The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1956

Pa T\vo TIIB OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST August 1956 ~==--=~~----~~--------------------- - - ~~--~--------------------- Editorial Comment I l 1I ..\ l~( I) · · '/ !/,, .<Jl<JJ'JJ ;,.., <lc- 1><1 rt rel .·· t 11t\ ll \11<)- cl il't i )11 l1a~ lltlt\11 {)t•()ll()lllll'L)(l, ,llt<l t ltt:'' <.l1l<•t)-gl<)l'i<)ll~ 1~:1 1l' li<l .\ , ·e1111t~ '- 1) H l) t 1, t l 1 l1ttrvJ1 <)f l 1 l c, , ·Cl lc111(l, )}li(l, ll lL)\ l\~ lllt<) <Jll}i,·ic>ll. ()11P l11111tll' l'cl c111tl fi ,·e ~·l)c11·"' of "L'l'\ it't' e11tl" i11 ,1 • • rt'<f tti (\ 111 ' ' for ,l t't>11~reg<1 tio11 ,,·]1iv]1 l1n-.; ht'C'11 i11 ,l t1, i11g' t'<.lll ( litit)11 1'(11' 111n11,. , ·e,11·8 . ~ ~ ~ 1111tl <? l' tl1t1 111i11istr,· <>f 'I'l1e ( 1 lP,TP- • l,1 11 tl l~HI)t i~t ...\ ~ ~oc·ia.tio11. Tl1c ~llcl<'lOll~ clll l itll[)O~lll!:!,' cl0\\ 1 11to,,·11 :-,t1·11 ·t11re ,r,1~ a ~ift fro111 tl1e latE J ol111 l . J=>cJel,rfeller, Sr., a11cl for 111<111,· , ·<.',t1·s its i11£l 11e11 ce \\'a: ec- • • 011tl to 11011c."\ i11 tl1e ~tate of ( hio. Ilc),Ye,·cr , it "· 111 r 111bC' 1·~l1i1) cl111·i11g· tl1e I cl , ·t t,,·o cl ec.·c1 le:, ~li1 J)e(l fro111 :2,;3()0 to le~. tl1a11 l(JO ,111 l tl1e doors l1c1·rc lJPe11 c: lo~e l. I t 111iol1t l)e "clicl tl1 cl t tl1 e cle111i. e ,,,. ,1 -. b1·ol1gl1t a 11011t lJ~.. tl1e 1110,·i11g· of it ~ 111en1be1·: to tl1e • lllJl11·1)., l)l1t tl1 Bil)le l1elie,/i11g· 11eo11l r -n~i]l , ·ic,,- it cl: tl1r fr1 tit of 111ocl er11i:111. () 11t £1·0111 tl1e1 to11greg·atio11 ha,re 2,·011 e l1 l111(l1~ecl of tl1 e J)eo11 le ,,,.10 . c1·,~e cl: · l'rea111 of tl1 c cro11 ' i11 otl1 1· BaJ)ti. t '1h11rcl1e of tl1e cit,· . .L\11cl f111·t]1r1·u101·e tl1e I-3i1Jl r ._ J)1·e,1tl1i11g· 1111l1)it.· of otl1e1· l3 a1)ti.·t 1 llllI'l'l1e· of tl1e tit,,. clra\\r lllC' lll- .. 1,e 1·!-, }1 i IJ a11 tl a 11clie11 ce: f r o111 r , ,.e rJ.. JJart of t l1c 111et ro1 oliia11 area. 8 0 1nc .\'"ea r .-- c1g·o a t hca t l\ r sy11- clic,1 tc of£ r eel to b11.\T tl1e 111·01) r rt) 7 ,l11cl tl1e })ri11 ces c1 11cl 11ol1l e · of thl' 1 le,·e la11cl lJcl11ti . t ....\ .,. OC'iatio11 ,,·rr e ,,·illi11g to , e] 1; }10,\'(1 \ 'Pl' , a '\ 1 ote of tl1e t1·l1~1cc~ 1·ejretr l tl1e 111·01)0. itio11 011 111 c, rc1l g·1·ol111cls ct11cl i11 a ho1)e tl1at tl1e 0 lor,.. ,,.. 