The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1956

Augu st 1956 THE BIBLE BOX ~ . THE PATMOS VISION (Continued) (Rev . 1 :17-18) 1' 11 e J->at111os ,·i ·ic>11 ~ Ij a : t 111c, 11t l1 ,,·e cl e– 'T e 1o IJ e cl t l1 e ( 1 l1r i~t-,,·a1· cl a. 1)eet of tl1i. vi. io11 a follo,,\ : ( 1 ) The E xal te 1 1 l1 r i.t: \ T:. 9-1:3. (2 ) 'l'he E te1·- 11al ( 'l11·i ·t : 'T· ·· 1-!-16. ( 3) The E x1>erie11ercl 1 hri ·t : , T:. 17a-l . 13ecall e Goel tht1 · privilegecl J 0 }111 ,111<1 lJec- a 11: e (}ocl i.· 1 0 r e" p te1· of 1>r1-. 011.·, ,,Te a1·e p1·i,Ti leg·ecl y eR ( tocl exl101·t~ t l1a t ,,·e shar e t l1i.1 <~x1>erie11tr ,,yit l1 .J 01 11 . 111 t hi. artit le ''"e d e,{elop th l\ I a11-,\Tar 1 a. l)e ·t of t h e Pat 1110.· ,,i: ion. TJI:B: RE 1 Tl() .l T ,T.- . 17a-1) .J 0 1111 . r ea ·t io11 ,,,as the ca11 of ,, 1 hi ·h J1i: ex1)erie11 ·i11 g the E x– al te<l. Eter11a] 'l1ri ·t ,,,as the ef– fect. ...\. . l1e ,,·a. IJri,rilege l of ;ocl to t h 11.- gaze l l J)011 ot11· "\'\To1 - lerft1l Lor cl l1e fe ll at l{i., f eet a~ c1eacl. ' \ ' h e 11 the I{ ol}r ~ ~T)i1·it l1 as 111acle t he t 1·l1t l1 of ot11· L o1·cl F~xa ltatio1 a11 cl FJtrr11 alit,r 1·eal to ., l t ,,·e ,,Tith .J <> l111, \vil l fall at I l i.· feet a~ lea(l . ...\ 1·c, ,, ... c. e\ 1 e11 110,,T, l>l'08t r ate l befor r IIi111 \1pc·a11se t l1e l I ol.'~ fi JJirit l1a. · 111clcl P t l1p tr11tl1 of Il i. Eter11a] I~xaltat io11 1·ra l to 11... ? T II E RRAl .1 IZ~\ r r ~ - \ T:-;. 17c-r "'\ 8. 17r: ~ .r\ 11cl li e' t he E xalt - e(l E te r11 al ( 1 hr i. t to '\Yho111 n 11 po,,,e1· i11 IT ea , .,.r11 a 11 (1 i11 E a1·th i g• i \ Te 11 Jr at t • 2 ) :1 , \ T 8, 17(_' : 'l ai cl Ili'i 1·i µ: l1t l1c111cl 11 [J011 111e. ' 111 ,, ie,,, of t l1r fc1et t l1at <>11 r E x– alt e 1 F.Jte l'11al ( )1 11 11iJ)<)tr11t f-1c> r cl, l1a, ,i1 g· a,· 1 e11c.l c.)(l i11i<> t l1c p r e e11 (·e of Joel , .'clt clo,,~11 c.>11 t l1r 1 .. ig·ht }1a11cl of (Joel. IIPl>. 