·tio11 i · : A1 .. e ,·ve lli.Ll )I ir1· ! Doe: the 11111lti1)licity of c ,.(cl11 t.· 111a l,e life 1·i ·lier ? I ~ fan1ily "' lifr 1·i ·11 \r £1111 1·, cl e1)e1· ! I . the ( 1 l1t1r ·11 leacli11g 111e11 to a 1 lo ·e1· ,rall~ ,,·itl1 tl1e Lorcl b\· aclcli11!.! ~ P\P11t. to event~ ? \\itl1ol1t qt1c · I i,,11 fa111 ily life ~,1ff Pr. , l)ra.}·e1· ti111' i" 1·<1cl11<·Pcl, clllll ti111<1 fo1· 111 clitct - 1 i,?11 l1cL all lJtlt lcl ·t it . J)lal'e ()11 1l1t1 ,,.( PltJ , .. ea lr 11cla1· • • 'l'l1t' . rate l1a J)lat· ecl u1c:11·l,Prs ,,lt>11~· tl1t1 l1ig·l1,vcl}'" ,r,lr11i11g· trclfti ·