0 11lcl 1· r- o . t111·11. 111 1·eC'e11t , ·cell', tl1 c111c1it111 <·rs ' l1a,·e c1,,·i11c11 rcl to a 111cr 0 tok: r 11 of it. clel' li11i11g 111r1111Jc1·sl1i1) a11 l to 111rrt ex1Je11~e~ tl1c l111g·e a11 lito1·i11111 ,,·a'> lea. eel 0 11 S1111c1av cl ft r. 1·110011. · • a11cl cl t ot l1 er t i111 r: for n ll- JJ 1t J'JJOse 111eeti11g· . ....\t tl1e fi11a ] se1·,·i(· c alJot1t 1.3() J)CC)lJle cl. ,·p111lJlcc.l to J1 ec11· the trr111i11ati11~ .·r r,,ie e ,, 1 11011 tl1c })a:– to1·. Ri c·l1,1rcl .J 0 1111 \\-r alrcl t l11·e,r t}1e . }Jot} ig·l1 t 011 t 11 e g 1 o rio11 .- }Jcl, ·t aucl 1)oi11tecl thr \ Y'cl,\'" <Jltt to ,,,. l1 r r c tl1e J)PO})Je c·o11lcl 111Pct tl1r bli11cl sf1·11r;gli1l<J ct<Jl <' cl , c1 11cl 1·eeog·11izccl a 11 e}cler].) 7 lcl C1~r l ) l' (l.'E' llt , ·rJ10 }1ac1 1Jeen a 111e111l)e1· of the c·l111rc·l1 fo1· se, .. e11 t)" -t l11·ee ~·ea 1·s. I1e1gal J)a J)01-. · ter·111 i11ati11g: tl1e c·l1l11·<·l1, H • ~ll<' l1, ,,rere :ig·1 ec1 0 11 ~J tl 1~.. 2, 19.... (j . fi .\ I }; {l l{ I~ 'l 'r, 11•l1r,t rl r1 .lJfJ1f (11 - <>1' f1·il11tll .1J rJ1 11· j 'r1i/11re ~ l t i < t E ~ 8 11, l i J' l ! 1. l t 111a,,. br tl1at • ) . ()l l }lct<l 11<) J>lll'})OHP- 110 QOcl l. 1 1 l1<1t , Tc>11 ,,·e re t lo11l>] e1 111i11clecl · a • l i tt 1 <' (>f th is c111c l a 1 i tt le of t 11 at, 1101 cl r,·c 101) i11fr cl 11.'" sJ)ee i fi ci <' 11 - cl tlc1, .. 01·. 2. I t 111crv· l1e tl1at , rot1 ·011- . .. r<111t 1 .. ,1tec1 i11 a11 effor·t to ·11~eeed, l>11t 11 eo·lec t etl to 111alce f1·ie11cl. ·. I11 Sll(' 11 ease , .. ot1 ,,·01·1cecl alo11e a11cl . HC'rifieecl tl1r J1elJ) ,,·l1ic·l1 is ofte11 .,o , ,. cl l 11 al)1r . :i. It 111a,.. be tl1at '\"O t1 fclil ecl to • • 11re1al' e for )ro11r life : ,,,orlc; l1e11l' r i11 late1· , .. e a1·: , ,.011 fo1111cl , . . that the ,,·e11 e l l1c: atec1 01.. ot l1e1·- ,,ri, ·e ,,re 1] 1)1·e11a1·ecl l)el' 011, l)a:. eel , ·011 i11 tl1e 1~ae . • 4. It 111a,. lJP t 11 at , ·011 n1a 1·1·iecl • • too , 1"011110• a11cl that fa111i l,T 1·e- • l""' • .'JJ011. il1il i tir.· !)1·e,Te11 tecl . 11ffi cie11 t c-1tt e11tio11 to 1)1·og·1·p,: alo11g t]1r tho. e11 li11e. :-5. J t 111a\r l)e tl1at '\"Oll ha,Te • • l)re11 t e1111) c1·111 P11 tal a11 c1 t 11 <1 t cl ba (1 cli.