
THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST February 19!1'1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Editorial Comment 1,111·~ 'l'IH" ,vii\, i11cllll'P(l Illl\ \ 1..\. J> to nt·eon1pan)· hl)l' 1o tlll' g l'O('et·)· t l1is 111or11 i ng that ,ht' 111i ght l1a,·p ~OlllP ])Cl'HOll f() l)lt~h tlt{) t·n r1 ,,·l1ilr 8hl' clroJ)l)rcl i11 th( 1 ealo ril'~ a11cl Yita111ins. \\Thil c' ] )U. hinu tht\ tl11ng· 111> anl1 clo,Y11 thP a i~ll' ' ,,·e 111aclc ~01ne 11otcs a 11 cl no,,· .'ta11cl a111aze<l as \\'e look: o,·er tl1e li t. "\\Tc 1 OJ)e11l)· ael~no,,·lr<lgr tl1at \Yr arr getti11g· 111) i11 )'"ra r s. () 11r c1 .· to11isl1111e11t. 110,Ye,·er, , 1 ri11gs f ron1 t l1r cliffer e11t'e l)et,YrP11 the nlrl !ooh· a. . Pe 11 fron1 a , ·ie,Yi11g· ~tnncl built 111or e t ]1a11 t 11 r ee seor c )~ears ag:o. i11 l'011tra:t ,,·ith tl1e JL CU' !ooh· a. ,,e ,·i. itecl tl1e ~\ cT 1>. [ u ot l1cr ,·t1c1rs ~I other licl the • l'OOki11g· . l)tl t 110,y ~lot hers !-; i111 ])l,\· 01)e11 ca11.· a11c.l l>oxe. ·. e, .. e11 to tl1e 11oi11t ,Yl1ere tl1e cit)T :encl: a t rl1tl< aro1111d e, ·r 1·, .. ,rerk t o l1a11l the111 • a,ra,·. • \\""r . a,r hi ·ct1its i11 boxe: ancl )f ot l1er 11rrc1~ on]:~ to OJ) r 11 the' 0\'()11 a11cl 1)11 ·b 'e111 i11; c·l1il'l{e11 a11cl t11r– ke~.. ])irs 011 a })a11 ; f roze 11 fruit 11ie.·. a1>1) lr . ·a t1<.· r , a11cl e":~\ \ l o– t atoe:-; a ll rrad,r coo1<rcl . • IIo,,· ,vel ] \\TC r en1e111 her thr olcl roffrc !:!'ri11cl<>r, a: _jlotl1er clt1111 1 ed i11 tl1P l'Offc<', ]>lit t}1p g ri11cl r r l>r– t,,·<.1en hPr l'\11(){"' ' a11cl g 1· 01111cl it t o a 1)0,vcl \r. ~\ 11c.l 11 0,r for tll<' u1ost < 1 xac·ting· thPre is tl1P elr(·trit g· ri11c.l– Pr in t hr storr ,vh r 1·0 tl1P coffer i~ t ai lorP<l 1 o 111pas11r< 1 111p11ts !-)Pt h,· • the· tn...,to111c 1 r . Ifo,vc, ·c•r, f o r those> ,,·Ito clo 11ot J1a,·r tl1 r <1 11c}l'g:r t o 1nal~t1 a 1) o t o f t: o[' f <' c.>, t h er c' i ~ t h <' I> o t t 1 c of Xesc·afr \YhPrr c1ll 011P 11c 1 c}cli-; to clo i~ to boil a t·ltp of ,,·atPr, J)lnuk in a iPa\poonfu l of th<' stt1ff. a11cl t hPJ' l' it is. 111 0111· to11. i<l t 1 r t1<l opinion it·~ j11 t 11ot fc1ir t o tl1r girls ,Yl10 J1a ,·e lf 1 ar11 ecl ho\Y t o took, J)ltt llJ) f 1· ttit. and clo a first <·las · job of l101t:e– kec'1>i11g: . 'rhe g·irl \Y}lQ kJlO\\'.' )10,v to 01>e11 (•a11: a11cl l>oxc: <:a11 l(ee1> a ]111sbancl ali,·e j11:t as lo11g· as the o]cl-fa~l1i tu1Pd ]ci11 c.l. 80 th Pr e1 's r :i aJ l, · • ]itt Je i11(l11te111e1ut fo r an),. girl to lPar11 a n.vtl1i11g·. ~ 1 l1 111a~· j11st a: ,,·ell :-.J)e11cl lier ti111 pai11ti11g· her fal' e a11c1 1)oli: J1i11g· he r 11 a ils. "\\Tp fear , }1 0,vc>,·c 1 r , that if tl1i!-> n1 oc lr r11 t)·1>e c.licl tr)· to <·ook:, 011e o[ t l1e iug-rrclie11ts i11 e, ·e rJ' thing· \Y011lcl be <· i~a 1·pt t e a: l1 e:-.. I~ltt }pt ·. gPt l)a<·k: to the ,._\ & t>. 