The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1957

lag T\vo THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST_________ -~--~~~ S ptem ber 1957 • EDITORI A L COMMENT () l I{ \ \ '\ l .\ I , \ l Ii~ Ii~ 'I' I '\ < 1 'l'l1t\ l),,111111,t "J) P,tl,~ <Ji' ~Jer,t– ,, lt'lll a, tilt\ eit ) ·· \\"l1ithf'l' 111 (' trtllt'" ~() llll, tll<' trillP~ of 111 (' l,{)l'(I, 1111t() tl1<' t{'~ti111<)t1~ ell' 1~– r,1el. tt) ~i ,·t' tl1,l11l·, 1t11t<) tl1e 11c1111p t.)f till' l,t)l'll . .. rr l1i, ~·rc1r 1'4~l)·1·i,l i~ 011r rnll,· i11~· ve11t er. ,ltl<l ,, 0 t1·11'°'t • ,,·l, ,l1c1 ll ~-<) fo r tl1c 8,11110 r e,l, 011. to !!' l\t"l t11cl11l," 1111tc} t11 0 };Ol'(l for 111" l1lt'"'~i11 ~"· rl'hr 1~ ir~t I~ ,1 1) t ist l 1 l111rl'l1 i11 J-.~ l,·ri,1 i8 H 1·eal t csti - • 111011,· to tl1e t1·11tl1 a11cl tl10 1)0,,·c>r ()f ti1e l~o~J) C]. a11tl a good a1111t1al 111eet i 11 o· ,,·ill l1e a11 a dclr(l te:ti- t' 1110 11,· . I 11 ,l cl,r\'" ,,~11e11 the l ec1der . ._ ._ 111 tl1 (~ ~,1ti 11al ('1ot111eil .. -.1)eal{ of 11~ a · · 011e of tl1e :11li11te1· o·ro111J J t,t 11~ sl10,,· t l1e111 tl1a t ,,·e a1· e 11101·e lil,e a l1ealtl1~.. . g·ro,,·i11g ·a1)li11g that i, r eJ)l,1 ·i11g· tl1e l1ollolr tree thc1t l>le,,· clo,,·11. .:\11 a .. o ·iatio11 tl1at atl(l~ ~e, ·eral ue,,· ch11rche eac: h ,Tea r, t111til it 11t1111l)e1-- one ht111- • c.lrecl i · 11ot t o be cle pi eel. Tl1e I a to1·: of 0111· c:l1111·cl1e 11eecl J1ardl~.. be pe1-. ·11aclec1 to atte11 l t l1e a111111al 111eet i11~. ( 111,, i l(11e. · or " f1111er,1l. ,,·ill lree1) the111 at ho111e for tl1e,.. 1(110,,.. tl1e , .. alue of a fe,, 1 " cla)·s of f e llo,,-.; l1i J) ,,.. i tl1 thei1· l)1-- etl1- reu. a11cl tl1e i11. l)i1·atio11 of hea1·i11g otl1er 1)1·each. II0,,Te, 1 er Bapti ·t " a1~e a le111ocratie peo1)le, ,,,.110 be– ]ie, .. e tl1a t tl1e l)eople iu the J)e,,· l1a,.. e the . a111e 1·ig·ht · a11c1 1·es11011 i– lJil i tie " a tl1e pa. to1-- ; a11c1 tl1a t 111ean that more lay 1ne111l)er .·1, l)oth 111e11 a11cl ,,Tome11 . ·l1011lcl atte11cl. Tl1e~T al. o 11eecl tl1e i11. I)iratio11 of t lie 111e. ~a ~e. ,. a11d the e11eol11·ag·e- 111e11 t of a . tate-,,,.icle f ell olv..1 l1i1) . Ilo,,,. c· a11 tl1ey help the l)a to1· 111a l~e tl1e lo ·al el1l11·cl1 ,vl1at it l1ot1 lcl lJe . if tl1e,,. clo 11ot l1a,Te l1i , ._ ~ol11·c:e of in IJi1·atio11 a11c1 i11. tr11c– tio11 ? I)er so11all}.. ,,,.e l101)e to :ee th\ tla,. ,,· l1 e 11 011e 01· t,,To lc1, ..111e11 ,,,.ill . " al ·o lJP elected to the 1 01111C'i l of TP11 . F or 111a11)" > .. ear. R . .