The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1956

March 1956 1>rct<:til'e ,,·hil·l1 frPl\s a 111u r cl Pre r aft<.-' l' abo11t tPll )'Pcl l'S in l) l' lSOll . 'r}1p · 'lifer' ' ,vl10 i.· r r lPasec] a fe,Y ,·earH aftrr l>c i11g sP 11te11 eecl 11. ·11al– i,· r e t11r11t.; to his ciarE>C' l' of <' r in1p c;11cl othe1r : fal l bPforC' hi · ,1ttac:l\. 1"' 11 E <) IJ 1) 'J'FJ~ 1 T .r\ :\I E:\'r 7'/z c '/ l o l c cl o JI l a rl e t111 cl er clcttPl i11<1 of ~J an - 11ar}· 2 ~. 10;;0, J)t1l ,]18he1cl a lc1 gtlt)' c1rtiC'lP 1·r porti11g 01 a n ,tclclrcHs (lf>li,·er t\cl to th r ( hio J->astor ,s 1 011,· c.)11tio11 111 ( 1 oll1n1hus, ()hi o, li-'· r'r. ,Ja111cs 0. 1 1 n1art , 2,:3(){) ,·l r1·g:~T111e11 J)l'P rnt . Tl1r aclclress , Yk1. 1 re e11 tecl 1111rler t he C'aptio11, · · () ltl Te.;ta111 pnt ()!1 "\\ 1 a,· ()lit. " • T he' Rr , ·. l{rgi1 alcl J; los·cl 1\ l at - 1hP,rs, pat.;to 1· of th e l~111111anl1el l~a1)ti:t ( 1 l111rc·h. 'I'oledo, cl el iver ecl a r ef11tatio11 at l1i~ r,·e11i11g- se r,' itf\ .Ja11 11ar,T :29, ,vJ1icl1 ,Ya~ later • 111i111eog-ra l)heel an cl c1ist ril)11tecl to t hfl c·o 11 Q'r eg;a ti 0 11 . I t \Va. 011r goo cl ' fortt111<-1 t o 11r ot't1r r a ton) -. ,vbi ·}1 l1as brcn c1Pfi11it elv r 1 lig·ht r 11i11g· • a11c1 c·o1 1te rn i11g ,vl1 i c 1 ,ve off rr th(-> follo,,·in g: rxc.:er11t ,tncl <·0111- 111 (.)11 ta1·,· : • l ) r . N111art is r e1>ortecl a"'i 8a)·– i11g, ' ' F'or t l1E1 a,,e r age ( 1 hl'istia11 1 he ()lei 'l"'c>:ta111e11t i8 11ot a li,T– i11g l' ool<, a11cl it ,You]cl 111ake l)11 t littl e:. <liff r r e11 rfl if it ,,·e r r to he rP1110,·ecl fro1n thr 13ible. ' ' }>asto r ~Ja tthP,vs sa,·s th<lt this ol>:r r,·a- • t io11 111a.'' be ri~ht for the a,rc)rag·r J)c• rso11 i11 th{.) ave1ra~P c·hllr{'ll , b111 it <·t,,rtai11l,T 011ght 11ot to lJr saicl • ,·onc·rr11i110· tl1P 11 o r1nal 1 l1ri:1ia 11, ,..... 111 \t<·h lPss tl1<1 avP r ag-e bor11-ag·ai11 c·hi ld of (J oel. l IP poi11t s out that fh e \\rorcl sa,,~ i11 111t> la~t cla\'S 111 P 11 • • .,lJa }} 1101 IJp l OVP l 'S of (: o<l. T>r. S1nar1 sa , ·. tll,l1 a nu111l>('l" • ,,f fac·tor" ha,·<· c·o nt 1·il>t1tecl to 1h t~ 11c•glc•<'1 of tliP <>lrl ' f1 Psta1nr nt. for lllC>~t IJayp H fal sr c·OJJ(•f>J)tiOll Of t }ip 1·pJa1ioll of' (}od's 1·<~vC'la tio11 in t ht' () Id 'r <'" t H I n P 111 t O th I' ) 'P \.Pl a - tio11 of <:ocl ill ( 1 lt1·i"t . Hc1vs l1P: • • · 'f'IH· hc11 r,· ,l of 1110<1<'1·11 111a11 for tliP C>lcl ' I' <•sla111<>111 i" 1·oot c•d i11 it, dis<·of'cla11'·P ,vith 111«1 :-i1>i1·it ol' 111ocl,·1·11 1it1H'S. '· l\ (1· . ,\ fat1! H•\VS i11 tJij" <'Olll - llll•t11al"V :-:t1vs: ' ' f u 1hi" da, ,,l l<· 11 • • • 1111· l1il,I P is ll JC>'-11 g1·Patl,\ <t'-i"cti l 11 cL <1o,l J1as ,·c1t1 ~Pd to art~(· the· grc•at - 11 t a1uo1111t of' c·o1· 1·ol>o rc1t1,c• <'\ 1- d<1IH't' provi11g it s c1utho1·11) :111cl 11l1sta11tit1ti11!.! its i11"pi1·<1t1011. I 1·,•fp1· to fuffillPd p1·opl 1<·<'.