-1)0. i tio11 ha: 111i11 i111 izecl t 11e e 11a 11 ee:\ · for a tl,, a 11re111011 t. G. It 111a,~ l1r. tl1at , ·0111· life \i • • ,,·orlc ,,·a. 11ot ,,·el l cl1al'trcl i11 the l1rg·i1111i11~· c111cl tl1at >"O tl hcl'\"r l1cr11 cl '· :c11tcll' 11rg· i11 a 1·01111cl J1 olc,, b11t <'()11ti1111 rcl l<) tl1c c>11cl. 7. It lllc1)T l1r t}1at l)i,ri11 e g·t1i(l– cll) l ' (> \\'" cl. ll(>t c1rr 111e 1 )l('(' (l!-j, c1r,r. • Tt i. ,rrittr11: ··J,, c1l/ f/1 .lJ 1,·a,11.· rrc/1·11011,fc(l[Jc l1i111, a11rl J, e ,';ll(tl l cl i rcc I t 71 .1J lJ(l f ll . ·. ()f c·c>111·sr it 111,t," l)c tl1at "\"011 • • l1a,·c11 't l)Pe11 a failt1r e clt all, lJllt 11a,·p bee11 att()1111)ti11g· to 111 rc1s111·r \ "011r ,,·c) l'lc I>,.. a "\"clrcl8t ie1{ 11ot ~ . . HClclt>t P< l to >"O lll' C'clSt'. lt llla)r l1t1 tl1at ) "O t1 l1c1,·r 11otrt l t l1e .·11i rit11al, ti11a11e ic11 or :oc·i,ll .11teee. ·. of <lll– otl1 er <111cl l1a,,r eo11s i 1~rec1 \ "0111·- ._ ~<1lf sl1ort j11 \\·c igJ1t or 111 ccts11rc. lt 111a\" l)e tl1at "\ '"<Jll l1c1,"e cl <.:<·0111- .. ._ plis l1rcl tl1r t c1.'l{ ·c>t before ) "Ol1 c111cl tl1at i11 the tfl l<: , .. 011 }1a,"r • l JPCl ll a lJig· . 'llCCC. ', · . 1\ ,. (} I c : r 1 he a1 ) 0 , 1 r (l ( 1 itO 1 'i al ''T <l •' ,,Trit t(.\11 a.· tl1ot1g]1t 111ate1·ial for ) "01111g· 11001 le. • 1 Il ) KT':'-T'r 1 r · . , .. , \ 1111 c 1nag·az111 c r·c- 1)0rt. t l1a t 1111 ler tl1 e le acler. l1i1J of Ue11 1·al .l. "'a. :er of .F_J g~"'J) t, leg·islatio11 h,1. l) re11 l)clssecl ,,,.hie11 1·ef111ire. tl1at all ~C' l1ool. 111t1.· t tcac:]1 ::\ [ol1a111111rcla11- i : 111 to l\Io.·] e111 ~ ·t11cle11 ts, ,J 11cla i:111 to ~J r,r isl1 .1tl1 l e11t. , a11cl .,. l11·i:– tia11it,r to ( 1 h1·i.-tia11.· . • Ni11ee1 111081 of J~g·,Y' J1t ':-; J'<)l'<1ig·11 Sl'llOOls arr l'llll b.)· ( 1 }1risti,111 111is– si C)ll.', c111 cl so111e :1,S ()()() of tl1e Ht t1- c le11 t .- a1·r l\Io.. lr 111. · it 111ea11s that thr tca<' hi11g· ,,·ill l) 1110.·t l ) ' .:\I<>– hc-1111111ecl a11i. 111. Tl1e 1 11itrcl 1 >rr.' lJ,·t eria11 1\111eri- • c.:a 11 :\ I is:io11 111 Eg)-'"pt ]1a a11 - 11011 11 c< cl that it: ele,·011 .·thool ,,·ill c·o1111)J},.. '1. 1 i J11 e. a3"s tl1at alJol1t t,,·o-tl1ircl. of the 111i.1sion boa1~a. have a ,Q.·1 .. eecl to compl)'". To the . l1a111e of tl1e.