1 ::~ a11cl 1:... :1-2, the ' 1·ig·}1t h a 111' 11111 , i . ' l )PH l< . },111- l)olica]])" of t l1e })O'\\'er of ( locl . Tl1e1·e£01· e, a11cl thiH is a11 ol), ,joll,' tl'11th, j f ,,~p ,, 1 0lll(l lc11oy, t hCl ])O\\rp1· of (Joel i ll () l l l' }i,"e~ \VP l l lllSt fall at I I is f et a . c1ectc1. ' B11t 11 ot 0 111,r clicl 011r Lo1·cl aet i11 • J oh11 ~ clireetio11, Ile al~o h c1c1 <l 111e~. ag·e £01· l1in1 ,r 8. 17 e : Fec11· 11ot ! 13rlo, ·ecl, J)er f eet lo, re c-a ·t et l1 011t f a 1· : ' a 1 (l ,vl1r11 ' '"Cl ]{110 \\' th (l 110,, 1 e1· of (}ocl i 11 0111~ ' 'RUMOR HAS IT '' • • • \ .. p~~ r 11111c,1· l1a i i tl1at t l1<~ r e ,,·i ll J>r c,bal>l~· l >t a J~ il>l r ( 1 <>11fer – <;;11t·<' f<, r acl 11lt ])Pc, 1, le 1 rxt ~·pa1· a t < 1 .. \ 1f I> J) ~ \ T ) I< ) S. ' J'J1p ,\<)lt t }1 f'alll J> f }1i~ ~"Pell'\\('\" . Pt 11 [) f<>l' (•i<.!. }l t \\PP](l"'I. ~(Jlll(l C)f 1li,:i ,vePI<~ c·,1r1·i, 1·cl~.r i ~t r ,-tt i <)11 tc, 1})(:' liltlit ()f (•}tllll) ('cl l )clt i f)', P~ J)fl– c·ialJ.\ tl1P j1t11i<)l' \\PP1<~: l1c,,,<'\Tr1·. J'tlgi . 11'atic,11 ,,ra: . l1c,r1 cl1tl' i 11~ l"'IP\'– P1·al c,f 1hP 1>el'i<>c l:. 1 a 1·pf1 1l <·a l– <·ttl,11 i<>11 i11clivat . t l1c1t \\ it 1 rr<.!.i, - trati<>Jl c,1, 111, ~a111(• lf•\"rl ,t. 111is ()a 011. ,1 l l reg·ist 1·n 11 ts r·o1 t l (1 l ,P ar · 1lf111 oclcltPc] cl111·i11~ scl,re11 \VPrl,s. ,,11i ·]1 ,, ,11lcl 11·0, 1 iflr ,i <·H1>acit ., .. <·ro,, cl fc1r ct<·l1 ,,f tli< . c·l1 'cl11lt1<l ] )Pl'ic11] . lt j acl 1 (,c•a1t<l t]1af ()11' \\lll\ .,f 4~i!!ht J,,.. 8P1 c:IJ>art fc,r H<lttJf ]>Pt)l)l(>, a11,I 111at 111·,,gra111 l>P n1·1·a11gt<l ,1<· – ,·<)rdi11gl, . 'I'Ji,.. ,·a1111) i8 11<•'' P(!llil)))t c] 1() !tl"( \ itfP '01tlf(Jl'1 f'(Jt' fa111i1., gr,,111, ,,i1l1 l'o,,r 1>ri,nf, l l'<J ~Ill 111illl,\ tlP\\ 1., I tlt1·c·l1a s< 1 <l 1,,;t, I a11,I 111c111 J'Pi-; <·. a,1,] 1,,,1 1,,.,, <·alii11. i11 Htl,)i1i<,ta 1<, 111,l ta11<lar,t P(Jlllt>J)l("J11 ,,l1i<·l1 ,,<iS lie l 0 l 1 1uf(Jt'P a, a i l a l, I \ i 111 1 , rt.. P 111 1' a < • i l i i i ':,,; t l1e . itc:1 \YCJt1lc l l)P ic1Pal fo r ~11c·l1 to11 ft1rP 11(·e. ~ ;<)111e ,,~11c> ,1 r P ,1c1- \ "CJtH11 112· tl1i~ a< lt1lt t0 l lf<! l' Pll('t1 l1a,·0 l·rio l1t icltlcl~ ,lll<l \\'l-i .i<>i11 il11..., fc)l '\\·,11·<l-looh:i11g· !ll'<>l11) i11 l)0111t nf <111tl1t1~ i ,1s111 . ' l,\\'() ~c·l 1c)<) l'i c,r { ll(>ll!.?'111 are i11 ( 1 ,·ic lc 1 11< ·r a" r<' l ,t1ecl ic> iltP 11rc,– µ r, 1111 . I t i ~ 111 e1 t l 1 (> t 1 f( 11 t <) r <> 11 <' t! r <> t 1 J > t l 1, l t < > t 1 t "'1 u 11 < l i 11 ~· ·"' 1 >Pa 1\ c' r" 1' 1·<)111 • · ,tfar' ' ~l1c>11l tl l>P brc>ttµ:111 i11 f<> l' t }1p \Vt"P}\ . rJ'll<' <)i 11<'1 ' g· r c ll 11 acl, 1 c><·,t1<1" ,l ...,f ,tff <>l' ~1>rc1l... t•r..., sr lcc1rcl fro111 ()l1io .. \ ~~<>rinti<>11. f CO\ll"SC\ f1·0111 tlte ll1cl l1)~ Sllg'- u• :i. t io11. 111,lcle, t lie J1erfc\t:1 11ro- ~ grc1111· ,,ill l1e l1r1lcl1 ecl f>111. .. () \v ' 1I l l J ) l ( t 1' es l l 1 t () r l) I 'p"' ( 11 l 1,lc11111i11!.! ,viii <lt·l><''ttcl llll<Ht till' 11111n l><'r <>1' i11t, ·r,,~t t <1 l) t'r~<> 11~. l t j~ t>lll' l>l )':-; >lt,tl (ll>i11i<>tl t l1<1t HSSlll'– Hll<•e ,,f' uni ftss lflttJI fil't\ l'f'\•is– tl'Htlf :-; i-; }tt>ltltl lit gi\ 1 l 11 l)t \f' tll"t 1 !>l<lll :-; Hl't• }11·<,11µlit 1<1 'l t't>llf•lttsi<>ll. 'I hi ci lit,,r ,, ill l,P g lct,l t,, 1al,11lat,, th e ex 1,1·, 1 ssPcl t111i11i<>11s ; 111,l ittltl)'P:-;1( 1 (( llPJ'S()l)S Hl'(I ill\ itP(l t,> 111t:1i l J)t>:-i1(•,11·cl l<> tl1P Ptl1t,,1·i,1I l,ffj(•p £ .. J)l'P88illll .-.;e111 itllPlt(. li,"Ps, l1c1,·i11g· fc1l le111 cl1 Ifi~ frc>t a · (1Pacl, ,,·e ~llctll ]{110,r II i: J) erfeC't lo,..e rx1) rie11tiall)", 11ot l><11ore. rl, IIJ~: I{E\r}~T.J.L\'I f ()~·-\ r.. ·. 17£-1 I .Ji. ·te1 ! ' 'Fear 11ot: I a111 t l1e fi1·~t a11cl t]1e l,1st : 1 <1111 Ile that l i,·et ]1 c111cl ,,·a8 clPacl · a 11cl, l)e11olcl , I ,1111 a li , 1 r f<> 1· t.1,,e r 111(> r r .... \ 111e11 · , ,l11cl l1c1,"e tl1r ](e\·s of l1,tcl t1~ a11cl of • cl<1 ,1tl1.' \\Tllclt a 1·c-1,·r lclt io11 t hi. i~ ! () t 1r Fjxalt~cl , Ete1·11cll )n1- 11i~t ic11t I..1orcl i8 lJoth t l1e 1·e, 1 ela– ti 011 of (: o(l a 11c1 t lie ( }ocl of t l1e re, 1 r la ti 0 11. 111 tl1e 1naj e. ·t iC' ,,·orc1. of \ T:. . 17 f-1 ot1r T 1orcl cl eC' la1--e ll i111.