\ 7 ;11 1<1 Hl'<·lia,·,ilo!.!,.' II ,• savs l'urtl11·1· : • • •• f lH•liPV1· Iii.· f~il>I" 1o Ii<• iuspir,•d of (;u<I bP(•a11:-;c· of' it:-; t·lui u1 s; IJP– <'Hll I ll\( ' 11 \\' l 'Utt• lllOl't-' t}lHil th,•V • k II P,, . a ll t l 111 o 1 ·P t ha 1 t 1 l t P i II t ,• 1- THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS't l t>c·tnals of l lt <' ir cla,· kt1P,\', u11 clPr • i11s1)iratio11 : l>P<',t11sr of it s 1nar- v Pl ons \I ll i t ,· H11 cl ha r n 1 < > 11 \ ' : I H·- • • l'H ll l-i<' of the' f 1ilfil ln1 P11 t of it s proph P<'.\': l>rta t l 8 <' .J <'s us 1 h rist hin1srlf p11t hi s apJ)r crvH l 1111on th P ()] cl 'r Pstct1ncnt , Hl lcl hcic•rl\ l:S<) th r Il ol)· NJ )i r it c·o111111 r 11 c1s it to 111)T 80 tl1. ', 'l'hP l·o111111 p1 i,tr.v sc·t u 1> I>)· J>,ts– to1· ~rat the,vs <·o,re r s Pi~ht <·lospl ·v • t.,TP<-1<1 J)ag·rs a11d ,vc 1 regr et ottt· i1l<tbilit)T to r c ... pr od11c·c.. it i11 this 111a.g-al i11 r. \\'r jo i11 the• C.'li 11rc·l1c's of Ohio 1\ ~soc·iatio11 iH 1·pjoit' i11 g· t l1a t t hcisp 11 i uet)' th r r c' ·011g·r p~.ra – t io11s arr 11 0 lo11 ~·pr 11nclr r t hci })a r al.v·i i11i{ influ r 11c·c' of' the:e 111ocl '1·11is1i<· O\ 'C' r -l1Pac l g·1·ot11 s, and tl1at t J1c> ea rs of otu· })eo11l c' Hr (\ 110 long·r r tu r 11r cl to t }1 e cl Pa cl <111 i 11 g· t1ttera t1 t<:'s of : uc·h apostctt e SJ)ral<– Prs as th is 1) 1· . S111art see111s to l,e. (+ R() l " N I) 131{11.i 1 \ KT N" C} 1\. ' l I .JOR.r\ l X '1'11<-1 :F'Ph r na1·,· issue of tr1 is 111ag·azi ne ea r r ircl <t~c·ot111 t of l ) la.ll s cl r , relo1)i11g at 'l'rini1)r l~a1>tist 1 h11rc·h for the e 1· () ·tio11 of a 11e,,· }1ot1.·c of ,vorship. 'l1h c 1 cl rtit lP . tate l that gr ou11 cl hrC1al{ing sr r,·– ice: '\Yel'e to l)r l1elcl 011 • ;ll Jl(la,r , • I 1 ebr11ar,r 12. • Thr arti<'l<:> n1 e11ti o11e<l \\'as J)' ac·ecl 0 11 th e J)rr. s bef orp t 11r clatP of t}1 e (•f)l'(>lll OlllP~ . ' r hP 1)a~– to1', R t)\'. El tcH1 IInl{ill 11 0,,· irivrs 1ts 1· r 1)ort on t h t1 v <->1 ts :1cl– ' ' i1.i1Pg· tl1at t l1r so11 g sf l'\'j c:r ,rai-. (•() tldlt(·trc1 b~r Rol ' p1·t R o<!C' l'~. ,Yl lo al ·o <·011tr ib11trcl a , ·o(·ctl 11u1n h<1 r . F'ollo,,·i11 g Nc· riJ)t11re r raclin ~· a11cl 1lra ,·r 1· li,· Rc 1 ,'. IT 0 111pr (lra,·p11, th<' f?p\'. ;\ llatl T~:. IJP\\' is of E tt<·li cl– . rotti11g ha111 l~a11tist ( 1 b11rt· h s pol~<' r1 s a r r 1>r p ·p11tatiYP of th P ( '011 11 ei l "f 'I'<'n in C)h io .1\ ssoc·iation , :tftp r ,,·h i<·h th r l~ P\'. \ '"pr11 11. I)t11 1lta111 . '\focl<1rator of' ll <'h 1·011 ..