£\. 1 l t\'.'– i11g· of fl1arle ·to11 \\ 1 as 011 the boa1· l a~ it . e ·retar\": lJ11t : i11ee ao·c for- &. l)a cl l1i111 to t al{e a11 acti ,,e part, ,,·e l1a,·p hacl 110 la,r111at1 011 tl1e ~ l)oa r el. "\\Te r ealize thcl t ,, 1 i tb Olll' ~·"'tt1111 (>f 110111i11atio11, it i · al1110:t i1111)<)~ i l1le for a la}·111a11 to beeo111e ,,·r 11 e 1 ot1gJ1 a<'<1 t1ai11 tecl o,~e r the . tate to ,,·i11 a J)late 0 11 tl1e ticl{et. l)1tt ,,·p ~11ol1ltl fi11fl . 0111e ,,·a, .. of . e- • <·111·i11p: tl1ei1· e1·,,. iee.·. 1Ia)·;,e tl1<' J),t~to1· 11eecl t<) "e11cl i11 111orc 11p,,·.·– ,torie'i of ea1>a l)le, eo11~ec1·atecl lcl)'"- 111e11 tl1at are c1oi11{.r a jol) i11 t l1 )ir ·l1t1rcl1e . :.\J a,.. be ,re ~l1011lcl l1a,Te " cl ] a~·111a 11 ·. 11ag e. 'I' 11 <~1·r : l1ol1 lc1 l)P (>111v ,,·a ,· to e1J li~t 111or e of ot1r la,.. - • • 111 (' 11 i11 tll{' \\l)l'I, c>f 011r ns:-;<><·ia1ic111 . \\r<' llP]lP\'P tl1c1f 1~ <>lll' ll PXi f<>l' – \" ct rc 1 :-.i 1 <' 1 >• ]{ .\ IJIJ\T .. \i\D RI,.: \ ' l\'.i\l J ~r111 0111 ll r r i~ ra l l~,. 1110 11 t 11 i 11 111<>81 Clf ()lll' c·}11 11·ellP.', ,,·}1e11 ,,·r tr,.. t(> • ,1eJ) 111) <>llr att e11 la11('e e,,ch • it1 11 - cla , .. 1111til it i . l)aelt to 1101·111al. I 1 e,,.. • c1re tl1r <'1tl11·el1e · toc1aJ'" ,,.. l1e11 90% of tl1 P J) eo11le tal<e , ,a<'atio11." a11cl 1·1111 to fa111il,.. 1·elt11io11. , a11cl . o • fortl1. thc1t clo 11ot 11eec1 to 1·all~r t l1ei1· force. i11 the fall. ,, l1etl1e1· a . pecial Rall~T Da)" . e1·,·ice i. held i.· in1n1aterial. It tal{es 11101·e tl1a11 tl1e a1111ot111cement of a J)1·og1--a1n to o·et the people l)ac 1(. I 11 r\ llg'll. ·t their exc11. ·e i., t l1at t l1 e: .. 11111. t get their· c1i. ·tant 1·e 1 ative, ,·i ited before . cl1ool . ta1·t .\ a11cl i11 • epte1nl)e1· they 11111 ·t ,·i:i t . 0111e 1110,·e lJef01--e tl1 ,,·ea the1-– g·ets bac1. Pa ..1to1·al lette1-.· a11cl ca ll - MRS. JOHN MARTIN GOES HOI 'I.IE )11\ . J 01111 :.\I a1·ti11 f 01~ 13 )""ea1\ 01ir ei1·ct1latio11 n1a11ag·er l)a: . eel a \\r a}'" .4\ t1~:. 