'l'hc J>a~·-off l'Olll ('s at 1hr '· ~ J)<.'– c·ial }i 1 00tl:' ' . ec·t ion . rf l1 r r (l \YC 1 fiucl t l1at all Oll<-' 11recl. t o clo i11 orcler to gai1 1>e1rfe('t hec1lth i · to l1a,·, a tliagnosi~ at the clol'tor's ol'fi<·P, fl1r11 ~.ro to tl1r A\ & J>. 'rh r rP \\'(' f'it1ll spec·ial foocl:-; \Yl1i<·il 111i11ist r r to tl1e lll'rcls of the dinbrt iC'. tl1P J) t~ r so11 ,vi tl1 <liget-it i, 1 e a il111 r 1 ts, a11cl ,Yl1at have , ·ou. If one is too hC'a,·, ·. . . hr l'r a r P 1 hr 11011 -fat 1>rocluc·ts, a11cl for the tl1in fo lk:, cxt ra-ri l'h })a<:k.– agcs. 'l 1 l1e11 the 111ot l1er: no ]011grr 11rrcl to ,vo1·r~· al>o1tt the ha b}· 's fo r11111la for l1 err it is in c.·a1Js.• \ lo11g· the al le~· ,,·r al ·o folt11cl cl og food, l)ircl food, fish f oocl, f oocl for f lo,'{e1'. ·. a11cl r,·e r:vt h i11g l)11t <:H 1111etl 111ice for tl1e t•at. "\\rell clo ' '"'e reme111l)er ho,Y ~Ioth r r l1:ecl to 111ix 11p a l)atc·l1 of hc1ttPr in a trotk, set it br for c tl1e open fire1)la<'e at 11iµ:ht . a11cl i11 tl1 c 1 111orni11g· ,ve \YOlllcl ha,·e g-e1lt1i11e b11c·l{,vJ1rat cak:e. . Xo,Y all of that i.· lr ft to .i-\t111t ,J e111i111a. lla111- ,Yl1at s}1a 11 ,re 8a \' l Tl1rr r n111st l)c • 11 t 1 a,·,· clcn1an cl for that han1 i11 t a11. . < cl8 it\; J)l'e-,·ookc>tl, 110 \\'Ol'k- j11:t 011e11 an cl e.. 1t. 'l'hat ' · ,\rheat ( }e rn1 · · attrat·tPll l lS, too. It's jt1s t thr littl r k:Pr11 r l of tl1r \\'l1<'at - tb P c·r11tc>r ex tra<'t rcl ,rith great <'Hr r. ,,Tr r c·acl ,,·hat it ~aitl on th r box a11<1 it 111tt~t I L' ,vo11clC'rful. I t j11~t 1a1(t'. a c·ott J) le of tah les poonfttl. of that, Hll<1 one• l'Ot1nt~ to tr11 , t hr-11 stc1rt · to rtt11 ancl ju1111) . Son1 e1 <.la.'· ,vh Pn ,,·c·'rp 0 ·c 1 ttino· late• for ehllJ'(•lt I '111 o·o in o ~ b ~ ~ to ~ivc 1 the ,rife, ,t <1osp of that a11cl seP '"hat hap1 )(' ni-,. J\ ll ol' thi~ hrittgs abuttt a l'hange in ht1ilc.li 11g· ('01l8tl'lll'tion. r1,l1e kittll– ('11 i!-> ~.rett i11g s1na l ler cacl1 .)'Car , a11cl .'0011 it ,vill l>e 011)}r a l1ol 1 i11to " ,,·hieh 011C' :tit k:s l1is l1racl a11 cl ~1)0011. >."o,v, it's 0111)· tl1e olc1-fasl1io11ecl k i11 cl that ,Ya~l1P~ ll i:hc·s ,Yitb a c·loth a11c.l :oaJ), sinc·e elP(·tri<· cli~· l1 - ,vash er s are a,·ailable, ancl ,rl10 ,Yants to bc. 1 eal lt• cl olcl-fashio11Pcl ! Ollt er l t cflec lion.· '1'11c .1\ 111priean ho1tse,vif P is soo11 to he e111aneiJ)atecl. Sl1e \vi]l 11,tve1 l)l'a<.'t i<'a lly 11othi11g to clo l ) ll t })a)· the> bah)r :i ttcr. \lo11g· thr s treet toclay ,re sa,v a trnek: 011 t l1f 1)a11 t1 l of ,rl1ith ,Yas J)ri11 t e(l: ' ' 1\ .. c s11<ls u·ec clu<ls , , so ,,·hat is left ! ()f c:011r8e, it's I)r obal)IP that thP nrxt g-e uer atio1 ,vill 110 n1ore 11 11 - (lrrstancl }10,r th e1 holtsc ,,·ifC' of to– clc1}T g·ot alo11g· ,,·it l1 a 11 t l1e ·' (lrtl(1g·– C'l''\' ' tl1a1 '"e tocla ,. ea11 1111cler - • • :ta11(l ho,r 01tr !?,·ra11c.l111oth ' r: 111an - ag·<·d \\' ilh ,1 \ro ,>< l ht1 rni11 ~.r :-,foY<' and a ,,·a ..... hhoar,1 . 