-\ ssoc:ia ti on ~ l)Ok r} hripf'],·, PX l >l'PSSi ll C his cl J>– l ll'('<·iat ion o f 1l 1P !!OO( l c·oon<· rnti oll !! i \' (' 1l l l ,\. r I' 1' i 11 it \' r~ a 1) 1 i ~ i ( 1 h \1 r (· l 1 and th <' fi11P fp JJ o,,·.... hip ,,·l1itl1 l1a'-i a l,,·a,·, <·xi"'1Pd h<·t,,·< 1 <'1 1 lh,1t <·o n– }!'l'Pg·;ttion Hll<I 1ltc 1 ~~a"'it Ni clt• T~clJl 1i t ( 1 h11r<·h, };orc1it1 . or ,,·l1i c·h ht' i.... 1 he• 1><1 sto r . ~J 1·. fi: cl\\cll '<) \\r. (\Ot'l'J,P J' . .' lJ' <·lJ i – fc•<•t . clll<l ~f l' . 'f' . ;\ . l\ l'l'/lllHll, ('Oll - 1 1• c1 , • t n 1 · • :-. po k l ' 1 n· i (' r 1., . p r ..c ·c •, t 111 ,. th, · t'Xc·c•I IPl t1 s <'rlllOll pl 'l'St'll1<•cl l>,\ ]~ <'\ ,J. ) t' \ Ill~ J{ pc•:-;1•. ' !' li t' <11tdi1ori11n1 ,,n .... ,,,·I I fi l!Ptl l'or llit• ,1l' f< 1 l'IIUCIIJ S l ' I '\ l(•t• Hllll ,tl l 1111•11ilH·1·s ul' lh t• <'<>ll~ 1 1·1·~·atio11 lnok t'ol'\\Hl'<l to lh1 1 c·o111plt'tc•cl lniilcli11~ , ll 1 d t lit' cl 1• t l i <• n t i o 11 o t' 1 t • t o l h P g lo1·.,· of <Jttl' l .101·tl. P age Three THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST I>nbli sh cc1 1\lf on lhly by ' I' JI JD OJITO A. SOCJ .A.TION OF f {fiJGCJI.iA R B 1\ l>TJ ST Cll lrRCIIES l>ublic·atiou Office l 10 ll fl~. Oak St., 11utl(•r, Incl. J I . l{ . .b 1 TN L fiJ y I }Jdit O l' 120 Park Avc11ue r~11vria, Ohio • - - ( 1 irculation 1 fanager MRS. CAl{L \\r. 1\J.t\.l{'r JX 316 Tenth Stree t } j lyria, ()hio Subscription Ra te : Per 8inglc copy .............. $ .1 f> J>er year ................ .. .. $1.50 • Advertising R ate : Pt•r colun111 i ll ch ............ $ l. fiO 1-> ' r half page .. . ........... $21.00 Per fu 11 p age• .............. $40.00 Bnt red ns second class n1atter at the Post Office at Butl e r, Indiana under the ... l\c t of ~larch 3, 1 79. Ohi o 1\ OC'ia t io11 Of R egular J3aptist ( 1 hurt'hC'R Chairman Rr1\,.. .t\I.JLAl..,. } j . L }<j \ \' I ~ ) 901 Lake Hhorc BlYcl. r:u (' lid l !I, Ohio Secretary R 8\r. lI.\Lii 1 ..1\ lT'r l±; l .1 (1nllia lX \\rallc1· Hts. l > 0 1' t · 11I OU th , Q h1 0 Treasur er Rr~\ .. . , · ~1H~r~ L. [>lT:\ Jl .\ 11 :.!:?'i I ( an s:1 • .\, e11 lll' l .ioruin, ()hio Missionary Hl·~ \ . ,J <> II N tl. ll .\ l,' t> l'. () . Uo, 1 ~lti -l ( 1 ll'V<'lan1 l li, ()}do Young People HI·~ \ . \ \ . l l . •1 ~ l•} 1' ! \ l l:i pt 1~1 l )a 1·sonagc (;,1l11poli s, ()hi o Men1bers HI : \ I•' \ \\11.J l , l~' l' l'~ H I~\ . ,l \ \ I I ' ~ I . . J l·~ H I~ ~ l I 1\ 11 H I ~ \ 7 1 1 I'<> \ l '. 11 l . h. 11 , I, HI.\ t'. 1. t ' l ,.\\\:4l)\ HI~\ . H(>l11~H' I' .J. I~~)\ lltll " l'