29t11. Thi ,~,· a jt1st fi,·e 111011tl1. a11cl f o11r cla,._ after tl1e cl eatl1 of l\I1--. " J I ,11·ti11 . ' '"'" e a1·e .1t1re tl1e,.,. are .., 110,, 1 1~ejoie i11g· toµ;ethe1· a1·ol111cl tl1 e Tl11·011e. i11g· l1elJ) to 1·e,,i,·e tl1e 111eml)e1-- . C'ia1·cl · a11cl pl1011e ec1ll.· a11cl 1)e1·– . 011a1 ,,i. ·its l l)... tl1e tea ·l1e1· help to g·pt tl1e N1111cla)~ :tl1ool l)lll)il · l)aCl{. .l\ 11 i11te1·e. ti11g- Rallv Da,r ._ ~ :c1·,·i<' e or a11 a 111 l1a 1 110111 e- ·0111i11g ~ 1 l111clc1~" 111a~.. l1 cl1) also, b11t ,,..e l1a,.. e al ,, 1 a)t, f el 1 })001·ly-:1 ol<e11 piece. sJ1ol1lcl 11ot tal<c lll) tl1e ti111e that 011g·l1t to lJe g·i,,.e11 t(> a 'tt1cl:,.. of tl1e Bil)Jc. "\\T l1a t ,,,.e r eallJr 11ce l i a . ·1)i1·– i1 llcll 1·e, .. i, 1 a l. ,\r clo11 't ,,·a11t to i11erec1:e: ot1r ,1tte11cla11ce tl1e ,,·a\'.. a " eertaj11 1~apti. t p1·eatl1e1· g·ot chil - d1·e11 to at te11c1 hi: , 1 aeatio11 BilJl e ~ ('1 oo 1. II e ea 11 e( l it a 1, a 11 , h cl r es. t cl lil<e a c.'O\\rlJO)'" clo,, 1 11 to toti11~r a to)r J)i .·t ol clll(1 t,lllght the t 11 il(l r 011 to r a 11 hi111 ~ ,,. ho1·ty '1 l101· t 11 01·11, tl1 e l\Iar-.. 11 c1l l . I Ii · t acl1e1 .. " ,,·e1·e eall ec1 • Naclclle ({ 1·tie ·' Nl1rcl (1l111 ~J alce 1 an 1 :o fo1 .. tl1 . ,J e ·t1. ,,Ta:-; ··The Ilea 1 ] ore111a11' of the 1·a11c:l1 . "\"\1" r 11eecl to b11il l lll) 011r atte11tl– a11 ep c1 11cl 1)1·0111ote 1· , ·i,,al l)t1t 11ot ll.\'" . 11 t 11 1111hc11 lo,,..ed :]10,,·111an l1i J) . J>P<>J)le ,t r e 11ot lee] to a cl e1) 1·e– l)('11ta11ee for 8i11 b~.. 111etl10 1· tl1a1 lllrll((' 1llPlll fpp ) tllP)' cll'P PJ1j<>,\'"111g ,l s]1 ()\\' . ,,Tr 111 cl \ r ' ' (•()1'1' a J , 111 l' Jll br )'"' • 111a1 \\ 1 H\' , l>t11 t hP\'" \\ri}l ll<>t )>pc•C)Jll<' • • ( •il ri s1lil<P. JJ,l11l clicl 11<>t ~<>t f'<>rtl1 ( 1 hrist <l~ a ('0\\'l)()\' , h11t ··c·r11c·i - ._ F i c>c l. ' , J { P ,1 l s a 1 , • a 1 i < > 11 I > r i 11 ~ ~ 11 !-I to tl1r ere).. ,,·l1rr0 ,Ta11it,.. a11cl c·c,11- , . c·eit clie:. a11cl ,,·hPrP l1t1111ilit,.. a11cl ' C 1P \ 7 0ti011 a1·e })Ql'l1. ,,Te trl1st 0111· 1Jr et11re11 ,, .. ill 11ot tl1i11l, tl1at ,,·r a1·r ag·ai11:t a se11. i– l)le :e11sa t io11ali 111, or that ,,·p t }1i11 h: ( 1 l11·i:tia11 ,,,.01·l{er. 011ght to be clt1ll. "\, e lJe lie,·e rve1·1"" tht1rcl1 011o·ht to • Z""' e111ploJ· . ·0111e 111ea11. to 1)1·01note at- te11cla11ce a11cl