The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1956

Page 'I\vo THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST - July 1956 Editor ia l Comment l{ li!.\ l) 'r 1 i Is \\ .. (' l1a, t1 <lt 11a11(l n IPt– t(~r a11tl ~0111e relHtPcl Ila - 11 rs, is ' tlC'(l 1>)" a 111a11 011 t 11(' \Y('~t eo<1st ,Yl1icl1 J)ro,·i(1e.. t l1r 111ost a~to1111cl ing l)i cef' oC aff ro11 t– ('r,· , ?<' r to r raeh tl1i~ r(litoria l • tlesl~. \\T er<'\ it 11ot for t J1e g·11l l i- llilit )· of 111a11~· l 1 hristia11 J)COI)lr, ,Ye \YOl1ltl p:i,·r it 110 •' l)H ' 1 i11 tl1e . 111ag·az111 e. Tl1e ,rrjter, follo,,,j11g l1is ,r ll– !Jla1111ed i11trocl l1ctorJ· J)arag·r a11l1. , report · tl1at tl1e I.Jor 1 ca111e to l1in1 i11 a11 all-11igl1t ·vi itatio11 a11- 11ot111ci110" that he ,Ya. ·' a J)rophet i11 tl1e la t cla:r· . ' a11cl co111111i :io11ecl • l1i1n to clel iv·cr th e 11001Jle. i11c·e tl1at ,·i itatio11 l1e l1a · bee11 r eg·- 11larly i11 trt1cted a. to ,vhat eo1tr: e to follo,,~. He adc1 · tl1at ' the Lord 11re1,~ k110,,· ho,,· to r ,rarcl .. t lie .faithf tll . ITe report that 0111eti1ue ago, ,vhile co11te111plating tl1e Wor (l , a fami l~,. i11 a fa r-cli. ta11 t 1)art of the TT 11ited ~tate. call eel b)r tr] El J)}1011e to a}.. that {ocl hacl .·1)oke11 to then1, i11:tru cti11g· that t he)~ g·et i11 tot1 ·h " 'ith tl1e letter-,vriter . ' ' Tl1c Lord tolcl the111 t l1a t, as :\ Io. e.· praye(l for t}1e p OJ)l:) a11cl t}1e3r ,,..-ere deli,rered, eve11 o I ,ra: to pr a:y· for then1, a11cl Ile JJr o111i.·eel to a 11.. \rer accordi110· to the , 1 (' rjfJ– t11re . ' The J>ro1;h et poi11t Ol1t i11 hi · letter that t l1c Di vi11 e p r o111i. e of– f er a11 ' '"er .. to I)r,tyer, heali 11g for tl1e bodv a11cl fi11a11cial :ec.·t1r jt,·. ~ . , 'ay · he, The Di,·ine i11 trt1 ·tjo11 : are imple : Y Oll are to ,,·rite a11d t el] me of th e pro1ni:c , )TOtl are clain1ing', ancl I 111l1 t t l1 11 111al{e i11 - t er<; e.. io11 for )"Oll i11 t J1e l ig·l1 t of t lie e prom i.,e ·, a11 cl :v·ott arfl to l'O-operate ,Yitl1 a11 offeri11g:. ' ' Tl1at' all c111ite . 111t1)le a11cl ea:·– il)· 1t11der .·toocl : 11 o,ve," r, to 111a lre c· r rtai11 that tl1 ere is 110 111i. take, a bl11e .. l1ret of I)aJ) er i~ e11t·lost>cl, titlecl '· Po · ·r ·si11g the 1)ro111 ise., ' ' 011 ,vhich ,,,e are <·11 ecl< l)oiut ' to i11(litate tl1e t)"l)C of 1>ro111i ·e · l·lai111etl , a11cl a . J)ate to i11cl icate 1 l1e a1110 1111t of 1110110, .. e11(· lo.·etl. • 'l' 11c 11 , o f eo 11r c. t 11 er e j .· cl s J) a c e for tl1e 11a111e in ft1ll a11cl tl1c acldre., . Xo,v, the tragecl~y· lie 11ot i11 tl1e fact that : uch letter i.