·e Prote ta11t grol1p t l1 e Ro111a11 atholie c~hl11 .. rl1 l1a , 111ac1e 110 • t1ch ag·1 .. ee111e11t. It i: to be 1·eeog 11iz<->cl tb at 1110:t of the 111i. io11a1·ie... i11 EgJ"Pt are 1·e1)1 .. e. e11tati,re. of the la1·ge1· cle- 110111i11atio11 ,,·l1i 1 ha,re l)eco111e either· clefi11itel3i~ a1)0. tate 01 .. ha·\'·e 111acle lo11g . ·tr·icle. i11 that directio11. I11 li11e ,,Tith tl1e thi11l{i11g of mo t of tl1e e ,v·o1·l{e1\ · tl1ei1· 111i ion i. to ele, ·ate the edll ·atio11al ancl e · 0 11 0 111i · . tat11. of tl1e 11eo1 le, a11cl tc.1 . ac1·ifice the 1Jil)li ·al .~p1)1·oach ,,·ill 11ot l1e <·011. ·ic1 e1 .. ec1 a defi11ite ]1a11cli ·a1). l I o,,Te,·e1·, 111 the e t ee111 of the 1)01·1 -a~ra i11 11ati, ..e. , a11cl othe1· 1 h1·i8t ia11 1 eople i11,.. ol, ..ed li ri:- t i(t 11 it .lJ-,1: 1·epre: 11 te l b3.. the. e t0111 p l,\ri11g 111i, '."io11a1•ie. ,,Till i11l{ to tlIP lc>,,·est 110:sil1le Ie, 1 el. f l ,;: Tfl, I ~IT~: T1, \ fl fl . r ... ..., .1 ..., r ... ... , .1:. c1g· )T111g 11atio11 i11 ,,·ar, the 1 co1)lc of the 1T11itecl ~ tate.· ha,.. e l)ee11 .·o r el11cta11t to li ·pla3.. the P111bl e 111 1· rC'c.111tl,,.. tl1c1t 011e of tl1e t larg·e 111 ,111t1faet111·er . l1a tl11·11ecl to tJ1c })ro l t1C'tio11 of otl1e1· ite111. . F 0 1· c1 l1110. ·t a c1eea l e l)ef 01·e a11cl cl111·i11g· \\"' orl 1 "\\Tar lI, tl1e eo111- 11a11)r lot'atccl i11 1 lP,Te la11tl, ()l1io, ttll'l1c.:'C.l Ollt flag· ~ ,lt faetOl')r ·a1)ac– it,.. ; . 11clc1e11l,.. tl1e l)attlefielc1.· ,,·er e • • c111irt a11cl t 11 e l111g·p i11 , ·e11 to1·3.. of flcl!f: 1·e111cti11rcl f111·1ec1. '111e 11atio11 's l)atrioti.·111 111aJ· . ia11c1 1111e}1a11g·ed l)11t tl1r exJ)I'e - . io11 of it i: x11 l)j eet to i11fl11e11 rc.· . F..J\ricle11ee of th sart1r tret11 is 11otrc1 i11 e 111 trc· 11 a ff a i1\ , . Zeal i: 111oc111la trcl b.,.. 1 l11"i:t111a:. Ea. te1·-, rl 11 a11 l~:g· i, .. i11g l'P'\'"i , ·al ti111e a11 cl tl1 c: ~·11111111e 1· :lt111111. J)EGI-{EE~ 1 rl"l1e el1a1·ge i: 111a11~.. ti111e... 111acle b,y l e- • 110111i11atio11al 111r11 ,,·ho a1·e 11ot i11 .'}'111patl1)" ,,.. itl1 t 11e Reg11la1· Bap– ti. t J)O."' iti 11, tl1at ()a~to1-. of Reo·l1- la1· I3a1)tist 1 l1t1rt'l1e. are 1111- ecl11eatccl' a11cl .·e1·,·e 011 a lo,,e1 .. scl1ola.-tie c111cl t l1 olog·ieal le,..el