'rhPJl it lllcl \' he" that thc 1 lllO<lP1'll • }lOllSP\\' ifP \Yho 1<110,Y~ cn1l,· ho\Y to • ll "'C' a11to1nali<· g·acl~Pts ,rill 110 Ion~- <' r hr s a t i sf i <' < l , r i t h t h P a u t o 111 a t i c• ,rashrr a11<l clric)1·, hut ,\'ill ha,·<-> a n1ac·hin c' that ,rashes, i1·011~. a11d fol c1~ th P <' lothP:. Tl1c' h,1sl>a11cl ta11 thr 11 I)ic·l, 11]) tl1c:. llltcl. aucl l)a<'1, thP111 j11 tl1e <·losets \Y]ti(·h e11circ·le1 t l1r 11tilit)· roo111. ~o <·lin1l)i11 g of : ta ir:, of C'Ol l r :f, a 111ocle r11 foll'\ clr 111a11cl a 011e1-floo1· 1)la11 so tllf':· ,Yon 't be all tirE'c.1 011t for tl1 <:> t"\'e- . 11111g. Jl or It cflection.· The:t:. au to11101Ji1 ("~ ,Yorr~· 11. too. l'.'})eeia ll)· ,Yl1e11 the1 g·ra11clso11: are Ollt ricli11p: ,vitl1 tl1eir g'irls....\ ""e ta11tio11 the1n, tl1r.,· .j lt:t la11g·h a11c.l :-a)· : · • 1)011 't ,,·orr)· , g·ra11clpa. \Ye '11 just t r ee1 alo11g . ' ' There are 011 .·ale 110,Y tl1e : af(l t)· . tra1),' so tl1at i11 ea~r or a t r a. h th e clri,·(l r a11cl J)a - ~Pllg·crs <·a11 sta)· i11 tl1rir :-, eat.·. '\\Tl' l' P<·r nt])· l'<'ac1 tha1 c·h rst tra1)s c·a11 he) hacl ~o tl1at if t h<' clri,·Pr t·arP!-, to c1Pn1oli-..h 1hP t'ront Pll<l, thf' 110:-;ps ,Yill not ~et l,111111)< 1 <1. 1, lll' <· anne<l foo<l h1·c1<·ket al:-,o in vad Ps th e c·h11rc·l1 . \\Te re(·r11tlY • o,·pr}1c>a 1·cl a S1111<la,· ~chool teal'll <' r ' a, 11<' aclclrP!-,"<' cl his l'la~.. 1 lP l1acl a qt1artPrl)· ancl ~in1J)l.,· t'Pall tl1c· <pt<..~– t ions at th<' encl of thP ll' 011 at1ll af'tp1· Pa t· b qll<"~tion he \\'Ut1lcl . a)·: · · ~o,, C' la ~~. ,,·hat c.lo ,·ot1 tl1i11k:? '· • l 1 e rtai11l.\· t l1 at ,ra~ a c: a1111ecl le.:011 , or ,re c1011 ' t kuo,Y tl1e J)11r110:p of a l' a 11 . I t clot'. 11ot J)c>rtai11 so 1n11c:l1 t o l{P~ttlar I1aJ lt ist J)l'<)al'll t> r s, l>11t f'ro111 111a11)· 1>11l11it~ the' co11greg·atio11 js g·pttillg c·a1111c(l 8rr111011s. Tl1at is , ·pr)· p,·i(l C'11t to a11)·l)o 1)· fa- 111iliar ,ritl1 1)rp.·e11t-cla.'· 1)ri11t 111at– t Pr 110\\' 011 the:) 111arkPt. It lllct.)' 11ot hp an)· of 011r affair~. si tl l'l' \\'(' cll' l' ~li }Jl>i Jl~ d0\\'11 {hp ,,·l1.· trr11 !-> lo11t\ but so111<1ho,v ,re j11st rPse11t P\ 'C'r.'·tl1i11g·, t.) Xe< 1 J)t tl1e olll– fash io11 ec.l an<l eo111111011-~t'}11 ·e ,ra,· of ., < loi11g· t l1i11g·.·. l' lll ' H( 1 [T ,,Tc_. fre<1u entl.'· r r- l 1 ~~ r 1-,E I H (' l' i \' p i 11 (j l l i l') r c OI l (.' el' I l - i11g t l1c tatus a11cl i111 - I)Orta11c·e of tl1e ch1t reh l \ttcr, or lrttclr of cl i.-111i:sio11, ancl offc 1 r tl1c> f oll o,r i ng co111111t\11 t : 111 the lo11g ag·o-l>rfor c tl1e acl– Ye11t o f <ll)OStH~)·, in tllll (lH)',' ,rll t:' ll