· bei11g l1roacl– ca ."t. l)llt i11 tbe tragic fatt tl1at the Jetter-,,·riter ' '"ill 11rol)al>])r l'(l (' ive 111a11JT htt11dred~ of clollar: fro111 f!"ltll il>l e 1>< 1 01)le. The i11tal,e f r o1n "u c· J1 {' l1 e111e. j ,· l1t·a, . ,.. a11 cl t li e fo l- , lo,,·-11p 111atrrial keeJ). t l1e111 eo111- ing. :\l e11 anc1 ,yo1ne11 ,vl10 ,,·oti lcl ig11ore tl1e mj11i ·try of a co11. ·e- <' l'Ht rcl Ioc·a l pa810 1·, ,vi ll ,rritr a1 l011ttth t o so111p rec·l rsias ti<'al 111011 - s tl'o. it~·, r nelosi11g· 111011c)· for hi s l)l'a)•t\ L' ,Yll c>C'}. Storrhouse tithing i. Hhtt11cla11tl)r s tlJ)J)ort Cl(l b>~ tb r Sc.-ri11tttrPs, l>ut t l1 0 ill11stratio11 at ha11cl ,,·ottlcl be a1111)]e reaso11 f or teaehi11g· .· tor e– l1ot1se tit 11 i11g ev n t 11ot1g·l1 th : t1 b– j ect ,vcr 11ot 111e11tio11e(l in the ,,ror cl. ) l all)~ of t 11e olcl r r J)ro1)le t11 able t o atte11(l t l1e c:h11rC'h .'er,r– i ·e. , clj l)t11·:e their e11tire co1 tri– bl1tio11 eacl1 n1011th 011 the bari: of ' tt ·}1 appeal 11,)r mail, a11cl o,rer ra- 1io. Tl1e 1)11 ·i11c:: of ,vriti110- let– t rs ancl distril)11ti11g- pri11t 111a– t erial. · for the e)"e, of the g·11llil)le, i.. fa ·t beco111i11g 011e of the fi11e art . (JD IDBA~ Xotl1i11 g apart f r om r eg'e11eratio11 }Jro, ·i(lrs a r oa<l-hloek: to the 011 - \vard 1 1arch of j11, 1 r11jle cle li11<111e11 - cJ\ l) tt t .·i11er the eye: of al l citize11s are f oc.-11:ecl 011 t J1e J)1·ol)l r 111, so111e goocl idea · a r e J)r e:e11tecl a. re– . trai11er.·. .L\ t (fti11ters\·ille, laba111a six tE1C' J1a ger .' ,\rPr C t011'\·ic·frcl of hOll, <1 breal{i11g·. r1 he eot1rt se11 t llt<'cl ea e J 1 t o s 1 > en < l e, ·er .v· 11 j g 1 t i 11 t h( 1 city jail for a l)Criocl of :ix 111011tl1:. 'l l1e ·e1 t 11ce is hei11g· (•arri ec l ottt ,,·j tl1 £1111 coopPra t io11 a111011g the jail r. . the ~-o tt11g:--;t0r : a11cl tl1r pare11t:. Th boJr · r ei)ort ath r,·r- 11i11g· at 7 : O<J a 11cl ar e c: h ee l<ecl o t l t at 7 :00 t l1c follo,rj11g· 111or11ing. 111 Balti111or )Iar)·la11cl, t l1c state's attor11e)" ha8 })l'e})a r ecl a J)a111plet cl e ig·11rcl J) ri111a ril)· fo r the (\\·c: of )·01111g p eopl e .· r tti11g· fortl1 thr l1 a r cl fa ct · of eri111e a11(l the l'Oll. ' Clll <? ll C'(\' . rrh r J)ag·e: J)l' (\ ' Cllt C'Olll fatt · c.-o, 1 er i110· thr fiPlt l of I'°' 1>erson a 1 ,111cl f a111 il)· cl is~rrat<.', l)ris- 011 ter111 ·, ,111cl st1b:ec111r 11t ha11 cli– <·,t t). 'l'l1e last 1>agr of th'.) 1)a1111)h– lt\t is a<.l (l r essrcl to J)a r >11t: a11cl })Oi11ts Ol lt t}1at Ore C>f all (' l'illl<? l)Cl'J><'t r atec.1 b)~ tee11a o·e1'. is ,1 ft er 10 :O(J l >• .:\ I. 1)I~RPL ~XITY I t is ,,·ri ttP11 i11 Lt1l{e 21 :2.3 '.L\ 11c1 t l1ere : l1all be . . . ll l)011 t he ec1rt]1 (li:tr r ... · of 11atio11.· ,vitl1 l)Cl'J)lex it.)" ... ' 1, ·c <lo uot belict'C tbat r v e 11t l-) of tl1r 1)r e:e11t <la)" 1 rovi clr a ft1lfil - 111 )11 t of th i · I)rop11e '). l)tl l{' e (lo beliel'C tJ1at ct1rr 11t e, ,e11t s 1)r o,·iclr ' 'sl1 aclo,v: of thi110~ to c·on1e. ' ' l ~~a ·h cla)' the 11e,vs1)ap r .