·0l f t o l)c t l1e The111r of ancl tl1e K ·~,r to t ]1 e l111cle1-. ta11cli1 g f tl1e IIol~r ~ •e1·i1)t 111·e.. , rr: , Ile cle– <' lcLr0s lli111Rel f to br t l1e ()11e i 11 · "\"\Tl10111 c.1,,·rll <lt11 a l l tl1e fl1l11e:~ of th e (lo(l 11 e,1< l l)ocl i I,,.. ' 13e lovecl • of {ocl clot\· t 1 c l)l' (.-"C'io1 ts ~ T a111e of .J e:1l: 111ea11 c:111 t h i: to }ro11 ? ' IIa,,(l ) TOl l, , ,Tit]1 rr10111a:, c1·ied , ' 'i\ l \" l1or l a11cl 111,.. locl .' ( .J ol111 ~ . 20 :2 ) Y 01l 1 ,1, "e if. , , ,. itl1 J 0 1111, l1a , 1 i 11 O' l)e lie 1cl II i~ o·l or,.. '"Oll l1a, 1 e r t"' , . f,1lle11 clt I f is fret II i.· l)l e~ :·eel JJieree<l fe t as (1( a 1. · I f J"'Oll l1a,·e 11ot tl111s J)1·o~t1·c1tctl ) 1 0 111· elf 11 fo1·e Ili111, ,,·ill )"011 l>)" tl1e g1·ace of .} ocl j 11Rt 11 o,,,. f 01· fJ e "lt. , , Sc1l<e ? 'I'l1r T1orcl bl P8.' , ..011 . 011 e ,111cl a 11. • ~ i ( 1 1I() < I j JX ] 1: T11 7 R I .L \ T l1Ll }?0llo,,·sl1i1) of l~clJ>ti. ts F 1 01· I l < > 111 e ) I i ~s i <J 11 s c ·() 11 cl l1<'tr cl cl . l' 11 o l f0r 1·rc·e11t ,lJ)1)oi11te<ls i11 1]1p } i1·st l~cl})ti~t ( 1 1llll'C'11. .BJl) l'icl, ( l1io, :\ [011clc1,.. . ~Jt1l,.. 0 tl1rc)11g11 ~at111~- • • clcl\'" .J111,~ 1-1-, ,,·itl1 "i,tl-ir 1 11 llP\\. . ' . ,ro1 l,ers 1) l'P'iPll t. 'l,l1P te,1el1Pr~ i11t·l11<ll" 1 l~c,. ~T. 1 r, i11g· l{er~P. 1 P,·. I~,yi11µ: \\"'c1ltPl'"'· l{l \,·. I 1 :l1011 ( 1 • Tl ttl,ill. l~l),· l, <)lJtl rt •J . l{ (1 \ • 11 I 10\ l t , I{ (I\ I I . 1 \. . I. i 11 l (1 ~ • ~ I r . . j , t l· lt I ), 1., 11 c n 11 < l :\ l r. I j. > \ • < ) 1 > i t t "'. 'r 11(\ (· o , 1 r ~ <' <) r ~ 1 t 1 < 1., c\ 11 - ~·" g l' ( 1 ~ i , 1 ) t 1 .. i () c 1 s c> r f <) r t ., r i , (' 111 i 11 l 11 t\"' e( l < • l 1 (l, 1 : • , , it l 1 , 1 l )l >rt\ , i ,l1l\(l vlcl'"'l"-il'"' <>11 J l o11tlct) Hlltl ~ut,1r– < l ,l \ . I FOR ALIBE RALARTS EDUCATION, havi ng a fundamental Bapti st fou dation ••• • • • •• - "-=l...::i..: '.. ~ ......... ...._.....&.- Featuring A B. Degrees in Bible, English and Soc.iol Science. Beautiful 15 acre campus with 9 buildings. Intercollegiate Athletic \\ 11 t fo 1• fr copit's of R11 t1,, th1. o obl1g t1011 - 1ii -- ~ - CEDARVILLE COLLEGE A a AP r I$ ·' : CO~~ EG E '1f' ~ i ~ ER A I. ART.~ CEDARVILLE, OHIO J, T. Jeremiah, Pre •