r·e,.. i,.. al. '\Ye hope tl1i. eclitor~ial ,,ill e11co111·ag'e it. "\\Te 0111, ... ,,a11t to . hot1t alo11cl that • i11 all ot1r effo1·t · '"·e 11111 t e111pha- . ize tl1e . J)i1"itt1al ancl clo 1 111--i t . ,ro1·l< i11 a 1 h1·i tlil<e ,,,.a·\'··. ,., i 1 PIRIT- FILLED \\TIIEEL Dt1ri11g ot1r ,Taca tion 1·eacli11g· ,,.. e ,,·e1·e l)1"'ot1g·ht llp • ho1·t wl1e11 ,,·e 1·eacl E zelciel 16 :16. 17. The Lo1·tl .·ee1necl to ,,, hi 1)e1· to 11 that he1--e ,, 7 as a 111es. ao·e £01-- ot11· a. :ociatio11. Tl1e:.r .. r ead a. follo\\... : · · Anc1 ,,,,he11 t l1 e c he1 .. 11 l)i111 ,,·en t the ,,..bee 1: ,,.. e11 t b,.. the1n : a11cl ,,.. he11 the • ch e1·11bi1n liftecl 11p their wi11g to 111ol111t ll}) £1·0111 the ea1·th the . a111 e ,,· l1ee 1· al.·o t111·11ecl 11ot £1--0111 l)e.:i l e tl1e1n. '\"\The11 the,.. ·too(1, ._ t}1e. e toocl: a11cl ,·rl1e11 the,r ,,·ere " li ftecl llJ), the e lifted up them- .·cl , ,.e. i1l o : f 01· tl1e :piri t of the li ,T- i11g c1·eatu1·e ,ra. i11 tl1e111. ••i11ee tl1e cl1e1·t1l)i111 . ·een1 to 1·e11- 1·e:e11t tl1e £0111·-folcl p erfectio11.· of (+ocl, it i.' e, 1 icle11 t thcl t the , ·piri t 1·e..1icli11~r i11 tl1e ,,Theel. ,va the ' 1 l ol~,. 81)i1·i t. The ,~i:io11 i11clic:a tecl tl1at tl1e Lo1·cl ,,TaR '\rithc11·a,,·i11g l1i.1 J)re..1e11c·e £1 .. 0111 t l1e :i11f11l telllJ le i11 ~J er11:,1le111 a11cl 1110,,. i11g· ea:t to lJle .., . tl1e <.:a J)ti,·e · i11 13ab}'"lo11 ,,·ho :till 1Jelie, ·ec1 a11cl HOt1Q:}1t to (lo J1i. ,,·ill. "\\Te a1·e 11ot thi11l{i11 o· 110,,· of tl1at cla11ge1· tl1at the I.Jo1·c1 111a)~ c1e– . e1·t 11..1 if ,re c1o 11ot eli11g' close to l1i: r e,yec1l e l tr11tl1 a11(1 ,,·ill, ho,,·– e,·r 1· i1u1)orta11t tl1at ,,·,11·11i110· 111av C" ~ l)e. \\Tc a1·e thi11l{i11g· of t lie fact t l1a t e, ·e11 i11 0111· f1111(la111eutal e l1lt1"' ·l1e. a11cl a ; ~ociatio11, ,,·e fi11(l it 11eees:a1·,,. to l1a,,.e :0111e 111a- " l' l1i11e1·,· "\\Te l1a,·e 1·e ·i ·t cl the ... . 111o c.ler11 t e 11 le11 •\'" to,,·arcl o,·e1·-01·- .. ocl11izatio11 a11cl 3'" t to get a job tlo11 , \\" l1a , re hacl to S t ll l) so111e ,,~heel , too, a11cl on1etime g·ea1· 011e '"·he 1 i11to cl11ot]1er. T 11 01t1-- aHso<:i– atio11 ,,Tc 11ot 0111,.. l1a,·e 011r ('Ot111cil • of t e11 t<> stlI)er,ril->C 0111· ,rorl< l)e- t,,·ee11 ,1111111al 111eeti11gs bt1t ,,·e ....