· a11ll racl io c·,t rr~· t hP rPt>ol't s of t hao~, ta1as troJ)h r l<illi11gs, rohl>rriPs, thpft a11cl horror for thr prr,·io11s t,, ·rn1,~- f our hottrs. ,.rh r 11 i11 r r- • lat io11 to the) 11c-1tions : cl c>C'C1 J)tio11, in - trig·uc>, hroJ<r11 pro111 i:es a11cl ,' ltb– \'<1 r sio11 <1 r r i11 t hr f orC1f ro11 t . ~~v r11 llatttrr ser111. to co-oprratr to darl<– en the> : ·e11 e ,,·jth f la:h floocls, eart l1<1t1ake:, t or11a 1oe. . Dj:t r es. of 11atio11s :ee111: to r r aeJ1 it. J)eal< i11 the l T11ited ~a– tio11: Orga11izat ion. ._ 1 e,Te11t)"-:ix 11ation. l1ou11 l then1. l,·e.· tog·ether lt11cl er a so]em11 oath to commo11 pllrJ)o. e: a11cl agr e(l to take co11- eertecl a rtio1 to ac.-eon1pli · b t l10:e J)lll'l)O:e:. \\The11 X orth K or ea t1n– clrr ro1111111111i8t leacl er . hip a ttacl<ecl , 1 0lltl1 I(or ea ancl the matter ,,·a: brot1gl1t brforr tl1c • ecl1rity ot1n– c· il, it ,va.· a 1)1111cla11tly e,·ide1 t that ~01110 11a tio11. , l ike ·0111e i11cli ' "icl– t1al:, ha, 1 e no i11t E>11tio11 of keepi11g t l1 Pir })le<lgr:. Tl1 e in1pote1lC) 1 of ihr l ·. ~ . ·alle(l to 111i11l the c.-011- cli t io11 of t hr Leagtte Of X at ion: .it1st J)ri()r to it · cle ·ea:e. rl,he J)l'('. e11t ])lao·ne br~i:i1111i11g to ,,·orr.,· tl1e l T.~. is the 1)ro1)o ·al to ac.l111 it RED C' IIIX...\ , ,Yl1e11 t11e ·' 11a tio 11 '·- ~atio11alist 1 hi11a, ha · al r <-1 afl.,· bPr 11 :c)atrcl, 1111cler l .H. pa– tro11ag·<1 . 111 a ll l)rol)a l)ilit~~ ({reat J~r1t<1i11, \\"hi cJ1 Cl OPS 1lla 11Jr Htra 11ge a11c l : t artli 1 g tJ1i110',· fo r g·cti11 , " ~ill ~ta11(1 \Yitl1 tl1<~ • 'o,, irt l)loc l{ i11 the l'irc·11111st a11t·e. --------- l >L; ( 1 l ' l1I ,\R I T.t •) 1 1 .J '.. ~ 11 1 118 ..., : -i:, J>a11l r efer: to th r Pclrf'1ut1cl, 1>11 rifie(l l1el ie, 1 ers as– ·· a peculiar people zca lou: of goo(l \YO l' le. . ' ' So111e c·o11c·l1tcl0 t}1at this i11cli– c·at(ls t l1a t (to 1 s p ee>J)lr sl1 011 lcl be c111 f'r r, . tra11gp oclcli tie: i11 thr c:0111- 1u1111it,~. ()th c\ r s set1111 to thi11l< • tl1at it r Pf(\ r : al so t o tl1r c.lre:s a11cl tJ1a t (}o(l '~ J)eO J)lti shottlcl br to11- SJ)itt1ot1l-) l'o r tlroh C'Olors, o r olcl– f,t:l1io11rcl l'tlt of tl1c coat . ~la11v .. J>riclP thrn1sel,·ps 011 l)ei11g· [Jeculiar a11cl ~<-' ' 111 to feel t hat e,·er,.. eracl'-- .. J>ot >a ,,·l1i<:l1 the )" l1olcl 011 l)" e111- J)l1 a: izrs tl1at tl1e>· are :a,· cl a11cl 111ark.c>cl 011t fo r :-;11etial atte11tio11. Fa('t11c1l1,,. the ,Yor(l a~ t1 ed in • the_\ SeriJ)ttlre: 111er el)?" i11dica te~ t h a t t h <' r r < l c)en 1 e cl JJ eo iJ J e a r e a SJ)Peial J)Ossc~ss ion. J1iu·hl>· i)rizetl a 11tl ('0 Jl11'o ll ( 1 (l b,- (~oc.l . 'rhe sa111 > • sP11sr is b1·ot1~rht oitt i11 I I>eter :2 :9. 'I 1 l1c iclen ti C' al tho11g·ht i. · hro11g·l1t o t 11 i n r f l a t i ou t <) t l1 P 11a t i o11 l s r a c> I i11 ~~xoclus l D:,>- J>sal111 1:15 :-l a11tl Dctt tero110111 v 1-! :~. '